埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-4-30 07:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
* Y+ u( g" ]) v3 e
This  was sent by a retired Coca Cola executive.  It came from one of  his engineer buddies who retired from Halliburton.  If you are  tired of the gas prices going up AND they will continue to rise this  summer, take time to read this  please.
% \8 {8 L' ?5 S8 k9 _2 G  G$ U- p+ Y9 p* |2 b/ h' k+ h0 N) [2 d
Phillip  Hollsworth offered this good idea.
2 E; y( |+ U1 @This makes MUCH MORE SENSE than  the "don't buy gas on a certain day"  campaign that was going  around last April or May!
: ~, Z1 r# d, N& v' V% C) IIt's worth your  consideration.  Join the resistance!!!!
& l  |, M* O  A$ U
) r1 r3 I: }6 ]" zI  hear we are going to hit close to $ 1.50 a litre by this summer and  it might go higher!!  Want gasoline prices to come  down?
4 q: w+ j% |+ A% R" M# i% |
) ~7 R/ {$ l' D1 LWe  need to take some intelligent, united  action.  - I  `8 D( k4 x$ T. o
The  oil companies just laughed at that because they knew we wouldn't  continue to "hurt" ourselves by refusing to buy  gas .. 3 D4 ]# ~" o) `# G0 |0 w. h! {( d) w

% p; C. n& ?) ]5 mIt  was more of an inconvenience to us than it was a problem for  them. 7 W$ T/ F& b& ~" j; x
BUT, whoever  thought of this idea, has come up with a plan that can Really work.   Please read on and join with  us!
4 h! K; V4 G  \* r9 E/ y! n* w  v- \3 U: k. f
By  now you're probably thinking gasoline priced at about $.99 is super  cheap.  Me too!  It is currently $1.18 at SUNOCO and ESSO for regular unleaded in Hamilton and Ottawa and climbing every  week.) W  i, O: X+ k- s
( ^+ m2 x1 E% r' p5 k$ N- K
Now  that the oil companies and the OPEC nations have conditioned us to  think that the cost of a gallon of gas is CHEAP at $.87 to .99, we  need to take aggressive action to teach them that BUYERS control the  marketplace..not sellers. ; D+ A  O* @* ?: k( J8 g
  c' Y: K0 a: y& n7 A- A5 M
With  the price of gasoline going up more each day, we consumers need to  take action.
9 U' o- E+ T: X% D
8 f. B0 g5 e1 DThe  only way we are going to see the price of gas come down is if we hit  someone in the pocketbook by not purchasing their gas!  And, we  can do that WITHOUT hurting  ourselves.
; E6 ~9 w6 m% h5 f
  D. M9 B$ ^' F( c/ UHow?   Since we all rely on our cars, we can't just stop buying  gas. 9 n/ G+ ], w+ [: |; N$ i
9 x7 L9 x# w9 R: w- g
But  we CAN have an impact on gas prices if we all act together to force a  price war.
+ F* Q8 w, Y7 Y: x
0 l2 W9 X+ ]- M( K' \Here's  the idea: For the rest of this year, DON'T purchase ANY gasoline from  the two biggest companies (which now are  one), SUNOCO(PETRO CANADA) and ESSO.
6 k/ V' h0 D2 {8 z0 g
* c! L' x/ k5 J. o- v0 UIf  they are not selling any gas, they will be inclined to reduce their  prices.   If they reduce their prices, the other companies will  have to follow suit.
* g5 i/ b2 ~6 T- ^9 k* {6 ~% Z9 r
But  to have an impact, we need to reach literally millions of SUNOCO(PETRO CANADA) and  ESSO gas buyers.  It's really simple to do!  Now, don't  wimp out on me at this point...keep reading and I'll explain how  simple it is to reach millions of  people!! + f/ K, H) g* V& M4 }
- \0 d- T5 N& o/ B
I  am sending this note to 30 people.  If each of us send it to at  least ten more (30 x 10 = 300) ...  and those 300 send it to at  least ten more (300 x 10 =  3,000)... and  so on, by the time the message reaches the sixth group of people, we  will have reached over THREE MILLION  consumers .; |% o8 Y$ W  r- U, ^* o+ D
If  those three million get excited and pass this on to ten friends each,  then 30 million people will have been  contacted!
