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[亚省新闻] 亚省何去何从,经济能够持续发展吗?

鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-11-29 14:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
-- edmontonchina.com, 曲小青
6 B1 a' L9 @( b( u9 F9 @, @; }2 t  ~; ]! J5 l( F
Ted Morton竞选平台的主要一条是要把Alberta 的公共医疗系统私有化。这并不是什么新思想。公共医疗私有化的想法是十年以前由Ralph Klein 政府首次提出来的。
' V& i0 t$ a$ I, [; S8 A1 H
- ~5 F; C6 Y: W9 \2 ~( q* y九十年代中期,油价暴跌, 到过13 美金一桶。Alberta 财政是债务累累,赤字重重。省长Ralph Klein为消减政府开支,大量裁减政府部门,关闭医院,合并大学院系,解雇政府雇员。因为公共医疗是省政府的一大笔开支,Ralph Klein 提出公共医疗私有化的想法。但医疗系统私有化对人们影响极大,始终没有实施。
3 w- O6 t( v" u- C. `. Q. E; x
8 ^$ k" L9 T( ^9 i0 C十年后的今天,情况大不相同,油价是60美金一桶,Alberta 政府既无内债,也无赤字。因为油砂的开采,Alberta 有北美最热的经济,省政府有上亿加币的财政结余,让整个北美都嫉妒。支持公共医疗系统根本不再是问题。现在面临的是过热的经济带来的新问题:缺少人手,缺少居住房屋,因为开采油砂用了大量的水造成的水源不足,等等。
6 b7 n8 U6 B+ C8 o( B  m) S# K( ~+ Y+ U7 S& N% _( r
Ted Morton 无视当前的大好经济形势带来的新的挑战,却埋头于翻旧账,热衷于过了时的议题。这是和他的背景分不开的。Ted Morton出生于美国加州,在Calgary 大学作了20年的政治学教授,没有任何在政府部门和工业界工作过的经历。大学教授的讲义从来都是教科书上抄下来的过了时的内容。( x% i) i& @% |9 m2 B! R

3 g. ^! P0 g: J8 g0 g$ I4 d这就是Jim Dinning 所说的他和Ted Morton之间的分歧是:0 }1 E% F+ w+ m$ X% o

/ d% E$ I3 a6 ]about the difference between those of us who want to take on tomorrow’s challenges and those who want to fight yesterday’s battles.1 h4 o' H, I& W, J

  o! U3 L+ w' w. p7 m$ D% v9 z& LJim Dinning 说,他要迎战明天的挑战,而不是继续打昨天的旧仗。Ralph Klein 的时代已经过去了。Jim Dinning说, 他支持RCMP, 支持公共医疗系统,强调环境资源。
% V! k; @# D5 I' H; ~
0 \% s  V+ A  d9 f. eJim Dinning说, “我要领导一个进步保守党的团队,它能保持住 Alberta 经济的高速增长,它能预见未来,想在前面,能管理好膨胀的经济对人们的影响,对家庭和社区的影响, 对环境的影响,对价值观,和对生活质量的影响。”7 v, _# F# [4 X! p$ Y7 k

. j, O( p! F  o) o+ eJim Dinning 是Alberta生,Alberta长的阿尔伯塔人。他长期服务于政府部门和工业界,有丰富的管理经验。Jim Dinning 曾任省财务部长,仅用三年的时间就消除了财政赤字。4 Z; y# z8 T5 T1 g- x! o; z

7 |: S  i- j  t% v: ZJim Dinning热爱Alberta,了解Alberta。他能展望Alberta的未来。Jim Dinning的计划是为 Alberta设置高标准,让今天的繁荣变成财富。建设一个我们都想要的Alberta省.
2 G- n9 B2 N2 f  D3 U$ g  A. Z5 p
/ S/ ~- S+ p. S& x* Z9 a为了Alberta 的未来,投Jim Dinning 一票。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-11-29 22:18 | 显示全部楼层


