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鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-7-15 20:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 playball 于 2010-7-15 21:33 编辑
% \. s* U3 V0 Q/ ^; M% u, @
* t/ M# l# o$ B8 J4 X我们计划7月26日到30日再次游览Rocky Mountains - Baff National Park, Yoho National Park, Louise Lake, Icefield, Jasper National Park.
- v' z# a) \" z4 m# D- [
  s! [4 f- ?7 Z这是从星期一到星期五的五日游,我们一家,计划26日一早出发,住宿两个晚上,camping两个晚上,30日晚上回来。如果你有同样的计划,我们可以一起出发,诚邀有车的家庭同往。如果你没有车,我们可以带两个人。
( K) _( p, d0 H2 d1 z% `: _3 ^& Q/ P6 @9 {) }
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-15 20:38 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 playball 于 2010-7-15 22:14 编辑 . H4 v) G) Y) X7 S- m3 t4 F0 _
& |5 O9 h% V$ G& C' K, v
7月26日8 b. u4 E2 C  q/ ?
Day   1:                           8:00 A.M.   Departure
7 Q, Q2 n& r: A0 w3 _6 s$ e2 @( [9 v7 p; k) w' n- r) a7 {: S
8:00 am                          Depart
+ Z- X% t( l7 W& D7 c4 z
$ n0 Q; L9 p, N1 C10:30 - 10:45 am         Edson – Short “washroom” break at ESSO / Tim Horton’s / Wendy’s   The same Tim’s coffee can be purchased in the ESSO with out the line ups.  If the ESS0 is closed we will stop across the street as McDonald’s
: ?2 G+ [+ v+ c$ A% P                  ., e* j" @9 q2 O: G& l& ?7 q6 @
11:30 -3:45pm          visit to Miette Hot Springs – Here, the steaming hot springs - with the hottest water of all the Canadian Rockies hot springs - reaches a maximum temperature of 53.9°C.  Mind you, the water is cooled for bathers to a comfortable 39°C.  If you don’t have a bathing suit, for a small fee, you can rent one, towels are also available for one dollar and you will need a Loonie to lock your valuables in the locker.9 O  X, x9 S: q4 X0 D. A
1 Y# f) a  r5 P
3:50 – 4:30 pm          Pyramid Lake – Here we visit an island that has been trampled to death in the passed and is slowly recovering. Please stay on the path so that the vegetation can recover and the small animals will have a home. 0 h5 H2 N! C( z' f9 S8 J- q
. ^+ a. a. c1 v3 {0 }7 A& l
4:50 – 6:00 pm          Jasper town site – There are public washrooms and lots of places to buy stuff to sell in next year’s garage sale. , p' Q4 b  ]" X
( n; {  }1 P% D: T
7:20 – 8:00 pm        Athabasca Falls – Stay behind the barriers as this falls has claim the life of many “idiots” who wanted a photo of themselves without all the people.
  r8 Q. G0 w/ I0 v; z" L3 l9 X8 Z1 r) z" e
9:00 pm          Arrive at Campingsite (Mt. Kerkeslin)– we will make our sleeping arrangement first then prepare dinner and clean-up.
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-15 20:47 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 playball 于 2010-7-15 22:43 编辑 , j; u. }  p2 n# e4 r) g( G$ `
/ [) l1 ~3 ?) `" q
. V+ L* T" @( I- s. hDay   2:                           8:00 A.M.   Departure
2 ?5 L- m/ z' p" z( n3 l2 D0 k
2 K0 @7 v2 ~: B; j  ~/ Y8:30 – 9:15 am        Sunwapta Falls – This fall has two observation points the upper portion can be viewed from the bridge, whereas; you will need to fallow along the chain link fence to get a good look at the lower portion.) X1 o( O6 g; x1 @. g
+ o' ^' d; g5 `
10:00 – 10:15 am        Mt Kitchener
) v. Q; \9 A( [" ]* a9 [7 X& c7 @9 R1 [$ K3 I
10:40 – 12:30 pm.        Arrive at Columbia Icefields – We have just 15 min. to use the washrooms (located behind the stairs on the level we enter), and be back at the loading area for our excursion to walk on an ice cube that is 300 feet thick. Don’t forget your warm coat and an empty water bottle.
. o, @( C& b* ]8 x% J- \1 O
$ g0 S  ^' D; v9 p$ \4 ?7 |12:30 – 1:00 pm        Bow Summit - Here we take a short walk to an observation deck to view Peyto Lake.  Read the interpretive sign to find out why the lake is so colorful.
/ h8 i# E- _+ s  h& i" z; n% B  w
$ q* p4 K. |* c7 d/ p' M1:10 – 1:15 pm        As we will pass by Bow Lake we will be able to see Bow Glacier and Bow Glacier Falls away off in the distance, the source of the Bow River that runs through Banff and Calgary.  Washroom break at picnic site be side the lake.
$ F1 K% F. K( ~2 t; K. t8 H. q9 ^. F
/ f: [- {, l9 w& g1:30 – 3:30 pm        Yoho National Park
& U6 d$ n3 r/ j2 U) z, `& G7 P) y) ]- P9 F4 v9 o/ P
We will stay here for the rest of the day and find a hotel/motel to live.
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-15 20:59 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
本帖最后由 playball 于 2010-7-15 22:55 编辑
2 g. ~$ l, b1 I* s
' V+ e. S6 [' n. D, c7月28日  z4 ?; P: ~) V/ _$ b% F9 }. ]
Day   3:                           7:00 A.M.   Departure
0 a; n  X* T. W2 ?: S6 ]3 G6 s7:30 – 9:30 am        Johnson’s Canyon – There are two spectacular falls to be seen in this canyon as well as a few surprises. Enjoy the easy hike!
1 `; O5 q2 k) [5 g& s' h2 {
3 V8 C1 H$ |" W0 e( ?9:45 – 12:00 pm         Lake Louise – One of the parks most visited sites, enjoy the view. The glacier at the end of the lake is named after Queen Victoria, the lake, after Louise, her fourth daughter.
' ~! M. j. Z: }7 T8 W* k
# i8 Q, N8 `+ @# Q$ l# o12:30 – 1:45 pm         Morraine Lake – The “Valley of the ten peaks” use to be pictured on the back of our twenty dollar bill.  This stop will also be your lunch break.  It is easiest to reach the top of the rock pile by following the path around back, the view is worth the effort, allow about 30 min. It also takes about 30 min. to walk the path to the other end of the lake and back.  Washrooms, a restaurant and a gift shop are located in the main building.
( R; ]& F$ C$ z, u" E$ g! G3 k
7 w4 f% W4 ]- Z8 B6 E3 `1:50 pm (+ -)        Gas-up at the Shell convenience store in Lake Louise town.: E0 S, B( e* \3 A: D: _  b" \( @

8 B. D$ {# i9 ^+ v4 i2:40 pm (+ -)         We drive by the interruptive center for the Spiral Tunnels.
/ I6 j) j" h! F        However, if someone is interested in the tunnels or washrooms a quick stop can be made.+ W! B- x/ r: `( d

6 u' f1 `% g% \5 u7 m! n1 J$ x1 T3: 05 – 3:45 pm        Takakkaw Falls – When you say its name you are saying “it is magnificent” in the Cree language.- h# s, x& [4 k& U9 s" Q6 I; d! {
- s' ?; D' j! H! ^* Q" u" r
4:30 – 6:00 pm         Emerald Lake – This beautiful lake use to grace on the back of Canada’s ten dollar bill.  We have included the use of one canoe or boat per two or three people. Please pair of and in joy the view from the middle of the lake. + M! [9 D  S8 d: M; T
" H; B  g9 g1 T! Z/ [/ E, k5 }
6:15 – 6:30 pm         Natural Bridge – Here the water has carved it way through the rock creating a “natural bridge.”  Please use the bridge the Parks Canada has made to get a good view of it.# Y* \! k  X0 Z6 t  U

+ m) Q4 `- b) u- o7:00 – 7:45 pm         Bow Falls: Climb the stairs for a bird-eye view of the falls and a good view of the hotel.
& D) ?* x, H: X& n
9 }; P7 Q' J+ j0 ]/ Z- t$ _8:00 pm        Banff Springs Hotel: Walk around this haunt of the rich & famous (as well as a couple of ghosts from the passed). Check out the Cascade Ball Room with its gold-leaf décor, if possible.- f/ D& Z# M0 M3 q: S
8 g  z! V+ M& I' ~+ ^% Y
Note: Days 3 & 4 are more flexible because there are no outside bookings, if we are running late your day will end later.
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-15 21:27 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-15 21:29 | 显示全部楼层
+ U+ j" C+ w% J- E* X, A1 Q  m* q. {6 C9 m9 L
Driving directions to Honeymoon Lakecampingsite)6 b9 H2 G' o# X/ R1 k  }
464 km – about 6 hours 24 mins  S1 m  R# j( b* t5 m- V
Suggested routes7 X0 I# `4 p" J: z  {. v: w0 n

