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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-11-6 18:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
鲜花(56) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-11-6 18:48 | 显示全部楼层
yes.    不用管,第二年会长的很好,
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-11-6 19:10 | 显示全部楼层
不用管。 自己会长的很好
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-11-6 21:02 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(15) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-11-7 21:35 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-8 13:04 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-11-18 09:25 | 显示全部楼层
Hollywood is a knight of the park, is a hotbed of discrimination. In the eyes of the world, it is a dream and illusion built on the mall. Precisely, it is a manufactured fantasy of the industry. A film from concept to script to send an actor (whether imagined or real actor actors), to the budget (budget, whether imagined or real budget), to show, to shooting, and finally to complete the film , in a dark theater to show the audience willing to be fooled, this whole process the words \False integrity, manipulation of emotions and other aspects of deliberate deception in Hollywood has been given to hundreds of millions of value. Many Hollywood observers believe that this illusory sense seems filled with all aspects of the Hollywood industry, and various activities such as marketing planning, promotion, trade negotiations and social activities. Even if Hollywood always talks about \Hollywood was once described: \rated as \So, in this situation ethics by the command of the fantasy land, those suave romantic, all-powerful knights will inevitably show some necessary \
) B" u4 g7 ~% v; B5 u, _- W
* ^6 E: @, Z: @ in Hollywood, the name is still fragile woman 3 n9 R3 E4 Z0 k. I
; {+ f6 _, s' z0 ~
in the Hollywood entertainment industry, in addition to publicity, television production and actors such as the role of selected individual line of business, the other line of business is almost entirely male The command, especially in the field of feature films. No matter how you look at the problem, no matter what source you refer to, both the Ford Foundation study, or the Screen Actors Guild statistics, or \You can only draw the same conclusion: since the inception of Hollywood, women have been making the arduous struggle, trying to break the barriers of Hollywood clubs of the men, to fight for their rightful place around the lens, although in recent years this phenomenon has change.
2 V1 s& [" b, |7 p3 w
" j% x& H. [4 P  ~! N6 {% z/ O$ `9 A Even in the 1990s, the film actress in the story's appearance rate is also less than a third actor, the same actor earned income less than half the pay, the total income of only three actors one. In the late 1990s, the Directors Guild of America's 10,300 registered members, only 20% of female directors. Despite the increase in the number of women directors, but in recent years, the United States each year film into theaters, only 10% from a female director, and the percentage seems to decline. In contrast, 20% of female TV sitcom directed drama more than one third of the women writers from mine. In the field of screenwriting, films released in about a quarter of the women writers, women writers is equivalent to the proportion in the Writers Guild of America. However, the Writers Association's statistics show that women writers from the same level of return is always lower than male writers. United States, \also only 14 were women (mostly actresses), and many of the list of women producers and their male partners are tied rankings, also seems to stick a man's light. Since 1997, the Paramount is a woman in power, and its managers are women in nearly half, at least basically in the number of gender equality, but even so, the major Hollywood film company the overall proportion of female managers is only 30%.
% y* Q; \  a5 W4 G& h: Y9 C5 w
+ r5 k: k" G$ G8 k/ f this white male-dominated phenomenon not only affects other people's employment and earning opportunities, but also seriously affect the final image appears on screen. Ever since, the violence, pornography, male fantasies, and discrimination against women has been a full description of the staple food of the Hollywood screen. Hollywood's discrimination against women, age was undoubtedly the performance of the most fraudulent claims. Like Clint Eastwood, Sean Connery, Jack Wilson and Harrison Ford, Nicole male stars despite looking like growing old and gray hair sloppy, but in the eyes of Hollywood's social forces, they are still Baodaobulao, even healthy and strong, and frequently played as a main character struggling to heat, and often her generation and even older generation of stunning beauty accompanied by his granddaughter, was drawing near cheerfully Zhongchang \Video is the perfect example. The vast majority of women over forty starred actress stars can less and less, even the occasional appearance, are mostly abandoned by men supporting actress and even dislike, such as \see the \In Hollywood history, with the age old still capable of showing off the screen charisma of female stars, such as Anne Bancroft, Lao Lunba Kaul, 丽塔莫伦诺, Lena Horn and Dai Ankan Lennon, etc., usually can only be assigned to some of the smaller roles, or in smaller characters starred in the film, actor from paycheck less than a fraction of the same age. . ~5 J& O4 v' `# l; H2 Q
/ p6 |2 x( }/ p7 j- n6 J; h' M