' o& k4 E' Q- v  x8 y$ c
9 {% S& Q: Q1 E% u0 M& t6 ^If  it goes one level further, you guessed it.....  THREE HUNDRED  MILLION PEOPLE!!!
& T* U3 u# p. n% M+ E: y9 f2 e7 D  [7 T! C- @. Z
Again,  all you have to do is send this to 10 people.  That's  all!
4 p6 Z# K. s4 H4 t6 R9 F1 o, J5 M' D& w5 ]; v8 v+ h
(If  you don't understand how we can reach 300 million and all you have to  do is send this to 10 people....  Well, let's face it, you just  aren't a mathematician  But I am ..  so trust me on this  one.
7 {' s, i4 I1 p5 L( Q$ b
  ~; F1 G, e+ `5 N# |6 @; e) UHow  long would all that take?  If each of us sends this e-mail out to  ten more people within one day of receipt, all 300 MILLION people  could conceivably be contacted within the next 8  days!
- f8 x1 g1 }9 d, r; t6 s, j- B+ t
I'll  bet you didn't think you and I had that much potential, did  you!   Acting together we 1 N2 _9 g5 Z! U: ?. |& w8 F) U
can make a difference.
5 g. Y& J  \. w
3 ~  c/ @) n( K% B$ E6 a& bIf  this makes sense to you, please pass this message on.  I suggest  that we not buy fromSUNOCO(PETRO CANADA)/ESSO UNTIL THEY LOWER THEIR PRICES TO THE  $.79 RANGE AND KEEP THEM DOWN.  THIS CAN REALLY  WORK.
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-4-30 08:06 | 显示全部楼层
it sounds good, however, don't expect white guys to listen to you
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-4-30 08:09 | 显示全部楼层
% ^- }. g" Z$ k( C6 P$ q“M的U8的男)7层7层} / ü埃德蒙顿,埃德蒙顿, _0 D! M& Z, @/ o. w
4个T#楼:问é%%C处的“Ĵ埃德蒙顿,EdmontonThis是由一名退休可口可乐执行发送。这来自于他的工程师好友谁从哈里伯顿退休之一。如果您是汽油价格持续上升并且他们将继续上升,今年夏天累了,需要时间来阅读此请。埃德蒙顿,埃德蒙顿- f8的男,X5的`,V6的U“型?
6 C4 v4 }# Y0 K# W7 f! t4 [1 u; K
6吨*腰的A - o0 N3的l! @埃德蒙顿,EdmontonPhillip Hollsworth提供了很好的主意。
0 f. a3 @0 ^* m: I- p' m" }6 \&K的ü#$}资历组别的“Z / P1的qThis更有道理比”不买的某一天“运动,是在去年四,五月将气!
/ I( x( P6 _4 ^) I: S'`(6个I $为X0 7米?)| 3 Lwww.edmontonchina.cnIt值得你考虑。加入抵抗!!
