埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-10-1 07:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本人地质学教授,从事科研20年,野外工作经验丰富,曾长期在可可西里等高海拔,高寒地区工作。! o4 G6 R* _$ C, L! W/ g# @
7 E: `/ j# U0 a# k
特长:流体包裹体相关研究。& n- p7 |' E0 `( o( t9 D

7 g) v5 G5 F7 d7 I: [英语水平一般,读写尚可,听说较差。
9 T3 b5 k9 Q! t7 V. d+ l
0 e! r- G  k, ?. F. Y! V- j. Y9 ]请问有地质学相关工作,或者研究所招人么?
5 `7 g3 P( U( d' Z# c8 G. |: `: L2 {3 q7 A) `! r6 @: U0 V
有相关机构的网站大家给提供一下好么?$ i1 x2 G: Y% Q: O
( v3 Z8 O" e! T- T  X) m! Y
: {& o9 R, [$ M8 h0 X9 L3 \: w: d1 o$ C3 L& }
[ Last edited by lily99_2002 on 2005-10-1 at 08:33 AM ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-1 10:27 | 显示全部楼层
ding yi xia
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-10-1 11:43 | 显示全部楼层
你可以去U of A的civil department的 Geotechnical Group找他们谈一谈,问一问他们有没有适合你的项目.Good Luck!
鲜花(150) 鸡蛋(3)
发表于 2005-10-1 12:52 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
Originally posted by 恭喜发财 at 2005-10-1 11:43 AM:* ^, r  v; v/ r$ Z: q% n- q
你可以去U of A的civil department的 Geotechnical Group找他们谈一谈,问一问他们有没有适合你的项目.Good Luck!
  A% _0 f6 U. V: B: M- o! B* t

" G3 J+ b4 r& }- m9 `1 [0 l对,练习一下口语,别害怕,勇往直前!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-1 22:19 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-10-2 04:43 | 显示全部楼层
这里的Geotechnical Group很有名,在加拿大绝对是排前5名的。别的专业的Master of Sience研究生一般修6门课,而他们要修8门.通常我听说他们的强项是冻土方面的研究。上次我去他们的实验室玩里面的三个中国人(两个博士,一个硕士)的研究题目分别是在土壤中有一种小虫,培养这种小虫分别控制它在土壤中以不同的密度繁殖,看它对土壤的作用;有害物质在冻土环境下的转移;动土条件下土壤的结晶状态。
  C9 m' C+ s0 S0 J/ Y; f
/ Y' c8 ]+ R* L# g( c# c: _0 W2 @他们有一个泰斗叫莫根斯坦,老头已经七、八十岁了。地位就像国内城市规划界的吴良庸似的。上次在shaw conference U of A还特意给他开了一个从教多少多少年的庆工会。我看了一下他的论文集光盘,从油砂矿到冻土含盖的方面很广泛。
: F7 e- z. r2 g  i# F
. d+ _2 M% T" r  z0 W" h你的流体包裹体我在国内听说一点,在油气田地质上是很热的一个方向,应该能找到需要的人的。还是建议上他们的网站去看一看各个教授的研究方向,看有没有适合你的.你甚至可以直接自己申请一个课题做Reserch的.Good Luck!' z/ S* R- {$ }8 L* G
8 w( |& _' C" J6 u' Z
[ Last edited by 恭喜发财 on 2005-10-2 at 07:46 AM ]
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-10-2 05:31 | 显示全部楼层


