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[其他] AHC 为15至30岁的青年人提供免费就业服务

鲜花(47) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-4-13 07:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 又见炊烟 于 2010-4-13 08:59 编辑
3 {8 y; f/ @+ |) e: [
" @9 }% ^% \: r( W" n; BAction for Healthy Communities, thanks to generous funding from Service Canada, has created a community employment initiative that seeks to empower youth and support them to connect with meaningful employment and engagement within their communities.
- _7 M6 ?' J8 D+ t' s! ]" L! h8 {5 u# Z2 F% C2 p
‘Youth Skills, Youth Jobs’ is a 15 week Group Based Employability Skills (GBES) workshop with an additional 6 week work experience; youth will learn traditional modalities for securing and thriving in a career from business writing to resume building. Moreover, youth will also have access to dynamic presentations (like those from Stage Left) that will seek to support youth to find the strengths and talents within themselves to be successful.
* i" `" B5 b3 K5 G( O, P4 O2 m) p, y/ q; I8 [9 I
Curriculum includes:
) a# }- w6 f1 p/ `* g$ F. H# i•        Life Skills
4 ^* b- J/ r) ^* Qo        True Colors
. x. U: d5 d8 N8 l' zo        Personal Organization; _2 o) f0 F# d# D
o        Conflict Resolution
' N- V: t' i: w" j) {•        Financial Literacy& H8 ?- h- E& _
o        Investing
/ X# Y1 d3 T; o; d6 z+ C( W" D; ^o        Budgeting
$ \6 q! H# h0 `, b2 N1 ?& `o        Personal Financial management
8 I8 x; Q4 |, t! O' o, @. ^•        Job Development6 D  j6 w/ i, }& g
o        Career Planning
! P  D; ?& L0 B! G. Z/ W+ ]o        Business Literacy$ P2 Y" p: }* z, }7 x5 D- B
o        Job Search Skills
6 `1 e1 b! N8 [2 Q" k" b2 B•        Workplace Safety Issues
4 b7 A1 c0 W/ }% F) Wo        WHIMIS2 @4 k! y; a, m
o        FIRST AID/CPR/ _6 L. Z6 o/ h/ l- t
o        Employment Safety Issues
& j% A- K  {. S  x" v9 V& q•        Computer Literacy4 b4 H( t9 \( M5 e/ E$ I
o        Personal Coaching" i7 Z4 V& E) G9 T! `# [) U7 z
o        Training
1 B1 d8 ~' l' q5 _! po        Personal Usage3 r& M* h6 g1 G6 a  G
Action for Healthy Communities is currently recruiting youth to begin this exciting adventure to increase their ability to perform within the new social/political/economic world order. With this kind of mentorship, collaboration, and dynamic work experience, youth are sure to be transformed and will transform their communities.; o8 T4 X7 |4 `$ ?! C

- M* c" L/ D! H* VRequirements:1 K% F2 r& [; E: ?
•        15-30 years old.
7 p. p2 ~1 z( ^. Y4 }& ^•        Have been out of school or work for the last 6 months and not EI eligible. + V' Q5 s! G$ E( j! H
•        Canadian citizen, permanent resident or refugee legally entitled to work in Canada.
( Z$ Y' n% B* q. Z•        Must be able to provide a clean Criminal Record Check (clean during the last 6 months with no court hearings pending).
' u, @$ ~9 \' w3 J& s0 E•        Be in current and stable housing conditions.: [1 [' @0 I' I$ Z9 _! C
•        Provide 2 references
# L0 h% Z5 [5 `9 J•        Be able to disclose addiction record and authorize access to current counselors (if applicable). , H! O  \  b) K7 D, l+ i+ q' ~4 d# ~
4 I. ~, g/ J- z, L
Successful applicants will be selected after a one week orientation building on personal empowerment. Youth who are serious and driven to learn, engage, and move forward towards their personal career dreams will then engage in this dynamic PAID workshop and will then be matched with employers in their fields of interest. 1 J- H' _: x6 j! n- ?' q