such blatant discrimination had forced many of the Hollywood actress to change course and turn in the production line of business, to create their own projects, and often to male producers as partners. Theaters in the U.S. each year of the film, about a quarter of the producers cooked up for women, or a woman to participate in joint production. As everyone knows, these films implies a number of yesterday's story of bitterness and tears. As early as 1955,breitling for bentley, the eyes of fans to Hollywood darling Katharine Hepburn published a widely spread saying: \, it will become even more humiliating, because you can sell less and less things. \will be able to admire the man lie down. \
2 v- S1 l4 I1 l& Q" c, I
  B, f( N" C2 X Although Hollywood often itself as a bastion of political freedom, and its senior managers also like the freedom of conscience in the arm to wear badges, but under the cover of the beautiful words but is a whole different reality. A large team of directors in Hollywood, only 5% of ethnic minorities than whites, blacks, compared to just 2%. Writers Guild of America registered a smaller proportion of ethnic minority writers, African Americans accounted for less than 3%. A Writers Association study shows that even writers of color who are hired, they received the same level of compensation is also considerably less than white writers. This situation is even worse in the 1980s, all employed in film and television playwright, only 2% of non-whites. Producer, director and writer of the core body is always white, the image of their own to shape the character, pattern to draw the image of blacks and other minorities. ) B# n5 A: W, N3 @0 K; l1 c) `

0 c, P7 Z) K6 Q: T8 Q While the 1990s movie screens and television screens has increased minority faces, but most of the role played by black actors are comedy clowns and the like, is difficult to have a drama starring his place. Asian Americans have been two American film and television media, the most serious gaps are seen in the faces of malicious or not to demonize the dregs of society from the eyes of the supporting role, is hardly a romantic hero of Asian actors. Fortunately, in recent years, as Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Chow Yun-fat and Yang Ziqiong other martial arts have been Hollywood stars, and beyond, such as Ang Lee and John Woo, director of the rise of Hollywood culture of the East began to show interest, Dongfeng West gradually become climate \However, apart from the proud, or think something is missing, there is no culture of Americans fear my profound misunderstanding of Chinese culture as Causing loss of lives in the martial arts culture. Moreover, in Hollywood and the business sector and other creative re-power within the ground, neither see Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon did not. In addition to film outside the Indian theme, such as \.
4 G2 c+ \* Y- s! t7 \: k9 n
3 ]; z7 X2 `% { into the 1990s, discrimination against blacks in Hollywood seems to have improved, mainly due to a number of Spike Lee led the rise of black directors, but in this two dozen black directors groups, short-lived by many, most difficult to maintain stability of the director of career. This is because the black film maker could get the chance of success is very little compared to whites. Director of blacks, the Hollywood mainstream society leave them out of the loopholes in the seam is tantamount to a \\
+ t' x3 H" @( p; D* Q; I5 w$ D# Q
4 X- J# m; Z; P induced in the performing arts, eight, the nineties do have the signs of some progress, mainly as a group of rising black stars such as Eddie Murphy, 乌比戈德伯格, Dengze Seoul Washington, Whitney Houston, Morgan Freeman, 维斯利斯奈 Phillips, Laurence Fishburne, Angela Bassett and small Gubaguding and so on. Black actors in the growing visibility on the big screen, and the role they gradually emerge under the old abysmal and Xiasan Lan instead of focusing on the story of the film in the United States really create an atmosphere of national unity. However, the small bright spot appears to cover the people of deep concern to another: inside the Hollywood system of racial inequality in that minority are completely excluded from most major posts outside of Hollywood. Of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Academy Award responsible for evaluation, recommend to the world the essence of the industry. However, the Academy Award nominations and voting more than 5,000 members, less than 200 black members. 166 in 1996, only a black nominee. When the \( ?9 L" Q' ^+ r. V# i6 ]

& M' j: o4 {9 U4 I this cultural phenomenon of the particular group of victims of apartheid is a young black actress, because in addition to a small number of black directors make films, the black youth and the role of black female students dominated in white movies almost none. \\and into mainstream movies. As in all major positions of power in Hollywood, the minority members are in the minority, so they are facing contempt, insult, pattern of characterization and even exclusion will always continue. Hollywood's characterization of the pattern of ethnic contempt for the most typical example is 90 years in film and television works the ugly image of Arabs or Muslims. They play in white pervert often portrayed as terrorists, and rarely to other image appearance. Ignorant racist writers completely ignored the world's 1.5 billion Muslims, the vast majority are living in the Middle East outside of this fact.
