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[歌曲在线] 罗巴尼亚流行歌曲 巴尔干的女孩

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发表于 2010-11-26 22:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

6 L4 K4 R9 k4 l  j! |/ X: |9 T  k6 O* M  j" U/ q
歌手:Elena Gheorghe  MV中的歌手化妆太浓,这张的妆也不淡,看上去几乎不敢确定是同一个人。
0 @* E' C8 t8 {4 H% J: o( K
: _" J/ F! Q+ a5 B% ~! V+ x% E歌曲:The Balkan Girls 巴尔干的女孩
% s8 E# r. V& y( _$ J1 c3 H, W
. ?2 ^+ e# u; I' s
3 n# i, U4 `3 ]: Y9 z# v2009年欧洲音乐电视大赛罗马尼亚的参赛歌曲,名次不是太靠前,看过一个现场版,感觉后面虽和声的没和歌手配合好,MV中自然没有这个问题。
+ C/ p. \* Q  z6 x1 ?% h* n- i# Q/ ~& ~3 }, p! N( \5 C8 ]/ `
歌词:The Balkan girls; [/ u8 J7 V+ F3 R: D
歌手:Elena Gheorghe
. H  s/ [1 B, [2 H. e) ~
$ n8 A, Q4 a, `1 c6 H
The Balkan girls, they like to party
5 y) ~! G1 b6 o8 l; @Like nobody, like nobody3 Q  s; Y: i6 b, L/ V
It''s time for me to unwind
0 S% x3 `2 L0 q9 v/ V6 I% o# DI''m gonna start my weekend with gin tonic and lime
1 Y9 K, J- R, |, wMy girls take me for a ride/ m% F. a  b% a/ P7 A
Ready to party and looking so fine
6 ^. l* L- v/ p0 l3 q, f2 kI wonder if beyond this* s$ R+ b& N6 I% _8 m0 M6 M; J1 A
There could be something better! d' `3 Q; H6 u3 v, ~# D! t, x2 Y
''Cause I feel so good tonight" q5 ]. F+ z& y# N  k
Don''t wanna end this night8 t! p9 J, }2 W) `
The Balkan girls, they like to party
- p9 D& O* e1 a( L- I) `. PLike nobody, like nobody7 U) {) t0 U: V+ z. D, Q- |& z7 i9 i
(the groovy light will shine all night)/ @# u0 u' y% O" r3 K
The Balkan girls, they like to party' L8 A8 i; X! E8 k
Like nobody, like nobody$ ~4 U) t! ^; _
(the groovy light will shine all night)
, t0 o5 T! ^7 z) P. UMy hips are ready to glow
+ k& C3 U* p6 J- f' v$ y3 u3 n. V6 lThis record is so hot and I have so much to show
- R8 \1 s1 s* [2 |2 P6 q- C( {8 NI''ll find a boy for a kiss; ~1 @$ T2 ^9 s
Who knows, maybe he''ll be my prince3 ]& z! N3 p3 R0 e& y# Z2 b% F
I wonder if beyond this7 u8 y+ F5 d! D
There could be something better
' _* w1 I' ^* o''Cause I feel so good tonight8 o: x' M0 J" c5 @* p
Don''t wanna end this night
( O& n6 i0 K, K) L: G2 w9 QThe Balkan girls, they like to party( M% p: C* V" {# G
Like nobody, like nobody
) T: x  C* ^7 U' u( Z" Z: ^(the groovy light will shine all night)9 _: I/ |" b/ a4 t  Z4 w
The Balkan girls, they like to party6 g% R" Q8 A' f* `+ y  S* W
Like nobody, like nobody/ g; n. z$ G) Q
(the groovy light will shine all night)
! k0 B3 C  t3 b. A5 o% O(You''ve gotta live your life...)
+ ^/ t, k4 l5 P* m$ HIf you need to find out' F  }" t+ K4 w8 e- `0 W2 ?. V, Y
What love is about
  z' t2 Z  j0 l7 eAnd if you''re a lonely baby
& `6 _7 Q/ e1 o2 Z: Q: h# WJust open your mind, you''re one of a kind
. e0 P9 A" a% k" a6 `' T! AYou''ve got to live your life...
/ N+ q/ D) X) N6 U4 IThe Balkan girls, they like to party$ y4 s; W$ N& C8 A- e* ^* o8 \  A  O
Like nobody, like nobody9 g( E- U5 y! y& Z: t  ]. P; `
The Balkan girls, they like to party/ G% I$ K* K1 E, f! J
Like nobody, like nobody
9 q5 _# {5 v6 F2 v9 q/ TThe Balkan girls, they like to party3 S; a6 @3 ]9 {
Like nobody, like nobody
# }- _+ B- m5 P( G; n; O- h) U, W(the groovy light will shine all night)1 ~$ }' l# E. W4 V
The Balkan girls, they like to party! Y% T4 Q$ k/ z  K+ |9 o. U
Like nobody, like nobody6 t% Q- G/ _) \4 M, y9 J5 w
(the groovy light will shine all night)" l5 \8 s( r# ?* A# N

; N- V" Y& U$ L
4 ?& x- X# j( F! {9 h
3 J. S# T) Q" }: |' t2 N2 S歌词很简单,大概就是说巴尔干的女孩很热辣吧,自述口吻。这歌有用小号,感觉一般流行歌曲很少用。
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