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[其他] 政府资助给有药剂师教育背景和经验人士的学习及考试信息

鲜花(47) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-4-27 10:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada
6 ]3 s0 Q! z+ h" l4 _5 j6 {, EQualifying Exam (MCQ) Part I StudyGroup
4 K9 A& h5 M1 m+ t6 q' t" }! ~1 C' }1 b
Directions for Immigrants is starting a study group to assist internationally educated
! m# V2 i$ v: I4 p3 gPharmacists in preparing for the PEBC MCQ Part I exam.
6 T0 M9 D' T  [* R& T8 p0 K3 i7 l) _' l2 a8 c
Dates: Thursdays, June 16—October 27, 2011 Time: to be determined1 r7 `2 D4 G0 j4 L! B
0 b8 X6 `6 ?$ a1 p
To participate in this study group candidates are required:
  D# U( e0 T, S/ y) c• To have successfully written and passed the Evaluating Exam
/ x) W* k- K/ `* G• To plan writing in November 20116 a) `$ d# A" \2 a5 ?4 m- p1 p" O
; C2 m9 P' y& M+ {
Important notes:
% P& f. D" p9 H: r+ o& y9 g• There are still available spots. Candidates are welcome to join as soon as possible; _) X. I. j2 K9 h2 `: w& m- p
• Candidates who live outside of the Calgary area may participate in the study group
% @  K' Y" u' Y7 jthrough teleconferencing.! j( `9 u: f, F. ^9 t/ u4 U$ I
# ?8 g9 m' u' ~: ~# j  ]/ I
For more information please call our toll free number: 1-877-297-2553
: i6 C& Y) c$ C7 ~1 w
" _( f7 ]' F9 A' j1 L. X! Y! IAssisting Internationally Educated Health Professionals (IEHPs)6 u( g) q( A$ p  A- R+ [# j1 O
towards licensing and employment9 V* q& a: m+ F$ J$ G

+ l  T  X7 v0 o1 p4 CDirections for Immigrants is operated by Bow Valley College. This service has been funded by the Government of Alberta and the Government of Canada.
4 n! x8 U4 f: U/ E6 h7 Z# n, N& O& _. p
9 |# ^0 U, e9 @- O' \(McFarlane Tower) Suite 260, 700—4 Ave SW Calgary, Alberta+ C% n9 q- b% u7 D

4 G7 q; a% ^; H" n6 ]# DTel:403-297-2555' u! W+ _1 ]$ J2 f7 U# G
direc tions@bowvalleycollege.ca- a1 Y; v& W( Y8 _* ^; C5 [
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