埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2020-11-27 13:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  X( E/ u) ~* g% b' G2 a; B( f7 L9 r" V& J
8 P4 ?* ?$ d& D5 a. h
; \1 Z2 ?4 q/ k8 Y5 `+ v联系方式:老杨团队- U1 X$ o0 r6 J% U; [8 x% a
6 O) c% \  k) d, P) I/ ~
* P1 a  g. |. W: W. C' V  ]/ B" k1 ]( H' E6 p$ X

" r- v9 Y+ \' J" L! j
6 E; M1 N& ^; L0 W23年爱城本地快餐品牌因品牌发展需要,诚恳寻求愿意参与经营的Owner Operators接手目前良好运营的15年以上历史的直营店,前期投入3.8万起。旗舰店永无连锁加盟费用,黄金地段,收入稳定,经营灵活,无需大厨,适合零起点小家庭。卖家持续提供所需技术供货日常运营商业资源等支持。如需有投资借贷需求可商谈。要求经营者能够参与日常经营,跟随大部队脚步共同前进路上把十几年老店当作自己的安稳生意用心打理。卖家愿意提供强有力后盾,共进退!& w! r% g* C: m+ O/ h

0 S  ~5 @! F7 }' g3 F. P: V/ hOpportunity to be your own boss and famous restaurant situated in super convenient shopping centre near to Rabbit Hill Road & 23 Ave. The restaurant has been running few years with roughly 1700 sq ft space, reasonable rent & steady guests. 3.8 down payment first and then 1876 dollar per month for three years. Rent is 10,000 dollars per month. It is not Franchise, the business owner would like to deal with Buyer as an Operator. Fantastic location with lots of traffic.
. e, t6 A$ {; i- p3 P) @7 R$ ?0 m% N6 \/ D0 D% ~* M$ H

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4 `2 q( j: W" {. f' s& C

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0 V& w) a) G6 P! o$ n4 v/ u' m& y4 p2 S, X& a3 }& v
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