埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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[招聘信息] 爱城九月小型招聘会

鲜花(47) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-8-28 13:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
# k5 r1 s+ e# Z* t7 I( k
Employer Connections for September 2012
  u+ y) t) R1 `! ^! L0 {9 w! C8 q% c2 W$ H' ?( F
September 5, 2012        ! p8 b3 b0 J8 Q2 S- m8 S0 Q7 m
Time:        1:00 PM – 4:00 PM5 \) ~9 Z% {: E; J
Employer:        UPS- Z7 S+ d/ B9 }& X7 z
Recruiting:        •        Warehouse Positions (both morning and evening shifts)7 s& r" ?5 G& K: I5 p& M" o" a2 m8 W! u
•        Courier Drivers (Full time Days, 10-13 hour day)
' g7 [1 w6 ]* l+ I& rFor Warehouse, reliable transportation required for early shifts as public transit not available.  Must be able to lift 70 lbs unassisted.1 ~* a  q' U# h; {; o
For Courier, must be over the age of 21, have a clean Class 5 license – accident free for 3 years, violation free for 1 year, no more than 5 demerits.$ ~& Y( i$ P# g9 K: z; A. r
Location:        Alberta Works Centre
+ p  R' @( ~3 h& V5 _2 W+ {8 W$ D2050 Northgate Centre
0 ^& v* s( k. M2 V4 O: [) J2 w5 s9499-137 Avenue, Edmonton
4 F, M0 V+ h' y  X$ D. s( x9 \Phone:  780-415-9831
! G9 O) t8 g: y4 u' t% d
( E3 J4 d7 a; g0 [September 5, 2012       
4 `4 l) Q# K9 ~( g4 MTime:        9:00 AM – 11:30 AM9 s: o+ W" w5 z- W; _! x# D
Employer:        Investors Group
0 m3 m6 i/ L( B9 i* b5 f: s* SRecruiting:        •        Financial Advisors/Self-Employment
+ X0 [. I' {  t0 s0 Q2 z0 T. sLocation:        Alberta Works Centre/ Z* c# u9 m- J2 J# W% G
105 Tailor Made Business Centre
1 c* z" v& X# {5 O! o' y8 R85 Cranford Way, Sherwood Park
; e' _! p1 z9 X& gPhone:  644-2827% L& R4 L. ], v( d

! T% N/ `3 Y9 {# K& z) JSeptember 5/6, 2012        : j, a( s& Z7 D9 a
Time:        11:00 AM – 3:00 PM# q' {/ J" p' T2 G7 \4 i
Employer:        Winners/HomeSense
( [9 d/ T  o  f- i7 vTWO DAY Employer Connection Event
9 {+ _9 r/ D0 S  w  Y8 A4 NRecruiting:        •        Various retail positions  o3 v9 r4 ^$ e5 S% S% c" k: j6 ~6 U
Location:        Alberta Works Centre
( r' c- ]$ ]2 ^+ D% N4 CArgyll Centre, 6325 Gateway Blvd., Edmonton& \$ |) v; G& N; s7 K3 v
Phone:  780-644-2827
5 J) s2 e; h" M
4 W" w; V( C* w* n/ BSeptember 6, 2012        & v+ r" V3 i8 w7 b, H5 ?( h
7 Z% M" N' a& z5 D
Time:        1:30 PM
7 e' m& s2 d% J9 `Employer:        Walmart Hiring Information Session6 a. k, Y# v8 Q. b; M
Positions:        Do you know that Walmart is hiring in your community?0 H4 A2 A* ?: y% s
This session will provide you information on:; X0 C: ?( J3 a% v$ F
•        Walmart’s company profile and Edmonton locations
$ _+ N0 ~' Q$ J: g•        Current Employment Opportunity available; ^1 }3 q. L4 ~" M
•        Walmart’s current application process and procedure
! @1 ~, g! A* F; X3 a. j0 e3 |! y     As space is limited, please register by calling (780) 422-0374.
