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[其他] Calendar of Events Alberta Works Week Events and Activities Listing draft

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发表于 2013-4-24 12:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Alberta Works Week/ }1 u" ]2 t* k. F9 m8 a
April 29 to May 3, 2013# R) |8 L6 h1 H7 \/ K/ z% z
Calendar of Events
" o# ^2 V: A0 L' Y- D# p) J5 H+ K1 {* L
Tuesday, April 30, 2013% o' l8 l0 |# [3 E2 o/ d
Time:10:00 am – 2:00 pm
5 _0 \4 h/ L: E  X5 J* j6 MEvent:Training for Work – Short-term courses1 P$ q+ r  a, T
Description:$ z0 e: t$ M' v1 R" |1 E* `
Are you Job Ready? Only need occupation-specific training?  Come and learn about what short-term training is new for Spring 2013.1 h, T. s( h6 B4 d  V, O2 H
Location:        Alberta Works Meadowlark Service Centre1 e  p: @; L9 l& N- n
120, 15710 - 87 Ave, Edmonton AB  - k2 v+ u  g* s1 x, I- L
        ) i* F: K( X; Z
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
% L: n" X% [* C. A# y, Q3 ATime:10:00 am – 2:00 pm$ Z8 \1 S1 J- M0 s% N+ @
Event:Training for Work – Learn the Basics9 g1 @& b; j9 r& M6 L
Description:          T' c$ Z; s+ s3 j, `3 `7 e, {
Come and learn what new Integrated Training is currently being offered by Alberta Works.  Integrated Training is skills-based training that combines academic and general employability skills with occupation-related skills and includes a work experience component. 2 a+ B* L, X3 T( S
Location:        Alberta Works Meadowlark Service Centre2 P6 M  K  Y; v
120, 15710 - 87 Ave, Edmonton AB  * c0 l3 \. p8 d6 A( v/ f( F
        ) s: Q9 C1 I3 b  q& l* c4 G  k1 C/ X
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
' g' o) t- s: o* UTime:10:00 am – 2:00 pm
3 Z! d! @- Q2 N% Z- d/ aEvent:Employment Standards3 z% u) z3 ~2 |! i2 h% g
Description:        ( E9 P3 Q% d0 U9 s
Know Your Rights and Responsibilities.  Do you know your Rights as an Employee?  A presenter with Employment Standards Central Services will be on hand to present and answer your questions. 5 I$ ]$ g9 k, F9 @; g
Location:        Alberta Works Meadowlark Service Centre. k$ ]' Q; ]5 k( s# b
120, 15710 - 87 Ave, Edmonton AB
* ^$ [& V% d' A        6 c; J4 X% H" [6 i. h4 r
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
% x4 H. h8 s7 n! f1 cTime:10:00 am – 2:00 pm, 11:00 am – 11:45 am, 1:00 – 1:45 pm
7 t0 S: \; u8 g% H: F, E# XEvent:Networking 101
7 V$ ]8 |7 |$ _+ s8 M- m, fDescription:       
7 V4 }6 \. w1 Z  {Learn what to say and how to say it to employers at events such as job fairs, career fairs and networking events.  Find out easy techniques and quick tricks to maintain contact with the people you’ve met at these events.