如果我有选举权,我要投给Ed Stelmach,他更重视quality of life, public health care and education and public service.) f; V; y8 j* a; {+ v9 Z% \0 h
鲜花(1394) 鸡蛋(16)
发表于 2006-11-30 09:47 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-11-30 11:33 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
Jim was a executive of a big comany, he has strong connections with businessmen in Calgary. If he is elected, he will look after those big oil companies, but not ordinary people.
( ?& ]& R$ T, Q1 i4 S; |) xThe loyalty fee was $2.8 per barrell for oilsands project, but now we only charge $1.7 per barrell while the oil price is historical high, it is almost give away. Albertans obiviously did not get fair share from resources they have. Ted Morton is the only candidate who is planning to change loyalty structure.
( Z3 f5 `) o3 o% a  z- p5 X0 W
- K" j( K4 l2 {$ ^7 xI support Ted Morton!
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-30 14:42 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 smalltown 于 2006-11-30 10:33 发表) K0 s, E8 F! N. Q6 ~& Y

& O1 K7 @- N! P& B& v... The loyalty fee was $2.8 per barrell for oilsands project, but now we only charge $1.7 per barrell while the oil price is historical high, it is almost give away. Albertans obiviously did not get fair share from resources they have. Ted Morton is the only candidate who is planning to change loyalty structure.
& ]7 {4 Y6 Z$ _/ x$ w) M

1 K' B- u, g: D  iIf less loyalty fee can give big oil corporates the incentive to invest more in Alberta oil sand project, to keep Alberta’s booming economy going, to create more jobs, then I don’t have any problem with that.
7 D, g5 k& m" m5 \4 H! p$ [9 ]3 |' }+ S
Recall that during Alberta’s first oil boom in late 70’s, Federal government envied Alberta’s rich oil money, increased tax on oil industry. Followed by the oil price drop, many oil companies went to bankruptcy, thousands of oil workers were laid off and left Alberta. That in turn caused real-estate bankruptcy. We don’t want to replay that history.
8 S1 m0 z. l/ v, R
# _9 ~6 a; g- o: c, q) TThe fact that Ted Morton committed to increase loyalty only convince me more he is lack of experience.
# e4 O* U2 D% w. I
  O! ]0 _, G% c. m  E: a7 o5 xVote for Jim Dinning. Get the Alberta we are ready for.
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-30 18:30 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 cj0425 于 2006-11-29 21:18 发表0 ^5 }- ?0 X7 m1 l% T5 a
... 如果我有选举权,我要投给Ed Stelmach,他更重视quality of life, public health care and education and public service.8 d# x/ c% m. S( X

, v$ a1 y& V6 N; f+ y* N; e+ S% a
% E6 t* e- u& g$ _" l5 sEd Stelmach is not a leader, but follower. He doesn't have his own ideas. He just copied all Jim Dinning’s campaign platform, and repeats what Jim said. He would be a good right hand man for Jim.0 v5 k0 |: O3 G0 ~& I4 k8 {

2 Q; [% [( \4 y4 a2 u1 HVote for Jim Dinning, the Alberta’s leader for next ten years!
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-1 19:24 | 显示全部楼层
明天,十二月二日,阿尔伯塔人民将选择一个新省长,他将带领阿尔伯塔人民迎战未来的十年。! W" @& {& }; y4 v4 w( m8 p8 j
; {& H7 m( u2 @
如果你支持公共医疗系统,如果你希望阿尔伯塔有持续的经济增长,持久的繁荣,如果这是你想要得阿尔伯塔省,请投Jim Dinning一票。
- s) f: O' ~4 W- g# ]! V7 D
& L9 y: r- g& x0 x: S! J' J! o' OFor Alberta’s future, vote for Jim Dinning!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-12-1 20:59 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 老杨 于 2006-11-30 08:47 发表+ ?4 ?' w* }1 s% a
' i- u  U% k  K
  }0 o2 ?: S6 v. m# i( b* ^  I

2 W: a, C8 n2 O- f3 I很明显, 没鉴定对.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-12-2 23:25 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(23) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-12-3 00:37 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(150) 鸡蛋(3)
发表于 2006-12-5 20:57 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1535) 鸡蛋(28)
发表于 2006-12-6 10:41 | 显示全部楼层
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