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发表于 2014-4-6 11:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 billzhao 于 2014-4-6 11:12 编辑 , G2 @, d9 z% a" H3 W+ H
- x& s6 b) W/ [6 b
最新加拿大公民入籍考试试题及答案3 b1 p' Y3 H9 F+ U& |1 T

. R( k" O; Y6 S/ O8 Y7 ^7 P牢记下面2百道考题及答案后,100分不敢保证,超过80分肯定没问题!
+ M& U6 O6 l  x" y7 F5 w% f" B
! }* U# n/ O* ~% ?* ~1:What does the Canadian Crown symbolize?
) t. o, d) |' r; @& \8 T3 Y% x% \( ]# @5 L/ N
; K, e  h8 k& E7 |
Canada is a constitutional monarchy& }. V3 e/ ]& ?! B: C2 A- B: b# W
& Z5 y' g6 C9 l& q6 K
2:Which of the following best describes the role of the Queen in Canada?
; d4 ~& f- U; K4 x
2 t& D- ]. ^- u* vFocus on citizenship and allegiance, be a symbol of Canadian sovereignty and guardian of constitutional freedoms9 B: R( B" V0 n) e" I& Y

+ c$ m, i& m5 p. i3:How do you vote in a Canadian election?2 y+ H! n. G0 D7 V1 E" W. R8 R
4 D6 Q5 H% w! K! S
By Secret Ballot2 u2 T/ F. Z/ o" O' P+ W2 A+ y

- b% @3 j( r2 ~" ^4:What is the advantage of NAFTA agreement?7 \4 O' L1 M0 r
$ a0 `. S, }& y+ p
Free trade between Canada, USA and Mexico
) Y5 D  R7 q- m/ j) ^7 d! J# }+ B0 e/ O! u
5:What is the first sentence of Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom?
2 P% O  k3 [# h& G7 F) }/ V' P% V) E! M
+ I6 q1 ~- @+ S( [& Y: |: BWhereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law+ Q1 p( l* j4 p3 l3 v  l

" |; r) t6 \6 g% b; E6 f, M- d8 J% X9 p2 W' l6 r3 [& M2 E7 J
6:What is the role of the opposition parties?# J$ @3 T  V# G! a* [* f

$ s% p1 J% C, s/ f0 S2 q8 HPeacefully oppose or try to improve government proposals6 H( l* n# {& _" c, f, n1 V- T

1 `" ^2 L5 ~- G1 O0 y7:Which of the following are Prairie Provinces?
- T5 e2 i# m6 q9 j0 F( h% O
% x' y7 z0 d# u; Y: Y: _Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta
8 ?7 `5 @. I0 J' t! `; S! b+ Z- Q9 @3 S. b7 R2 w# P

; T0 U5 ~8 l6 ]8:What do the Canadians remember on Remembrance Day?
6 ?1 `9 A* o$ s. {8 k3 v( Q' @
4 |( y7 @' _+ Y. y" O- L, pSacrifices of veterans and brave soldiers in wars
2 L+ r9 N1 j% h' N. [& Y. C# i% N8 A
" ?% V- c- B7 O9:Approximately how many people served in the 1st world war?; k2 W6 D$ q3 k- C* L1 \) D
$ J7 q6 t% r+ h
More than 600.0009 z0 i" u5 K6 S% g. O6 q! l# G

: Q! r8 l1 P2 Q& H2 S: ^10:Why is the discovery of insulin by Canadians so important?! _3 J- t: b5 ?$ l
$ k( {) p5 x4 q) n/ s/ D7 J
Insulin treats diabetes which has saved millions of lives worldwide' [% l/ F# Q7 v* ]7 @" v+ w8 `

8 d/ R, X) A. D! a! P  p
1 [" [/ B7 j2 a5 r, E11:What is the role of the opposition parties?
0 I, C% \7 t3 s/ @' T9 e) ]1 k* q) r+ L: d9 A
Peacefully oppose or try to improve government proposals
+ n- s+ u) o* X) y2 }$ V  C. t' A% b& B' W, @
12:Who do you vote for in federal elections?
9 d1 n0 o7 e0 x# w1 H
8 a9 i/ q/ f4 s" e" j7 }Menber of parliament8 F  I7 B5 M6 W4 s: o0 S* c$ C; _