/ c( ]4 X( ~2 R+ ~Location:        Alberta Works Leduc Alberta Works
# p$ W! t+ O* c, G! R4901 - 50 Ave, Leduc AB
* z3 j9 c8 N6 R+ q( ?4 n. V% B) K# G" q
Tuesday, April 30, 2013* [5 A% h) @- X0 s% `
Time:10:00 am – 10:45 am
, d2 O7 i& \& z7 ?Event:High Impact Resumés
. f( C0 @, j  ^- ADescription:        3 h; Y7 I3 c" v1 B8 d- \" c
Learn how to develop a high impact resumé that will get you the interview you want.9 Q' r9 H& S4 E# U# \  v
Location:        Alberta Works Tailor Made Business Centre
3 C! s% H% P3 ^0 t, z: D105, 85 Cranford Way, Sherwood Park AB
. a3 V- h" S) ^/ s1 `1 M7 |        ) l$ t5 M' A9 g6 C: b: a% E
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
; d( R( W; @  w5 B/ T# TTime:11:00 am– 11:45 am
3 n& e( A6 A* q5 d' mEvent:Interview Skills
* ~5 V# J' T2 X( \! K2 z; yDescription:       
- x! R) G" l6 q. lLearn what you need to do to prepare for an interview.  Find out the types of questions you might be asked and how to answer them.  What do you do after your interview is done?' d" _9 [1 m1 c3 N
Location:        Alberta Works Tailor Made Business Centre
" t5 M; C/ K8 X7 q3 y105, 85 Cranford Way, Sherwood Park AB
5 B9 U# m! v/ e) v       
9 q7 ~# r0 h3 K; Q& u" ATuesday, April 30, 2013
( L- V: ?5 ]0 t( d( i/ s, YTime:10:00 am– 10:45 pm
2 C8 E9 ]' l' |" S) D: F; }Event:Working for the Alberta Government$ X! T# O+ q! L; g8 R5 N1 P
Description:        6 V4 }4 `. s7 Y0 F7 u  T; c  H8 s$ O
Have you ever thought about working for the Alberta Government? Find out more about their website as well as learn about the current opportunities available.
' B/ V' X: X7 i& f1 pLocation:        Alberta Works Centre Northgate Mall' L- q3 ]. z5 p+ G  j  K/ _% i
9499 - 137 Ave, Edmonton AB* w9 T& K* j; K* j2 U; h
8 ~* A+ @9 [8 X
Tuesday, April 30, 2013       
$ X$ }' T# q* [9 L# l2 HTime:11:00 am – 11:45 am Tuesday, April 30, 20133 a) E; ^+ n. p  H3 S- D: P# b
Event:City of Edmonton Careers  e$ l7 f& Q" g/ }) ~  u
Description:        . h. |# t1 |6 @! T* d: P. q6 ]" A
Have you ever thought about working for the City of Edmonton?  There are many employment opportunities available within a variety of sectors.  Learn about the City’s hiring criteria, online resources and more.
% f4 w3 [7 x0 p) r5 WLocation:Alberta Works Centre Northgate Mall
  B1 K9 r* w) D) Y0 x9499-137 Ave, Edmonton AB
! f7 I# r2 K3 Q: q
6 ?( b. U5 C& t5 N5 d1 FTuesday, April 30, 2013
- O  _9 |+ u7 l8 ?' @4 }/ sTime: 1:00 pm – 1:45 pm
1 \0 {- E5 L2 A3 x* a% M- l5 iEvent: Manpower Staffing Services
" B/ ]: \! Q) q( J% E) \Description:
9 ?- e1 p7 Y* A# x3 d1 l3 qLearn how to effectively work with a Staffing Agency.  Find out more about their website as well as learn about the current opportunities available.
, r# M, W* u$ bLocation:        Alberta Works Centre Northgate Mall
; j+ }  X" X+ N6 f9499 - 137 Ave, Edmonton AB
2 e7 Z" Y/ Y: N# Y6 J8 ]        , S# L% j2 Z% E) }% u, R
. x0 J( E! h2 e; Y6 c: ]" ^
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
# O* _1 R, E; C/ [6 ATime:2:00 pm – 4:00 pm* I' a) K$ r, B( ~  v/ P
Event:On-Site Placement Services
. _5 l) e1 |9 {+ ?/ u, vDescription:       
( ^1 l  S1 E( ~$ ^0 @; }  q$ ~2 ^Learn about employment and skill development services for persons with ongoing medical conditions or disabilities offered through On-Site Placement Services.