6 A$ G' i: n8 W
/ H; N$ ?. @1 o3 @ 8 T$ {8 _+ o! \3 H9 P0 C4 M
/ @9 N& N& k: L3 t3 H2 A% o3 [
Edmonton, AB T6C 1M2  
, ?: o8 D4 h( O* i) f
7 u! C, Z& g$ C# }; l3 E5 y1. Head north on 92 St NW toward 90 Ave NW  750 m
# C% h4 D5 E! T1 M/ q7 X0 ?2. Slight left at Connors Rd NW  1.4 km , i& \  P" g' i/ x  f
3. Slight left to stay on Connors Rd NW  550 m 0 w5 x7 G. Y; H+ U
4. Continue onto Rossdale Rd NW  290 m ! `3 ^7 [% P3 _2 L, ]. K/ V
5. Slight right at 99 Ave  110 m
4 ~2 e, p" u* w6 X8 x. X6 u6. Turn right at Bellamy Hill Rd NW  300 m
+ a! H4 W8 g4 u( `. w" F4 a9 Z$ d7. Bellamy Hill Rd NW turns slightly left and becomes 101 St NW  1.7 km " }; I' C' U- @3 I) {
8. Turn left at Kingsway Ave NW  2.9 km
  w) P+ D8 B% Q9. Turn right at 121 St NW  1.5 km " O5 C0 Z! ~# @7 c- U
10. Turn left at Trans-Canada Hwy/Yellowhead Hwy W/Yellowhead Trail W/AB-16 W
, A0 Z& @# B% h3 d$ r9 hContinue to follow Trans-Canada Hwy/Yellowhead Hwy W/AB-16 W  196 km 4 q3 Q! V2 G0 S  O
11. Turn right at 50 St  110 m
3 n& a. x1 }0 U6 O: g& \12. Take the 1st left onto 5 Ave  130 m 8 A6 S0 C/ u8 a+ t$ {

  S1 O4 O9 d& j6 i# `6 E4 ]+ N206 km – about 2 hours 29 mins8 S3 \$ g2 }: q- Z+ e
Edson, AB
. h7 y4 c7 [( t0 k% [- {( x. p% p3 `" }5 A( A- e+ F2 J# u
13. Head southwest on 5 Ave toward 51 St  45 m
5 z- S3 k# J4 R# y/ J5 v' V14. Take the 1st left onto 51 St  110 m
; _& x: d& \2 U. }9 T15. Take the 1st right onto 4 Ave/Trans-Canada Hwy/Yellowhead Hwy W/AB-16 W
* P' e' i1 e- \( N) `& i3 rContinue to follow Trans-Canada Hwy/Yellowhead Hwy W/AB-16 W  119 km
1 e, \9 K/ M. ]. o2 `16. Turn left at Range Road 275A  15.3 km 0 z2 T- _4 r. N! F8 h

# F* O5 c$ d0 c# N135 km – about 1 hour 49 mins2 o3 Q; W6 W' c
Miette Hot Springs Resort! N! Z  u  z6 h0 }- x
P.O. Box 907Jasper, AB T0E 1E0
& g! V/ r5 R/ y% ]" C% c(780) 866-3750
9 Z8 _* W# ~3 L$ F8 ^" S! o1 V6 H
17. Head northwest on Range Road 275A toward Trans-Canada Hwy/Yellowhead Hwy E/AB-16 E  15.3 km $ Q- ?+ G5 W* K+ _7 z$ p8 I
18. Turn left at Trans-Canada Hwy/Yellowhead Hwy W/AB-16 W  40.6 km
  j" k9 D: A  ]  q19. Turn right at Connaught Dr  1.5 km
) S7 Z4 c5 G# y2 ?. q# n20. Take the 3rd right onto Bonhomme St  700 m
& L! u$ V' g( ]$ \6 p, R& Q21. Turn right at Pyramid Lake Rd  5.8 km
: ~# R% r* I1 U) Q2 r" r% a: e* y4 ~. _# w+ d# L' V
64.0 km – about 1 hour 8 mins
" V7 [+ g) G- t  J  D Pyramid Lake + D$ s! }! X& q; |1 B$ B
) K% f* n0 K- ^
22. Head south on Pyramid Lake Rd  5.7 km
* t( y/ n; b. f6 M23. Continue onto Pyramid Ave  130 m 2 C, P, y5 Z( @
24. Turn left at Colin Crescent  110 m 7 X' C; b* [' F" ?
25. Turn right at Balsam Ave  290 m & @. B3 q& V7 f. ^2 r; L( c
26. Turn right at Connaught Dr  150 m
2 |/ ^9 W) N# b% z% m+ ^# a( K1 u+ K6 _6 y8 X$ o
6.4 km – about 11 mins
# v3 o! {8 h5 y/ X5 a( l% `/ h Jasper, AB  
3 ^4 o  {  v& r, `$ u
7 C% X4 ^/ X! D4 Y) ^27. Head south on Connaught Dr toward Cedar Ave  2.0 km 4 h+ h: y0 Q% z  Q; i* `  `: n
28. Continue onto Icefields Pkwy/AB-93 S  30.1 km ( m5 C. ~$ G6 A' E7 w+ M( D* E
29. Turn right at AB-93 Alt N / @+ Y1 \0 v- V% E) V# L3 g$ M! |1 Y
Destination will be on the left  600 m
9 k# p% u9 v8 F! O5 b5 U$ l9 {! Y0 q1 I% S( {& y7 b
32.7 km – about 28 mins
- X3 f: y% N- c/ [/ W Athabasca Falls # ~  }" _) Y+ B$ W$ C" O

! x# W3 [6 j' Q2 l30. Head north on AB-93 Alt S toward Icefields Pkwy/AB-93 S  600 m + ?- U0 p* Y; h7 ~6 ?. f1 J
31. Turn right at Icefields Pkwy/AB-93 S (signs for Lake Louise)  19.8 km
, l$ \2 a! D# D; e1 P32. Turn left  450 m
7 E$ d( p5 p9 |' ?7 g: o0 L2 k! J33. Turn left  110 m   g2 [7 Z/ }- d5 F

% f( M  s: u0 b21.0 km – about 18 mins
+ t( g" \- @: H% \6 l) W4 C Honeymoon Lake
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-15 21:46 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-15 22:07 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-15 22:08 | 显示全部楼层
: X% o5 f8 x6 p0 }% i) w$ Z
, I% N* \, x/ d( `9 IDriving directions to The Fairmont Banff Springs
& u3 e+ `4 N' V(403) 762-2211' Y+ j# l8 P# l7 v- A
136 km – about 2 hours 31 mins* |4 c( C: a: q: g9 k8 @
Suggested routes, u  S' r3 R. y5 b# q
3 C7 J5 d# K1 e0 a

- y! i4 ]$ X/ G5 E$ L 4 I  Q. l4 h7 b" |$ w
+ a1 y# K; Z* r
Yoho National ParkHwy 1 & HIGHWAY 93, Columbia-Shuswap A, BC V0A 1G0
! w9 \1 b7 z* j) `: m( g+ g  U9 @) q4 o7 [2 E
1. Head west  550 m ; C; ]% e, o$ D% X/ _; u1 [& g( B! Y
2. Turn right  6.9 km * C2 d$ v+ e6 _3 p; w4 d/ O

' g0 |* B/ O1 q7.5 km – about 12 mins7 `* N# ~; q0 T
Emerald Lake " y! R! b) r* M# a# p4 ~2 o& J! o

0 ^* W1 M3 l+ J* O  I9 g3. Head southwest  6.9 km 2 [# G2 z! s- L, t
4. Turn left toward Trans-Canada Hwy/BC-1 E  2.4 km 5 I0 H4 u, ]2 r; O  b% {8 v
5. Turn left at Trans-Canada Hwy/BC-1 E  1.6 km 5 R4 Q- G3 E  Q" V4 D( G  j
6. Take the 1st right  190 m
, k3 ?8 W) d8 o* ?5 V7. Turn left  500 m + N- L$ A' H# @, G/ Z
8. Take the 2nd left  47 m 6 F1 U, Y! ^9 U( c+ n

, H) D8 C2 d7 S/ b11.7 km – about 20 mins
4 y( R6 m" K2 J8 G4 u0 \9 I Spiral Tunnels Guest House( i  m% u& [6 a! Q5 C0 h
306 - 1st AveField, BC V0A 1G0: P$ D8 U0 u' B' `" g4 O
(877) 343-5322 9 S/ x2 r3 D7 q/ H8 q. m