$ Z( L. S# O: h4 d% g% v' mThis project is funded by the Government of Canada.
3 K* @( I+ I( t+ U
/ K3 u  B' Z2 E% i4 PFor more information and to apply please contact:
3 e$ v- z. g! r3 e
5 |0 m+ U+ j4 z' L/ q: oChris McBain
% i9 x) o$ k6 i% RJob Developer/Outreach Coordinator9 s: z+ m2 l. s8 o) ~3 k6 _2 H
Action for Healthy Communities
0 W( H! [( y1 N" e' L; y; W, F780-944-4687 ext. 2237 Y# F* n! Z7 J
780-940-3409 cell
5 c; y( \( D& P8 b6 b, m& X: l# \actioncm4@shawbiz.ca        ! w. j9 K) w, h, r6 t) o0 }
% M$ D& j& j- _8 ?+ i9 t/ g) J8 H
Janet Bauer0 f- k8 N- ^4 m3 X$ P9 F8 L
Project Coordinator/Facilitator/ c& T) s  A+ a& \
Action for Healthy Communities
+ {" }* o/ \& e1 [# L# p+ I780-944-4687 ext. 223
8 v! _. L$ L: I780 940-9141 cell) {) L8 Q1 r0 ?: w* P
鲜花(47) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-4-13 10:39 | 显示全部楼层
如果你对这个项目感兴趣,可以先通过 Youth Ventures 做评估,看是否符合参加这个项目的资格和条件。6 e+ C  |$ d4 q1 z, |3 ^9 a

! f& A) `1 g! @1 m5 N/ W, O) x评估项目服务简介: % E% U: Z& o6 L
Who we are: Youth Ventures is a centralized assessment agency funded through Service Canada. We refer youth to Skills Link projects which assist youth facing barriers to employment and or education. Skills Link programs are focused on developing a broad range of skills, knowledge and work experience they need in order to successfully participate in the job market.
6 F3 r, ~* P/ W0 b8 w% C
) V) ~6 g8 ?) ]At Youth Ventures, one-on-one assessment is provided to clearly identify participant's needs, goals, and any potential concerns that need to be addressed in order to achieve their personal success. We will work together to develop an individualized Action Plan that will set out realistic goals, and timelines for referrals, services and resources. By completing this Action Plan, we will be able to meet identified needs by referring participants to the services and resources available in our community.
) H$ z/ c  m  t: H8 l
2 D- C8 l) E' SReel Me8 t5 V# C# F4 f  I& f/ X
# J) L# |6 {% v; p- }$ G/ S) D+ T
Reel me is a week- long assessment based upon the youth’s participation in a project that is aimed at developing a baseline for identifying basic needs, improving and strengthening rapport with their Youth Ventures case manager. This workshop is also used as a tool to gather more information for Skills Link providers in their efforts to deliver programs that best meet the needs represented by the youth.6 x" i* k% p9 \) V6 X/ N

- c, S, p/ z0 B2 b9 P6 o$ yA variety of Skills Link topics are introduced to the participants, including:. j( _3 x3 P" g0 T
-        Communication/ ~& M% N  \! R' q6 b+ A* p
-        Goals/barriers
! b. T. V' D: r  _% N; X! [: s-        Behaviour Styles
$ H% o! c- I: a$ g8 C2 c2 i-        Self Confidence/ Self Esteem
! b" K6 T" T) g1 S2 |( v-        Coping Behaviours5 a) [$ `* \2 }

