埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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[时事热评] 数字顺口溜

鲜花(97) 鸡蛋(4)
发表于 2019-12-4 19:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9855 E5 y$ ]* b& y5 l% K1 E0 n
. O1 p3 z, c7 l: U, o3 G035. L. n9 }7 W: z8 W2 o& f  ~
251  l' v9 T8 }& F! ^6 n$ q8 c
鲜花(16) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2019-12-4 21:15 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1181) 鸡蛋(48)
发表于 2019-12-4 21:55 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(154) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2019-12-5 06:11 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
换过工作,对35岁的中国人来说,太正常不过了,没换过的才算另类,  N5 x9 }9 ~0 o5 u2 [
2 O; V5 I& d1 T9 G看了网上信息,对此人嗤之以鼻
鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2019-12-5 08:55 | 显示全部楼层
我给大家翻译一下,否则不明白大神在说什么/ x, f& q% j9 N
. O! U1 R' ]: t3 f+ D
新浪微博上,许多用户在她公开信下方的评论区发了985、996、251和404等数字。这些诡秘数字指的是一名前华为员工,他毕业于中国最好的所谓985大学之一,在华为时每天从早9点工作到晚9点,每周6天如此,公司不与他续签合同后,他要求公司支付离职补偿,反而被拘押了251天。他的故事在中国迅速传播开来,在网上引起了愤怒的回应。这就导致了网页不存在的404错误,因为有关文章和评论都已被删除,这是中国审查机构在工作的迹象。 这名前员工李洪元最终被无罪释放,并在上周拿到了国家赔偿10万元
鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2019-12-5 09:01 | 显示全部楼层
民告官,以卵击石。/ s8 V& d! U* y& H8 f' n
鲜花(97) 鸡蛋(4)
 楼主| 发表于 2019-12-5 11:30 | 显示全部楼层
billzhao 发表于 2019-12-5 07:55' f' G( e) p5 P: c5 T( J
- J* a7 Y, y2 l2 m: h3 i7 p4 \3 v: A
新浪微博上,许多用户在她公开信下方的评论区发了985、996、 ...
: c1 ]. T" e0 Y9 _3 H- S
诬告者和他们可能的主谋惩罚了吗?, T2 w; `+ _0 q4 V* ~, F8 B" P. f( [
3 T4 I' N1 E! R5 l' F, p8 ]1 ~任zei不懂吗?% x( v1 |) F7 {9 R$ \3 T
新能源行业骗补是常态,你知道吗?5 V# M' }) u* {# \6 {7 p) I1 R0 |6 {
鲜花(97) 鸡蛋(4)
 楼主| 发表于 2019-12-5 11:33 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ballard 于 2019-12-5 10:39 编辑
0 X0 k5 I8 G; c) K& b7 S  C
billzhao 发表于 2019-12-5 07:55% F. W9 S" \9 v% J# {! ^( i& @
我给大家翻译一下,否则不明白大神在说什么# D. m' d: [. g9 b1 j' Z4 V
2 d8 {5 t+ P) G. q- Z; f5 K: l/ j
新浪微博上,许多用户在她公开信下方的评论区发了985、996、 ...
7 b, a7 g" e: Q: V/ n- P
1 V( ^8 @7 Y4 p7 f6 J
回应多了导致网络崩塌。- i6 J) |& P+ A# q, a1 B
% V# h0 U, m  C& c3 Q/ n还是言论管制?
  K  \! i1 p( V, [% [/ v你这臭不要脸得狗粮票党徒。: A, S- F6 I% |# B, c8 g% H
8 U: r$ s3 b( |$ q' v半斤
" Q7 e' c, A) V. B" [
5 ]+ \2 @- P6 {7 ~5 X4 s那种骗补的国家盗贼企业也能成为你维护的主子
: X1 e9 [0 Z+ u: D: ]* A你下贱
鲜花(19) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2019-12-5 11:59 | 显示全部楼层
billzhao 发表于 2019-12-5 07:55+ _8 G" Z0 v7 ]+ q
我给大家翻译一下,否则不明白大神在说什么, p: F5 |3 H+ i) s2 H
& X1 _$ d5 \6 M
新浪微博上,许多用户在她公开信下方的评论区发了985、996、 ...
, A$ l" K; m+ s6 x$ D
鲜花(16) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2019-12-5 13:47 | 显示全部楼层
ballard 发表于 2019-12-5 10:339 F' `. O7 f& P0 Z7 y
回应多了导致网络崩塌。& a7 n8 r% H: m* h
那民意汹涌吗?! P& w: G+ L. u3 k/ t

  s6 o- ?! \  i5 }你那是馋她的身子!你下贱!
鲜花(154) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2019-12-5 15:48 | 显示全部楼层
China: Huawei comes under fire over employee detained for eight months after demanding severance pay
- ?# p4 L# s0 [9 Y% w* qAuthor: The Guardian (UK)/ @/ Y  X# ?: `1 p& h! @

. }; `# \: f2 A9 {' s“Huawei under fire in China over employee detained for eight months”, 2 December 20199 ], t1 ]& z6 |" S
+ O% J/ R& ^9 \7 Y: M
The Chinese telecom corporation Huawei has come under fire in its own country as members of the public rallied behind a former employee detained for eight months after demanding severance pay from the company.& j( ~5 t# N3 ^4 I) A; M
. U" f: n, Y; ]' T
… Li Hongyuan, a Huawei employee of 13 years, was arrested on extortion charges and detained until… he was released because of “unclear criminal facts and insufficient evidence”, according to court documents posted online by Li.
. U0 H( r! l  c4 B  k
0 I. {& R1 I. T9 D0 k+ EAccording to Li… he had negotiated termination compensation of about 300,000 yuan (£33,000), which was transferred to him through a secretary’s private account. The case has caused a wave of criticism over the company’s treatment of a longtime employee and questions about Chinese law punishing someone advocating for their employee rights. Huawei has not confirmed the lawsuit nor commented on the allegations.2 {) D, y2 A- Y& U! V: R

" W  u" v$ L% W6 H1 VOn the social network Weibo, users were posting the numbers “985, 996, 035, 251, 404” a riff on the “996” culture of Chinese technology companies of working 9am to 9pm, six days a week.
5 O  B$ P! k3 Q" s( d+ o  P/ l/ o' i5 x, L  y6 W
In the case of Li, the numbers refer to graduating from one of the country’s 985 top universities, being fired at the age of 35, detained for 251 days, and seeing all related reports censored. The code was trending on Weibo…# p2 L$ v) X9 p1 l4 j/ ^
8 P: j$ _( i, [
In an open letter addressed to the Huawei founder, Ren Zhengfei, Li wrote: “It wasn’t my intention to cause so much attention online and I am sorry about it. Also, I don’t regret my choice for speaking the truth. There is always a cost to being honest.”…
鲜花(12) 鸡蛋(6)
发表于 2019-12-5 17:40 | 显示全部楼层
mmexport1575592598221.jpg mmexport1575592603713.jpg
鲜花(6) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2019-12-6 08:49 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
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