埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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[招聘信息] 乐活中文学校诚聘国语和粤语兼职中文教师

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发表于 2013-6-10 08:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The Norwood Chinese School has an opening for a part-time Chinese Language teacher – Mandarin or Cantonese or both, who are passionate about teaching.  As the Chinese Teacher, you are responsible to provide instruction, support and guidance, manage the learning process, and focus on student’s individual needs. You are also required to monitor student progress, work actively with students and parents to advance each student’s learning. You are also expected to attend meetings, professional development, participate in school activities, and orientation.  * g" a4 b& g5 J+ ]' ^2 n+ u
Norwood Chinese School is the first registered private Chinese school in Edmonton. The school was established in 1984 by the Norwood Chinese Education Association, whose board members are parents or volunteers elected or appointed to represent the parents to overlook the school’s operation. Our goal is to improve student achievement and enhance the accountability of the education system to parents.
. }" G( g4 V. l) ~With over 30 professionally trained educators, we are deeply committed to offering Mandarin and Cantonese to over 300 students.
, O% p+ Y& F/ }# oThe students of Norwood Chinese School not only learn how to read and write Chinese, they also learn about Chinese culture: respect for parents, elders and their counterparts, proper etiquette, behavior and manners and giving back to the community./ N2 s# {" d3 g
•        Applicants must be fluent in Mandarin/Cantonese Chinese Language
! U- X; W9 @$ r2 W) Z* U! W" `•        Teacher qualifications include bachelors degree and teacher certification preferred and teaching experience with elementary and junior high
5 i9 n8 S: R: H1 O# g1 ?0 Dschool (K-9) preferred
$ [1 a( f& S& N- E•        Providing direct services to students, consulting with other
/ G. `4 x6 y$ p( z2 t7 Eprofessionals, meeting and discussing issues with parents, planning,$ _0 y( d; v1 w# W8 G+ Y
delivering, and evaluating instructional and outcomes
/ Z1 h0 _8 D  e7 N* k•        Working as a team member, sharing common planning, professional
/ P8 k2 p% b6 F" b9 L& r$ Rdevelopment, lesson design, and teaching responsibilities with
6 t( c2 y2 n0 Z7 n. Yyour team& S- w& U. x& @9 @! w7 n
•        Assessing and documenting student progress toward curricular goals - H0 F% A' ^8 W; Q7 D/ {' Q
•        Use a variety of instructional strategies to provide equity and excellence to students of all ability levels* V0 X( }0 i# V
•        Loves working with children and families& D. I, F% G/ N. u# S+ S8 g
•        Legally able to work in Canada+ q% _5 e* Y6 [% `/ Z
•        Minimum 2  year of teaching experience
7 B) P3 p( y/ i: q+ A; nIf you are looking for a long term part-time work with a great team, please e-mail your resume to:  info@norwoodca.net
0 h  J/ {8 ?; T( f+ e8 |We thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those individuals selected for an interview will be contacted.; y4 Q# X" _3 v  K; A
2 R" @! y+ t( c9 t6 y9 K4 H7 F+ ]乐活中文学校成立于1984年,是爱德蒙顿地区最早注册的中文教育机构,隶属于乐活中文教育协会,协会成员均由学生家长和热爱教育事业的义工组成,对学校的运营进行管理和监督。我们的目标是承载教书育人,继承、弘扬中华传统文化,使学校成为学习中国语言、中华汉字、历史和科学文化活动的最佳场所。
/ F- g# {3 F: H3 L学校现有30余名教职员工,服务于300多名国语和粤语学生。
' |3 T+ D% z0 X$ a9 I0 q/ e0 ]我们的学生,不仅在学校学习中国汉字的读写,更重要的是让他们了解中华传统文化的深刻内涵:尊老爱幼,文明礼貌,懂得感恩和回馈社会。
9 l# F/ R4 E9 s5 a
( q1 v7 L2 C% G! _- w4 B# N        应聘者必须发音标准,能用流利的国语或粤语进行授课
9 A8 A) L5 ^# o$ t6 S0 N  N        大学教育专业毕业或具有幼稚园、小学、初高中教学背景的人士优先考虑% I# a9 I; e) K' k. j% E! |5 y5 l
        为学生提供直接服务,或为家长及相关的其它行业提供教育咨询服务,会议,发展计划,教学效果评估等  X% `7 ~' ]6 w; T* e% X8 R
        具有团队合作精神并与团队成员分享职业发展计划、教学设计和教学心得
: V3 g/ G% P& x( C/ |; J- `8 w4 P        正确评估学生的进步,帮助学生实现课程设计目标
0 P$ V- y! e$ M' m& g9 o. l8 r7 o( V        运用多种教学方法和教学策略使学生达到各自相应的水平
8 W) G1 |* j  J        喜欢孩子,愿意与学生家长打交道
! m% P" E$ E  }  Y( C$ i7 }1 K4 M6 p        具有加拿大的合法工作身份
% @; O2 ~$ {2 z        最少具有两年的教育工作经验' f3 i0 J& [' V% ?% Y

& g; A, b5 i3 w% X/ L1 D如果您正在寻找一个长期的兼职工作,请将您的简历发送至: info@norwoodca.net
! J/ [# M: g. {7 x. ?: ]我们感谢所有的申请人,我们只联络被考虑面试的申请人。
# v2 Z  h4 M& {4 {, K
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