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鲜花(677) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2016-3-3 18:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
       惠孟臣紫砂壶鉴定3 l1 o( o$ {* V7 ~- }4 Z

+ w8 R# [3 G4 c. Z" _: S5 ]        惠孟臣(约明代天启到清代康熙年间),壶艺名家。惠孟臣壶艺出众所做的壶式有高神、梨形、鼓腹、平肩等,他的作品以小壶多,中壶少,大壶最少。(Hui Mengchen  distinguished teapot artist in late Ming Dynasty (1368-1644),and he was particularly known for his outstanding potting skills)
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  v; ]$ i# t- p$ V* G方法/步骤7 V4 Q9 o' v: @8 z- t9 E
1、我们先来看看惠孟臣紫砂壶,他的紫砂壶独具一格,别有一番风味。(Now let's look at HuiMengChen are recommended, he recommended unique, don't have a taste.)
* G/ A& q; m$ {6 Z- g' n0 M2、惠孟臣的壶采用的泥质细腻,胎质细薄,壶身为滚圆形,整体看起来小巧玲珑,雅致脱俗。(HuiMengChen pot USES the argillaceous is exquisite, TaiZhi thin, the pot body is round roll, whole looks small and exquisite, elegant and free from vulgarity.)# j: d% x  I" B6 ~/ p
3、拿到一个惠孟臣的紫砂壶壶,你首先看的就是落款,其次从工艺才去判断它是不是符合壶艺人的作品。(Get a HuiMengChen recommended pot, the first thing you see is evolving, second from the process to figure out whether it conforms to the artist's works.)
& }. F9 X0 D5 z4、惠孟臣的紫砂壶工艺,他作的紫砂壶小巧玲珑,造型奇特,而且每个壶都修饰得光泽莹润,线条圆转流畅,成为孟氏突出的风格特征。(HuiMengChen recommended process, he recommended small and exquisite, modelling unique, and each pot of modified glossy jade-like stone embellish, turn round smooth lines, become monteggia outstanding style.)6 y! u7 K( H. I# Y, e; u( A
5、拿到惠孟臣的壶,那么上手的手感细腻,而且表面不会有太多的杂质,这一个特点你可以从他壶的壶身去看出来。(Get HuiMengChen pot, then to fit the feel is exquisite, and the surface will not have too many impurities, this a feature you can from his pot pot body to see it.)
% a; o8 ^) v6 v2 Y0 h6、最后就要看壶的工艺了,你先看一下你的壶嘴,纽,跟壶柄是否在同一水平线,其次就是轻轻用手敲敲壶的声音。能否听出清脆的声音。(Finally depends on the pot of the process, you first see your spout, New York, with the handle is on the same horizontal line, followed by hand gently knock on the voice of the pot. Can hear the ringing sound.)/ l+ T2 I/ K: |9 @
& X& k; d; A$ _( v3 R
       惠孟臣,荆溪人,著名壶艺名家。“孟臣”姓惠,是从听泉山馆珍藏的白砂大壶中得知的,根据是此壶底款有“天启丁卯年荆溪惠孟臣制”楷书十一字。关于他的姓氏、籍贯和大约生活年代有了较明确的断定。2 m, n1 n/ F$ w3 x8 O% Z: F
       惠孟臣壶艺出众,独树一帜,作品以小壶多、中壶少、大壶最罕,所制茗壶大者浑朴,小者精妙。善于配制多种调砂泥,有白砂、紫砂、朱砂,以朱紫者多,白砂者少。壶式有圆有扁,有高身、平肩、梨形、鼓腹、圆腹、扇形等,尤以所制梨形壶最具影响,十七世纪末外销欧洲各地,对欧洲早期的制壶业影响很大。据说安妮皇后在定制银质茶具时,要求模仿惠孟臣的梨形壶。孟臣所造小壶大巧若拙,移人心目,以擅制小壶驰名于世,后世称为“孟臣壶”,这种小壶特别适合于饮功夫茶,因而风靡南国。后期专制朱砂几何形小壶,造型奇、体积小、工艺精。这种壶式为后世水平壶的前身。孟臣壶工艺手法极洗练,富节奏感,尤其是壶的流嘴,不论长或短,均刚直劲拔,有着与众不同的鲜明特色。壶体光泽莹润,胎薄轻巧,线条圆转流畅,成为孟臣壶突出的风格特征。: `7 n0 @7 b4 m6 ]. [( t# X
      惠孟臣制壶,除注重壶体浑朴精妙外,尤注重铭刻的书法。他的刻款书法秀娟,不离唐贤风格,笔法绝类唐代大书法家褚遂良。“孟臣壶”传器款识有书“文杏馆孟臣制”、“荆溪惠孟臣制”、“惠孟臣制”、“孟臣制”。有的前面标有制作年份或绝句,如“大明天启丁卯孟臣制”、“水浸一天星孟臣”、“叶硬经霜绿孟臣制”、“烟村四五家孟臣”或“云入西津一片明”、“寸心千古秀”等诗句,一般是在十几字组成的诗句或吉祥语闲章下镌刻孟臣制,字体多为楷书,也有行书体,笔势灵动,具书法韵味,用竹刀刻划,后期作品并用钤印。孟臣壶的款识以盖内有“永林”篆书小印者为最佳精品。 7 l4 Y. B( l; c) M; T
1 U6 n" M" @8 f  W* E6 L, j& f
- W3 L  j5 ]7 q! e! ^& g* L2 C- Yhttp://baike.baidu.com/link?url= ... sT7t-7eobVgaEBoTEba, F, U5 N% x9 j+ S
鲜花(200) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2016-3-5 19:49 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(200) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2016-3-5 19:49 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(677) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2016-3-5 19:54 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美

. f/ X/ H1 H- k& W6 }
鲜花(677) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2016-3-5 19:55 | 显示全部楼层

; o+ o$ h8 e8 {) D9 }# @
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