埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(754) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-3-15 22:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
11日发生的9.0级大地震造成的福岛一号核电站四台反应堆相继出现爆炸,泄漏等险情,在人们着急忙慌的排除核电站险情的同时,关于核泄漏的各种谣言却比辐射传的更快更广,这次的核电站泄漏到底会有多大危害,对于中国能有多少影响?让我们拨开谣言的迷雾,来看清楚真相。 【网友评论】8 J, n& Y- k7 r. n; G

" u! u  S! Q4 F, A1 w+ M* ^. 福岛核电站,到底有多危险?核电站会像原子弹一样爆炸吗? ' R9 f. e& V( N; ^9 b+ a
核反应堆是不可能像原子弹那样爆炸的。这个结论的原因很简单:核反应堆的燃料铀不纯,它们没有能力产生原子弹式的爆炸。 虽然核弹和核反应堆都是以铀为原料,但两者对纯度的要求完全不同,从地下挖出来的天然铀含99.3%的铀238和只有0.7%的铀235,而只有后者是能够发生链式反应的铀。生产核弹时,你需要付出昂贵的代价去除杂质铀238,要求铀235的纯度在90%以上,而反应堆中一般只需要稍微3%左右提纯的铀,正如烈度白酒可以点燃,啤酒却不能点燃的道理一样,反应堆即使失控,也不会像原子弹那样爆炸。【详细】
8 |( b6 W+ \( c2 o- ?( A: [
& d$ w. f; a0 f1 l9 a+ R6 v不是说反应堆已经停止了,那么为什么还要降温散热?" h: B+ x) t9 m5 u/ T1 \/ S5 Z
我们通常意义上说的可控裂变在一开始关堆成功时就停止了,只是有大量的余热和同位素衰变的少量继续发热需要冷却。 如果冷却泵没坏,这点热本来根本不是问题。现在冷却泵坏了,还一直持续不断产生低水平的热量,把反应堆压力容器里的水都蒸发了,没有水冷却,这点热足够最终融化堆芯,造成烧穿反应堆压力容器的事故。 一旦烧穿压力容器,融化堆芯到了很厚(1米3混凝土加12毫米钢板)很大的安全壳里,可以用喷水的办法包住放射物质,继续降温。按设计这个时候堆芯会冷却固化,预置在安全壳里的去氢剂会把氢和氧结合生成水,减低壳内压力,最终形成稳定的状态。
, M5 a# R1 l# Z8 R% i! \/ o
4 W" p6 \3 T% Q' Y( f " G6 F: b: X8 V! P) M4 z  L# o
3 P5 f. o& T2 y1 A& H  c最先出事的福岛一号核电厂二号反应堆使用的反应堆是由GE设计的沸水堆,原理和我们平时用的蒸汽压力锅类似。核燃料对水进行加热,水沸腾后汽化,然后蒸汽驱动汽轮机产生电流,然后蒸汽冷却后再次回到液态,然后再把这些水送回核燃料处进行加热。紧急降压直接排除炉内蒸汽会有放射性物质泄漏,但这都是里面的包括非常小剂量的铯和碘同位素,衰变的快中子,空气、水反应生成的氮、氩放射性同位素等,不到几秒就衰变光了,没有危害。只要堆芯没有熔化和破裂,就不会有大问题,实际上相比之下,四号反应堆的乏燃料池起火才是个更迫切的大麻烦。1 f8 L0 t8 w8 l. f
6 d$ n6 W! h% @+ k% z 一旦发生严重的核泄漏,会不会殃及池鱼?放射性尘埃会吹到中国来吗?
9 u# v) {* f8 S4 y/ N. K# A; R+ z地球自转是由西向东转的。热带气温高、寒带气温低,所以除了一般的风以外,有一个空气在低纬度上升、到高纬度下降的大对流过程。高空气流向北流动的过程中,由于低纬度线速度高,流向会偏东,形成固定西风带。出事的福岛核电站大约处于北纬38度左右,证实西风带影响范围,高空气流永远是自西向东运动,如果真的发生强力爆炸将放射性尘埃吹向高空,那么只有可能影响到人迹罕至的阿留申群岛,阿拉斯加等等,并且在气流吹动的过程中,放射性尘埃也会不断的被稀释扩散在大气层中,到达北美大陆时影响已经相当微弱。【详细】 % c! t1 G: x. {1 [
& i' k# \1 o" |/ {: Y3 A
: K  ^0 [# c" t4 i% ?7 @穿白衣完全没有意义,戴口罩可能能够阻止部分放射性微粒进入体内形成内照射,不过光戴口罩也没用处,还要戴防毒面具。至于中华神油板蓝根或者茶油之类的,完全没有用处,不是以讹传讹,就是别有用心。碘防御辐射的原理是甲状腺容易吸收碘,放射性尘埃中有碘141,如果被吸收很麻烦,那么就提前服用碘片,一般是碘化钾,用没有放射性的碘先让甲状腺饱和,然后就不会吸收放射性的碘同位素了,但是首先碘盐吃了没用,碘片也用处不大,其次放射性同位素不光有碘,还有铯,防住碘意义也不大。; }' C' K' V+ f( h6 t
. N' |3 r7 R" r& @* @

