埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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why do people hate you

鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2009-10-16 09:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 billzhao 于 2009-10-16 09:45 编辑
9 P0 d3 v7 x; G: ?! J! @5 W. l' a0 {/ o  U1 ]* W6 S" z
奥巴马被年仅9岁的泰伦·斯科特“问倒”4 m$ u) e0 y( x( u6 F9 M

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9 s5 e* M4 C3 `- k+ h. b& R9 x1 V1 u4 M6 r
据悉,当时正读小学4年级的男孩泰伦·斯科特提问奥巴马:“我必须要问你,为什么人们恨你?”奥巴马一下子不知该说什么,半天接不上来话。不过好在斯科特又说了一句话,帮奥巴马解了围,他说,“他们应当爱你才对。要知道,上帝是仁爱的!” # a2 H/ F  Q+ T3 o" ^! Z
. \  y4 m9 X- P& U( n
法新社披露,当时奥巴马显然被小男孩“吓倒”了。他短暂地停顿一下,然后回答说:“你所问的正是我想说的。我是一位由民众投票选举产生的总统,并不是每个人都讨厌我或者恨我。要知道,我得到了很多选票。如果你晚上喜欢看电视,你会发现每个人总是处于疯狂的状态。你需要知道的是,你可以对此持有怀疑态度,这就是所谓的政治。” ) t4 L- n/ |' o; j

) e7 _5 F8 U2 q. i* p/ X不过看了视频,感觉obama很会说话,没有语迟啊。还是下面说的比较客观些0 g' s; {" i7 Z
/ @! n+ X$ M' t8 p2 j8 J8 c) v
At a town hall meeting in New Orleans Thursday, fourth-grader Terrence Scott earnestly asked the question that has probably been on many people's minds as they witnessed the rage that has been directed at Obama these last few months: "why do people hate you?" The young man seemed genuinely concerned as he asked the question, and he went on to tell Obama that "They supposed to love you." Obama responded by giving the young man a hug while saying, "That's what I'm talking about." Then came the hard part of actually answering his question.
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P ... ure=player_embedded* s6 G% V$ l& {: X# ~' g8 I

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- L3 v) X# M. j4 V/ y1 P6 r4 }: T9 e' |* {
US President Barack Obama got a blunt question from an unexpected quarter Thursday -- a daring nine-year-old boy who asked "why do people hate you?"
% R( `  ]4 u0 k8 G' ~Obama, caught up in a divisive political row over his plans for health care reform, called on the boy, Tyren Scott, in a public meeting during his first visit to hurricane-ravaged New Orleans as president.
' w5 |$ h/ |6 B. a. {$ A; h  X. Q# u9 D3 G: D
"I have to say, why do people hate you? They supposed to love you. God is love," Tyren, from Paulina, Louisiana asked. , L7 E$ v' R8 k3 E0 }. H' d) |
; R! K% o) U8 d! C0 \
Obama, appeared tickled by the question, saying "hey, that's what I'm talking about," adding "I did get elected president, so not everybody hates me now... I got a whole lot of votes."
  p% ]' Q; r9 D! d2 }# g7 ?) p, d) m9 V3 i
"If you were watching TV lately, it seems like everybody's just getting mad all the time. And you know, I think that you've got to take it with a grain of salt. Some of it is just what's called politics."
鲜花(9) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-10-16 09:45 | 显示全部楼层
如果你晚上喜欢看电视,你会发现每个人总是处于疯狂的状态。你需要知道的是,你可以对此持有怀疑态度,这就是所谓的政治。billzhao 发表于 2009-10-16 10:33

( n+ ~, ^' A5 @哈哈,每个新闻机构总是处于疯狂的状态。我们需要知道的是,我们可以对此持有怀疑态度,这就是所谓的新闻。 5 e6 F/ t# k" i, V: a9 f
4 E+ o9 G+ O& ]
鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-16 09:46 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 billzhao 于 2009-10-16 09:47 编辑
! D- G, d* E, ^5 j* U
& g6 v3 e  w. n
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