% J/ }! H5 V1 q, l7 [
- W6 _" w1 h( x! f) `& ? Although racial discrimination in the United States has been the basic text of the law repealed, but this attitude has been fixed in the soul of those white chauvinists. In 1996, Twentieth Century Fox copied the 5,043 disk \The same year the company's blockbuster \story. Get the lead out 7 w. S- K! l- e8 O% V; ~: @$ y( x- n/ C
) U: h- A; w' J7 p2 T! ~
ocean, still capable of any meal?
* r4 w6 Y9 t2 K$ \ ! o7 O7 n2 `3 |) y% \
aging society and the discrimination against the United States within the area of employment prevailing in many a serious social problem, the problem is particularly bad in Hollywood, and its non-destructive diffuse and other industries can not match. This is not only the performance of the previous article mentioned the actress in this trade, in film and television production is also true in other areas, such as writer, producer and director.
3 v  Y2 S) {8 D9 S) A 5 l; j* n: U, {! ^2 y
few years ago, producer, screenwriter and director had ordered the General Assembly, the International Association of filming a documentary called \discrimination problem. Even the world-renowned film Once in the elderly, who are employed in the entire film industry will be fewer and fewer opportunities, because in order to be more willing to Taoqianmaipiao attracted to the theater for young audiences, Hollywood has been increasingly more interesting for young people to meet. Hollywood's conventional wisdom that the entertainment is a young man's game, if you did not succeed at forty, you'll never be out. ) l6 V# x- `2 _' t( c4 I# Z3 j
' w3 i" z4 D! c  r  a7 k
undoubtedly the aging writer who bear the brunt of discrimination in this trade. Whether screenwriter or TV writer, once in sector fifties, and its cause will be inexplicable to decline. In Hollywood, the writer did not die of old age, only to fade out screenplay.
7 m" `% s- g0 U & Z2 [4 w0 V2 a) u; t
of the most thoroughly studied this issue is the Writers Guild of America organization. American Writers Association set up a special committee on aging observed, they found that most of the senior brokers will not accept a new play over forty customers, unless the writer has a very strong track record in the past has written many popular film and television scripts, because only this way, his script is more easy to sell. American Writers Association, a study in 1999 showed that, when the Department of the screen name of the CWA playwright had vast majority of 30 to 55 years old, mean age was 42 years old. Only 17 signed by over 60 writers, writers in the thousands of signatures, only 8 over 70. A 1997 analysis showed that the CWA is about 4,breitling for bentley,500 registered writers, some 56% over forty years, but these playwrights from middle age onwards, the income started declining, which contrast with other industries, because a person should be the prime of life in the heyday of income should also be the most abundant of the period.
' ?, [' q  b5 }
" H1 H7 w* c6 X why these films were so early in their life will be forced out? Can be heard up and down in Hollywood, a variety of explanations: because the entertainment industry is a highly competitive, you need strong energy industry, and this industry's management and decision-making body are those who grew up watching TV, the classical dismissive of novels and classic movies or nothing about the young managers, they do not understand the language of the old writers, concepts and themes; these alone is a Master of Business Administration Diploma with those semi-literate novices in the five cars of the old school writers Rich they will feel when dealing with Caishuxueqian, powerless, and even a feeling of constriction and often threatening; they think those \incompatible with the old guys young; young managers and agents more willing to deal with their peers, but the screen play is a social-oriented industries, in large part to rely on personal relationships as a support. Moreover, overtime work, mental and physical stress and strain faced by the work schedule is also older people left out one important reason, particularly manual workers within the crew, such as electricians and carpenters and the like, must be in employment taking into account the age factor. In the eyes of the young managers in the meeting time if more people see the five-year-old walked into the conference room, they thought that their parents came in and immediately felt uncomfortable. 4 m6 l9 ^; n  E0 C7 N% J, c& X
* k" d) V& V6 t4 I
irony is that Hollywood's aging discrimination is precisely the most difficult to recipients over the age of 45, white male. They have been accustomed to being excluded is different from the taste of female and minority members, was suddenly swept aside, these white men must also face the door and the cold outside, but most of them are the first to experience his life in Hollywood such discrimination. Ever since, they unknowingly entered in a vicious circle: at first unconsciously discriminate against women and minorities, to enjoy the peace after the exclusion of others, and finally into their own anti-discrimination and exclusion as the object is not a like euthanasia break the cycle of non-deduction! That if a 53-year-old unemployed veteran playwright lamented: \such as AIDS), a variety of discriminatory attitude and the phenomenon has pervaded all aspects of Hollywood as an industry, even to a crazy degree, indeed, showed a crazy degree of discrimination in Hollywood over the years.
