埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-1-4 20:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Single Family Home: 平均价$341933, 比上月增2.36%. 中间价$329000,比上月增2.81%
5 `1 z" F7 u3 q" }7 }2 F/ e8 P* ~2 @8 n8 z

* r" Q" Z9 h3 P% Y! q( `) n, N6 r1 ~$ O
+ B" \2 N/ u8 F" V$ u
) B* l3 X, Z. t3 n/ v
7 A3 t) ?# R$ h( X: F2 a3 eMonthly MLS® Report
5 @7 A3 o- U+ h3 D1 S
0 g# \. c" ?% ^" r--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! @# h' {* {$ {6 i# b1 f9 Z  E5 Z3 R: e* ^# [4 V: @- z
Astonishing Year in Real Estate) L. u8 B' W: L- o" k; A
Edmonton, January 4, 2007: The Edmonton Real Estate Board released year end numbers today for what has been an astonishing year. The number of sales through the Multiple Listing Service® broke all previous records even as prices for all residential property soared.; Y9 f3 l2 ~9 T
3 h1 }) h" v0 z0 a0 @
“Edmonton caught up with other major markets in the country this year,” said Madeline Sarafinchan, EREB President. “No one anticipated the dramatic rise in prices although Edmonton real estate has been undervalued for the last few years.” Higher than anticipated sales were driven by a heated Alberta economy and housing demands from residents and newcomers to Edmonton.
- d' X) L5 Z" ^- a, @6 d4 V4 Q% Z' @* @* V
The average price* for a single family home in December was $341,933; up 2.36% from last month and the all-residential average price rose four percent to $294,155. Condo prices continued to climb from last month in response to the demand for entry-level housing. Condo prices rose 6.98% in December to $227,428. Duplex and row house average prices were up almost four percent at $295,178.
* o4 V' [; X* n$ |+ ?1 q. b1 J
. Z, ^% v8 J6 l. o1 a4 @% O2 S( z4 J" j2 GAverage housing prices as compared to December 2005 were markedly up. An average priced single family home sold for $225,130 last December but had risen 51.9% in price by year end. Condo prices advanced 52.4% over the year from $149,254 to $227,428. All residential property combined was up 48.65% when comparing December figures. When averaged over all twelve months, the average residential selling price went up 29.38% from $193,934 to $250,915.. [: R5 x) |3 R4 N6 _9 W
+ Z, g% n9 J+ t/ ]! [6 p- h
Rising prices did not slow down residential sales. MLS® sales were up 19% in 2006 over the previous year. 25,393 residential properties were listed and 21,984 were sold resulting in a sales-to-listing ratio of 87%. The total MLS® (including rural, recreational, industrial and commercial properties) had 25,316 properties sold and valued at over $6.6 billion.
8 R9 p1 p% v9 R  ?- o% e$ M* o9 j5 t; m. @* q  {
“This time last year I predicted that inventory would be a concern,” said Sarafinchan. “Inventory has declined through the year and we enter the new year with just 2,012 residential properties available. That is 882 less than last year at this time.” Fifty more properties were sold last month than were listed resulting in a December sales-to-listing ratio of 105%. One month sales have exceeded listings just twice in recent years. The previous occurrence was in May 2006.
" B+ V/ C( q9 m& C
' R1 o/ l. X9 N) j6 l0 rIn December the average days on market was up slightly to 30 days. There are 3,104 members of the Edmonton Real Estate Board available to help buyers and sellers with their real estate transactions.
7 d) `; V" j6 Z9 T# _% ~
% [* c) F$ l. I- F# HOut in the country, rural sales were strong in 2006 with total rural, recreational and acreage sales of $768 million. The strong economy provided opportunities for some homeowners to invest in recreational properties. At the same time more buyers sought rural properties to avoid the intense competition and rising prices in the urban areas.  L0 Z3 R' W8 t

0 F0 _$ N+ s( g& }Commercial sales through the Multiple Listing Service® also set records in 2006. Total sales of $318 million eclipsed the previous year end total sales record of $277 million set in 2003.9 @1 p, v- a+ t: g( m& f( ^- |, G
# `! @% p: Q# z$ E  f
* K! ]$ w( l+ i) Z7 m) K. w; g4 z" M
* Average prices indicate market trends only. They do not reflect actual prices, which vary from house to house and area to area. For information on a specific area, contact your local REALTOR®.
. C7 ?. `* b% c$ l. J; ^  s' T; t0 ~, O
The Edmonton Real Estate Board, founded in 1927, is a professional association of over 3,100 Brokers and Agents in the greater Edmonton area. The Board administers the Multiple Listing Service®, provides professional education to its members, and enforces a strict Code of Ethics and Standards of Business Practice. The EREB also advertises property listings and publishes consumer information on the Internet at www.mls.ca and www.ereb.com, as well as in the Real Estate Weekly and on their website at www.rewedmonton.ca for the benefit of REALTORS® and their clients. The EREB supports charities involving shelter and the homeless through the Edmonton Realtors’ Charitable Foundation (ERCF).0 e' ]- Z( g. A- a/ P

