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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-5-15 20:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-5-15 20:31 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-5-17 15:24 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1539) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-5-18 10:00 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
1# qzy
; r' c+ L) J4 o
' {. @: }9 g; g1 e9 W1 a# a, U* @/ a. h- B4 c3 u( g
踊跃一下,去商店里买杀MOSS的东西。 在canadian tire 看到过。下面是网上搜得一个步骤。4 Q# |+ u7 U/ G' Q' p  K7 N
7 q/ q( }- s( f4 X  F6 U% i! M/ G" q
#- E# n9 `% z, s$ s( W
Step 11 O2 ?" ~! c: C" h5 v7 d5 }7 I

: z) d% H" y. A2 j/ Y3 gBuy a chemical moss killer that contains ferrous ammonium sulfate.( F1 D5 l$ c: d% B$ l6 Y
& p  j7 Q! ?/ W6 ^5 HStep 2  o6 p  K. j1 Q. B4 A$ C

  U0 H3 k) @5 K' y% QApply the moss killer to the yard. The chemical moss killer will most likely come in a spray type container. If it does not, use a chemical sprayer to apply to the landscaping.
. m0 r% y$ f7 O6 Z  S* A5 x( A6 N( R#. B- _6 [, T: P; }; v2 X2 D
Step 3/ [1 R' x( n* o

. \5 S. S, y, C0 I0 O( X" ?Give it time to turn the moss black in color. This may take several hours or up to a day.) `+ s5 o8 x+ ~  I# O5 d$ X9 W4 A! Q
#5 o& r3 a8 i2 ~4 u
Step 4
7 c+ k" n1 j  U' }! g
5 j, K6 s4 P4 L* q3 C1 \Rake out the black moss with an iron rake.
+ k. l1 O! w& t* x#
8 Z' I7 f+ f- d) Z3 h5 w) RStep 5
7 w4 C  I2 G/ ]* n( U0 l1 c: p3 p* g
' l' A/ e% Q: ZReseed and topsoil the bare spots if necessary. If left bare, it will allow a continuous growth of moss to occur.
鲜花(1539) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-5-18 10:05 | 显示全部楼层
# b" I4 R- s% Z. s2 G. k% @! C( P/ x  Z
Q; My lawn is full of moss again. We put down moss killer last year and the year before that and overseeded. The lawn looked good for a while but now it is full of moss again. What to do?
6 P1 L9 B$ {5 f* _' j( s
" `% \+ h+ L7 ?5 D; MSW. I never recommend using moss killer. It goes against one of the most important rules of gardening to work with nature and grow the right plant in the right place.
5 d2 R1 [% [, {7 P0 \Even though today's moss killer is more organic and uses iron sulphate to kill the plant rather than the chemical dichlorophen, I am still very much against the whole negative, destructive process. I can't believe that some experts are still telling people to use it.: l5 a+ z) f8 w& D& s  d6 K  O
The first thing to realize is that moss is a perfectly good plant. In Japanese gardens, it is encouraged because it is regarded as desirable and beautiful.
2 r2 c1 R1 {0 @2 ^8 w* [+ jYou might start by asking yourself if you can live with moss. Under trees and rhododendrons, it can look lovely. It is, of course, not practical in an area that is played on a lot.
' `5 V( ^) o5 g0 {The next question to ask is why moss is growing in the first place. It is usually because the soil is very acidic and compacted or drainage is poor or the area receives inadequate sunlight
. Often the reason for moss in a lawn is a combination of all these factors.3 k9 H/ I8 o. a4 w/ m
Grass loves the opposite conditions: slightly alkaline soil, a minimum of six hours of sunshine a day, and well-drained soil., {, H2 h1 e5 s/ {+ j, `" G: u
If you want to grow grass instead of moss you have to change the conditions: spread lime to sweeten the soil and raise the level of alkalinity; aerate and brush in sand to improve drainage and reduce compaction; and raise the light levels by removing a few branches from trees or shrubs that are shading the area.0 Z; f- {& k  U( S: C4 V
If you must use moss killer, use it once only as part of a renovation program. To be effective, moss killer that comes in granular form must get down to the roots of the plant. Don't just spinkle it on the spongy top of the moss. You need to scar the moss with a spade or hoe and then apply the product.
/ p' q2 T5 B0 r8 Z0 F. D) s$ _* p& v
But if you are doing this year after year you are wasting money and not dealing with the real source of the problem. Moss killer also ultimately damages the structure of soil, destroying the natural balance of organisms. So it is environmentally destructive, in my opinion, to keep using it.0 c% }: h2 R7 u* ?
Another positive solution is to redesign the area and grow plants that don't mind moist, acidic soil and low light levels. Hostas, ferns, bleeding hearts, azaleas, kalmia, rhododendrons and hydrangeas are all good candidates.
( Y  D8 n* n# Y( sOr, you could have a moss garden. Did you know there are more than 100 species?
鲜花(9) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-5-18 10:19 | 显示全部楼层
但是我觉得MOSSKILLER有比较强的化学成分。所以,能不用就不用。下面是我搜得另外一个文章。观点是不主张用MOSSKILLER。 6 h" I- e4 x( Q" [' D- X$ y
; g" t" a# l5 _6 X
Q; My lawn is full of moss again. We put down moss killer last year and the year be ...
$ K+ K  R1 v/ g( X9 F& \2 i1 f眉心眉飞 发表于 2010-5-18 11:05

2 J0 ^( H% b4 t1 i4 e很倾向第二个解决方安,尤其黑体字代表的attitude,很赞赏。其实对待草地上的weeds也是应该用这样的态度。7 i% a& _. y  o1 \( [: C, X* r7 Z
一个健康的草坪完全可以跟一些weeds共生,一些同学说一旦纵容了一点weed,来年就让你的草坪不堪入目,我觉得是因为这样的草坪本身可能就不健康了,而且没有好好呵护。 如果用 clipping recycling,compost施肥,春季打孔,草坪高了再剪,不要剪太短等等方式对待草坪,weeds可以控制到一定的范围,让草地上有花有草,人也不用总是纠结在杀weed里,更享受自然
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