埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(28) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-3-28 10:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Usage-based billing (UBB) for Internet services
/ _) `( Z& t/ }2 F0 K5 d+ `. {; C发件人:Minister.Industry@ic.gc.ca;(由 bounce-522989-3039171@synergis.ic.gc.ca 代发)  c& s, U/ I& F! t6 R# P

) \% Y, c5 G8 r+ I% T7 @+ `$ a- P1 ?Dear Sir or Madam:                               
( a0 Y  i" }! k. S: v% _               
4 j. ]1 ^4 x4 U4 `6 @0 \/ h1 Z8 wThank you for expressing your concerns regarding usage-based billing (UBB)
- j. w/ T: p8 m7 |0 \$ m( nfor Internet services.  It is essential that I hear the views of Canadians2 M! z7 r/ R( l( ~  S
on the issues that matter.  Prime Minister Harper and I have been clear
& I$ X5 U/ i& H: I8 Pthat we cannot support imposing a UBB business model on wholesale Internet
! j0 ?3 b/ ~8 ]1 t- Xservice providers.1 u; a! o5 i) M" q2 m
                                                - a. |; J5 I' w  F1 N% Z* j& \2 w/ v
Our government recognizes that the Internet and digital technologies are
8 o; V( L- o& _an increasingly important part of everyday life—including driving
& t& c' B; c/ c5 F. Qinnovation, commerce and social interaction. As the government develops6 \; }+ H# H2 x7 A( s
Canada’s first comprehensive Digital Economy Strategy, we need to look9 |( e6 D# h  `1 k
carefully at how issues like UBB affect the big picture.  We will be  Y% e/ r& q! Q; i$ J
guided by our long-standing policies of encouraging competition and
4 e- f* U) z$ a' t/ h1 m/ q3 u8 iinvestment, increasing consumer choice, minimizing regulation and allowing6 Z8 u3 N! a, R# O& ]; G
market forces to prevail.
2 ^8 b, @8 L4 v$ l# _
1 B0 P0 r9 i& Q# [5 x( OThe Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) has. F+ M+ W' D" M- H* a8 m2 N& k% b
chosen to examine these concerns that the government shares with a large' q# {. D8 v4 X2 J) I
number of Canadians.  Details of the CRTC consultation are available at
( R6 @& c( D" F9 Z6 O1 G2 }( Dwww.crtc.gc.ca/eng/com100/2011/r110208.htm.
1 u# h1 q: R- B$ P5 b$ j2 }& ^# S4 O6 }0 F' b- s& x0 K
When the CRTC reaches a final decision following its consultations, the. {4 r3 b5 w! ^* g1 j- `$ A, ?
government will carefully assess the CRTC position to ensure that it is in
. c0 Q% z* H, u# S7 uline with the best interests of Canadian consumers and encourages0 \1 W& Q7 A" e9 i* |0 n' T' p
competition among internet service providers.  I will be recommending that
( M! C. c1 l0 ]6 H, Jany decision counter to these foundational principles be reversed.
. e- c. n1 a/ VYou can find the latest news on the government’s Digital Economy Strategy
, w; B! D) z% d. ?" r4 dand related issues at www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/ic1.nsf/eng/h_00008.html.
/ _; J" Q8 U* g* @! R' X. X5 Q* W+ m* N
Once again, thank you for writing.  I trust that this information is: B6 k+ |( n8 l+ {- r
helpful., Q, X9 C0 b9 S: r
3 g) T& M2 E- G( YYours sincerely,
4 K0 C$ @( ~/ X( x7 U) N
# c* U. Z  T: Q- {+ y8 Z1 I% L  [( H
% V' y- ^9 V8 ~. c0 ], K
Tony Clement
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-3-28 10:17 | 显示全部楼层
Harper is gone!!!
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-3-28 11:16 | 显示全部楼层
先不说Harper is gone= =
3 G" ]5 _; s! j' K% d; `) ?1 Z6 X/ V: k/ }
我觉得这封回信里关键的问题一点都没谈到诶( e% V# o$ g! C! M$ Z; a, t

; I% j. ^2 P- `3 U  ]& q浓厚的官腔
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-3-28 11:20 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
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