* ]; ?% M9 Y6 V. q. J+ ^DEWING, Keith1, GLEESON, S.A.2, ICKERT, R.2, and WILSON, N.S.F.1, (1) Geol Survey of Canada, 3303-33rd St NW, Calgary, AB T2L 0 U" }4 d: U5 _( `. F! C
! q) t  u( r0 O  L9 R2 \
2A7, Canada, kdewing@NRCan.gc.ca, (2) Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Univ of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2E3,
( `! ?& _8 L' f' I1 I# o8 w% O2 {* J1 ~2 g0 v
Canada4 R/ b, Q  T% E: ~1 @5 d
Sediment-hosted mineralization is common in the central part of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. In the Cornwallis Pb-Zn-(Cu)
8 Z6 r8 |0 a1 k
: X  U1 z$ a( `' Y- _District, Late Devonian-aged Mississippi Valley-Type mineralization is hosted by Ordovician to Devonian carbonates.
3 }' Z8 D" ]7 n- V! z& J6 Z% ?0 D5 g; R- s# g. F
Mineralization is associated with thrust faults that formed during the Late Silurian Caledonian Orogen and which were
1 v  w) G  }# _8 }  n3 u7 ]4 k# ?/ p$ L* I( x
reactived during the Late Devonian Ellesmerian Orogeny (e.g. the Polaris deposit). Pb-Zn-(Ag-Cd) showings have recently been
4 i* M# f3 u4 L( @6 _& \7 ^3 c! h3 h6 O5 {$ a% w- h" ?  \3 i# G
discovered in coeval basinward strata on Ellesmere Island, however, this mineralization is poorly understood and unexploited.
: }0 y7 U" a2 N& C2 h
+ `, |; V4 O+ k0 T4 a" tIn the Cornwallis District, sphalerite and galena replace carbonate or fill cavities. Sparry dolomite is a ubiquitous gangue
* r2 y% U+ x/ l
: G. a6 i  R" I7 M# Iphase. On Devon and Somerset Islands, Cu-mineralization is additionally present and has locally undergone supergene
1 |9 Z! I+ ^& ^7 G4 {7 i/ t# q. A6 t  n; H% p
enrichment. Pb-Zn-(Ag-Cd) mineralization on Ellesmere Island consists of sphalerite and galena with the addition of arsenides 1 o% v" H6 R! k4 K
7 m' X# h, P" G8 b! u( g" c( U* T
and sulphosalts, with sparry dolomite and quartz as the dominant gangue. Fluid inclusion microthermometric data are ! }' c9 \( \. Z
. B) a8 G* V) ?- Q1 O
reasonably consistent throughout the Cornwallis District. The bulk of the homogenization temperatures range from 90 to 120°
; `8 h5 G$ o5 n/ D' I
7 K3 R- y2 m, a) b6 M2 TC, and were derived from high salinity NaCl-CaCl2 fluids (ca. 25-35 wt.% NaCl equiv). Homogenization temperatures from
6 C$ M' {+ F: R: a) D) t/ x, C
! J4 g6 |. f4 s& Z6 V$ i9 O( w! Bmineralized zones on Ellesmere Island are higher (140-270°C) and were derived from fluids of varied salinity (8-36 wt.% NaCl ; f+ @0 I2 B* d& X
( {4 q7 P; I. M0 b' E5 ~
equiv.) NaCl +/- CaCl2 fluids.0 G% B% S8 e3 F7 Q. h% p: j3 q
7 ?4 w# R5 |  c9 d- [
Previous research has concluded that Cornwallis MVT showings formed at the loci of mixing between warmer, metal-rich basinal + P8 b% w8 ^6 @6 L1 z' U' h: ]
  Y& B& F/ x" Q* R& u
brine and cooler, reduced, sulphur-rich formation water. It has further been hypothesized that the basinal brines became
- M# w! L0 B# M+ z9 I, z" R
* r" ]' x( Q) nsaline through the evaporation of seawater before being channeled into the mixing zones by sub-vertical faults. Mineralizing
8 _7 h/ a* M# i' u) X% M1 L  W7 @5 Q8 L; E: a
fluids on Ellesmere Island may be related to igneous intrusions.
1 u/ K, {& T! Z) W5 M( L
" U: j! z" S$ K* l7 f" xWe report the results of a bulk crush-leach analysis of the chemistry of primary fluid inclusions in sphalerite, dolomite, $ u# m5 O1 U8 f) ]" o) L; J
+ X& |/ X6 `' x4 \1 H
and calcite from showings in the Cornwallis District and from Ellesmere Island. These data will constrain models of fluid 8 v4 p1 d6 W, t' Y, d) i