9 ]% m' ?1 [# B5 O8 u0 l( x. a9. Head northwest  47 m 4 P6 {7 `0 }( m6 h% c  ?
10. Take the 1st right toward Trans-Canada Hwy/BC-1 E  500 m & L0 y* s$ z# t& {7 ~% d
11. Take the 2nd right toward Trans-Canada Hwy/BC-1 E  190 m ) n; O4 r- q* x- n  ?! w# k9 q7 u
12. Turn right at Trans-Canada Hwy/BC-1 E 7 B. c1 p  V" L% V* M4 F+ l* ~
Continue to follow Trans-Canada Hwy/ \4 s: v; G0 {3 Y" j
Entering Alberta  25.2 km
% p% o  C  B& ]& i13. Take the Lake Louise/Bow Valley Parkway exit toward Promenade de la vallée Bow  400 m 7 D" ?: W1 U' L2 i7 `. p
14. Turn right at Lake Louise Dr  4.0 km
" w  x0 W7 U- t# r; d& R# G7 X0 H; H) I
30.4 km – about 26 mins! I3 R" I. Y; ~% \0 X* Q* [9 d
Lake Louise, AB  1 J4 p" x) A! C2 ~
" E% H: i7 ^7 {
15. Head east on Lake Louise Dr toward Alice Rd  1.8 km 6 a; `3 N3 k+ i/ o' z  o
16. Take the 3rd right onto Moraine Lake Rd  12.3 km
- E# z" X: N, c; b+ N- ]5 z& }* c2 Z) m1 i$ C' v+ m+ X
14.1 km – about 22 mins
/ @( ^- }0 k$ `- l0 w Moraine Lake
/ |- d! Y$ Z8 V, u2 @1 _' i! I9 ]1 L% b; e
17. Head northeast on Moraine Lake Rd toward Lake Louise Dr  12.3 km , x8 d7 l* |. |+ C/ t: L
18. Turn right at Lake Louise Dr  2.2 km + w2 Q9 T* P8 B% a2 t* h
19. Turn right onto the Trans Canada Highway/AB-1 E/AB-93 S ramp  450 m
  Z- c% T/ x9 Y0 V. {  I5 k20. Merge onto Icefields Pkwy/Trans-Canada Hwy/AB-1 E/AB-93 S 9 I$ L5 c7 ^1 y0 O" i# T8 y
Continue to follow Trans-Canada Hwy/AB-1 E  54.4 km
; w  G7 r4 i+ O; V! h- J3 W$ [. v21. Take the exit toward Banff  290 m
( w- O6 L  J; O4 m4 d3 q+ f. P22. Merge onto Norquay Rd  750 m
" w& K- q9 h: X23. Continue onto Gopher St/Lynx St
8 W' t) v% n5 H7 z9 w# UContinue to follow Lynx St  700 m $ C; S) W. @5 f5 M6 T; l/ z
24. Continue straight onto Bear St  170 m
3 h0 p, Z# o  o7 Z! h5 J1 U  G& o9 d! B( C$ r( [1 k
71.3 km – about 1 hour 5 mins: Q  @0 P! i  @  B2 H
Bow Falls
3 m) w6 N) _* }5 a+ K  NBanff National ParkBanff, Canada T1L 1K2+ D1 A& m6 M( w5 I+ r
(403) 762-1550  ! j6 @/ F4 g+ g- z9 b7 v
( p, {/ q5 |( G( y8 f
25. Head east on Buffalo St toward Banff Ave  100 m . P1 \+ ~9 Y: L( m4 \
26. Take the 1st right onto Banff Ave  260 m # h# P. ]% q1 A! _/ x6 a1 H; k
27. Turn left at Mountain Ave  190 m # O* `( ^1 ?8 `4 P$ M6 z
28. Continue onto Spray Ave  650 m 3 q; F: E0 E% A3 A
0 C/ ?* u, \* o1 i3 S3 P
1.2 km – about 2 mins
  d6 j  r0 Z& N: L- ?4 Z2 y* [ The Fairmont Banff Springs
' C; S; h% }& `3 k6 m3 r405 Spray Avenue
鲜花(16) 鸡蛋(2)
发表于 2010-7-15 22:14 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-15 22:15 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 playball 于 2010-7-15 23:23 编辑
" w8 P! l+ j" }! l8 A) j) v) u
; N$ M% l; _! d: N" @& q) {& |! `3 b1 u7月29日) {) r; N$ Z' L- Q( O  g% a
Day   4:                           8:00 A.M.   Departure
; \! C0 s" @: u% V$ P+ l! N. Q
6 X8 x, V1 ~8 p7 F% Y, K& L8 z
" w; K5 }8 h# j9 q2 M% y8:30 am – 11:45 am        Gondola Ride to the top of Sulfur Mountain*.  Please get in the regular line-up as you purchase your tickets.  Note the time when your reach the top, you will need to be in line to return in 45 min.  This is enough time to walk to the lookout and back, and use the washrooms, but not much more.: X% i' r0 f. z1 i8 O/ m; Y

2 {6 l% f/ U4 {' Y% ?' x& |12:00 pm – 1:00 pm        Shopping: Mosey through the shops in downtown Banff and pick-up a lunch to eat at the lake
! i* t, Y# K! o) S( e6 k3 J; ?: j; [0 v# y5 a% M& J9 i" Y
1:15 – 2:15 pm         Lunch break at Two Jack Lake: We will stop at this beautiful little lake for lunch.
( S1 Q7 S2 l0 h/ w" n% o  e& ~' e7 Z& e( L2 x7 [' {
2:20 – 2:40 pm         We will complete the Lake Minnawanka loop and drive though Upper Bankhead.  Eighty years ago this was a bustling community.  Can you spot the steps to the church as we drive by, it’s all that is left.
5 l% _! e% i+ ?' p& |
, e8 J+ a- }' x. O9 r8 k2:35 – 2:45 pm         Washroom break at Travel Alberta’s Canmore location. $ g7 N+ P+ r) E! Q( g0 u' J" i

, L( ]# A: F8 B, E2 A! P. l. A4:00 – 4:30 pm         We will stop at McKay’s in Cochrane for short break.  McKay's is famous for their ice-cream, the hard part is choosing from about fifty flavors.3 r7 z' J( k; K

& y* H: M9 J" K8 w# r" a  xWe will find a place to stay at Calgary or back to Edmonton.
鲜花(16) 鸡蛋(2)
发表于 2010-7-15 22:20 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-15 22:28 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-7-15 22:59 | 显示全部楼层
这么详细的计划,赞一个。:). ]  L) a! w1 |7 q1 n1 H7 ?
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-15 23:18 | 显示全部楼层
报名,算我一个。可以吗?  P# Q0 i4 j* D  h0 K$ w7 g- p
常华 发表于 2010-7-15 23:20
' W1 Y* _% q' t

% f4 r( H9 Q% F* _9 b可以,给我电话。
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-15 23:18 | 显示全部楼层
这么详细的计划,赞一个。:)' d. d& q3 u( M
为什么不选在周末去啊?. i. d9 J9 ?4 ], n& N
tonnyhp 发表于 2010-7-15 23:59

0 v4 ^2 a: T( T. k4 b" \$ F- `% l) g, x% s
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-16 10:00 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
Banff National Park! d! X, E3 W+ L/ }8 p

, z3 }9 l/ ~  ~) lMajor Highlights, x+ `/ |  S* Q& u

* l; \9 M: a: B( T8 BBanff National Park was Canada’s first, North America’s second, and the world’s third national park. The Town of Banff and the Village of Lake Louise are the two main visitor service centres in the park. Described below are the park attractions outside of the Town of Banff and Lake Louise area.# C! Y( \' [+ V1 a$ q& R, y0 E9 G
+ ^7 Y! R7 p$ G, H- n0 r- I0 s
Established: 1885
" D( P! a! @$ S& j# uSize: 6,641 square km (2,564 square mi)
9 v1 [3 u5 m6 G, a9 G1 P  F: x9 L4 ZNumber of visitors / year: about 4.7 million3 h5 @9 x' `# O% ?0 F
4 v$ q  v2 y4 L$ p* y. o
3. Lake Minnewanka (10 km from Banff)/ V5 t8 d! e8 g$ O/ m! h; M. N5 E: g

1 t8 r. ?6 g) c0 v: R$ e7 pIt ’s Banff’s biggest lake, and a popular day use area with picnic shelters and a playground. During the summer there are commercial boat tours (403-762-3473) and guided fishing trips. Bighorn sheep are often seen here — please do not feed them.
4 |- ?2 Z9 |4 Q1 Y, G$ a& e
! S% v. }! V+ p9 I! N1 u: ]: e0 Y4. Two Jack Lake (12 km from Banff), [. Y* K' R& Z! ~+ ]