  {% f9 }' w2 E9 N; K$ s0 O#一个'{#R1的四米的#&} 6 ^`埃德蒙顿,埃德蒙顿$ ü(ü,我!钾,货币供应M3〜“高
+ H, J. |! |. `) n7 v4 N听说我们要在今年夏天遭受接近每公升1.50美元,它可能会更高!希望汽油价格降下来?9 v; w+ G; h- e% M/ W1 i  x; J
供应量(M2 Ĵ架F - j的V5的ü + Y键/ M7的{3我埃德蒙顿,埃德蒙顿埃德蒙顿,埃德蒙顿+}#Ø的E / d!个问:V4的q
* ?; J+ D3 D4 Q7 L我们需要采取一些明智的,统一的行动。6 w6 ?+ T" ^! E% P# o
5 j的第四季度我的'p%男埃德蒙顿,EdmontonThe石油企业刚刚嘲笑,因为他们知道我们不会继续“伤害”,拒绝买气自己..埃德蒙顿,Edmonton0 Z2`){%_ ^#_&K3的腰A6的B8座Ĵ8 h: m8 k* N7 N$ i' I
3 ^/ u8 i# ^4 ?1 Y
,`} 4 A6的N3的W“的X6的\ 1问I.埃德蒙顿,EdmontonIt是件麻烦事比我们更多的是对他们的问题埃德蒙顿,埃德蒙顿- T9 [6〜:。W9的Y6阿!e“的r0的v
: @9 H9 V3 C6 ]+ Q$ H8 s: [但是,谁想到这个想法,想出了一个计划,能够真正发挥作用。请仔细阅读并加入我们!8 f7 d0 P! ^4 [! y2 j& \( H
7 v1的U5的é%的V#我痛苦,Rwww.edmontonchina.cn埃德蒙顿,埃德蒙顿%为X0 @%〜0 ^ 0 R2的J1的\; @. q& N, d$ t# U+ N
到现在你可能会想约0.99美元的汽油价格是超级便宜。我也是!这是目前在美国太阳石油公司和埃索1.18美元的普通无铅汉密尔顿和渥太华和登山每周埃德蒙顿,埃德蒙顿%J号,[ - 。克/ _9〜&O的求解P0 P
2 r# R2 e: W! K, p埃德蒙顿,埃德蒙顿中:C +正W7的乙;克+ X7为的f / F4键Ÿ'东经
) S: v- j; v$ g% [现在,石油公司和欧佩克国家已经制约我们认为在0.87美元说,一加仑汽油的成本便宜,.99,我们必须采取积极行动,教给他们控制的市场,买家没有卖家.. 。 ,我/我#Y3的A9的é /乙,澳/克8 U. f9 S  m) M: P. f

' T& N  ]8 h8 \. n  Z+ H! b: X#米-]! O1群]#宽+的“ì7 M埃德蒙顿,EdmontonWith,汽油价格上涨的每一天,我们消费者需要采取行动。6 ]- |; C( n3 e  ]3 I1 R7 G
  Ø&T的#一- Z的+名词%克埃德蒙顿,埃德蒙顿8 U7 u1 ~  k+ C, L8 H
8?%K2的吨的“V * ü#K表埃德蒙顿华人社区-埃德蒙顿ChinaThe只有这样,我们将会看到油价回落的是,如果我们不购买他们的命中气体的钱袋子的人!同时,我们能做到这一点不伤害自己,溁吾腰椎Ÿ。é#K9的钾,Q“的é
3 l6 V: a9 Q  z6 J+ S6 U& C7 u% y埃德蒙顿华人社区-埃德蒙顿中国;第四季度的N1 ħ#的U - Z的米)V1的^- u. ?. @& j1 U# \4 }3 L
怎么样?因为我们都依赖于我们的车,我们不能只停留买气。埃德蒙顿华人社区-埃德蒙顿China2钾,A9的女* k $个学N9号ħ
6 @! d) U4 U$ A% |* F; u# l
  f& E6 r4 T6 Y5 R3 x。 \#J#的X; n4 O“的V5的ñ埃德蒙顿​​华人社区-埃德蒙顿ChinaBut我们可以有一个就天然气价格问题,如果我们都行动起来,迫使价格战的影响。$ T+ }' i. F+ F* A0 M# p
*记:@ 3 | 3〜0 i3的| 0岛ř#S +米埃德蒙顿,埃德蒙顿8 Y7 ]+ G3 M' [; W
节)G,选,}。 ü%\(学者pwww.edmontonchina.cnHere的理念:对于今年休息,不要购买两个最大的公司(现在是一)任何汽油,美国太阳石油公司(石油加拿大)和埃索。
% ^( H& R, |. O- v& S: m5 n%升$}的W - ^!我* @埃德蒙顿,埃德蒙顿* U' A, f+ q4 m/ N# d