' S3 p7 t) K4 X9 s! r. [Skills Link Programs we refer to:9 c) P! l$ E$ n4 \
# Z7 F+ l/ [, c0 k
Service Provider        Program Name! U4 Q% |- c  ]& g7 h+ @7 A
Employabilities        Access to Success
5 ?2 C' x  I# e8 `9 C/ s$ FWeCan         WeCan Connect/ WeCan Together. m& S* b: C. N
YouCan        Peacebuilders/Verto; G! K: J# k: [! E1 t) Z
McBride        Growth 4 You
# A3 ?' b" _, D  DDr. James Battle & Associates        Skills Link Employment Program* d0 x9 V1 p2 K7 P
NCSA (Native Counseling Services Ass.)        Skills Link Program+ O  G# v. e+ d1 ~
YMCA        Bridging the Gap1 h& a8 Q2 I+ q9 E
YESS (Youth Emergency Shelter Society)        S.T.A.R/ m5 e" @0 u$ x# S* H
Bent Arrow Traditional Healing        Windancers
6 I+ W) O0 N) J$ p. f3 `AHC (Action for Healthy Communities)        Skills Link Program
: {4 q! `, S' R) g
) t9 f* {1 `* C; [Site Visits- H: E' W: ?1 ^, A
- `* `/ v1 \0 B7 e
To be conducted on a monthly basis with the Service Provider’s assigned case manager as well as one other case manager. The site visits are intended to keep rapport with clientele, assist with following the youth’s transition, as well as build a strong working relationship with Service Providers. Team Builders are often initiated, and followed with a barrier goal sheet in which the youth re-assess their barriers and goals and assist in developing sub-goals which will be reviewed upon the next site visit.
, C1 e6 z) d: X3 `* u) v& ]1 u0 p; j
8 L/ ?9 e2 O5 ]& F  H; X
, D9 G6 t2 n) [0 B- d, O1 [$ iNext Step
1 a6 T/ g4 S: v* e5 M
' w  v% w% o3 G' ~2 {9 LDuring the later portion of the program, two case managers will meet with the youth to conduct a Next Step visit. This visit is often held at the Service Provider location or held at Youth Ventures. The assigned case manager and one other case manager will meet with the youth. During the Next Step, we remind the youth of Youth Ventures role, discuss our 3 month follow up which starts after they have successfully completed the program. In addition the Work Experience component of Youth Ventures is also discussed at this time. Youth are encouraged to pursue supports from their case manager if they have not stabilized employment or have not registered in school. Towards the end of the visit each youth will fill in a Snapshot in which the youth can compare and rate themselves based on before and after the program. This concludes with a discussion around the Next Steps the youth needs to take to reach their goals.
, g6 N; A7 L# t6 ]
) p& X, J( I, F  t" }* VFollow Up0 C  k3 C3 S5 O2 n4 f

1 R! I  k8 F+ |Upon successful completion of a Skills Link program, Youth Ventures Case manager conducts a three month follow up. The goal of a program is to have the youth either employed or in school, if this is not satisfied following the first month of graduation the youth will have a longer follow up timeframe. Youth who are unable to continue on with the desired goal will continue to be case managed in which a new action plan will be put into place and their case manager can continue to work with them for up to three years.
! T9 X' _/ T/ W& n# K5 z6 b" r7 V. o. \! r; |8 N
Work Experience1 I# ~! h) P' i

8 m, S+ |8 [& k! n2 A2 VYouth Ventures Work Experience role is to support youth to connect to employers by marketing, coaching, and mentoring them through the development of an individualized ‘Employment Training Plan’.Employers that participate in Youth Ventures Work Experience receive a wage subsidy for up to 50% of the employee’s wage.  The main goal is that youth will gain valuable experience and the skills necessary to maintain ongoing employment once the ‘Employment Training Plan’ is complete., ?. l" }& I. [
Employment Workshops
6 u+ G9 p0 }3 Q$ @% @% ~To guide youth through their barriers to employment, Youth Ventures case managers facilitate a variety of workshops focused on common employment barriers. These workshops are based on a referral process from the youth’s individual case manager as their specific employment barriers are identified.  
. ^; v0 k, k( ?6 y7 @1 a1 k" e$ l0 }9 N. M8 ~- y: i7 d* J0 y* B
A variety of Employment Workshop topics are covered:
' f! P. H- T% T6 [) M-        Resume Development
/ X4 c6 a  }7 S. k1 u3 K+ f-        Interview Skills
) E( u8 `9 }) H4 Y- d-        Job Search Techniques" P6 m  y2 y- k
-        Job Maintenance( y: X2 F4 Q3 q6 _$ |. G$ n2 A

5 A4 x! I! x; [9 t8 @For more information, please contact 0 \7 ]% M; f5 ?3 d8 O3 O
Connor Savich4 N4 g1 H. U$ C& w  h
Assessment/Case Manager& F: H$ ~# b: W  G. z% C! X( a
BGS Enterprises' Youth Ventures6 t/ ^6 z5 T$ x  M% ?( t
11th Floor, 10025 - 102A Avenue' C" B. w6 ?3 U+ N, p
Phone 780.409.8625 + E$ s4 s3 u# `) A" B8 t& e
Fax 780.425.5666
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-4-13 21:09 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(23) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-9-10 12:01 | 显示全部楼层
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