% L8 U, `% G# D% Z* [0 V
; Z! v. @( f/ n3 y) S6 Y% h& e deconstruction of Hollywood (E) % w( f+ ]1 b8 Z1 g9 d" T2 }

9 k/ M+ A& _, |: G9 k  p \All roads are more or less gold reflecting little unreal, ostentation, vanity, and vanity, resulting in this small town with a gold package fame, greed, wealth, privilege, pleasure and waste symbol. This is not a real advocate in Vanity Fair, in addition to a small number of mud, but not a leader and a loser suits dyed, top-down most people, both fledgling and accomplished veteran or novice, will consciously or do not consciously recognize the town of dishonest business sense only gold an indispensable chapter only. \\In Hollywood, symbolic objects are to the extreme: , c0 F4 j0 V5 m& m6 _1 A5 {" w9 q
* r* A/ `% [9 q1 B6 O1 `; C' S( @
early eighties of last century, today's big stars John Travolta was also buried in the \years) and \Nevertheless, people can still see him driving a light can Kam's Rolls-Royce through the streets, and driving a private jet flying in the sky above the United States. Hollywood insiders puzzled by their lifestyle so lavish, star of the film because he was frequently lost, several films and even missed the theater to see the audience, but rather sent directly assigned to the video store shelves. Later, because of \jet, in the flea market to bargain for low prices succeed, and then find someone to polish the renovation, people looked like new. 2 R8 k9 }+ X' U: u$ t+ M$ Z

8 [9 B0 i, l+ j" F9 ? children because the two objects are symbols of Hollywood's venerable status, they can make Travolta is still among the upper class to maintain decent, and this is the star in a mystery enough to make it superior place. In the gold town, and many of ladder climbers who are willing to throw lots of money, or even to buy some moderation in success and power and position to convey information about things, even though these things may be of no practical value for them. Los Angeles, Beverly Hills has a street named Rodeo Drive's boutiques, the street name can be literally translated as \However, this street was a bit unworthy of the name, it \The whole street is a typical European style, bringing together the world's major brand-name goods: a small wallet can be as high as several thousand dollars, most people will be poor after buying wallet was left after the wallet itself. Ordinary Americans know, this is a street Luomashi United States \These status symbols would be with the times, changes in fashion and style change, but some have stood the test of time, as the status of cross-era symbols.
) |, A& s3 W+ D& Q 9 D- N8 o. ?1 X# q- q. b0 U4 {3 E
6 ?$ K* B& ~: Q; d! A* Y! w5 u  ^
: S* i. v. Q1 `2 z* Z private aircraft owners has been the darling of the Hollywood entertainment industry bosses, which more than thirty million dollars a symbol of masculine thing the company's success. Many film companies for their own bosses with a special plane. And, like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tom Cruise and John Travolta star in this way are also unwilling people, the person driving type Lear and Gulfstream II jet. The aircraft's fuel costs and annual maintenance fees on top of 100 million U.S. dollars, called the symbol of the Need for power and position, and these aircraft purchase and maintenance costs can also be used for tax deduction, which number more than seven years into the may well be a big star for cost-effective spending. Hollywood elite of today's favorite brand is based Gulfstream I, II or III type type. The only drawback is, country singer John Denver driving without a license because of his small plane, unfortunately, were killed.   l3 Z4 c) D, Y, Z

+ P! \1 X& v  ^
: p8 X, ^4 H5 C- v+ B+ A. \/ ~% k
' F; h. d4 r3 o# ]& A+ l6 ^ Rolls-Royce brand cars and Hollywood is undoubtedly an expert Mercedes-Benz brand of choice, although in recent years have seen more and more common than sport utility vehicles interspersed Beverly Hills and Bel Air luxury residential between. One reason is due to open a brand-name luxury car hijacked concernedly more or less dangerous; there is a reason that is driving such a vehicle to convey a sense of rebellious cool, like some Beijing Kung Fu tycoons deliberately wear plate Like shoes, children, people know I was so successful, do not need to use the value of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars to show off their rich cars. This is also in dress show the same rebellious: well-polished faded jeans, cowboy boots together with Shar grinding, or the value of wearing a pair of light Italian flat sandals 400 dollars, 600 dollars and then put on a leisure suit. Only in this way seems, the people of Taiwan will be like so \But the big Oscar night, the luxury places around the venue will be the emergence of a group of \Cup gather together to watch the live television on the big screen, after the awards show will be many nominees and winners in person to the scene add to the fun, \In such party, the most senior, who was undoubtedly the most extravagant Hollywood super-agent, Howard Irving Lazar the couple held each night of the Oscar Oscar party. Insiders to the public that the absolute best show on a piece of paper would mean that you have an invitation to board the top of the Hollywood social ladder; be ignored or left out who will naturally be ashamed of, secretly resolved,Cheap Replica Breitling, we must make persistent efforts, I hope The next lucky finalists.