! t+ I1 n( e3 V# c; }7 W) E7 YA pleasant spot for a picnic or a paddle.
" {/ \( k# f% _. O6 t6 s/ S+ w, W" M' \3 J: Q" d
5. Johnson Lake (14 km from Banff)
4 D# Z2 ?2 h3 R7 [
# G: y0 Y, N: L1 @' |There is an easy trail around this shallow lake, good wildlife-watching opportunities, picnic tables and a small beach." n1 H4 M$ x; h& R
8 w+ g5 I* \2 W( @8 {3 k  c
6. Sunshine Meadows (15 km from Banff; 403-678-4099)
0 T7 c2 ]3 [8 d3 H6 x  ]' f# w
, m, p% o4 C% p  EFrom the ski area parking lot you can walk or take the bus service up a steep 5 km road to the ski area (END JUN – END SEP). A selection of fine trails lead to stunning viewpoints, through vast alpine meadows full of wildflowers. Explore them yourself, or take a guided hike.
. k- |# j1 L/ u+ H8 s- j- S" X
2 t& {- ^7 v$ n' A3 o$ O7. Johnston Canyon (25 km from Banff)
! o( l0 I% w: T: b7 d$ X' M. n
  P2 S* f! `1 S* }$ b# |; @A paved trail and exciting catwalks lead into this canyon and to two thundering waterfalls. It is 1.1 km to the Lower Falls (wheelchair accessible), and 2.7 km to the Upper Falls. For safety ’s sake, stay on the trail and away from the edge! Interpretive signs explain how and when the canyon was formed, and the unique habitat that has been created by the force of water on rock.7 p+ h1 }: P. Q7 Q' T: s7 c2 e. l
: \* e: I. r& j2 s; k& V+ Z
8. Crowfoot Glacier (34 km from Lake Louise); w# G" c+ P6 B0 D" F
8 C- O! b, \+ q$ d. T* B% R6 X
A beautiful pale-blue glacier visible from the highway, it was named a century ago when three toes of ice clung to the cliff. Today there are only two.& h5 }7 K$ H' a# K6 ]5 o
2 A5 P2 E5 t4 W5 |
9. Bow Summit and Peyto Lake (40 km from Lake Louise)
$ F/ p/ W- x  {) L4 K# x) s' ~
) L& e9 [2 s2 @  |3 T; ]Bow Summit is the highest point on the parkway, at 2088 m above sea level. You are near treeline here, surrounded by alpine meadow. A short walk from the parking area leads to a viewpoint overlooking the blue-green Peyto Lake and, in July and August, an astonishing array of alpine flowers.
* r( V% j5 Q4 g9 k+ z
2 X: s" Z7 Z+ z8 l4 s10. Mistaya Canyon (72 km from Lake Louise)
2 h  a2 r0 I0 u9 g5 e
3 q" E5 F1 `9 t5 t3 D) |" \" `7 N$ @7 UOnly ten minutes by trail from the road, the Mistaya River narrows into a twisting canyon. Look for rounded potholes and a natural arch on the canyon sides.
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-16 10:07 | 显示全部楼层
Lake Louise Townsite
6 A* a% L" Z6 o/ y0 ~& A9 B
( ?% {: y& S) _) |& H9 C9 JSurrounding Features
/ U; a, l/ W, |# MKnown to the Stoney Indians as “Lake of the Little Fishes”, and called “Emerald Lake” by its first European visitor in 1882, Lake Louise was renamed in 1884 to honour Princess Louise Caroline Alberta, daughter of Queen Victoria. The Village of Lake Louise offers a range of lodging, dining, and shopping options; from here, it’s a 5 minute drive to the Lake.
  ?5 e' U# P% b5 ~. y+ z# w+ Z
% G7 U8 J6 Z- |% ^9 j9 K2. Lake Louise — the Lake (4.5 km from Lake Louise, the Village)6 ^: E) S, {6 t& Y  I
: D  I1 d: O' w9 \. r4 _! o0 e
This is one of the most famous images of Canada. Interpretive exhibits along the lake explain, among other things, why the water is such a wonderful colour. To avoid the summer crowds, enjoy its magic in morning or late afternoon light. Or take a hike; there are more than 75 km of trails to choose from in this area. Ask for the Lake Louise Drives & Walks brochure.! {! k: O! B' ?

. \$ |, A% S, v5 q; M0 \3. Moraine Lake & the Valley of the Ten Peaks (15 km from Lake Louise, the Village)3 A8 r1 B) h5 m7 f

  z# y! w, J/ ~& e  NMoraine Lake is even more brilliant in hue than Lake Louise, with similarly stunning scenery and hiking opportunities. Interpretive exhibits here describe the geology of the area. Moraine Lake Road is open as snow conditions permit, MAY – OCT.
& c! q7 Z7 a9 f' ^+ u2 q" g
8 \( A$ x4 L( I* @: \$ j4. The Great Divide (8 km from Lake Louise, the Village), [, u+ P& q' o/ ?2 e7 V0 T( u

* S/ _7 g8 C' G- q) y3 ?# @Take the old 1A Highway west from Lake Louise to the Yoho National Park border and see the ‘parting of the waters’ and a replica of the original Continental Divide Arch. Open MAY-OCT as snow conditions permit.
  z7 i0 Z! D! N/ m* Z/ v& ]) I, o8 ], j; p6 n0 R% S0 u. l
5. Lake Louise Sightseeing Gondola (4.5 km from Lake Louise, the Village; 403-522-3555)
* V. S4 @7 D( v0 W/ Y6 @0 n; o8 F* O2 [9 i: r
Interpretive talks, displays and hikes are offered here JUN – SEP, along with a gondola ride and spectacular views of Lake Louise, Victoria Glacier, and the peaks of the Continental Divide.
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-16 10:12 | 显示全部楼层
Yoho National Park
! f: S) H# j! i# r( `, o6 @
! g- f* g8 O) n3 V& y( N- q( t1. Field Visitor Centre (in Field; 250-343-6783)
" v; {- P7 ]1 }  V0 o
2 H  g1 G, m3 }/ i" _/ _Need information? Come see us. And enjoy the playground, pond, and picnic facilities nearby. – Park information, maps, brochures, passes, permits, backcountry registration
# t3 k9 U9 a: S
  `" Q9 d9 ?  L( gBurgess Shale fossil displays 1 j0 [( h3 _0 k" y
Travel Alberta and Tourism British Columbia information services (year-round)
+ I* X, p4 h0 e" A/ [Friends of Yoho National Park gift shop (year-round) + f. g0 j- q8 O6 W
Open daily:
+ E, p( }8 M7 m6 f" cSPRING (MAY 15 – JUN 25): 9 am – 5 p.m.. v$ r' P+ l7 I- s  F) r
SUMMER (JUN 26 – AUG 30): 9 am – 7 p.m.
  y& o! A$ P& j3 [FALL (AUG 31 – SEP 27): 9 am – 5 p.m.
7 j' X, W" ], b8 Q6 DWINTER (SEP 28 – MAY 14) 9 am – 4 p.m.+ S$ a/ ]1 I& J  Q" N

( W* ?, u# |3 W/ K2. The Great Divide and Kicking Horse Pass (16 km from Field)
. a9 I  D- Z2 Q9 Z/ `; c3 @4 k0 v9 X& k- t0 g
See Divide Creek flow east and west beside an arch marking the Great Divide on the 1A Highway at Kicking Horse Pass. In 1858, while searching for a suitable travel route through the Rockies, explorer James Hector was knocked unconscious by his horse during a river crossing near Wapta Falls. Soon thereafter, he discovered this important mountain pass.
3 ~' U0 q- j4 F$ l9 r4 E/ E4 |* D" L4 Q  s$ b, l
3. Lower Spiral Tunnel Viewpoint (8 km from Field)% y* z/ N( @, H. p' S
+ J2 z) Y3 M- i" u! D9 Y. e) u
The original railway line descent from the Continental Divide to Field had a grade of 4.5%, the steepest of any railway in North America. The Spiral Tunnels, completed in 1909, reduced this grade to a much safer 2.2%. A display beside the highway explains the history and operation of the spiral tunnels.
7 C, Z* g. `7 H7 [8 D# {6 P0 M% M. E) t/ [7 f) I8 |6 l9 Z$ L7 P
4. Takakkaw Falls (17 km from Field)
4 s) v5 B3 Q  V( _! V3 M9 L6 q
' D/ S4 V# ^/ a7 t3 u& X% NTakakkaw — meaning “magnificent!” in Cree Indian — is one of the highest waterfalls in Canada, with a free fall of 254 m. Several popular hikes start here. The 13 km Yoho Valley Road leading to the falls is steep with some switchbacks. Please leave trailers at the parking lot across from Monarch Campground. The road is open in summer only, as snow conditions permit.
6 M+ W, O. h7 |8 E& }6 M! z3 c: o
% X$ W4 U/ m8 K4 Z6 p" G. R5. Natural Bridge (3 km from Field)
" j3 l( d: V- i6 a8 ], A" R1 p: q& I: `* Y3 M  s
Water and time have relentlessly worn through a solid rockbed to create a natural rock bridge over the Kicking Horse River, 1.6 km from the Trans-Canada Highway.
, K& _7 Y' V7 H. @
, G: G# h* t* f: d/ G6. Emerald Lake (11 km from Field)
6 x+ I& [; I3 _0 `! Y  D/ T% u3 ]
1 _% I- ]! T  |9 iCheck out the new Burgess Shale display at the picnic area, complete with a telescope that allows you to see the world-famous fossil site, and illustrations of the amazing creatures that have been discovered there. You can also enjoy a 1-hour hike around one of the most beautiful lakes in the Canadian Rockies on a well-marked interpretive trail.1 N9 M; Q% p" c1 \
+ o4 C9 ]3 I* ^
7. Wapta Falls (22 km from Field)
; K5 y, P+ `. r" k, @5 l
5 N! i) K! C9 k; uThe impressive Kicking Horse River was earlier known as the Wapta, which means “running water”. A short drive from the Trans-Canada Highway takes you to the start of an easy 2.4 km trail to the falls. The turn-off is accessible only to eastbound traffic traffic; if you’re westbound, ask for directions at the Field Visitor Centre.% k) J# V# W. k

* I* o2 I1 J5 Y+ F- eSpecial Access Areas& }5 ?# u! A8 a& ?
Lake O’Hara
" ^6 B0 w5 \1 U
, _, M% `7 X0 t6 T; ], }- ?The Lake O’Hara area is as fragile as it is beautiful. To protect this alpine area and assure a high quality visitor experience, a quota limits the number of people who may use the bus service to the lake. Bicycles are not permitted either, but there is no limit on the number of people who may hike in.: S' i4 c; q  v& B' J( P

: y& E/ E6 S/ {Reservations are required for the bus service (JUN 19 – SEP 28) and for the backcountry campground. They can be made up to 90 days in advance by calling (250) 343-6433; there is a $10 reservation fee. A small number of day use and one-night campsite spots are set aside for assignment 24 hours in advance. These are available in person only at the Field Visitor Centre.& d, h" F8 a) z# a! S5 A