6 @ 1 Ž +的- o#i5的J5的氢气g0 ^埃德蒙顿,EdmontonIf他们卖的不是任何气体,它们将倾向于降低其价格。如果他们降低价格,其他企业将不得不跟随。! n6 c' t" t; T; _1 ^
; c7 M4的我* ž / O型,U型埃德蒙顿,埃德蒙顿埃德蒙顿,埃德蒙顿%é + [+ D的瓦+氮; @(]八升4 V7 S3 f1 _/ B9 ^
但有一个影响,我们需要达到美国太阳石油公司(石油加拿大)和埃索天然气买家数百万。这是很简单的事情!现在,不要懦弱了我在这一点上...继续阅读,我将解释如何简单,它是达到数百万人民! www.edmontonchina.cn1 |#第V / g0`,é#^
( h5 b! g5 f. N%^“e! Y! D,B点$ C处é(第二季^
; z7 B% I+ c1 j4 j3 T7 ]我发送此注30人。如果我们每个发送给至少十(30 × 10 = 300)...和那些300发送到至少十(300 × 10 = 3000)...等,由当时的邮件到达第六组的人,我们将达到超过三百万的消费者。
& a" a3 i# v1 r9 C, |' J: b: j - ?ř +我'&o0 ü#男!三级方程式I9瓦特埃德蒙顿华人社区-埃德蒙顿ChinaIf的三百万兴奋和传达到每十个朋友,那么30亿人将已联系!埃德蒙顿,埃德蒙顿%的(丙为$ p,乙#Ø) `: N& d' n8 E1 s( [! J9 L
www.edmontonchina.cn+ ç及J'的W -吨R的O0升
! G) A3 l8 g$ i, B5 ^: k- v+ f+ e如果去一个水平的进一步,你猜对了.....三亿人!
& h; x! f* ?1 F7 V - {* p'的`0 F2键M Z的9 [2?}的“G埃德蒙顿,Edmontonwww.edmontonchina.cn /按F8 | 6八国少年一)的K *七}8 @3 L- O% o, o; U
1 J9 f  |$ D! y' h( n!的P - X4的C2的的D / [/氧气ř(问埃德蒙顿,埃德蒙顿埃德蒙顿,埃德蒙顿)的F#的K + @:\(K3的宽(Ÿ + ħ
! k- u; o/ L0 R! `4 }8 L(如果你不明白我们如何能达到3.0亿和所有你所要做的就是把这篇文章传给10人....好,让我们面对它,你就不是一个数学家,但我相信我..所以就这一个。* t: e8 T3 e# v: d+ b5 E
9 X)的升的'X +电子/ P)的瓦/ \ 7}; H4的吨埃德蒙顿,Edmonton9 @:升;五世的H / [1 z)的Ž
& v( B) W. Z* x; K9 P多久都会认为呢?如果我们每个人发一天内收到这封电子邮件出十个以上的人,所有3亿人可以令人信服地联系在接下来的8天!埃德蒙顿,Edmonton9`5米/ ü,J#的[ - 邻%\ 6 ×
5 Y! g) E9 A) m7 @, Z8 |) _# M) L: X3 J  D) K( P
2 I9 A7的素E1我%氮f埃德蒙顿,EdmontonI'll打赌你没想到你和我有那么多的潜力,你!署理我们一起埃德蒙顿,Edmonton2十米(四+ U“型氧气ž#的S / Q
/ j5 z" o; y( C5 ?可以有所作为。埃德蒙顿华人社区-埃德蒙顿中国的'V%〜:维生素D3 D2的U2乐队T素E1克* w! z6 d- L! E9 W
埃德蒙顿华人社区-埃德蒙顿China6伏;女:用K [:] *五克“^ 5的”T *深* O“的Ð
3 c% F# L0 m! g$ Z如果这是有道理的给你们,请把此消息的。我建议我们不要买fromSUNOCO(石油加拿大)/埃索直到他们降低他们的价格向0.79美元范围及保持下来。可以实际工作。
鲜花(13) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-4-30 08:31 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
wtf ?
鲜花(219) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-4-30 10:26 | 显示全部楼层
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