/ S, U  D4 Z& q. R8 h0 U# yHighlights of MLS® activity
+ F$ p9 [4 H* d5 P( p2 m; L  m! Y# r6 x5 L( ]
December 2006 activity Record for the month* % change from December 2005
/ Q8 N' e  @. J3 |5 [Total MLS® sales this month 1,204* 17.60%
# e. |( [1 J% W- A7 nValue of total MLS® sales - month $389 million* 80.80% , ^1 K) \+ S2 `
Value of total MLS® sales - year $6.60 billion* 55.50% 2 i8 B* F: p6 t* p3 n; s$ V0 x0 \
Residential¹ sales this month 1,074* 18.30%
& d/ n" F& \9 LResidential average price $294,155* 48.70%
9 F* S4 z/ A1 k: @SFD² average selling price - month $341,933* 51.90% 8 ]+ a+ O2 ~% D- ?$ f
SFD² median³ selling price $329,000* 53.10%
, B: q+ G1 n0 B) }& M& KCondo average selling price $227,428* 52.40%
5 E# p3 E! P1 T3 R7 d/ u/ Q
/ m: ]8 ]' Q( m* K¹. Residential includes SFD, condos and duplex/row houses.
& U* A6 v# p. t! x" c: H) u; s². Single Family Dwelling
2 |4 B. b' \0 T# a1 l* h³. The middle figure in a list of all sales prices
7 g# d, Q+ l! U4 R" G$ `0 V: q- o: g. v4 X& z8 z
For more information contact:
7 K( A5 ?% Z% n1 Q8 `' b* RJon Hall, Marketing and Communications Manager
3 j# f: b$ L* GBus: (780) 453-9323+ U: ~+ Q  h! w  A/ F4 E1 i1 J
Fax: (780) 452-1135
% @3 j. Y, O- j; VE-mail: query@ereb.com
$ f- Z- `  r, O8 k( j- z$ }8 C2 f6 ]0 }& g$ p. R$ R
[ 本帖最后由 混在加拿大 于 2007-1-4 19:49 编辑 ]
鲜花(150) 鸡蛋(3)
发表于 2007-1-4 22:43 | 显示全部楼层
卡城到现在也没有官方realtor网站正式承认下跌,但是已经是百姓认可的事实。这是非官方的一个realtor网站的数据. 目前卡城listing price比7月份虽然下降了,但是目前成交价格82%仍然低于listing price.! h/ c! u4 p& E$ t% e6 G& ~% J
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-1-5 09:26 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 醉酒当歌 于 2007-1-4 21:43 发表+ Y  @  e1 g0 Y& U
卡城到现在也没有官方realtor网站正式承认下跌,但是已经是百姓认可的事实。这是非官方的一个realtor网站的数据. 目前卡城listing price比7月份虽然下降了,但是目前成交价格82%仍然低于listing price.
- k: `4 p* ?4 p+ M) fwww.bo ...

. g2 C3 h% ^. `$ t
' E! f& Q9 y1 ?' H众人皆醒我独醉。。。。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-1-5 21:25 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #1 混在加拿大 的帖子

老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-1-5 21:36 | 显示全部楼层
my god
" p- Z- t: [! H; w
* k8 `  B6 [6 R0 O# W1 Rno way to buy a house now
鲜花(86) 鸡蛋(3)
发表于 2007-1-6 12:34 | 显示全部楼层
  ~0 T9 @' ^6 U, g$ w/ L
) e* t) U' m# t; `但帖子还是要顶!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-1-6 14:08 | 显示全部楼层
买房子买不起, 可以去买地呀!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-1-6 17:57 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-6 18:09 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 今天闲着 于 2007-1-6 11:34 发表
6 i7 |& K# u5 M, y楼主的双眼皮晃得我睁不开眼。7 m/ Z8 ^6 v$ R6 p* N' n4 _( z  d& D

9 X; j/ W$ B' z1 \3 [% {但帖子还是要顶!

" E) v+ N7 N7 C/ @' O# y' d0 {- c' I) E* N. @
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-1-6 21:45 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-1-12 11:02 | 显示全部楼层

Edmonton 12月 房价 稳步上涨

鲜花(86) 鸡蛋(3)
发表于 2007-1-20 01:47 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 混在加拿大 于 2007-1-6 18:09 发表$ L' g; @4 }. q* `

6 H- B. D1 y2 w+ V
9 b- `7 F7 k: d是不是晃得你有点怕,香肠都不敢来拿了,哪天我嘴馋忍不住吃了你可别后悔哦

9 x& {8 W( L8 `1 z- ^' k* E/ ^# K- W' U
哈!你不说我都忘了。别,千万别吃!我曾经嘱咐过你的!) f0 `3 g3 M- U) ]
4 i+ [( O7 o: u3 \# q
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-1-20 04:33 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
/ o" g% q" R, q0 c醉酒开始嚷嚷的时侯,我朋友17万买了个TOWNHOUSE,前几天24万卖掉了
0 D, T: _- q# Y( ~' A9 i# M醉酒嚷嚷的这段过程,我朋友挣了7万块
0 K* _* h/ @$ H7 H! S  Q) d9 N3 t  R0 u& S! f3 N
至于醉酒对错我就不说了,我不是让大家都去买房或卖房; L/ L5 j5 y1 R2 f& t4 G
2 q2 Q! F1 L5 w' D' J3 T到底啥时候,我知道你会说"快了.快了".....
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