7 G$ q( H0 c0 UBurgess Shale0 u6 q- w* Q1 b. I7 u  C, f

7 K. D' |8 P% z* |. {' j$ I  FThe remains of more than 120 species of marine animals from 515 million years ago have been found in the Burgess Shale. Soft-bodied creatures rarely survive the fossilization process, but here they are preserved in exquisite detail. In some cases scientists can even see what the fossilized animals were eating just before they died!( X9 w( E9 P9 b  `

! b, l9 e8 F2 \# H( OTo protect this unique and globally important scientific site, access to Walcott’s Quarry and to the Trilobite Beds is by guided hike only. Both hikes are long and strenuous, and run from late June to October, as trail conditions permit. The hikes, led by licensed guides, are limited to 15 people. For schedules, fees, and reservations, contact the Yoho Burgess Shale Foundation: 1-800-343-3006.
* ~7 C1 F  n6 u' g) t/ s: ?, Z
3 f$ w& ]+ t7 O  `; p: _If you are not able to visit the fossil sites, you can still enjoy the Burgess Shale displays at the Field and Lake Louise Visitor Centres.8 a: t4 B8 W: w8 ~: s

- u+ V" |7 ^* j9 Y  r) O% F& ]Collecting fossils anywhere in the national parks is prohibited by law.
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-16 10:16 | 显示全部楼层
Jasper National Park( \. b( g- T& G: z! K

: M* s& \& W. V" b; c) g1 QMajor Highlights9 @1 U  g! ?" |( J( p3 P
Jasper National Park is the largest and most northerly of the four mountain parks. The land is rugged and diverse, with endless opportunities to discover its natural beauty. In addition to the attractions described below, there are over 1000 km of trails to explore. The Town of Jasper is the main service centre in the park." e0 y2 U7 G, g  N* E: M7 r

& U& a; z% H3 \0 S0 V' l* @2. Miette Hotsprings (61 km from Jasper; 780-866-3939)
+ J6 l2 b4 }1 b" |0 Z- G9 r. V
( s% L* o5 U7 q1 g4 ^; J& o5 YThese are the hottest mineral springs in the Canadian Rockies, emerging from the ground a steamy 54 °C! There is a hot pool (kept at 40 °C) for soaking, and a plunge pool for cooling.# s3 R$ {# o% V. P4 m  m# s
7 G* M5 O4 C% C8 l8 H' U
Open MAY to OCT
! N# Y* }- }2 B3 W, v; V! K/ uTowels, lockers and swimsuits available for rent
' h3 H1 L+ W; k! Z5 P; A1 fSee the brochure Soak in Some History for details
8 v! v+ p- B: S4 ~' O8 d  L3 x; a7 a! Q7 i" m, [" p6 c+ ]  y
7. Athabasca Falls (30 km from Jasper)
9 y1 g7 {' B, u! J! \) R! K: j8 a# b+ g& T2 s
Imagine a river falling 23 m through a narrow gorge of quartz-rich rock and you start to get a picture of Athabasca Falls. A bridge and platforms give you great views. Stay safe — keep on the trail and inside the protective fences./ i" A* _6 F0 e- N

7 a% [4 w8 {3 \: T7 H$ @8. Goat Mineral Lick (38 km from Jasper)# R. C% E: F2 ?& |0 T
# i0 \* E  U( ~7 ]
Bluffs of mineral-rich soil at the roadside are irresistible to goats, who usually spend their time in the higher country.
2 o6 u8 f/ q9 e! b" z
" g+ g+ ~3 B' X0 Q3 p9. Sunwapta Falls (55 km from Jasper)/ t' m" O0 N6 x% ]2 W& _4 B- T

3 L8 @3 l* E$ I5 x8 a1 mA short paved road leads to the falls, which tumble into a limestone gorge rather like Maligne Canyon. From here it ’s a 15-minute walk to the lower falls.! X" R+ P) x. Z7 E4 e" d

4 Z: c" y8 ]- X. s3 R7 A2 b10. Athabasca Glacier (103 km from Jasper), g/ m' J- [# G7 U- Z4 X% U
! V( O9 N- }) O/ B7 n. A* k
Touch the toe of a glacier! The Athabasca Glacier is part of the great Columbia Icefield — 325 sq. km in area and up to 350 m thick. An access road takes you to an interpretive trail leading to the glacier. Heed all warning signs; glaciers can be as dangerous as they are impressive.
8 ~0 j6 `" l* }5 B. U& y8 J+ @5 {. d9 F
11. Icefield Centre (103 km from Jasper)
: P! z  ~) M- @2 Y1 s
& D/ }4 U+ r0 k2 Q& G" I% BInterpretive displays in the Glacier Gallery at the Icefield Centre tell the fascinating story of glaciers and the history of this area. The Centre is open MAY 01 – OCT 15 and offers complete Parks Canada information services (780-852-6288), as well as “Snocoach” tours and guided “Ice Walks” onto the glacier. People with severe heart or lung conditions should note that the Centre is at an elevation of 2000m (6500ft) above sea level.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-7-16 14:31 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(16) 鸡蛋(2)
发表于 2010-7-16 22:25 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
鲜花(52) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-7-16 22:51 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
本帖最后由 宋兵乙 于 2010-7-16 23:55 编辑
. W0 y$ x2 x. c  }
" \+ Y, B# Y6 E; x% V赞一个。LZ的住宿地方找好了吗?
1 v6 d: o5 s3 z, J+ ?5 o2 s/ Y
6 U+ W( O7 J, u$ `9 X2 E我们也打算最近出行,不过看到的b&b 或者hotel 的价格都狂高,没有低于100刀的。
' ?6 ?; v- [# X8 \
+ L% ?* ~2 m  N$ c; mlz 有经验分享吗,谢谢!!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-7-16 22:57 | 显示全部楼层
22# 常华
( O0 }7 ?0 D& R/ y  d0 o2 Z' F* b3 I4 a) z2 v4 D& O% R6 d

' Y% I( G/ \1 g3 y1 Z6 h# F5 m你给楼主打个电话  我准备和楼主一起去 已经约好了
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-17 12:06 | 显示全部楼层
, w, v- y6 D! T" g
) k! n/ y& |1 O# O2 O0 G/ H% s我们也打算最近出行,不过看到的b&b 或者hotel 的价格都狂高,没有低于100刀的。
' [; j2 a% ?+ G& N. G0 ~, B5 c$ D* J* m0 X: I
lz 有经验分享吗,谢谢!!
- Y5 d% ]: B5 G* V; k4 i& Z! c, J宋兵乙 发表于 2010-7-16 23:51
0 s+ |" r4 X5 w

' [  x/ o% P; z5 X$150/night, very good price, why not?
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-7-17 14:58 | 显示全部楼层
你看看http://www.novainnhinton.ca/  这个很便宜 而且他们住了说还不错 但是和我们第一天的行程有点冲突
鲜花(16) 鸡蛋(39)
发表于 2010-7-17 15:40 | 显示全部楼层
你看看http://www.novainnhinton.ca/  这个很便宜 而且他们住了说还不错 但是和我们第一天的行程有点冲突+ v' z: w# [# k
thefeind 发表于 2010-7-17 15:58
  }2 A/ ^9 ~( H' g! p

9 B$ Q& i! \' Q* p! @3 `: ^我们不能因为便宜就住到那去吧,不方便。
鲜花(16) 鸡蛋(39)
发表于 2010-7-17 17:51 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 2007 于 2010-7-17 19:32 编辑
( L0 m. W9 C" H* d# ^- J3 l
4 z! T/ i. T; ?第一天camping的位置:
3 G! O8 y$ q4 [, j9 O  e1 b5 U5 s
# k" r4 n$ U  g5 r" o, J3 zThank you for making a reservation with Parks Canada. Here are the details of the reservation you made for Tunnel Mtn Village 2 campground in Banff National Park of Canada - Tunnel Mountain.
9 u% f/ S9 D) F, K  uPlease read through the following information about your reservation and our terms of use.
# l% j9 i0 U* a
$ u. C3 Y! c* \YOUR RESERVATION CONFIRMATION NUMBER IS: WBA0195105910E' d" W/ A) i2 }" e1 l+ p* h+ d

9 ~% s" A0 y8 n; V6 k' u! [: f8 V" c9 e' M) g9 V
To assist our staff in registering you into your site, please present your reservation confirmation number when you check in at the campground. 7 X3 ?. G4 `) a9 v

$ g% E; B" p6 {7 M9 Z+ o, l; |# Y
The details of your reservation are as follows:
/ d* L# r4 `+ K6 ?5 `# R0 Z% @1 \( Y8 K: M9 \
ARRIVAL DATE: 2010/07/26
. n% K" X4 g, ?2 l' ?8 y. `Check in time: After 2:00pm 0 l4 c+ J% |/ r( N' _+ c4 c
DEPARTURE DATE: 2010/07/27
6 u: H3 K6 g2 @# i0 ]; M& H; HCheck out time: Prior to 11:00am
: O' o' z6 U& Y$ C- Y1 ?NUMBER OF NIGHTS: 1
+ Q: v- a' P- D6 c0 T# F. i2 R9 y8 G9 Y+ j/ K1 L. U# [2 `9 }
2010/07/26 - 2010/07/26
, G; w: t' E* o- BSITE NUMBER: N/A - Your site will be assigned upon arrival
" l! {6 |4 R( D7 UCAMPSITE SIZE: Large Tent
5 ^! D1 Y4 K5 y! I! q( x; uSERVICE TYPE: Walk-in, Unserviced with Fire Pit
1 L/ L5 y( p) r: i* O' f5 y3 G# l7 E2 I) c/ ]7 y3 m# m, \
6 l6 Z. W9 n4 A5 \# k* U4 {
The details of your payment are as follows:
& A: v" Q1 j9 f) e6 ]! w
  o$ `( q4 d+ W3 t0 R* HReservation Fee: $10.80 (non refundable)   o4 I4 R: v0 n1 O7 K$ A
Camping Fee for 1 night(s): $36.20 ! l- i% I- ^& Q1 P
TOTAL Payment: $47.00 ) S4 X% Q4 R2 a5 {6 k/ v
Please note that all visitors are required to purchase a national park entry permit upon) V4 V' T  r2 y
arrival.; {( ^. R, c7 C0 a; W8 i