' N8 C: X, k7 m$ w受到大剂量辐射会有什么后果?
+ d, X* }) e* z/ N& P! V  ~短期内接受1Gy也就是约1000mSv剂量以上的辐射,人体会产生急性辐射病的症状。在此剂量以下,一般不会有明显的可见的症状。切尔诺贝利有134人被确认受到了1Gy以上的严重辐射,并诊断为急性辐射病。后来有28人在3个月内去世,有14人在10年内去世。这是非常可怕的后果;但这也意味着还是有一部分人,即使受到了严重的辐射,在10年后还是存活的。全球自45年到81年的核试验,共向环境排放了960PBq的放射性铯;对比之下切尔诺贝利释放的是60PBq。如果大部分人类在这种环境中还没有受到显著危害,那么目前为止泄露量远低于切尔诺贝利的福岛核电站事故,就不值得对自身健康过度忧虑。" t" A+ ~% g7 o4 l
8 r# h; d3 q) q: U% p, B7 |8 M 一旦这些真的发生了……核电站所在地区的农作物和海鲜能否安全食用?
. X$ V2 u& A+ S- z4 Q/ ~" p6 D盖格计数器非常灵敏,皮肤上沾染50到几百个放射性原子就足以让其做出反应。我不清楚目前的辐射剂量是多少,但我可以肯定即使是很低的剂量也不会逃过检测。
$ {3 c: g% h0 L' _; `, Z) j" [3 r- A    如果现在公布的辐射剂量是准确的,就没有必要担心这方面的问题。即使在自然环境中,也是有天然放射性物质存在的。如果情况进一步恶化下去,即使达到切尔诺贝利的水平,则会对生态造成较大的影响,相应的进出口检验环节也会建立,受辐射的作物和海产等不太可能出现在选购和食用范围内。 6 D0 K: q* \* V2 J, z6 R+ Q
. w/ ?" j% m* ~. t
/ n: K' p; t% {0 H如果水蒸气中含有的放射物质是N和Cs的同位素的话,会迅速降低辐射强度,随风扩散后,对较远地方影响不大。事实上,即使没有核电站,自然界中也有天然的辐射,主要来自宇宙射线,氡气,人体辐射和去医院看病需要的检查。天然的辐射和人类排放的辐射没有本质区别,只要剂量小就无危险。但是如果反应堆堆芯熔化破裂,裂变产物中,碘141半衰期约为8天,铯137半衰期约为30年,这两样尤其是后者是比较致命的放射性元素。【详细】
' l4 R3 U) U, u: |: z9 x9 \6 a4 r& m9 W1 x' \, h! P( r
从核污染的严重性来说核电厂泄露比核弹爆炸更严重。 一般来说,以放射尘污染的严重程度排序,聚变弹(氢弹)< 裂变弹(原子弹)< 核电厂泄露 因为核电厂泄漏出来的很多都是超长半 衰期的放射性同位素,例如聚变产物钚,半衰期长达几百上千万年,钚有二十种放射性同位素。其中寿命最长的有钚-244(半衰期为8080万年)、钚-242(半衰期为373300年)及钚-239(半衰期为24110年)。其余的放射性同位素半衰期都低于7000年。动物组织内只要含达每公斤数毫克的钚就能致死。
4 S3 S5 ^9 w4 t+ X4 A; m 7 v5 w- F7 t+ x6 s$ ^7 e; G7 Q. j
到目前为止的辐射水平,会对人类造成伤害吗?) Z* @' E, h" Z, p+ _( o
NHK的放射物质监测报告说茨城的辐射测量值为正常的100倍以上, 宇宫都、奇玉县40倍以上,多数地区浓度为正常值个位倍数,东京大约20倍左右,这些正常值的100倍、40倍的数字应该是相对本底辐射强度而言,看起来很可怕,但放射性元素会衰变,这个效应不一定是长期的。影响主要看总剂量。自然本底一年的总剂量是1~10mSv,而一年之中吸收的辐射超过这个剂量的几倍几十倍,不会造成显著的损害。只能从理论上估计增加了某些疾病的概率,并没有得到数据支持,比如你过去得肺癌的概率是10%,大概辐射之后得的概率是10.05%这个样子。
鲜花(3323) 鸡蛋(28)
发表于 2011-3-16 07:08 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(114) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-3-16 07:12 | 显示全部楼层
zai4 zai1 nan4 dao4 lai2 de shi2 hou48 s- h4 c: ^2 y7 S# G% z