9 J8 r: m3 h! v3 h; D! i& w8 r7 ]Location:        St. Albert Alberta Works Centre
. [4 Z: ?/ ?# w1 E% bProvincial Building, 30 Sir Winston Churchill Ave, St. Albert, AB
- n. L2 a) h: b, J% J: d) w- Y' C+ t" K7 u- u
Tuesday, April 30, 2013+ H# l1 j5 @: ]# |6 @
Time:10:00 am – 2:00 pm
0 J- K5 e& {% REvent:Careers in Health, Z. B& D7 a( v% s# a* W
& C; V# b; H3 K4 v" a6 \& Z& GMakami College students will demonstrate the skills of therapeutic massage and talk about the specialized health career.
5 {, ~! p5 |, nLocation:        Alberta Works Centre Argyll
  k- G1 X! I% }  F+ v* _Boardroom B, 6325 Gateway Boulevard, Edmonton AB  * p; S5 K4 w* q* Q7 M9 {2 U
6 t& b' M& _4 S: s, z3 }Tuesday, April 30, 2013. _1 e8 f! L3 e
Time:1:00 – 2:30 pm5 \7 }; `9 s8 a
Event:Careers in Boilermaking
7 H; v+ K6 g8 [' W4 M- P6 oDescription:       
' }( }/ F% e: y1 aHow can you get started as a boilermaker apprentice? Attend a presentation from the Boilermakers as they talk about how to get into this occupation and what to expect after training.
; O. a7 P( p- Q& A) OLocation:        Alberta Works Centre Argyll
! T0 _6 k3 g% A8 N8 N' q( E+ tBoardroom A, 6325 Gateway Boulevard, Edmonton AB, s* g8 e3 k* H* S: A

. b. \2 Y5 e2 Y0 D        - L3 `1 p3 @' f$ K
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
5 v. x9 ]" n# T6 P  W' vTime:10:00 am – 2:00 pm
2 K+ G" f$ L& @& M6 R% ?2 f' ^Event:Alberta Government Supports and Services
, V7 \' Q$ [& B, _Description:       
! p/ l4 c6 c7 q" _Do you need support?  Connect to these community resources.  
3 K& S: \9 M, F, Y% QLocation:        Alberta Works City Centre " B' K0 `0 L6 d9 i
10242 - 105 Street, Edmonton AB1 D# B$ e5 Y% U0 f+ m: `
6 H' L# G& e" IWednesday, May 1, 2013/ O# n% r1 g3 D8 Q
Time:10:00  – 10:45 am; n! B1 z- R# I) k  q; c% L+ B
EventHigh Impact Resumés. R* x- l: x; Q: \* K
Description:        ' P8 S, b$ V$ k) K! a% j
Learn how to develop a high impact resumé that will get you the interview you want.) F5 H% b; g/ ~" A
Location:        Tailor Made Business Centre Alberta Works
' u$ @, y: z/ Y) x105, 85 Cranford Way, Sherwood Park AB0 l! k/ U+ e& E! x- e: `! e5 u
* ?5 R" }* Q6 p' q
9 _+ ~( ~' M& y8 @& C/ P. `' c8 ]Wednesday, May 1, 20134 v: F% J) m+ E3 ~$ h1 R! d
Time:11:00 – 11:45 am
+ D, W1 \- g9 f7 N8 AEventInterview Skills
3 a& T  e! y4 p/ e5 C2 @Description:       
, f" j4 w/ ~3 H  gLearn what you need to do to prepare for an interview.  Find out the types of questions you might be asked and how to answer them.  What do you do after your interview is done?% K1 G- N) c8 ~8 J3 T. ~5 p+ `
Location:        Tailor Made Business Centre Alberta Works
0 X7 T  E; s( U: c/ k; v3 g. S. U105, 85 Cranford Way, Sherwood Park AB) I( Z( f8 e! O2 ~* [: {& c
, G# }& U' s8 `5 y        ' A& M* ^/ N- e5 ?/ ^