7 D6 p6 D0 B& P% O7 Y3 mTo modify or cancel your reservation, please visit our website at www.pccamping.ca or
$ p# ?$ \8 e% J; i3 T; Kcontact 1-877-RESERVE (1-877-737-3783).
" `- f5 q7 D/ K8 G3 o
9 O, W6 V- D. o, s8 ]. S/ XWe look forward to your visit and hope that you enjoy your national park experience." @+ K; ~3 [/ T( \( s) n1 V2 g2 I
Terms of Use ( J0 d1 g( c- |' t: L
9 G! h# R: v- v. D& ]* C
By using the Parks Canada Campground Reservation Service, you are agreeing to the following! D# F5 t; F: o! m# D+ a
Terms of Use. Please read them carefully.
& Q8 h3 g1 ]9 R# _2 i+ ]' X+ d% D* w4 C; }8 T% I$ K1 b
General Terms of Use
7 o% x! X" x9 V. C
% r/ V: d# I* j) @$ V8 c. @' H; u5 V1.  Availability of the reservation service: The Parks Canada Campground Reservation Service   ]% `, @6 W$ X5 f, ^, O$ [
    is available to all campers by telephone at 1-877-RESERVE (1-877-737-3783) between+ s# Q6 o9 F. u5 K
    7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. local park time or online 24-hours a day at www.pccamping.ca.4 ^0 }7 \3 i' w- I  E* k6 o# n
    You can make a camping reservation from the system launch dates up until 12:00 midnight
. W$ q& b- g9 d. b* E* [, Y, Q    on the night prior to your arrival. Same day reservations are not accepted. 1 t, Z/ i$ J+ J6 n; _5 a$ a' U6 t
2.  Times: All times quoted in these Terms of Use are the local time at the park where your# n; @+ p+ \9 v6 h! J7 }
    reservation is made (e.g. hours of operation are from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. local park5 [6 R  n, f6 V9 Q# P
    time – for a reservation made in Pacific Rim National Park Reserve in British Columbia,0 M! N8 l: o/ Z4 Q; l
    this is 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Pacific Time but for a reservation made in Fundy National  v5 x& u  \1 D6 D8 L
    Park in New Brunswick, this is 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Atlantic Time).
" s" L/ c1 y5 P6 L) n- g/ x
6 s" j* B0 `( V+ x9 TFees
- z( s: `: s4 O" C
$ J7 T8 X9 D: I    Parks Canada's list of fees can be found at: http://www.pc.gc.ca/agen/tarifs-fees/index_E.asp
" [" s- @; b8 s" X0 @# V3.  Fees are payable when the reservation is made: Both reservation fees and camping fees are$ e: x' b% @" x5 N3 f2 D& X! I" s
    due when you make your reservation.& E1 T) |9 M5 J. E6 R! g
4.  Daily entry fees: The fees paid when you make your reservation do not include your
& q" R; y. r  u3 t! s* t! R4 I# ~    national park daily entry fees. You will be required to pay these daily entry fees upon- b7 h& l4 z, Y/ X- e  V
    arrival at the park.
$ y% r0 x9 B3 u/ T( {. S" N3 x, f# J& ]5.  Reservation fees: The reservation fee is non-refundable and covers the operating cost of  a0 h4 p1 A9 }5 \* v; a) `: a
    the Parks Canada Reservation Service. This fee is charged per stay. A stay is defined as6 m+ H8 f4 N7 }  \  P, d# B7 e! E
    a series of consecutive nights (not exceeding the maximum length of stay) in the same! U: _. V; K8 V
    campground. The fee to make a reservation is $10.80.
, R. F" b9 H5 H3 F6.  Camping fees: Camping fees are the fees paid for use of the campsite. They are charged on) [4 |, k+ r7 ]- U8 h! z: {
    a per night basis and the price is dependent on: the park; the campground; the type of' g* m: Z7 }4 ~0 H3 T  q
    campsite; and the service type. . H0 u  q& k/ B& D
7.  Changes and cancellations: Fees are also charged if you change or cancel a previously
" Q0 ^% e: A( Z7 c' X    confirmed reservation. The fee for each change or cancellation is $8.80 and is non-refundable.
7 C6 h. L  l% T    These fees, along with any additional costs for camping, are due when you make the) N! I# u' h/ W/ O9 o# q
    change or cancellation. % ?+ A7 R6 i  ^) v

1 w$ }; L0 Q! _" SMethods of Payment ' x* [: g& e" u; ?7 \

" }. I9 t" j7 a' `& j8.  Methods of payment: All costs incurred through the use of this service can be paid by
$ V4 J+ k) F$ G' X$ ^4 K    credit card (Visa, MasterCard or American Express), certified cheque or international
" |3 I# }# b" ]    money order.5 m& s0 m/ u3 b9 {1 U
9.  Certified cheques and international money orders: Certified cheques and international. z1 U* d$ Q4 B# l4 Q
    money orders are only accepted over the telephone; reservations using these forms of
! x% l8 j7 L( L& Q/ J/ D# M2 U' b5 N    payment cannot be made on-line. When this method of payment is used, campsite reservations
8 O8 a! X" K9 W2 }0 n! N: U+ M% b    will not be confirmed until the payment is received and processed.
# Z1 y  t3 d' B& G9 F: B    All reservations using certified cheques or international money orders must be made at/ l- t/ Q5 V6 H0 @  E( K- T, O
    least 35 days prior to your date of arrival at the campground. Payment must be received
/ @& T( W9 y7 A  @    for processing no later than 21 days from the date that the reservation was made.
2 P" e9 w5 d" e, G6 B- @. b* S% o( Q
    We will inform you of your confirmation number by email or by telephone once your
4 }) [. t1 n" A; k    certified cheque or international money order payment has been received and processed.   i; c3 |# k% m5 _( ]! x/ P) q4 \. N
( ?9 p+ F% ?; j2 ~& |
7 V( l( d2 n/ R! V* v% B4 J8 v& P3 h2 W5 S
10. Confirmation number: A confirmation number will be provided at the end of every completed
$ @: U2 w+ g  f+ A    reservation. If you do not receive a confirmation number, your reservation is not complete. $ b7 t0 `; T9 A* E
2 @+ m8 j9 ^$ F2 _! y
    It is important that you take note of this confirmation number and bring it with you to
3 y$ y6 S! m/ d    the campground. It is must be given to Parks Canada staff so that they can register you  B6 y  X' b) h( s+ M8 P1 \# X
    into the campground.
3 J  N3 a0 j9 N& k/ V/ x( S1 X/ g/ P: V$ Y/ l% Q1 p3 U
    For reservations made by telephone, you have the option of providing an email address" m$ N: |! S4 e  T3 X
    to receive an electronic confirmation, and/or you may want to write down the confirmation
  X  [" Y. w& k8 P( y" F3 p    number when you receive it verbally from the Customer Service Associate.* K% X8 E# I% A# }0 M0 f
3 I8 `: c) K- [! R7 n4 W4 t6 E
    For reservations made on-line, you should enter your email address to receive an
: F3 s- P7 j/ [' E+ ~* D    electronic copy of your confirmation. You can also print out the confirmation screen,
5 S# T0 D+ {  z8 ]) @6 ~, ~    and/or write down the confirmation number.! a' ^' v- [6 o9 F0 @
) l* _+ F& U$ o
    Remember that if you pay for your reservation by certified cheque or international
2 h5 F, Q, j) o. U    money order, you will not receive a confirmation number until your payment has been# Z9 Y+ j, u+ S1 @0 d& y8 P
    received and processed.
9 n- |7 H6 _& N) m( l* D5 t# T# G  k. `6 t6 `) X$ v# E
Changes and cancellations before check-in " y2 P0 k( D7 Z4 }% o