2 T; m, b' w: |; E; X% V& Ygenesis and evolution, and compare the fluid chemistry of different deposits.
  H' M2 e5 S+ t* C: ^9 M* U% n
! n9 M+ t% \  ~" F% k% S: y7 B/ C! j; A2 n/ E" F
A Fluid Inclusion and Stable Isotope Study of the Endako Porphyry Molybdenite Deposit, British Columbia: Implications for P-V-T-X History of Ore and Post Ore Fluids1 e) v$ @% D; c& k
David Selby and Bruce.E.Nesbitt
+ @: c/ t# Y% S7 \5 s/ I' @: u! J
- Y2 Z$ r3 Q2 ^6 L1 lDepartment of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, T6G 2E3
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-10-2 05:31 | 显示全部楼层


The Endako quartz monzonite, a Late Jurassic (138 +/- 3 m.a.) pluton of the Francois Lake intrusion suite in the Intermontane Belt, central British Columbia, hosts Canada's largest porphyry molybdenum deposit, the Endako mine. The deposit features pre-mineral dykes of predominantly quartz feldspar porphyry, with lesser amounts of porphyritic granite and aplite dykes, and Eocene post-mineral andesitic dykes. Potassic, phyllic and argillic assemblages characterize the alteration zones. Mineralization is characterized by stockwork quartz+molybdenite veins, bordered by potassic selvages; stockwork quartz+magnetite+pyrite+molybdenite and quartz+molybdenite ribbon veins, bordered by phyllic selvages. Post-ore veins are comprised of calcite and minor chalcedony. Mineralized veins are characterized by liquid-rich and halite-bearing fluid inclusions (Bloom, 1981; Dawson, 1972) . This study has sub-divided these inclusions into 3 types: Type 1, liquid+vapour +/- opaque daughter minerals and liquid+vapour +/- translucent daughter minerals; Type 2, liquid+vapour and Type 3, liquid+vapour+halite. Type 1 and 3 inclusions are further sub-divided into sub-populations by microthermometric behavior and are typically primary, whereas type 2 are generally secondary. Type 1 and 3 inclusions characterize veins bordered by potassic selvages and Type 1 inclusions characterize veins bordered by phyllic selvages. Type 2 inclusions are predominant in ribbon veins, especially in those characterized by brecciation and quartz recovery textures. & n9 L, u* q# T8 A* r$ a( `2 J* P
Type 1 inclusions have salinities between 5 and 15 wt. % NaCl eq., with modes of 7 to 9 wt. % NaCl eq. The inclusions homogenize by vapour bubble disappearance and by critical behavior at temperatures between 250 and 550oC, with modes at 360 to 370oC, and 390 and 410oC. Salinities of Type 1 inclusions from veins bordered by potassic and phyllic selvages overlap considerably; however, homogenization temperatures of inclusions from veins bordered by phyllic selvages are generally 20 to 50°ree;C lower than those bordered by potassic selvages. Type 2 inclusions have salinities between 0.2 and 5 wt. % NaCl eq. Inclusions in calcite have salinities between 3.1 and 4.2 wt. % NaCl eq. Homogenization by vapour bubble disappearance occurs at temperatures between 130 and 285oC, with modes at 150 and 170oC and 190 to 230oC. Inclusions in calcite homogenize at temperatures between 208 and 210oC. Type 3 inclusions which homogenize by vapour bubble disappearance occurs at temperatures between 375 and 420oC and have salinities of 30 to 45 wt. % NaCl, and those which homogenize by halite dissolution occur at temperatures between 410 and 550oC and have salinities of 45 to 60 wt % NaCl eq (Bloom, 1981). ' u& L  l+ p! O9 b& ^) R7 o