/ c5 A8 |+ _  m     Computers will be available for on line application after session is+ j7 n( ~: u# [& R# p9 z
     completed.- G% ]8 u0 @: _/ l& V" W1 {
     **For additional info on Walmart go to:
2 }9 ^/ F0 U1 _8 i3 ]: p! ^. O     www.walmartcanada.ca
* f7 f3 ?# _& P  A) H! M) ]. w
0 S* f" [/ j6 B) Y* U; NLocation:        Alberta Works Centre6 c, G- w. K* \* |* U- R
2050 Northgate Centre, T1 ?) |! l, t
9499-137 Avenue, Edmonton
0 u' [2 @4 E, d8 X$ x6 d& @+ uPhone:  780-415-9831
& A7 L! q! U9 |  z6 G7 ETo Register Call:  780-422-0374; K/ U' ^+ ?, E; O6 I
* r0 b) s9 a9 u
+ t" P9 F9 i' F9 X: m
September 11, 2012        ( p6 z) n9 C7 \" ^# H& K2 R
Time:        10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
0 P6 N$ w( |# Q4 z8 sEmployer:        Delaware North Companies Sport Service) X2 g" {! }  C, F! n
Positions:        •        Alcohol Service Team& V: f0 ~6 T+ ?8 R
•        Concessions Cashier' ]9 N6 u) \1 G8 b3 ~7 ^7 @+ N% D
•        Condiment Cleaner
7 a% n) ^: |3 s9 }! D0 s) V•        Dishwasher9 M# W3 }/ U# z( w
•        Concessions Kiosk
& f0 g  Y  k& H0 d•        Team Leader7 Y' S9 p3 p/ s7 p4 p, n+ `! n
•        Cooks (1-3)
+ k4 \7 z2 A$ D5 ?( b) T1 v5 I; t4 c0 SLocation:        Meadowlark Canada-Alberta Service Centre
7 \( r& c( Z) S5 S; Y' \, ~120 Meadowlark Shopping Centre  * e9 y; _5 o: _; Q+ j- @
15710 – 87 Avenue, Edmonton  @0 T( }; A5 x8 X7 {; P7 P7 d
Phone: 780-415-8116
' N( z, e' K4 E7 h6 m
. P  [9 G1 A3 pSeptember 11, 2012       
1 i8 w( k9 x2 H5 P, a# gTime:        10:00 AM – 2:00 PM, S$ S* M! y0 \5 G
Employer:        UPS) q# Z" M: B" B+ t) a
Positions:        •        Early Morning Warehouse
& s4 P& N' p0 B•        Evening Warehouse" a- W, ^' _3 u9 L9 g# S& g
•        Downtown Helper
" S) v0 H6 V! Q. W8 Z•        Full Time Courier% G3 d, p! ~7 r7 n/ {
Applicants must have reliable transportation and be able to lift 70 lbs.  Couriers must be over 21 and have a clean Class 5 Drivers License.7 ^" M( b9 z7 N$ S6 {7 g2 m; [
Location:        Meadowlark Canada-Alberta Service Centre* _1 ?1 K2 D2 a& Z2 N4 \! n
120 Meadowlark Shopping Centre  
+ D& i( Q5 ?. t( [/ L# e+ ]15710 – 87 Avenue, Edmonton
* t9 l8 ?& D+ j! u0 _* J4 YPhone: 780-415-8116
: _  p- C& s2 W/ T
! Y5 p& h" G; d7 tSeptember 12, 2012        7 p. C* \: e6 N5 Z2 z# ]( p, g- E% _! Z
Time:        1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
( d3 M" ?0 J6 qEmployer:        Assassin Safety & Labour Leasing Inc.+ L3 A! B7 K/ c" X# s
Recruiting:        •        Heavy Equipment Operators/ d/ ~5 {' M. ?" C2 N& E% k
•        Vac Truck Operators
# z$ X. Q. t5 P  R0 E9 E•        Water Truck Operators
% s: M0 k, [4 D8 U- W•        Bed Truck Operators  x3 s+ \% b/ B* t* V
•        Heavy Duty Mechanics$ s) w% ~  G- @' [, w  l
•        Oil/Gas Personnel0 o: I7 T! B; M/ D
•        Red Seal Plumbers/Gas Fitters
- l9 j& z) R, Q4 \- g6 h6 V/ ?•        Red Seal Carpenters
, {8 L7 O+ N' M•        Red Seal Electricians
3 a9 j2 T8 y1 s" KCandidates should have appropriate training in the positions that they are applying to.  Some experience is also desired.  Candidates may be subject to Drug/Alcohol testing by employer./ d3 w8 g# X9 G' T2 G+ J9 f
Location:        Alberta Works Centre
, H  H  n) z1 n' H! U2050 Northgate Centre! F! k/ `* ~' G5 M, _5 h6 E! F
9499-137 Avenue, Edmonton, V) h! F) T. z! J/ L. ?6 R
Phone:  780-415-9831
9 ~& Y3 ^0 p, E7 ^' D. c6 I- a. ~) {' i$ y2 P
September 13, 2012       
5 |, M( s7 |8 `3 }: V  T9 F$ ]Time:        1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
- x4 X! v3 F1 D, H7 ?/ XEmployer:        Canada Safeway3 A9 V' q6 W+ T* Z8 ?