0 E+ I5 w; s- D ) G  F! l7 `# H0 r
recent years, the Hollywood sense of social responsibility and political awareness are constantly strengthened and improved, some of the famous Oscar party or the party will cast a ray of charity for their color, dubbed as \Foundation \As a result, both the organizers or participants of the party must do something \In the late 1990s, the most popular and most expensive party in Beverly Hills is the classic \Voucher price up to a thousand dollars, and always sold out months in advance. This may be because of Hollywood's AIDS population density of it. Big stars usually name their generous dedication to their favorite charity dinner, often add to the fun will personally appear to increase the party's economic benefit. The annual Oscar night, as Hollywood celebrities in this show and he rushed ganchang between a party, always congested streets of Los Angeles, rented a luxury Lincoln stretch limousine or Mercedes. An ordinary rental Lincoln continental 60 U.S. dollars per hour, plus 20% of the drivers tip. Type a more extended royal style of Mercedes-Benz S600 rents as high as 110 dollars per hour, plus 20% driver gratuity. If the soil is not opening the eyes take in the car accidentally spit, and have service charge. To the subject to how much pleasure they have to let the owners.
2 I; J0 k7 Q0 x: w& R
! V- n% V6 k5 z4 [$ [# i $ b0 z% W. G1 l9 B( j  K8 P

8 @% x! z* X- p2 }. y Hollywood Oscar dress in the name of a woman what to wear at Academy Awards ceremony has become the focus of most fashion media; and the first line of men began striking in recent years. Whoever is able to put on a world-class designer specifically designed for him or her packing at the awards show appearances, he or she must be able to earn enough status points. In recent years, the Academy is on the list of most popular Oscar de la Renta, Prada, Gucci, Gianni Versace, Donna Karen and Armani. I believe our younger generation on these weird foreign names into Chinese are also not familiar with, especially in Miami Beach who was brutally murdered gay boyfriend from the global news Fan Shizhe (Versace) President. Dressed in a custom line of the first and can win the praise of experts, the status will get extra points, though some clever some of the actors sometimes wear fancy dress strongly individuality of appearance, because they know that is really important is the eyes and to recruit people The Moments of solidification in the photo, a bird expert with the comments of management.
/ ^5 K. j, @$ d' k
/ q* u7 V+ p- A9 C# O/ z
9 {. C) n. N9 \$ D! y; T / {6 h, j& T$ A" k' ~! F
personal fitness trainer since the early 1980s, have their own private fitness trainer (more desirable in their own homes with a private gym) has been a kind of fashion. At that time, a man named Jack Stanfield's aerobics instructor and fitness guru called the originator of all kinds, specializing in the rich and powerful movie star in the business. Because there are many stars to join in Stanfield is a book, but also made video, still run television column shows to promote its \titles. Personal trainers generally charge by the hour, ranging from 50-100 U.S. dollars per hour, door to door service, sometimes even to follow the star over the world tour, guided visit to the shooting scene.
4 ^% S# F7 B/ D: R- S0 Q 2 h+ m& b& H: g8 y3 F
the concept of fitness in today's Hollywood has become a crazy fashion. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgery statistics body sculpting, the U.S. West Coast body sculpting each year on cosmetic surgery than anywhere else in the world. Liposuction, that is, using a needle inserted into the body fat of meat bag, suck out excess calories, is the most common body sculpting method. The following were eyelid surgery, breast augmentation surgery and rhinoplasty surgery. There is also a Long chin surgery (that is, increasing the jaw) is also called Hollywood's forte. Vanity Fair in Hollywood on the parts of the body, especially the appearance of the part, can be false, or even real ones.