( d% {4 @, @0 y& M# h5 {" l3 ~Fluid inclusion studies of Dawson (1972) and Bloom (1981) and this study suggest that Type 3 inclusions were not generated by aqueous fluid immiscibility. If aqueous fluid immiscibility had occurred to form these inclusions, saline (L+V+H) inclusions should coexist with a low-salinity vapour-rich inclusion, which have similar final homogenization temperatures. However, the latter population was not observed during this study nor by Dawson (1972) or Bloom (1981). Dawson (1972) suggested trapping pressures of 530 to 720 bars for a inclusion of 30 wt % NaCl trapped at temperatures of 500 to 550oC and Bloom (1981) suggested pressure fluctuations between extremes of lithostatic and hydrostatic load. . ]# F$ s" N: F# k3 `; j4 g7 [3 k, T

$ a9 V! f3 E  c; y% OStable isotope analyses of potassic, phyllic and argillic alteration phases yield depleted deltaD and enriched delta18O values. Quartz from quartz molybdenite stockwork and ribbon textured veins and hydrothermal K-feldspar and biotite associated with potassic selvages, yield delta18O values, of 8 to 9.3o/oo, 4.2 to 6.6o/oo and 3.1 to 4.5o/oo, respectively. Hydrothermal biotites, which have altered to phlogopite and chlinochore, yield depleted delta18O values of 3.0 to 1.8 and -2.1o/oo. Kaolinite from argillic alteration yields delta18O values of 6.6 to 6.9 o/oo and deltaD values of -156o/oo. Quartz from quartz molybdenite stockwork and ribbon textured veins yield deltaDFInc values of -105 to -157 o/oo. Delta qtz-Ksp and Delta qtz-bio values suggest isotopic equilibrium temperatures between 400 and 490oC. Results from post-mineralization carbonates samples within the Endako mine show three distinct isotopic groups. Samples are divided on the basis of delta18O values: Group 1 has values between 8 and 13 o/oo; Group 2 has values between 2 and 6o/oo and Group 3 has a values of <-3.0o/oo. delta13C values vein carbonate span a range between -2.0 and -6.2o/oo, with a mean of -4.0o/oo. ( q" z& \+ h$ ^$ i

; H& ^4 j+ O9 s' g6 g" ?0 vResults from fluid inclusion (types 1 and 3) studies of veins bordered by potassic selvages suggest the involvement of saline (30-60 wt % NaCl eq, Bloom, 1981) and low salinity (6-15 wt % NaCl eq) magmatic fluids (>480oC, Dawson, 1972) in the origin of the Endako molybdenum deposit. However, quartz deltaDFInc values deviate from generally accepted magmatic isotopic values, suggesting the early involvement of meteoric water in magmatic fluids and ore genesis.
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-10-2 05:35 | 显示全部楼层
你可以看出这2篇都是Earth & Atmospheric系的你也应该联系联系他们.他们系具我所之遥感方面是挺有名的.我认识一个中国人是在研究深海液态烃的博士生.
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-10-2 05:36 | 显示全部楼层


池国祥, 男, 1963年生, 矿床资源专家、加拿大地质调查所研究员、Regina大学助理教授、Quebec大学博士, 从事矿床及地质流体研究, 来自- u  ], s3 V$ D" m% e
7 n' m' M# n3 a9 \5 U& m
) [+ x4 ]7 v- v# N1 a, M* d9 m/ C' k% E0 K* t2 \1 V
质、盆地分析。E-mail:guoxiang.chi@uregina.ca // Department of Geology,University of Regina,Regina,SK,S4S 0A2,Canada' n( F, _0 ^1 D8 s' G. K9 [

