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开放日(OPEN House)2-4pm9月21日(周六)叹为观止!Allendale优质华府,4卧4卫地下室...

鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2019-9-9 16:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 房屋信息发布 于 2019-9-18 10:46 编辑
2 S6 P) Q8 C% c! N7 P7 B# x  ^4 c8 V7 d9 W) G$ ^: ^; P( f* L5 U
地址:10815 69 Avenue( O: ^+ _% Q; r' D9 J

# @) B% {3 A4 N9 }' d) x1 H; t% T售价:$738 000% d8 c: a; ~, S8 }3 V

& |  ]; l1 [* ]$ x! ?联系方式:老杨团队 0 V+ U- {2 `4 p; ^0 v4 N6 O1 S
2 b2 [( _; o6 B" S" F
http://www.fanyang.com+ z7 i6 L5 A# K
! j# X; D$ O+ ~0 a1 e* s: b! C
好房详情,请点击:& `, k! k$ }+ }2 o8 t, j% W: c

% a, o1 \  N8 J& `https://www.fanyangteam.com/for-sale/10815-69-Avenue--E4172019$ x/ B2 `6 S) u( ]* m

2 C9 A, `* F3 o5 {( m. [0 I# n; h) v) N# \
8 m; Z$ H5 i4 A; v! P8 @
优质华府、叹为观止!这栋全新美宅位于Allendale优质好区,坐享2200平尺宜居空间,令君过目不忘!外观采用高品质定制设计,无论是建筑外观还是富丽堂皇的暗窗装饰以及楼梯,都令君耳目一新!步入室内,专业的设计和精雕细琢的惊艳细节处处彰显品质!全屋3层均是9尺天花板。主层设有宽敞书房。开放式厨房内,配备了全升级厨电、照明装置一应俱全!, b0 i6 S) s3 U9 e; F, [

/ g( @- I: ?/ }1 N3 m" x2 `楼上设有4间卧室和3间独立卫浴间。除了豪华套间外,南向主卧还配置了美式可超大步入式衣橱。地下室未完全完工,但已设号独立出口,潜力巨大!后院风景如画,配有超大木质甲板!右侧临近双独立车库,船舶和汽车皆可安心停靠!
; q2 @8 V$ M7 x* q
8 ^3 k/ k7 s: o/ z# v美宅尽显高端!实为居住和投资的绝佳选择,机不可失,欢迎看房!% M2 M5 q7 E) D9 e! n# r
) U: L8 r- ~$ _+ e% q; j
Wow! What a beauty! Welcome to 10815 69 Ave NW in Allendale. This brand-new 2200sqft infilled home will definitely catch your eye at your first glance. Custom designed front elevation is perfectly presented by the stucco exterior, rich dark window trim and aggregate stair. Walking into the house, you will be amazed by its thoughtful design and crafted finishing. 9-9-9 ceiling for all 3 levels. Large mainfloor den. Open style kitchen with upgraded appliances and lighting fixtures. 4 big bdrms with 3 full baths on the upper floor. Other than a luxury ensuite, the southfacing master bdrm also has a huge California WIC. The bsmt is unfinished but has a separate entrance and 3-pc roughed-in for future development. The backyard will be fully landscaped with a large wooden deck. Right beside the double detached garage, a RV/boat parking can be easily arranged. High end material is used all through the house. Perfect location for living or renting. Why wait? Come to check it out-this is what you are looking for!& }' g7 K1 ?2 m" c5 U0 M+ R4 I
% C8 j6 I" k! Z+ o! }

2 J7 w' L6 [! `6 H4 @
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3 I& L- Z* q0 Z* S5 F7 S
4 P$ e. S6 s' y$ K; O/ N2 D4 ^! v. E# @

2 U! i, ~$ E1 _4 |7 h/ N
, F  V9 d( u. e) `9 M) L1 G! c0 x+ Z7 ]! O5 W

. Z6 d* }& x9 v9 Q; g8 ?) L2 z  c: i4 [" ?8 y
/ C& h1 |: |( z( t
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5 S# h3 P6 g2 K; K* v$ {9 s1 C; B, T
4 w! b5 c9 c8 s6 Y$ w2 L

* N( u' {& Q& s: s8 C0 a
! c# l- U$ ^0 L) a+ ^
) g$ N& r8 I* \2 Q5 ~7 w
8 r3 M+ _$ k8 v& Y
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2019-9-18 09:46 | 显示全部楼层
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