zui4 bu4 ying1 gai1 de jiu4 shi4 zhi4 zao4 e2 wai4 de kong3 huang1~
7 ~! p! W! }6 O, S( [% vlao3 da4
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(14)
发表于 2011-3-16 07:13 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-3-16 07:17 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(17) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-3-16 09:04 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(2212) 鸡蛋(4)
发表于 2011-3-16 09:06 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-3-16 09:52 | 显示全部楼层
恐慌是没必要的,目前对太平洋西海岸的影响也是不太可能。但是,CTV新闻,已经持续两天报道,距福岛核电站240公里处的东京上空,空气中的放射性物质含量是1000-1100 mSv,核危机是6/7级,早就超出4/7局部污染的范围,关键是看,在这种浓度下,往哪儿刮风,往哪儿下雨,风速是多少;现在是没有任何办法使核裂变停下来,甚至不能阻止MELTDOWN,现在能保佑这个浓度持续的放,已经是最好的结果。。。新闻每天都在变,情况越来越恶化(这倒不是指对北美,毕竟离着还远哪)!
鲜花(5) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-3-16 10:20 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(37) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-3-16 10:56 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-3-16 10:57 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(79) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-3-16 11:41 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(371) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2011-3-16 11:48 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
昨天看新闻,核辐射比较伤害消化系统,甲状腺, 和骨髓。- |: t: a" ^* W
( U$ \1 K5 W4 M0 J6 T3 s# X
碘减轻甲状腺伤害, 其它还没办法。
鲜花(12) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-3-16 13:13 | 显示全部楼层
im less 恐慌 now...
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-3-16 13:13 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(441) 鸡蛋(7)
发表于 2011-3-16 13:28 | 显示全部楼层
恐慌是没必要的,目前对太平洋西海岸的影响也是不太可能。但是,CTV新闻,已经持续两天报道,距福岛核电站240公里处的东京上空,空气中的放射性物质含量是1000-1100 mSv,核危机是6/7级,早就超出4/7局部污染的范围, ...
2 T' ~. V& D8 gJoanee 发表于 2011-3-16 10:52

