埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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开放日(OPEN House)2-4pm2月3日(周日 )Bonnie Doon宜居华府!3卧3卫,海量升级!位...

鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2019-1-26 17:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 房屋信息发布 于 2019-2-1 14:07 编辑 ) {- }- G' e8 @9 L( r1 W, }6 _. p

" J/ O' g; q0 [) @4 H地址:8814 94 ST NW
1 u3 s* s9 \  j6 j1 k+ }% F' @0 r/ H3 f/ Z9 O7 [) @
售价:$774,9000 a, P5 {/ l: Y9 |
. e; @6 P. [! t1 O5 H' o2 K
联系方式:老杨团队 ; s/ i$ t# b! g  [
5 v& L& G, o) s5 ~0 p4 h+ d
http://www.century21.ca/cn/fan.yang# t- A8 f6 O( E
0 r" W# p! V& k! X1 J1 b0 X! A
% g5 Y6 }5 ~- U* ]0 o+ I7 Y& |) u1 a
. O6 N1 d. m8 D) z, q8 z
- X0 ^$ S7 _5 ]( q2 f& D8 D6 s+ d$ I% N/ S* ^

' Z2 z" Q# a! o" [4 }6 H: R1 T) uBonnie Doon宜居华府!这栋全新双层好房已万事俱备!从内至外时尚设计、顶级奢华品质,海量升级、采光通透!这里有您喜欢的一切——开放式设计、色彩搭配时尚、超大明窗、美食厨房和全套高端厨电……一应俱全!6 d" i8 d. ~8 I: }( O' N: ~

" e9 o7 n( j6 m( I: d/ \当你沿10\'玻璃护栏的楼梯拾级而上,二楼三间卧室、2套卫浴、便利洗衣间一一映入眼帘的堪称奢华!主卧设有超大可步入式衣橱和一套全升级5pc卫浴套间。美宅全自动化,现代时尚。后院围栏已做好,景观完成。车库设有独立电力系统,可为汽车供电。- b3 S; g; {/ i

1 v& \4 ^3 k9 z: K3 m, I4 w位置便利,临近各种生活设施,周边步行道环绕。2 R* A) H' }& u% k, Z
5 K% \  e& O5 o9 V- k0 [
3 R/ f& J+ u+ Z; T6 G( c+ j
/ }9 ^3 w6 Q( s; E2 ZChoose Bonnie Doon to live to the best of both worlds! This brand new 2 story single house has almost everything you need. It offers modern design in and out, top quality finishes, tons of natural light and countless upgrades! If you like open concept, light interior color, huge windows, gourmet kitchen and high tech appliances...It has them all! 8 g4 A) e: {1 ^9 ?

* l; ]! ~) ~) e* WWhen you walk along the 10\' glass-walled stairs to the second floor, where 3 bedrooms/ 2 bath/ a laundry room located, you will find not only comfort here, but also the feeling of luxury! The beautiful master bedroom has a large WIC and a fully upgraded 5pc ensuite. The home is Automation ready. The backyard is nicely landscaped and fenced. The garage has a separate electrical and ready for Electrical Vehicle to plug in. Ideal location- close to all amenities. Many walking trails around. Definitely move-in ready!
' \, ?) z0 Z5 y9 N4 a0 b: g5 o! q1 v; K9 ^; w5 {
0 j0 P% I; M, v: M( L7 J4 L

. i- I) ^4 d& U6 X' M, F) O4 T% R6 y% [
$ G0 e1 c# Q# f7 n( @! A- C

: W( x- F; Z6 j/ m% v2 |# K$ f& }( w5 P& z( X* }
$ B6 |3 K0 n3 Z

0 H5 T# I4 E9 _2 }) F0 R7 l/ j! R$ S& v) e7 c
+ Z# n1 ~/ }, k# b
5 K$ ]) l5 b% {  G- M( H

: p: s' f" b; o) D9 I
6 {/ C& t/ m# M: B' R" T
+ }! U2 q8 Z" o& s+ l3 l0 A, f4 y2 e( b# k+ n/ a

* Z$ S/ ~* t7 R& k. c, I+ i
# T/ j$ Z9 B4 K: L" L( C7 j; z+ Q9 p7 r

! ~  H; z$ u' p: z4 `8 Q
- J  C% L# H! J* U# A' F" x* T$ ^4 k% c$ \

$ S3 T1 D# |# E7 U6 z/ W- ^( C% H) S2 B

" H; V( I. e& T( A/ G, G: o0 Z+ P- r/ ~
3 Z5 m1 a; S1 b: d" D) @! a5 i& ^
' N# z5 n" f$ Z. ]! B& z
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2019-2-1 13:07 | 显示全部楼层
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