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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-3-31 17:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
请问有哪位热心人可告诉最近入籍考试题目啊!因为本人英语不好。加之4月15日就要参加考试。 Thank you very much.
鲜花(119) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-3-31 18:17 | 显示全部楼层
. ^0 W9 r& a, l4 l+ V- m( }一、与网上基本一致的题:" k1 }' o- A5 ]5 U4 W! |% P5 L/ S
1.Which province in Canada is the smallest in land size?
. p# T  e) B! I! N: B# ]•Prince Edward Island.
* w( l' e1 [  u4 c7 {7 }2. What are the three pars of Parliament?# c6 W2 M$ r5 K. i
•The Queen, the House of Commons and the Senate9 S3 [* h/ R" c: j( ?
3. What are the first two lines of Canada’s national anthem?
8 k; ~$ F& c% o  e- S. j•O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command.  k+ B. I* ^4 v. h- p. s
4. Which was the last province to join Canada?4 W. w5 i7 I- ?7 x2 y! [. L
•Newfoundland and Labrador.( K& ]  D! Q, w  x* `4 [4 S; Q
5. What are two official languages of Canada?# r6 U9 M9 [2 I, A4 I2 @' c' `
•English and French
) R- t4 x7 a4 D% H) h$ [6. Which province is the only officially bilingual province?$ U+ I2 J& H* j* u) @7 |
•New Brunswick.
1 p1 _! f+ F2 `% [) ^6 u7. One-third of all Canadians live in which province?4 ], x7 o3 t7 ?0 f" p" o! C
, l% r1 S; G  r6 X( R2 m% ~7 ~1 ~8. What are the Prairie Provinces?
8 d+ K2 p% {. ^7 B4 M•Manitoba, Saskachewan and Alberta
; q6 |) ]1 l8 n3 R$ c- J+ C9. Which province in Canada is the Smallest in land size?
' v5 k5 R. F) ~" w; O" X3 p•Prince Edward Island+ L0 ]' }, ?2 |
二、与网上大致一致的题:2 V" r  ]  o4 z+ |
1.Minister selected by ?  (注意问题问法不完全一样。其它选项与网上选项不太一样。)& M5 V* j* I8 J9 _1 P
2.What was the Women’s Suffrage Movement? (注意问题问法不完全一样。其它选项与网上选项不太一样。)
! V6 [+ H- t* l. o; M' o4 h5 Y•Women to achieve the right to vote.
: E. H) `4 ?9 H; u) q, I3.What should you do if you do not receive a voter information card before an election? (注意问题问法大致一样。选项与网上选项不一样,要逐一看题。)6 D6 q7 s& v, l, V
4.Who are Quebecois? (注意其它选项与网上选项不一样,要逐一看题。). `2 e" V: h6 I6 z' Q" l
•They form a nation within a united Canada.
( u$ B7 k, J+ |* J5.Who has the right to vote in a federal election? (注意问题问法不完全一样。其它选项与网上选项不一样,要逐一看题。)
" H$ r* U; O% z- ]% f0 W. J•A Canadian citizen, at least 18 years old on voting day and on the voter’s list.
" l& l% \) _* Z3 v( P! t3 U6.Which of the followings are the responsibilities of local government? (注意问题问法不完全一样。其它选项与网上选项不一样,要逐一看题。)
: y! o. |. p; \) b7.What does voting by secret ballot mean? (注意问题问法不完全一样。其它选项与网上选项不一样,要逐一看题。)
# g) q# u+ ?! u' H% n三、与网上完全不一样的题:7 o( b7 e8 S- B+ q
1.Why the Battle of Vimy Ridge is important? ? (注意问题问法不完全一样。其它选项与网上选项完全不一样,要逐一看题。)建议看书:P21页,The fist World war. 别忘了看右手图下的注解。
/ ^* v+ J* c4 ?# L2.Canadian Pacific  Railway. (注意问题问法不完全一样。其它选项与网上选项完全不一样,要逐一看题。)建议看书:P20页。5 l; W  r6 p- K  \. Y9 ]9 J6 w
3.Canadian’s Rights. 举了四个例子,让你选哪一个是公民的权利。(这道题网上没有,要结合公民权利义务来理解。)建议看书:P8页* U3 O; W8 p) d& _6 G0 a7 Q' h

# m( K; U2 c* {4 C" j" n   还有1道题,想不起来了。但应该是网上的题。如果与网上题不一样,我会有印象!) q! ~; L6 q- y0 G* V! P
鲜花(150) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-3-31 21:05 | 显示全部楼层
给楼主转到这里了,这里看到的人多一些。楼上回帖很详细,支持!2 l( K5 ^4 i3 K6 [5 V0 ^9 V
) q5 h# |9 j8 D! [' ]6 x
楼主能分享一下time line吗?啥时候递交的申请?
鲜花(6) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-3-31 22:05 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(6) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-3-31 22:18 | 显示全部楼层
请问有哪位热心人可告诉最近入籍考试题目啊!因为本人英语不好。加之4月15日就要参加考试。 Thank you very much.
* _# u- ~5 x6 y6 @+ Qwing 发表于 2011-3-31 18:16

$ n! B: X8 m( [4 Y( W  khttp://www.v-soul.com/onlinetest/( N" u1 ?- x. o
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-1 15:52 | 显示全部楼层
2# Elainezhao
, T- E) Y% ^5 r( l! d" b  j+ }  {  f7 ?: k0 z

) n, C# r! z: H# ?) q3 y) D- @Many  thanks for your great help. I appreciate you very much. I already wrote down, then I recite them now. Thank you very much again.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-1 15:58 | 显示全部楼层
5# 童趣 3 p# ?- |% s2 D1 D* e

) f: J% c% S4 \! _2 h' s3 ^3 m非常感谢您的指点和热情帮助。我会去做这些题的。多谢! ! y6 }3 U5 y  \. I# U
鲜花(150) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-4-1 16:07 | 显示全部楼层
楼主能分享一下time line吗?啥时候递交的申请?
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