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
" j: U3 R5 m" r+ _7 Y. I6 ?6 U& ATime:1:30 – 3:00 pm
8 S8 J) Q; I* k7 U% ^% XEventWomen in the Trades# T, V; N: p0 h3 f
Description:        5 c6 r! ~8 V" W% h
Women Building Futures presents how women can enjoy a challenging and rewarding career in the trades. # A" Z; h: ]% V+ y
Location:        Alberta Works Centre Argyll
5 J6 J- E/ H; p' i, u4 g# p! yBoardroom A, 6325 Gateway Boulevard, Edmonton AB  5 X+ d. z" K. x. B" f
5 m. @7 ~/ E" s3 z9 X
Wednesday, May 1, 2013  _+ R. ], j( U0 }+ N. p
Time:10:00 am – 2:00 pm
4 r/ n0 O) l9 g, v2 s) sEvent: “Job Talk”) F$ [9 y# G: a+ A2 O
8 d, \% m+ S! J% w& @# H. dCome and join employers from different industries as they share important information to find and keep a job. # l, {7 g4 [3 v1 Z" R2 P+ f; _
Location:        Alberta Job Corps- d* z* Y( x- [/ d  x
11244 - 120 Street, Edmonton AB
& C5 @$ g6 S. n5 j) a        5 l* R! j# s6 w9 i( }' I
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
" n6 r- `# `. d4 q% q2 hTime:10:00 am – 2:00 pm% L4 y! D0 D; Z% e3 V
Event:Safety in the Trades
6 t& n1 r, W! i  I7 z& GDescription:        / l, a9 v0 V# v7 t- U- u+ @  R
Spectrum Safety Services will offer information about training, safety equipment and tickets needed to get into a trade. 4 q, R' p" P* Y  f7 K
Location:        Alberta Job Corps Woodworking Shop
4 t: ~# P. n2 g2 D+ y5 V( ~: V9 a11244 - 120 Street, Edmonton AB
2 P/ O5 ]2 [6 z) y) ?        # Q$ S0 z, O) I) u
Wednesday, May 1, 2013  u7 C- W6 O' J; _
Time:10:00 am – 2:00 pm1 [6 e; O* W! d$ X$ q! ]
Event: Career and Education Fair+ |  V: f) F) j" A$ Y/ ^$ o
/ ~; F% e4 U" n0 d2 f3 TWant to be employable?  Community agencies provide information on how to be employable and careers for persons with disabilities.  . z1 R9 j, N& [; ?8 |. H
Location:        Alberta Works City Centre9 o: Q1 _, E7 Z/ u  J8 L
10242 - 105 Street, Edmonton AB
4 X" r8 l0 m$ }2 x2 o# r* m8 f) S  \: H; B8 k2 x! i8 s
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
) z. W7 _7 h7 XTime:10:00 – 10:45 am3 J; G$ x( s" P
Event: Industrial Heartland5 l; U  ~5 J+ k* r( o. h: r$ ]
5 j2 Q. p, H1 gLearn about what is happening in our Industrial Heartland and the upcoming opportunities.
2 ]. o6 A& e+ _" {Location:        Alberta Works Centre Northgate Mall
# S1 W3 n" l* b( V3 V1 a7 Q9499 - 137 Ave, Edmonton AB
& M7 Q# U3 d2 _5 A) j; p7 @7 N- c  G& S( P
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
" ~0 {6 r1 Q+ t3 A; c* H, C. ^7 yTime:11:00 – 11:45 am2 [* {% W/ R9 ]% D
Event: Finding Your Next Career On Line) A3 l. T3 r7 J$ y* D
( i) R4 N8 j# k) J8 j, w  EMany companies use on-line applications as part of their recruiting process.  Learn to navigate employer websites, complete applications/questionnaire’s etc.