$ ?  L- w9 B1 t% r- L- b5 |( H( ?% |7 X$ E. n" }. [8 N
1000-1100好媳妇?; I& M8 F; `. @3 e- z, z8 x

7 }$ R/ c4 q4 U1 j* ^" e( m1 d东京还有人活着没
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-3-16 14:54 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
16# nowave 9 t0 X/ ~3 }' X

( g, z, p+ E, Q1 U6 F, a7 hJapan's desperate nuclear containment effort resumes
# ^1 F$ E! L- \: a7 _# u8 KCTV.ca News Staff3 W% [- N. e/ g  c
Date: Wed. Mar. 16 2011 8:48 AM ET& y* A5 ^9 ^% A' O" }

9 ]  S; C) E% R( }Dangerously high radiation levels prompted officials to briefly halt containment efforts at a crippled nuclear power plant, doing little to allay fears a meltdown could spew radiation over millions of Japanese otherwise spared the worst of the devastating earthquake and tsunami.  f( u  T) B! u/ q
' W/ _3 X6 }' o. y' `
Emergency crews working at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant were ordered to temporarily stop efforts to cool the facility's overheating reactors amid a surge in radiation levels on Wednesday.
9 a. q% I; u) k0 D( b( T* A
* B+ p/ ?* Z: R7 {/ ?At a news conference, Japan's top government spokesperson Yukio Edano said the containment vessel of one of the reactors at the plant may have been damaged, possibly sending radioactive steam into the atmosphere.9 T7 i8 s2 V9 K$ g1 e( n# l* f. {

! q' A! r0 v+ @6 s, z0 v$ U0 {3 x"A part of the containment vessel is broken and it seems like the vapour is coming out from there. (It) appears to be that vapour is coming out from the broken part," Edano said, explaining that the ongoing effort to spray sea water onto the reactors was disrupted by the approximately hour-long withdrawal.
4 ]0 Q) X4 _# N" m! w6 A: A' q# m% \' G. P4 p' }
"The workers cannot carry out even minimal work at the plant now," Edano said. "Because of the radiation risk we are on standby."
& h+ U# J+ m7 f2 }' a1 y9 S* r2 A4 H0 l
Radiation levels spiked to 1,000 millisieverts before coming down to the 600-800 range later in the day.# Z; Y% \0 m. H

- Z8 F8 G; R1 _8 a6 r% vAn official with the plant's operator Tokyo Electric Power later said workers were preparing to return to their perilous work. Since 750 workers were evacuated from the plant on Tuesday, a core team of between 50 and 70 workers have been rotating in and out of the facility to minimize their radiation exposure.* u9 D/ x: `( A% I7 s! V( T* u2 `

6 ]$ V1 y' l  E" j) KWatching developments from London, England, environmental radiation expert Ian Fairlie said the crews working in the damaged plant are exposed to a variety of sources of radiation, including internal radiation from breathing in contaiminated air." P( J3 n  G8 U( Y7 J

/ i6 G3 f; w  O$ ]# A- z' I"So I can understand easily why they'd be withdrawn from time to time," Fairlie told CTV's Canada AM in a telephone interview. "It's really quite a serious situation when they actually have to be withdrawn."
8 Q$ w# T& N' T5 p
$ F2 ?& X( d# d- r, M! }. v# ]7 bBut in a televised news conference, Edano sought to reassure people living near the crippled plant.' s0 a+ z. R2 m2 G! @3 I
0 W# h% S5 f' H1 \
"People would not be in immediate danger if they went outside with these levels. I want people to understand this," Edano said, referring to people living beyond the 30-kilometre exclusion zone that now surrounds the plant.4 E! A* L% T+ X! s, U" o' N
' u3 \5 J( Y7 b
Everyone living within an area covering a 20-kilometre radius around the plant has now been evacuated, while the 140,000 people living between 20- and 30- kilometres from the facility have been told to either leave or seal themselves indoors.5 B& b7 M- X  g# F+ m

: }, M9 o8 }) |7 q9 P" z4 GEmperor offers condolences( c9 V- P7 J  W% W/ u

/ K- F0 e9 @2 h; Q9 e2 iBelying the seriousness of the island nation's current predicament, Japan's Emperor Akihito made a rare television appearance in a bid to rally the island nation gripped by the humanitarian crisis triggered by the earthquake and ensuing tsunami that struck the country's northeast on March 11.
1 R: w: F6 z3 J- a) m' a
7 Y7 s% f/ L! @7 I. }In his unprecedented appearance, Emperor Akihito made it clear his and the nation's hopes are invested in the efforts of those brave few working on the front lines at the Dai-ichi plant.
, E% i1 y6 ^( _# U2 W* R6 M
9 ~# C! F! z& I) g"I fervently hope we can save as many people as possible. I am also deeply concerned about the nuclear situation because it is unpredictable," he said, speaking in Japanese.& Q) D; Y/ o8 @1 M3 n

