埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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Sifton Park优质排屋!3+1卧室,整装地下室!位置优越,美景如画!

鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2024-5-11 08:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
地址:13317 47 ST NW9 _% F$ k# Y) T$ V* G0 @" H3 ?

6 |. p: R: W2 A7 @售价:$184,900/ U! _4 S8 J0 w

/ M3 v1 F! X0 g* q联系方式:老杨团队
! q0 |+ A" U$ a, Z7 A: |& c/ C& @1 v% c, i# G2 t, O  s" m! l2 B2 K% s
( @0 E$ |! R+ I' Y5 B4 T6 A6 s! R, Y; S
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Sifton Park优质排屋!位置优越,超高性价比!
2 m" J# k3 H( c7 A' m& x! d! ?! d  X( m6 B
好房坐落在成熟社区,临近公园、健身中心、滑冰场、学校、公交车站等,交通快捷、生活便利!在天然步行道中穿行,您可轻抵Hermitage Park、高尔夫球场、河流等各色各样的景观,探索自然之美!
; _& ]& m; a0 E3 F+ F
2 W6 v$ n; Z3 j+ x8 }' B步入室内,全升级门、窗户和外墙,增加了耐用性和时尚感!楼上3间卧室,地下室另有一间卧室,宜居舒适!地下室另有宽敞带水槽的洗衣房。
, T6 F/ u$ {% q& b: L) u
( H9 W8 G: t" Y8 [/ c/ l& u' P5 h您可以在围栏环绕、面向公园的庭院中,畅享夏日美好时光!9 i* |# K" C3 ?

& T# v3 d1 g  ?; d* w3 x! P好房精心维护,万事俱备!; o- p, _5 J, d: B/ _

+ V2 R/ w1 Y* v4 i- G+ T7 [5 ^Fantastic townhouse in Sifton Park! This affordable and cozy home offers great value and has everything you\'re looking for. Located in a prime location, it\'s conveniently close to parks, recreational facilities, skateparks, schools, transportation and more. You\'ll also have easy access to nature trails leading to various attractions like Hermitage Park, golf courses, and the river. The condo itself boasts updated windows, doors, and siding, ensuring both durability and style. It\'s been well-maintained and is ready for you to move in. With 3 bedrooms upstairs and 1 in the basement, there\'s plenty of space for the whole family. The basement even features a spacious laundry room with a sink and a flexible area. And don\'t forget about the fenced-in and park-facing yard, perfect for enjoying summer days. Don\'t miss out on this opportunity!
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