埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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发表于 2005-9-3 09:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Representative Experience
  r/ w) \$ T& `7 N" E
+ e* H" E# [4 i. ZSoftware Development and System Integration
+ v2 h! f$ I5 y) O•Develop system for integration from field data pickup using Total Station or GPS Kinematic data collection to AutoCAD drafting and Coordinate Geometry calculations.
$ m( F: x/ F  v) Y' j. K•Develop system for retrieval and export of coordinate values for direct upload to Data Collectors from AutoCAD drawing files.( i. `' C* `( X" D
•Develop system to automate Topographic survey pickup to annotate structures within a drawing, based on descriptor codes in data collector files.3 G* X1 R7 e: F9 E, B% Q+ Q
•Develop system for conversion of coordinate system from ground base coordinates to Grid system for submission to Government agencies.
1 J1 Z3 y/ c+ g2 k+ {5 |" [# N
4 X+ N* i( i: iTechnical Knowledge # o% k# L9 A$ A5 z
•Extensive knowledge in use of GPS. Worked with Satellite based technology since 1978 (Doppler) and GPS since 1982.
; c/ u, e- w* ~; C•Knowledge of AutoCAD versions 9 through 2005, have trained staff from previous Drafting board users to current AutoCAD systems.
/ v4 f2 J# j$ j6 Z/ x3 S•Use of DTM packages for contour and volume calculations.- G: @1 {* y( p0 R; p- [0 _
•Knowledge in Auto Lisp programming language used in AutoCAD.& Y8 w& F( |% A) w
•Knowledge in Visual Basic 6 for programming.
4 a* w! V- c: b9 q# `6 V. H4 Y•Microsoft Access and the development of Databases for tracking of information.
% M! B3 x: t! ^# z' f+ M% H•Extensive knowledge in the importing and exporting of data for text files and Drawing file images between various software packages.) Y- s- v0 X4 K( S- O
•Knowledge of The Alberta Planning Act (Currently The Municipal Government Act), Land Titles Act and Condominium Property Act.1 v# Q; E  V( |% R( n
•Working knowledge of Land Use Bylaws in the Edmonton region.
: l  J, w2 o& ~, Y) w$ y* X 5 X8 Q* K0 Q0 ]
Subdivision of over 10,000 lots in the Edmonton area.  Multiple projects for developers in the Edmonton Region.  Part of the team of Developers, Planners, Engineers, Planning Authority and Solicitors.  Provided timely registration to meet sales commitment of the developer to Home Builders.  Dealt with municipal conditions of subdivision approval and engineering servicing requirements.( o# T! ^- f+ F3 X/ Q. g
Water Pipeline 60 kilometres, assisted the Project Manager in tasks to create a pipeline for water services for towns in Central Alberta.  Services include detailed Topographical pick up for design, Construction staking, and Right of Way creation.- ^5 l! t: R  D5 r
ATCO Gas Contract for the construction staking of gas services within Northern Alberta.  Provide crews to stake ditch line locations for gas services for housing and commercial sites from 2000 to 2003.  
: M3 |% n) ]- i8 Q3 ^9 u" n5 P0 T: cHydrographic Surveys using GPS and depth sounding equipment for profile of river crossings of pipelines and artificial islands along the Mackenzie River in Norman Wells, Northwest Territories, and the Bow River in Calgary.+ K( l8 l% `% Z
Railtown Condominium Project since its initial design as a multistage Condominium project in 1998.  Assisted the developer in adjusting the project to meet changing market demands yet still address issues related to planning authority, Condominium Act and Tenants needs.  This has included the registration of approximately 10 phased redivision, incorporation of legal precedent to dissolve units under current Provincial Acts and Regulations to separate new phases from existing." \' Z2 r& H9 b' s+ w; U
Consultant for preparation of Condominium Plan of mall site in Edmonton Area to allow for the sale of the Hotel component yet retains ownership of the Mall asset. Included working with several law firms representing the vendor, purchaser and lender. Review joint operating agreement and creating Strata Right of Way Plan for servicing, access and egress. Supervised the preparation of Strata plan by another surveyor and assisted in explanation of plan to all parties. Dealt with subdivision authority for Strata plan application and endorsement.7 o% z, N4 K! @& w9 L
Cadastral Mapping and Computations for digital creation of the digital base mapping, which is currently used within the province. Assisted in creation of standards and methodologies for the conversion of AutoCAD files to Micro station (Intergraph) prior to exchange formats being developed.
( ~1 J2 d7 l1 n  d9 X* Z* ]" k' F6 ~2 M1 K+ ^1 p! _
4 i  a8 b5 e2 C7 [' U% X3 Z9 }9 w3 E9 y- l9 Q2 g6 Q7 [% @
Condominium Act Rewrite in Alberta as Urban Development Institute and Home Builders representative to the Provincial committee3 ^8 [& a: ?: I3 ?/ x& d

6 Y6 Z3 ?( d! kEdmonton Chapter President of the Canadian Institute of Geomatics/ t( ]/ E: `2 q% E, L0 h3 ]: }
4 R# N1 h5 U5 k2 I# G
Miscellaneous committees on Legislation for the Alberta Land Surveyors Association
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