- \1 u( z1 h$ |2 t" ^& J11. Changes before check-in: You can change your reservation until 2:00 p.m. (local park time)
# r# m) s6 g: F1 x6 y    on your scheduled day of arrival.  Changes may include changes in date, campground (within1 k5 G( f+ z& h* z3 _
    the same national park), campsite type, service type, etc. Changes can be made online
* @" m0 f/ g+ f4 y' O( a. s& i- W    or by telephone. You will be charged a fee of $8.80 to make a change.  F" C5 D, s0 i3 k% S
12. Cancellations before check-in: Cancellations can be done online or by telephone. You
& S3 ^9 Y+ [/ c& }    will be charged a fee of $8.80 to cancel. A reservation can be cancelled before you
' t/ i: G+ Z6 {  U  n& j8 M4 N) }    check-in to the campground, subject to the following:! F3 W; d/ b" ^  S. K& j5 w
  - If you cancel your reservation prior to 2:00 p.m. on your scheduled day of arrival,7 H7 s$ F$ h& g. K, e9 ~3 V* a
    you will get a full refund for all of the camping fees you paid when you made your; \0 y. H6 A( B% R+ c. @  k
    reservation. The original $10.80 reservation fee is non-refundable and, in addition,/ a7 n( X4 H( h7 c0 {
    you will be charged a cancellation fee of $8.80 for this transaction.7 b3 m4 w& S. E) N: O
  - Cancellations made after 2:00 p.m. on your scheduled day of arrival and before
# O4 o' k5 c. L' B    11:00 a.m. on the following day will result in you losing the fees paid for one night
$ t2 ~$ X& u* k2 Z    of camping. You will be refunded the fees paid for the rest of your stay. The original' Q$ d' B# w8 E# T9 b4 C
    $10.80 reservation fee is non-refundable and, in addition, you will be charged a
( l; C& ]% P& `: s% c$ W5 }    cancellation fee of $8.80 for this transaction.2 O( B% ^2 S9 `4 e/ w6 I& c( y
# j2 H1 o$ Q' s' ^
Changes and cancellations after check-in . |- ?* H# p) C" N- m

0 [( ^2 t& ]( @13. Changes after check-in: We will do our best to accommodate any changes you request to
% i$ T  ]) O, L( S: b5 u0 k    your campsite once you are registered. It is important to note that changes cannot be
. A1 ?+ o" X: T; S$ O% L  m; [    guaranteed and can only be accommodated if a suitable campsite is available. If a change
# C1 U! T! }+ @  }$ V2 y! M9 l    is requested, there may be a difference in the new camping fee charged based on the
$ F1 P7 ?) |' I1 z7 o    services provided at the new campsite. The camping fee will be adjusted but the $8.809 f% ~) j) w/ E6 X& H
    change fee will not apply. Availability may be limited.8 Y3 t/ b# Y1 ?/ G, N2 \" n2 c! _
14. Shortening your stay: We recognize that plans change. There is no penalty for leaving
5 H, v. \9 f1 ?: ]    earlier than your original day of departure, provided that you notify the campground
) P7 J8 n$ N8 }4 ^$ f: X% ?4 r    prior to the check-out time on the day you want to leave. The $8.80 cancellation fee
! N& O8 X' m/ q( k* [2 w    will not apply and the unused portion of your camping fees will be reimbursed. Please
7 a( k/ [" V( h; ]: H+ c7 G    notify park staff at your earliest possible convenience if you plan on leaving early.1 Y2 ?0 E# C$ u2 R
    This will give other campers an opportunity to enjoy the park.
6 G2 a( s; H( ?+ i1 I" V  K+ [: s, |5 X7 v* n% [
Late Arrivals & j. y! [, |  f4 t# _

# O7 B7 X' ]+ E" c( }# }15. Late Arrivals – Notification on the day of arrival until 11:00 a.m. the day after the$ I6 y& E9 A0 G9 e4 ^; G5 D! m$ B
    expected day of arrival: If you are not going to be able to arrive at the campground& p$ Z# E+ ^  e) |5 Q6 Q
    on the day of arrival, but you still wish to retain your reservation, you must contact
3 l8 L3 Y0 d  T) e, t# {    the park office. If you do not know the telephone number for the park,- O% k0 {3 x/ \0 @/ C9 o
    call 1-877-RESERVE (1-877-737-3783).
' D" y/ S- q$ u0 s) o16. Late Arrivals – Notification after 11:00 a.m. the day after the expected day of arrival:
) O/ K% W& C- v' K% e( p' _    If you are not able to make it to the campground before 11:00 a.m. the day after your5 y9 V6 o' Y# ]" W
    expected day of arrival, and you have not notified us, the fees paid for your first two9 H5 k  d5 z3 `% P1 k
    nights of camping will not be refunded. You will also be considered a "No-show" (see- o9 e3 k; |7 S* t9 \
    policy #17) and your reservation will be cancelled. Please let us know about any late' F: ?' a9 L( i; X5 a6 R3 W
    arrivals in advance.+ t0 d2 c% _4 D7 l

0 U  K! ~4 B$ TNo-Shows
  s' r. q9 G5 A* k" j! N
9 N( s# {8 d0 r" o17. No-shows: If you do not arrive at the campground by 11:00 a.m. on the day after your
( O( L, F- e8 E& L8 H  q* k6 F7 `    scheduled day of arrival, and if you have not contacted the park to inform them of
8 K. W8 w) y/ z7 u    your late arrival, you will be deemed a "No-show.": q* K$ p0 ^; Y4 P) l, B+ {
9 Z) E& ~! L, @* R
    When you are deemed a "No-show," your reservation will be cancelled and your campsite
6 E0 D/ y; H5 Q2 H; D( |. D    will be made available to other campers.
9 q/ _- d+ V& L/ x2 l$ G6 G" U- R/ D' V% K
    If you are deemed a "No-show," you can claim your refund of the total camping fees
: Y& ^+ |6 V& Q% y" B6 }  }    paid, minus a penalty of two-nights of camping and the original, non-refundable,) A% p; x# q5 r+ `
    reservation fee of $10.80. This is provided that you contact the park within 30 days
. E. m1 v% _* t5 l5 u, e    of your originally scheduled departure date.
9 }; Y$ O7 O# g. |- }' x% r
& f7 }& X' v: H" f    Thirty days after your originally scheduled departure date your camping fees become& z: c( |  }6 l/ n, `( Z
# H# Q( W! ?- f- A, |$ ^3 J: j* D& ~" ^' ^. v! v
Closures + ]! y+ Z. H6 ]- g
( }3 ?: T) f5 S' q: ~
18. Closures: If Parks Canada must close a campsite or a campground for operational reasons,! p" S2 a* |+ s( n$ f+ J
    you will be refunded all fees. We will try and provide you with as much notice as+ E  B  x- H- S8 j, f( k
    possible if we encounter this situation.5 y+ M7 I, H1 X7 B; T$ N0 e  @% M

# a" ?$ x9 `; G( J( \8 c) f; LQuestions & More Information
4 I; h! B- n+ p3 q* S3 u) f
( l" O# z; ]* H1 ?) N0 d& zIf you have any questions about anything in this Terms of Use document, please contact us: , G9 ]* N% O$ ?* Z. L' r

2 V; l. H2 Z3 t, H: I- p7 D, x: Z1 i" @By email: assistance@pccamping.ca
* z7 K- z. f# V$ [# B( s2 OBy telephone: : f/ c" g3 C# }7 w: C7 H3 V$ z
    - 1-877-RESERVE (1-877-737-3783)+ ?( Q) J4 K! N# {& o' Y
    Toll-free within North America, Hours: 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. local park time' h2 |2 c% @+ M$ \5 B: c( K( e
    - 1-450-505-8302
5 L6 [. z& E% [: \    From outside of North America2 K6 l8 f* A: ?8 O( q" q
    - TTY: 1-866-787-6221 ' d% X% U% P- O/ W( V
    Toll-free teletype within North America
+ q# _7 m+ e" s2 g- r& ?* O4 tBy mail: 5 W# h4 P, j6 ^1 o" c5 H  f
     Parks Canada Reservation Service Manager
# ~- \2 R1 j! I- Q     Parks Canada / [1 e. A5 t4 G1 x5 |% m+ M
     25 Eddy Street (Station 25-6-O)
  V& O; c% f; O+ `, s2 C: ]     Gatineau, Quebec
7 _1 K2 V  `8 p7 V; f     Canada K1A 0M5
鲜花(16) 鸡蛋(39)
发表于 2010-7-17 17:56 | 显示全部楼层