4 @  S2 ^: n0 d3 B - o% w& a7 J" {7 R7 E5 g" y
& i$ w! @* ]% |% S: S5 l6 g2 Q # _% m$ z3 u* B+ u
authority, according to \Golf to become the club's main activities. 1897 Country Club was established strictly in Los Angeles, in addition to non-white suits, all the films and the Jews were turned away. Half of the twentieth century, the most famous club is Mead Wake Country Club, the club has a hillside golf course, support the team a champion horse, from Patton to Will Rogers, David Niven, Spencer Tracy and Walt Disney and other celebrities are members of the club. ' h; ^8 \9 M. p: K" t
) `. P' O! w! n, V" B6 b. R& e4 u
Today, the Los Angeles area littered with about twenty country clubs, golf elite reputation in Hollywood who is the loudest Bel Air Country Club, Riviera Country Club and Country Club Manchester Sylvester Koehler . Sylvester Koehler, the entertainment industry at the time Manchester was founded by the Jewish elite, becoming the only accepted Jews and film club. Today, the old Country Club in Los Angeles is still the city's top golf courses, its members are still very strict limitations. Good club membership fees every year tens of thousands of dollars at least, some of the elite golf course or even six-figure annual fees, and costs of each have to play another single settlement.
+ r' _& f8 q- Z4 }; e' g! R
! J; Z2 H7 d' f& _' `. u3 w brand name watches 2 V% H; r8 a/ d: E( {, U
/ K( r/ w4 I0 f4 ~8 U% E; t* Y
eight from the twentieth century, since the nineties, many of the so-called New Hollywood ladder climbing past have begun to cast aside those vanity status symbol, especially in jewelry jewelry. But in Hollywood, \deliberately open collar, by the way its not faded in the chest hair showing. For those still obsessed with jewelry and want to show more taste of the people, the men's Rolex and Cartier women is still a status symbol in the list of the top grade. Genuine Rolex or Cartier price of up to tens of thousands of U.S. dollars, equivalent to the price of a Mercedes car in a city like Los Angeles may have to wear this thing risked a life-threatening. Disclosure of a Los Angeles media often called \precious lives. Described as \It is reported that criminals have not yet under arrest. / Z- G, v  i4 J* F9 z4 }( b: g

, j1 c$ p: @  ]
" X! E7 F6 A" |: F. M* {/ H+ p " z. W' j1 W  l3 b
Castro cigars Cuban national television audience in front of the plane announced to quit after being rejected Castro's cigar suddenly worth double in Hollywood. This is because ever since Clinton took office, the first lady Hillary Clinton White House unwilling to lonely housewives in the United States to implement anti-smoking campaign. Ever since, a section of federal and state laws do a frustrated American smokers. Southern California restaurants and bars will be prohibited from smoking, so shrewd businessman began smuggling reselling cigars, because the law does not expressly prohibit the cigars. The mid-1990s, gathered puff of a high-end consumer has become fashionable. Hall, a private cigar various celebrities spotted in Los Angeles have listed the place opened, to provide up to two hundred kinds of addicts were fine cigars. Lined dens in these, the most tasteful and who is the Beverly Hills Hamilton opium dens, the actor George Hamilton, a joint venture with one run. The price of each cigar to 100 U.S. dollars from the $ 4.25 range, a small cup of fine brew of malt liquor can be sold at 37 dollars, and spend $ 9.99 in the supermarket can Kanghui a box. Can serve as a status symbol of the cigar brand Davidoffs, Paul Garmirians, Avos and Partagas. Cuban Monte Cristo II (Montecristo No.2) is considered the best, who is worth a hundred dollars this thing. In addition to cigar suck cigar fashion, but also books and magazines including the collection of cigars and cigar cutters, cigar Conference held, and at a cost of tens of thousands of dollars in their own building with heated storage room cigar humidors. ; J- g0 u; l+ R: V  x

# E2 ?0 P' F" L In addition, motorcycles and drugs has become one of Hollywood's status symbols. A configuration complete Harley-Davidson, its price can be comparable with the Mercedes-Benz, up more than fifty thousand dollars. The types and brands of drugs also can convey the owner's power and position and identity information, and meet their psychological and physiological needs. ( F1 D- `3 _$ A/ j3 y
( |# f: j+ f8 F& r
According to \This information may make people bak Vanity Fair Hollywood's truth. ! d5 ?+ H* p# b1 l  v. o
! M. w3 N. G. \" m
deconstruction of Hollywood (VI)
  e4 S+ F/ d" e0 N% p% U, Q7 N
& Y# d5 @! z' ^ geographical sub-lens perspective ! x4 t+ M) J* F: \' I

" [- n1 z8 R' E2 C; ~5 _ Hollywood people often mention of as the \.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-12-7 12:42 | 显示全部楼层
Yes, it can
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