Recruiting:        •        Cashiers
2 K/ n, I6 K" m2 s9 c; e•        Deli Clerks
- t4 ^. N$ X3 w/ i3 L6 o•        General Clerks1 I) \5 C/ x# q5 q, @9 H* ?
•        Experienced/certified Meat Cutters   t2 u  k4 G; ]# q( m7 I
For various locations
% [, p( G- D& yLocation:        Alberta Works Centre
, I# R' J: q$ G1 Y9 z. v( \* VArgyll Centre, 6325 Gateway Blvd., Edmonton. p8 X+ C  Y: @& J# `
Phone:  780-644-2827
; t+ @8 i/ q) \+ M* g/ e# `
4 |+ p' e5 ?; I4 v0 BSeptember 13, 2012        / o: _4 V( N" U( m+ a9 x7 U
Time:        1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
! Q: _# L% Y" h7 Z' Q( I; SEmployer:        The Matrix Hotel
  @) d+ H5 [( s9 JRecruiting:        •        Bellman7 M7 j  h  b( F
•        Front desk agent! \; a" K# d3 N# B$ f
•        Public area attendant- O1 K& R( G% r' ?; x% G
Location:        Alberta Service Centre
& n& A; q& e& \City Centre, Main Floor 10242 - 105 Street, Edmonton/ X" ?3 o5 t8 W* S
Phone: 780-427-9674& k0 g/ d3 w; L1 ~

* H- c  i" C/ L. P0 s+ SSeptember 20, 2012        # e8 |/ [' ^& z6 F5 v2 m
Time:        1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
' @7 L* E' |6 r: ^Employer:        Labour Ready/ c9 Y( n, T+ z6 r5 x& |
Recruiting:        Various temporary positions in;
1 ~! w5 c% ~4 p& q6 B•        General Labour
* g, F! `/ U! ]9 b# r+ z•        Light Industrial
' v. z/ s, K* v! P9 p+ \•        Skilled Trades8 k9 ]0 `( h: n, v; J
Location:        Alberta Works Centre
4 O+ V! P# l9 G2 ]Argyll Centre, 6325 Gateway Blvd., Edmonton; r0 g0 k5 R( ~6 B2 Z
Phone:  780-644-2827
! B7 K" M  O3 Y. c
3 a, H( ]7 h+ F: t+ kSeptember 27, 2012        3 x, j* m+ \3 N  d& P/ s
Time:        1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
& i1 l1 T! y1 u& ^4 v5 M2 K5 FEmployer:        UPS-United Parcel Service
$ u1 c0 K$ ?" WRecruiting:        •        Full time Courier
- v1 i( [5 B+ d0 w- A, R7 V. H7 |4 V•        Part time Courier
* [  w% q& K1 `+ h! J•        Evening Warehouse Start time 5 or 6 PM' ^, A2 O. k: E1 Z
Requirements for above positions:  Full clean class 5 license-no violations within the last year, no more than 5 demerits, no accidents within the last 3 years.  Able to drive a standard transmission, over the age of 21, able to lift 70 lbs unassisted
$ K- ^& y7 G8 h7 }9 E4 M+ Q$ iEarly Morning Warehouse Start time 2 or 4 AM
* ?; Y: P0 O3 S; q6 x) H$ IRequirement:  Reliable transportation! L- G) J1 v1 d* i8 t1 }7 d
Location:        Alberta Service Centre
2 u: S% ^) S7 j2 j- tCity Centre, Main Floor 10242 - 105 Street, Edmonton+ h) Q8 }' T' h# t. d
Phone: 780-427-9674
" C, Q9 \8 y5 ?
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-8-28 21:16 | 显示全部楼层
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