第二天和第三天住在Lake Louise Inn

本帖最后由 2007 于 2010-7-17 18:58 编辑
6 x. L' S  b! A1 h0 K2 s" }/ {) ~& O( K3 P$ a* O
Lake Louise Sightseeing Gondola - Stay n Save 5 S- s2 t. D$ v7 W  C3 S
Book a stay of 2 nights or more in Lake Louise and save 50% when riding the Lake Louise Gondola! Valid May 15 - September 26, 2010. Gondola rides limited to the number of guests in lodging. Special offers are subject to availability, valid for new bookings only and may not be combined with any other offers. Some restrictions may apply. Select room product type to view discounted rate.  + I  R/ o! h. n2 J2 k' o& k
Item  Price  Taxes/Fees  Total  + b$ ^# A2 _) O7 P+ r" w  |% I
7 u  @: R3 O( f1 H( O! ^2 D(1) Superior Queen (main bldg)+ H" a  l% R1 i# q+ Y( Q) _
Lake Louise Inn
* h  {$ U; |% b& B5 p8 r2 zCheck In: 07/27/20108 ?( h. w6 n8 a4 D
Check Out: 07/29/2010
  T* Y0 U2 V) s, f. S( gAdults: 2
, m" V' Z+ @" {0 \% B5 B! \; a; VChildren: 0  
6 m6 F, h5 J& M0 g( l- B; p CAD 417.60  GST 21.30 9 t$ N0 B) A) y2 F! Z: Q  x8 K: f) V
Provincial Hotel Tax 17.04 6 ?# j9 u/ i0 Q0 Q
Tourism Improvement Fee 8.35 ) O* K0 `+ @* a3 e* H- e/ w$ _
CAD 464.29  7 k" Q* h2 m, a) d+ R( c" b3 }
Travel Protection   
8 x; n$ S3 X7 }! M8 v% u4 { CAD 36.96   0.00
4 p4 W' F' x, e" @0 N CAD 36.96  
4 \7 s1 {3 _6 v+ [1 s2 FBooking Fee   2 V/ F+ R: o* D
CAD 6.00  GST 0.30
# S; }2 Z# W8 Q  w& U0 G( K CAD 6.30  ; V# V; l- N' E$ W* |6 J
, U/ g  L6 g- o1 x) U0 R' }(1) Gondola Ride - Child (ages 5 and under)8 u& c! Z* R! x- T+ p3 m
Lake Louise Gondola) s& i# ]6 H1 Z# [' A; o' x
Date: 07/28/2010  
4 W5 [. Z/ M% Y" E CAD 0.00  GST 0.00
9 h7 D% O5 T/ a6 S0 M7 a CAD 0.00  
7 T' c& r' |9 q2 V6 }' \*****CONFIRMED***** / A, p5 w2 e( W6 a( C1 M3 r% R
(4) Gondola Ride - Adult (ages 16 and up), }% g  J' w  T" _0 Q; Z
Lake Louise Gondola! y) n9 f# A. n4 U
Date: 07/28/2010  
( i  N0 D6 o9 i$ k CAD 116.56 ) O* f3 d$ F, [( x' x4 ]
CAD 58.28  CAD 5.83
- Z7 ?, r, o. H$ A+ zGST 2.91
3 G, K/ t6 P1 x/ L) V& [0 { CAD 122.39
$ p+ V* x$ R8 B' WCAD 61.19  9 l1 j8 }( J; G# `/ R9 t( z5 F  W
Total (if purchased separately)  577.12  52.82  629.94  
' I/ [. p4 r2 @Package Savings  -58.28  -2.92  -61.20  
! v+ Q5 R' e0 i7 W) k3 Y# G+ NPackage Price  518.84  49.90  568.74  
, c6 z: g! q5 l# M$ j- h, h; ?% n* e& r; S; T- B2 A
, z4 [/ G, X  ?2 u1 a5 cLake Louise Inn 8 S7 I. c; R' Y; c
Check In: 4:00 pm
( p0 x; `  ?5 Y5 c; K9 `Check Out: 11:00 am
! @$ h+ i% Z/ C8 r
( a9 U: u4 f' V2 e- G8 N5 DPets: Allowed in select rooms. There is a $50 one-time fee per stay for cleaning purposes.6 J2 _" N' K7 s4 l9 K

, m" ^) h+ R# ?2 @6 @+ {1 S2 y7 YOther: A valid credit card imprint is required at check in for incidental charges (Visa, Mastercard or American Express). 7 z5 V2 U: W" F; g: ~
0 Y- U* S- e7 i6 x4 I+ h, e
Playpens available (no charge). ' |) J  \' W$ U# [7 o- f4 V8 L

. t' U) a" Q9 I/ K9 s$ P. R4 nWireless internet access in all rooms (subject to charges). ) Y/ @* `9 _7 V2 L
3 v+ i) N/ u+ U# I$ g
Smoke Free Clause: The Lake Louise Inn is a smoke free environment. This includes all guest rooms, food and beverage outlets, and meeting space. A $200 CDN cleaning charge will be applied to an account if a guest has been found to be smoking in these areas.
2 c3 \: i1 p  D$ Q) C6 UChildren: Children 17 years old and under may stay in their parent's room at no extra charge.4 o$ g8 {  u# \/ n3 ?
Superior Queen (main bldg):
! |0 K- U! M% j9 z. E9 @. s5 x5 @* e+ K2 m7 v1 l& ^  J1 ~
skilouise.com . A9 r' ~; Q/ \) ^/ [
Cancellation: If you need to cancel your booking, you must notify an agent at Resorts of the Canadian Rockies immediately. 1 I* z0 e  x9 R' d8 Z2 M1 |
/ G. B6 z9 K- Z9 |, b! s, c45 days or more prior to departure: $15 + GST per adult on file, and insurance premium.   v! H4 P! }% I
31 to 44 days prior to departure: Full deposit including insurance premium. 0 I) @- }" E# d3 E/ S5 n- g
Within 31 days of departure: Full amount paid is non refundable and non transferable.7 C8 l6 q! I6 a; K
+ h% I8 C+ F; }/ }# V
2 _) s$ ]9 S4 ]+ q+ p% {8 [0 w7 d
Deposit: For reservations made more than 45 days prior to departure, a deposit of 30% of land arrangements, and 100% of airfare and applicable travel insurance premium is required at time of booking. Balance owing is due 45 days prior to departure. 2 L& O7 q* e- |0 b: ]; \
For reservations made 45 days or less prior to travel date, full payment including travel insurance premium is due at time of booking.
0 e2 {2 [1 a4 l1 J& FCREDIT CARD PAYMENTS: Your use of a credit card number to apply deposit and/or final payment indicates your compliance with these Terms and Conditions, whether or not you have actually signed the appropriate draft. Verbal authorization for the use of a credit card confirms the reservation. " L  q4 o, r7 q6 s, [( r
AIR: Air rates are not guaranteed until flights have been confirmed and paid in full; once issued, airline tickets are non-refundable.
  U: T/ \) f; V1 B% jowing is due 45 days prior to departure.
3 k& V; N) `5 g0 t' A5 P# B>br> " [  @, F8 R; Q: z
For reservations made 45 days or less prior to travel date, full payment including travel insurance premium is due at time of booking.   \$ y/ T$ ]- l  V; R/ J
CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS: Your use of a credit card number to apply deposit and/or final payment indicates your compliance with these Terms and Conditions, whether or not you have actually signed the appropriate draft. Verbal authorization for the use of a credit card confirms the reservation.
5 o0 Q6 ^* I: Y' }6 @: m' A; ~: A1 ^- b
, o% g2 n( t1 X
AIR: Air rates are not guaranteed until flights have been confirmed and paid in full; once issued, airline tickets are non-refundable.& C9 S( z4 X1 M2 S6 A
: f$ [2 j% ?- s( B- J
Lake Louise Gondola 1 R  |. a7 H/ {& z5 c- Y! Q
Other: Hours of Operation: May 15 - June 12, 2009: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. June 13 - Sept. 7, 2009: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Sept. 8 - 30, 2009: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm.0 j4 v3 j; w" t4 R2 O7 ?2 `$ ]
Gondola Ride - Adult (ages 16 and up):
2 [- ?! U$ z' i& [; \Gondola Ride - Child (ages 5 and under):
鲜花(16) 鸡蛋(39)
发表于 2010-7-17 17:57 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 2007 于 2010-7-17 19:00 编辑
6 E- k  ?# S5 a/ r/ V' w- u3 ^2 J0 r! C" f' s
Thank you for making a reservation with Parks Canada. Here are the details of the reservation you made for Pocahontas campground in Jasper National Park of Canada. 5 m! L* `6 P3 ~% D. R

' \) d9 D( Y# {Please read through the following information about your reservation and our terms of use. 1 ~' Y: K' H8 m4 u- u( Z# `& k

  l8 ^$ ~6 o) XYOUR RESERVATION CONFIRMATION NUMBER IS: WJS0195106310P. Q0 ?' v) j# D0 r
7 `& J% w+ @7 e. E9 }$ @3 V, l

- H* w  l/ L' c2 o0 nTo assist our staff in registering you into your site, please present your reservation confirmation number when you check in at the campground. - A9 U& r9 g, N1 S' p5 \
6 ~- t4 b& C- P  W( I, f" t
6 ?; M3 i+ L& W
The details of your reservation are as follows:
. E2 C9 q( O; [) K+ C7 c
1 O7 g5 G2 u" T) `  X# RARRIVAL DATE: 2010/07/29
% y+ P0 q9 H, z6 oCheck in time: After 2:00pm
6 d2 _( ]+ o, q1 E* n/ mDEPARTURE DATE: 2010/07/30
9 }0 o! X, a# f8 ZCheck out time: Prior to 11:00am # o* O& x) c% _: {/ ]( _0 m3 P
NUMBER OF NIGHTS: 1 9 \  w; A! f% V/ r3 e* d$ h
2 Q, w$ N8 o1 j
2010/07/29 - 2010/07/29 8 T: \8 b5 }0 o0 E8 x
SITE NUMBER: N/A - Your site will be assigned upon arrival
) T7 ]  Z8 D8 Y8 [" y0 `0 TCAMPSITE SIZE: Large Tent
2 |2 ?5 ?1 t" r4 v' ?SERVICE TYPE: Unserviced (Fire Permit extra) . B5 b- O( t( A0 v

* o+ x- t3 J5 I5 U1 }! c$ ~% ~( ?/ b
The details of your payment are as follows:
: Y7 h- y% f! _( y9 a, y; ~; I
$ W/ D7 v$ q; N6 `8 _Reservation Fee: $10.80 (non refundable) 6 v1 I0 l- e" T7 p% y( y$ u) H  I
Camping Fee for 1 night(s): $21.50 1 `0 V) C/ i, i- b: k8 m, {
TOTAL Payment: $32.30
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