( N8 k- n( O7 Q0 c"It is my deepest hope that the concerned people can prevent the situation from worsening further."
) [1 n4 @) b/ O( C1 Z& s# t5 e: q- I9 ~+ z
Officials had been considering using helicopters to dump cooling water onto the damaged reactors, but that plan was aborted by Wednesday evening.
  x! w2 G$ d, {6 g9 `
2 v! ^4 Y' A- F"It's not so simple that everything will be resolved by pouring in water. We are trying to avoid creating other problems," Edano said.
/ _1 B+ U% N+ d5 K* U6 k" T' V, X% C: q* E5 ~- d' c
Instead, officials will continue pumping water from the ground to try and keep the nuclear fuel rods submerged.
5 S0 E4 U& |" ^) h$ H7 m4 m2 x) k( C1 R$ l% w7 [
Normally, the metal rods containing pellets of uranium fuel inside a nuclear reactor's core are cooled with purified water. The resulting steam drives an electricity-generating turbine, while the heat is removed by coolant pumps.9 H% l$ x, N/ N) N! Y! `1 ?5 {
( m4 i/ c! v2 J1 k- A
When the massive 9.0-magnitude earthquake struck northeast Japan on March 11, the ensuing tsunami knocked out those pumps, as well as their back-up power supply.
! A! A) U4 c) ]8 D- ~# [! V- r' J* ~) r& p
Since then, three of the plant's six nuclear reactors have suffered explosions, and a fire that broke out in a fourth reactor's fuel storage pond on Tuesday caused radioactive material to be released directly into the atmosphere.6 T5 L) _! e  ^

* o+ P% r$ P; y: [& W; n: t* cA spokesperson for Tokyo Electric Power Co., said Wednesday that another fire erupted in the outer housing of the containment vessel at the No. 4 unit.$ n9 P5 h5 S" k1 K- U1 N6 v

8 H6 N& _: \5 f$ oAlthough visible flames and smoke from the unit subsided, Japan's nuclear safety agency could not confirm the fire was out.
2 F; D+ o; D% j8 ^# n
8 R1 s5 ?7 b' F7 u0 c2 k' UResponding to reports that 70 per cent of the nuclear fuel rods at the No. 1 reactor are damaged, along with 33 per cent of the fuel rods at the No. 2 reactor, Minoru Ohgoda said, "We don't know the nature of the damage, and it could be either melting, or there might be some holes in them."0 _, z8 E3 p7 y

2 X* v( g9 `+ A, ~4 {/ @/ X. T  aIn an interview from Montreal, Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility President Gordon Edwards said he's heartened by the fact the risk of a major catatrophe is decreasing with each passing day.5 ]- N$ g5 _; q

0 A+ n) e$ h- p" c"The actual heat output which is driving these accidents is diminishing," Edwards told CTV's Canada AM.
2 ?- q! F. Y- X' Y! z- r( q% J" A1 o/ |1 P
"Even after the first day it had diminished by 90 per cent, and since that time it has diminished again by 90 per cent. So if they can win this battle, stretch it out long enough and prevent the core from melting then they have an increasing chance of preventing a complete meltdown."
9 u* a- Y: R2 Q) I% q7 i, d, a- c
- N3 c5 ?" m7 w+ cBut Edwards tempered his optimism with a caveat.
/ w( `; u* x0 y: r0 a* m% u4 j7 j: W2 L- n8 j+ ~
"The bad news is they're just not in control." + W, d  G9 {# j! d2 g- `

1 u$ j. k0 r$ q7 l' M! ^Humanitarian Crisis
9 S, x3 O+ `: r6 k9 n$ u& u/ Q+ k
4 V# b0 [7 v5 t4 _9 m0 gThe deepening crisis at the Fukushima plant has spurred the evacuation of an area covering a 20-kilometre radius around the plant, and spurred authorities to tell the 140,000 people living between 20- and 30- kilometres from the facility to either leave the area or seal themselves indoors.
4 @; T8 ]4 ~& T+ s9 W& j* ?6 A- P0 m& D1 G, s
The government has ordered all 47 prefectures (provinces) nationwide to report the results of environmental radiation observations every day, twice a day if possible." K  F* O2 u( c' q