( {  `& D, y# \* A0 M3 m: B' l( g& K
# H0 ]6 e# Y3 z 岩石学报, 2003年 02期
# l. F- {1 s; A8 s; P【作者】 池国祥 周义明 卢焕章
% W4 c  z7 M$ a3 R0 }0 p【机构】 Canada University of Regina SK S4S 0A2 Department of Geology 954 National Center U.S.Geological Survey Reston VA & r1 W. g5 q  T5 ^8 Y5 G; H
2 f- c0 o0 V0 I- g$ @% H6 x9 S
20192 U.S.A. Department of Applied Sciences University of Quebec at Chicoutimi Chicoutimi QC G7H 2B1
) H# C5 D5 l& p7 X【关键词】 流体包裹体 流体包裹体组合 PVTX 流体包裹体分析 流体包裹体应用
0 H; H. I7 l7 o/ m# q0 }, j【摘要】 本文概要总结近年来流体包裹体研究和应用的发展情况,包括流体包裹体岩相学,PVTX研究,分析技术和应用等四个方面。岩相学方面  M* J8 k- N+ ^

' p! g, }4 r" p  b' M3 b: ^( J的主要进展反映在“流体包裹体组合”概念的提出和应用。在PVTX研究方面,人工包裹体和热液金刚石压腔的应用极大地促进了我们对地质流体
% S4 J( L5 F; B( u+ O/ ^
( k4 _# g0 I& O! C体系相特征的了解。各种分析技术不断涌现或改进,其中以Laser-Raman对气体成分和LA-ICP-MS对溶质成分的分析尤其有用。流体包裹体的应用
" L; i0 M/ g1 g. R# A: B+ w) O# J
2 }! S; d0 Z3 n/ \8 D! w1 F领域一直以矿床学研究为主,当前和今后一段时间仍将如此。但是,流体包裹体在地球科学的其它领域,尤其是石油地质以及岩浆和地球内部过程" b7 H) [- q) T. O. ]# y
7 W7 U( H; O* i5 _. U
的研究等方面,正得到越来越多的应用。 0 t$ R/ ^2 c$ g6 X% ~+ ?
" N. P, A! h9 I* J3 L! k/ R
【同类文献】 [1] 倪培,范建国,周进,丁俊英,马东升,华仁民,凌洪飞,蒋少涌.大别山花岗岩流体包裹体面的初步研究.高校地质学报,2003.
' R/ M/ O  R9 Q0 i, W[2] 徐九华,谢玉玲,王丽君,朱和平,王立权.地幔矿物中CO_2流体包裹体的微量元素特征.岩石学报,2003.
# K& p  _! v& r9 {% ^[3] 林为人,铃木舜一,高桥学,松木浩二.稻田花岗岩中的流体包裹体及由其导致高温条件下微小裂纹的形成.岩石力学与工程学报,2003.! u, Y# w% Q% Q2 q- c- D/ n5 f
[4] 张振亮,吕新彪,饶冰,王年生.流体包裹体的合成方法及其研究现状.地学前缘,2003.* u$ T( l. }+ S* p
[5] 徐启东,钟增球.大别超高压变质带流体包裹体的组合关系与演变.岩石矿物学杂志,2003.% l  N2 M) `6 d1 o
[6] 刘伟,范永香,余金元,赵百胜.陇南阳山金矿床流体包裹体研究.华东地质学院学报,2003." P1 v+ l" y2 M9 D
[7] 李晓峰,毛景文,王义天,王登红.惰性气体同位素和卤素示踪成矿流体来源.地质论评,2003.
* M+ L, w, ~' Q& D! N, Q[8] 刘伟,范永香,齐金忠,余金元.甘肃省文县阳山金矿床流体包裹体的地球化学特征.现代地质,2003.
7 m8 @: Z" E! U8 t2 [[9] 段远源,王忠伟.氢氟烃混合物PVTx研究进展.流体机械,2003.
: u4 O9 O: Y! o, d; d2 f8 D$ f: D' ]. Y* W* z& Z
他的网页6 ?1 R) L5 C% N1 v$ C& F
5 `+ F) C( _. P7 l9 i$ z
$ S) Y4 ~, _1 s3 `) j$ k5 ^3 w  \Chi, G., Chou, I-M and Lu, H. 2003. An overview on current fluid-inclusion research and applications. Acta Petrologica
1 s/ U/ E  i6 l
. u2 h" O7 ~2 @7 Q+ TSinica, v. 19, p. 201-212. (download paper).+ D  \! N; Y) F/ z5 T7 q7 Y