4 S! n0 {' F% Y! Q& p' F- j0 ]Location:        Alberta Works Centre Northgate Mall+ o% z, L* d- l  b+ w/ J3 b5 p
9499 - 137 Ave, Edmonton AB
: v# g$ e  {. p; a) l
+ x, m- p& A$ ^& G8 U2 P' [Wednesday, May 1, 2013# H5 c4 C1 b  k, D0 [
Time:1:00 – 1:45 pm
: Q. h0 e* u; v+ R, aEvent: Alberta Learning Information Service (ALIS) Presentation
: }0 b2 t0 k/ d! \" ^) eDescription:        0 n' U6 A9 ~! o( W0 R
Learn the basics of ALIS and discover helpful tips to assist you with your career planning, employment training needs." s- ?( j  B+ @/ Y
Location:        Alberta Works Centre Northgate Mall* d& t8 r5 T; f
9499 - 137 Ave, Edmonton AB) N; `3 o' \  b; w- Y
7 Z9 T' f" z: k8 h7 hThursday, May 2, 2013
4 v+ C! _3 [# f2 D! G" WTime:10:00 – 10:45 am
* x% K* g# E: V( w: e6 ]Event: The Trades
" }/ a0 f* \$ E* ~. e& EDescription:       
; U; s. r* a6 j2 a* W: |How to get started in a trade; learn the entrance requirements, funding options and what you need to know. 0 H/ g5 ^- e& H$ Z3 W
Location:        Alberta Works Leduc# P. w6 A9 t5 L5 \( f, t6 g
4901 - 50 Ave, Leduc AB
+ I% L5 n7 E0 a& X. M       
/ E8 n9 W2 h! ]5 L
6 z( M6 ]0 M. J, z6 l4 DThursday, May 2, 2013' N7 y4 {1 x, r4 {# N
Time:9:00 am – 12:00 pm. K6 d2 i0 R' Y2 K' z/ F6 S5 V* h
Event: Agriculture Employment Fair – Resumés and Interviews% q! u- w- ], [4 g  B: w
Description:        * p0 q  Z! U# E: l/ }3 h2 ~
Preparation assistance for the Agriculture Employment Fair with information sessions on resumés and interviews.; O0 T4 M; r7 t+ U! K  e' s( H
Location:        Alberta Works Centre Argyll1 M' S, `$ C) ^& N5 U3 c
6325 Gateway Boulevard, Edmonton AB  
' h; {- k3 S; l7 X1 L8 g       
+ h/ l5 L+ t4 K; ~2 d8 ?
- W( A1 s* u# w9 _( cThursday, May 2, 2013
- ^4 ?7 h% T: mTime:1:00 – 4:00 pm 4 l3 \4 r( B% y" n8 w( `0 [. I" O
Event: Agriculture Employment Fair2 G8 G! g0 T6 `
Description: 2 Y8 k6 }6 E) B, X" S
Employers from around the province will be seeking workers for rural locations in central and southern Alberta.  Be interviewed for a job, and speak with experts.: H% U$ A) M: X) O
, e5 l1 I3 A) n, zAlberta Works Centre Argyll 9 P# F! w" H8 y3 i  e0 k4 e, u+ R
6325 Gateway Boulevard, Edmonton AB  
( S( d4 g% x% C, Q8 L6 @0 N
- I4 Z. \1 J9 I* j4 @Tuesday, May 2, 2013/ e! f4 c( n' h" ?
Time: 10:00 – 10:45 am2 U0 N: M; S! v0 v5 S
Event: Government Support Services
( X- j! E9 y# pDescription:
1 x3 o* N& V6 y; z( j9 B, uLearn about the Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped and its mandate.
( F& x4 o3 H$ l9 f5 Y" HLocation:        Alberta Works Centre Northgate Mall
' x6 N1 c+ A' H1 s9499 - 137 Ave, Edmonton AB& E6 V% O2 d1 d' @! o
        ) `1 _/ g, o, Z  r7 Q
Thursday, May 2, 2013
4 @+ B5 D7 |/ d4 \; mTime:10:00 am – 2:00 pm( L' x1 S4 q2 r- Q  `7 {* j0 [4 P
Event:Job Fair
* U6 c4 s! Q4 D- u" PDescription:       
: Z8 o; g( v# w6 @( q  _' XCity Centre will be hosting a job fair with a variety of Employers showcasing job opportunities for Albertans. * [& k: _. u5 g# E" ^+ k( P7 d5 `
Location:        Alberta Works City Centre ! A5 |: A( U2 F1 h
10242 - 105 Street, Edmonton AB% U: [% @  k& S. _! r, _5 f

! }% h4 b* ~$ B
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