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[电工杂谈] Seeing Life in a Different Light /换个角度看生活

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-5-2 21:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Seeing Life in a Different Light/换个角度看生活
+ N! H  v; f; y8 F! F
  Z+ C$ F  w/ y9 J- VAn elderly couple had two daughters.                
2 o6 ?! d7 I8 G& l& ]4 Z. q: h: a一对老两口有两个女儿,6 M( O5 a/ f3 R
The older daughter was married to a man who sold umbrellas, while the younger one was married to a man who sold straw hats.                
  x  Y' L" G  v8 Q3 r; g大女儿嫁给了一个卖雨伞的,二女儿嫁给了一个卖草帽的。
" W% A! v1 r( N( e( F' Q8 jTherefore, whenever it was a fine day,                
7 u! L; t9 M" v2 p% b0 _所以,每当遇到晴天的时候,  m6 y, G% _. `" v5 v& q1 F
the mother would sigh: “Oh, it’s a bad day for my elder son-in-law.”
5 p" ^6 t) V: W. y" {做母亲的就会叹气:“哎!大女婿的雨伞卖不出去了。”
5 j' H% Q" |& yBut if it was a rainy day, she would sigh as well: “Nobody’s going to buy my younger son-in-law’s straw hats.”
' o5 |) `- t$ X/ a: X+ B7 l遇到雨天,她还是会叹气:“二女婿的草帽没人买了!” ,2 i: K" f- @- p* b
So she was never happy, rain or shine.
) F+ K' H9 @# O. x( g- A- I所以,晴天雨天老太太都不高兴。* f6 y( i/ X) w7 c4 {$ D- @$ ^
But her husband saw the matter in a different light.He was happy, rain or shine.         
( K4 E0 e1 y1 v( t& m( ]' m可是老先生却恰恰相反,不论晴天雨天,老先生都很高兴。
1 a" S! @! o. d* P9 g: rOn sunny days, he would think that his younger son-in-law would sell lots of straw hats,
2 c0 o1 }- z3 h! l7 F+ L晴天时他想到二女婿的草帽会卖得好,% X) L- D! Z" `5 j% ]* u
and on rainy days he would think of his elder son-in-law doing well selling his umbrellas.
# c; Q" k1 }2 T- F% G, w雨天时他想到大女婿的雨伞会卖得好,  l+ ~. C/ f; V2 W; u2 o
In reality, happiness is a kind of attitude.
/ n9 c3 K9 |6 N3 X其实,幸福就是一种心情,
& J) `+ R: g2 i% Z* `It is never far from you, depending on whether you are contented or not.
% u1 ~5 Z" t9 L- k- Z0 V它离你不远,关键是看你知不知足
鲜花(28) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-5-3 20:12 | 显示全部楼层
Seeing Life in a Different Light/换个角度看生活, ~! I& O: H2 [2 [  `4 n
% e0 L6 ?( `# s) `6 r/ Z  @6 p! x
An elderly couple had two daughters.                 6 E0 t. E  Y8 ?
一对老两口有两个女儿,( s% ^7 ^5 S3 K, Y
The older daughter was married to a man who sold umbrellas, while the younger one wa ...
- _: U- {7 i% M' V9 Xjack_lai 发表于 2010-5-2 22:00

- \! j, E6 `: F# \8 qthank you brother
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