0 M$ S' w" n, s; LIn Tokyo, approximately 220 kilometres south of the crippled nuclear plant, officials said radiation reached 10 times normal levels following the fire at the Fukushima plant, but did not pose a threat to the health of the city's 13 million people.* N; x  ^& H& S+ k9 O# A# ^* ~

; |6 |( Q. B+ W( [The reports nevertheless sparked panic buying of food, water and survival supplies among the few people who ventured outdoors. Many shops and offices remained closed, however, while public transit and streets remained largely deserted.
! e9 e. S* c3 y$ a( b. H. D5 C  f4 s: c; R
And the fear of a radioactive cloud blowing from the damaged reactors is not limited to Japan, triggering concern as far away as the U.S. Pacific Northwest and British Columbia where pharmacies report a run on potassium iodide.
) p$ ]0 Z& Q( t. T/ F$ {' F
( P0 W' A! t% u4 ?7 t+ A$ xFor the millions of displaced people struggling to survive in northeastern Japan's four hardest-hit prefectures -- Iwate, Miyagi, Fukushima and Ibaraki -- life is going on with little access to basics including water or heat.
! e/ Z* t+ X/ U) z4 C/ t, ?( \; V: z2 Q3 @$ X
Tohuku Electric Power Co. said as many as 850,000 households there are still without power, while the government estimates at least 1.5 million have no running water.* G2 D- ^8 j! i9 N
/ W0 N! B/ X+ v+ D
As many as 440,000 people are estimated to be living in temporary shelters throughout the region. Officials say more than 11,000 people are dead or missing since the quake, although they predict the number of confirmed dead will ultimately exceed 10,000." I2 v2 u" y, S

2 k4 m  u# [8 t/ \, z5 j"It is important that each of us shares the difficult days that lie ahead," the 77-year emperor said in his televised address Wednesday. "I pray that we will all take care of each other and overcome this tragedy."# b# E0 d1 a! ], Q8 `$ u

( e. D9 v7 Y' L% ]: r$ gInvestors showed some confidence in Japan Wednesday, as Japan's stock market showed signs of a rebound after losing some US$620 billion in the first two days of trading since the disaster.+ ~5 N. b4 J' t- i* Q( n
, k  e8 o1 J5 w9 G' a7 S
The Nikkei index ended the day's trading up 5.68 per cent, reversing the trend of the day before when the market closed at its lowest level in almost two years.
5 L1 q. P; R/ |( e4 x3 A! K) P' ^. S- M5 S" F5 R1 {
Japan's Central Bank was also active for the third-straight day, pumping more cash into Tokyo's money markets for a total infusion of more than US$688 billion since Monday.
3 G/ U) r) Q( K! z! {1 E5 {7 k7 @! m- E' B/ }/ Z
Initial estimates peg the cost of repairing the damage caused by the earthquake and tsunami at more than the US$159 billion of the catastrophic 1995 Kobe earthquake that claimed 6,400 lives.6 A3 J; X: c0 x  `
# V+ V, X- U0 k( t
Severity scale: g" q/ a/ D: F) e1 A7 g9 g5 G
6 a8 P. f$ c0 r6 i7 {9 R
Responding to Japan's frustrated attempts to contain a possible nuclear catastrophe, the French nuclear safety authority has upgraded the severity of the ongoing accident to level six out of seven on the international scale.5 f- j1 f+ Q% g$ l. _: K

4 S" E: }6 D4 |Level seven on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale has been invoked only once, following the 1986 disaster at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine.4 X. M1 v) V2 x. O1 e" N9 c
0 z2 d4 w4 r2 F5 b1 J
The head of France's Nuclear Safety Authority, Andre-Claude Lacoste told reporters on Tuesday that the situation in Japan is less severe than the core explosion at Chernobyl, but worse than the 1979 partial core meltdown at Three Mile Island, Pennsylvania.7 J2 q; y8 @0 Y( c