3 p( d6 O4 A$ X. w% U; ~0 H他的那篇论文: E1 a; @! l$ o8 ?8 x

/ o0 F+ @! ?8 k6 c- \http://uregina.ca/~chiguox/PDF-p ... 202003%20(YSXB).pdf
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-10-2 19:42 | 显示全部楼层
zi ji ding yi xia
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-3 04:59 | 显示全部楼层
爱城的朋友太热情了!1 d: k" W1 }' i$ Q7 S; Y
, G! u: ^9 M- n9 ^8 }+ w
. [: d/ w+ E. E5 b7 S; H" i8 M2 x2 K: d: H2 R' W( |
5 F+ s6 Q3 q/ f) c& ^% ^
7 ^# |: }7 m& e一切为了科研!# |5 `+ z/ ^' ]" J
' N+ \. H& y3 N* K' \# K
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-10-3 18:22 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
Originally posted by lily99_2002 at 2005-10-3 05:59 AM:
6 y& a1 f4 _7 Z+ M爱城的朋友太热情了!: j  F& a+ w# {' j, g
, W  T* c9 p7 ]4 Z5 ^: ^7 M
真是感激不尽,我都40多岁了,实在有点害怕过去了不能继续专业研究。& ?& c1 d# Y' L$ e7 O7 y

$ x* {  W) H7 `! R在国内干了几十年,实在是学术方面的发展空间太小太小了!学术腐败太严重了。
4 E. z4 I1 q( C! C. V, p: u, _4 W9 d' X1 e
: s& Q' k2 c. b. j+ u# e% |0 X' K' ?* j/ b
谢谢这位朋友 ...
2 j: z( v" x: v; U# b1 |! m
# f& X, {! ]; S8 E- `& h  G) J
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-10-4 17:29 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by lily99_2002 at 2005-10-3 07:59 AM:
. g; f* l4 [2 V5 w. e& R* p爱城的朋友太热情了!1 f% S! U* N  z9 J* H9 v, v& f% x3 ^
" x- o& ?3 \, J* k/ z/ y
真是感激不尽,我都40多岁了,实在有点害怕过去了不能继续专业研究。& e4 d+ l1 \) _3 m9 W8 `7 ?

* K3 V; ~9 T3 p9 _在国内干了几十年,实在是学术方面的发展空间太小太小了!学术腐败太严重了。
! p5 U1 \/ J+ \0 d) j: k. n1 ^1 Z1 r7 z% x8 x  f, |. e* _
$ \- C9 A9 Q3 d0 t. B
6 }5 o+ q0 p5 `# _; ^5 |+ l. d谢谢这位朋友 ...
' Q! I7 n' r4 S/ E+ ~4 s0 X2 j- H
! Z8 ?5 a- V7 S2 n) M' x, Z8 s

1 ?( B8 F3 l* f$ q7 ^You're very welcome and Good luck for everyday!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-10-5 21:39 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-10-5 21:51 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-10-6 17:46 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
Originally posted by 六月茉莉 at 2005-10-6 12:39 AM:
3 G7 ~$ \. |  r1 u! ~发财是搞地质的?
' E5 I0 W. f: r; K" }+ Y
: ?# k7 e& i5 \+ s  ^$ l
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-10-6 20:35 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-7 21:53 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-10-7 23:00 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-10-8 08:07 | 显示全部楼层
没有关系,U of A 做research英语不太好的大有人在.
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