8 Z4 @3 Q9 F2 ^The incident at Three Mile Island was rated a level 5, which corresponds to "an accident with wider consequences," while level 6 is reserved for a "serious accident."  u  k9 r5 o0 c: e9 t# X
( w* d: [% s+ ]* e6 P
The day after the quake, Japanese officials rated the situation at the plant in Fukushima prefecture as a 4 on the seven-point scale, meaning it's an accident with "local consequences."
# w- s. n9 B8 Z3 Z; R3 b/ a" E/ S
& R# T# {4 W, P6 O) S2 |* A' _Despite the changing situation, they have not changed their rating.
鲜花(441) 鸡蛋(7)
发表于 2011-3-16 15:00 | 显示全部楼层
16# nowave 4 `7 b' C5 p' t6 G- ]

2 j$ P7 i( [0 eJapan's desperate nuclear containment effort resumes
8 h+ {1 B2 s% Y2 ~/ ?6 Z. MCTV.ca News Staff5 t) n' d( L/ q1 R  i4 s- K! w
Date: Wed. Mar. 16 2011 8:48 AM ET
* R2 H' Z4 p0 o2 I% b7 ~7 ?2 @& D; g
Dangerously high radiation levels prompted officials to briefly halt cont ...
( c0 o6 T* t! Y: g, @; EJoanee 发表于 2011-3-16 15:54
3 {  L' I6 g: b/ w. P  \$ H+ }8 u

# M1 H; V1 l- ]  |1000个好媳妇是福岛厂区的数值,而且日本人后来说前面是口误,应该是微媳妇9 Q. k0 s& s7 P6 P# o/ @
% V( T  i( m$ ~
鲜花(21) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2011-3-16 15:05 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-3-16 15:10 | 显示全部楼层
! g( a% s9 w% U4 W& M  f6 s
( U5 I- B4 u6 d* l. h东京还有人活着没* s( p% O6 s2 B7 k/ M5 m) J
nowave 发表于 2011-3-16 14:28
! E8 `7 q! u, I5 F0 ?1 v
& S) ]& k' t" P. p
鲜花(441) 鸡蛋(7)
发表于 2011-3-16 15:13 | 显示全部楼层
老师我没把单位写错吧,我是在新闻上抄下来的!自从这个数一公布,上百万东京人都想逃,这也是看新闻来的!9 W) W8 N0 H# T- \. ?/ M
Joanee 发表于 2011-3-16 16:10

! R  c9 w7 Z+ e1 C: K3 z; u8 m/ W" O& Q& j1 H1 @
媒体上什么不靠谱的消息都有,当然,日本人更不靠谱,微说成毫,因为眼神不好读出负压,我已经没话说了4 M8 n1 j; x4 D* k
$ v4 @7 g! w- ^0 e. G/ D' v& h5 P
鲜花(441) 鸡蛋(7)
发表于 2011-3-16 16:02 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
本帖最后由 nowave 于 2011-3-16 17:04 编辑
+ e% l! e& l' o
50人一组,750人轮流工作,几乎送上去,马上就撤下来!Joanee 发表于 2011-3-16 16:46
( Q' @+ M/ {- x. v8 `5 d

' p2 S% h6 g: S6 G% O这个消息是哪来的?不是一直就那五十壮士吗?
5 d1 v6 G- v9 S, b: P& f
3 R! a5 p( s8 |% d现在厂区的辐射值也就一个好媳妇,还不到恐怖的地步
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-3-16 16:17 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
23# nowave , e% b* K8 }5 L* B
8 S8 s) X6 m7 w4 ~, h4 F' T
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-3-16 16:44 | 显示全部楼层
这个消息是哪来的?不是一直就那五十壮士吗?' {* U( h/ W/ w# X9 g
. P7 v6 Z9 B7 Z. Y2 ]# I  p
9 {! t3 c9 V# \4 p/ L5 b5 o2 fnowave 发表于 2011-3-16 17:02
( v7 F5 d6 V4 ^# `7 C! a
* B2 N% ]% j, F# o+ ^: k- I
对于懂Precaution 的人来说,没有什么可恐怖的,可是,对于普通大众来说,多年以后,也许死都不知怎么死的,这是最可悲的!
鲜花(67) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-3-16 23:49 | 显示全部楼层
24# Joanee ) D! o! E  t% ?1 J5 Q
7 M, r7 k* R& E. S% L  m& M
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