* u" ^7 [1 S. n/ {1 |3 v3 L13:What do the Canadians remember on Remembrance Day? - u1 g$ s; V, U/ F
# T3 p: @1 h; G( Y
Sacrifices of veterans and brave soldiers in wars
8 A1 P* F1 y% O: v6 X
+ b4 y! K2 r9 `& K  U2 v4 {8 {14:Who is awarded the honour of Victoria Cross?( v/ Y$ W) [- @/ H6 u

4 e: a) x- T8 R1 J1 F5 i7 AA Canadian showing conspicuous bravery or self sacrifice: T& z, y, A3 @" S4 Z8 Q

: F$ p( C: ?1 `8 i9 H( N3 U  f( E8 ?15:Which of the following is NOT a responsibility of Canadian citizens?
! a1 l+ s0 |7 b! \& b( c- B. x# Q' r! a6 a
; f' R4 p9 Q) P8 a4 m+ V6 O: a
Learning to speak both official languages
3 C- d# L0 O# V+ ~2 g- R9 X$ s
& M$ e* g4 M" a: p5 J* A: A16:What are the three main groups of Aboriginal peoples?9 N% l# P2 b: `
" j. i: b! g% a+ E- T
9 z6 ?$ @5 S+ b& @; d2 D
The three main groups are the First Nations, the Inuit, and the Metis.3 Z* i# `+ y  S+ i& v' ~3 L5 k) b
1 A2 j8 j4 M- H" c5 _4 ]( |
17:Which four provinces first formed the Confederation?
" F' o, m1 c3 j; q$ i
, J/ s- H) Q3 ^  o/ g" M6 h) Y7 E& c/ QOntario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia / a. q! o8 T$ R3 e5 x

0 o0 ?* Y$ g, f9 u1 {18: Which was the last province to join Canada?. S: N- }9 i* J6 t% j. I
$ T7 p  E& U+ B5 p' |. p: `
Newfoundland and Labrador was the last province to join Canada.$ K1 O5 i% ]- R4 M
4 b1 g! b1 e  _% c8 }& _! w+ {
19:When is Canada Day and what does it celebrate?5 w7 P0 a7 O) l  V5 M9 ^' \4 t
' g4 F) y  B7 O& i
Canada Day is on July 1 and celebrates the anniversary of Confederation
4 z0 X0 d) w+ T0 M7 u" _5 X) v" J2 E# t! k
20:Who was the first Prime Minister of Canada?8 }0 l5 f5 R5 A: O
8 T6 r, D* l1 M0 @0 h2 V5 {* ^
Sir John A. Macdonald  c- w3 j. a) @, ]
  t, X0 @2 u& y# r) v$ z% l/ U5 K
21:Who are the Québécois?4 E0 r  l7 \) d" `, S5 O5 V3 e

/ {& b% c# ^$ l; i! d2 aThe people of Quebec form a Nation within a United Canada, [' a) }1 {: m/ _: r! ?7 }& e
" ~, T& h4 C6 R9 [! z# J  K  d
) K9 v3 B5 X4 z& F
22: What is the Canadian constitution?
4 f/ A4 H% i7 h8 P6 L8 e7 u' @
3 |+ Q" l. {9 p( l' m* r3 ~! j8 aCanada’s constitution is the system of laws and conventions by which our country governs itself.
6 N/ u  g) |0 w) Z# E" p
# d; c6 ?# v0 v* l3 g23:When did the British North America Act come into effect?0 e+ H4 P3 y5 C4 T% {% g2 x- s' `
" k3 {$ h% A: }/ T
The British North America Act came into effect in 1867.
; T: A  O0 A4 l" B9 H9 Z
1 E2 k2 C- J) s+ o1 D& W5 J7 C24:What are the two official languages of Canada?
: Z0 C  E! z8 k3 n7 g! [7 t" Z5 s! ~# D7 M  D" N2 z  e1 X
English and French 8 D& i0 D. `* D) ?7 Z

7 L# q. G) {7 s( y' `25:Where do most French speaking Canadians live?% `; M, v" C" `: D; {8 f

5 u$ ^% S& i* p6 x. yThe Province of Quebec, O; y- g7 A5 e
7 R0 U; U0 U! d% i, L
26:Which province has the most bilingual Canadians?* R6 P4 q: y% Q+ }* C
6 n, b) R5 j  H# s  _
Quebec. Over one-third of the population in Quebec speaks both French and English7 F+ C4 g3 ]$ ^; l/ v

- L. ]0 _7 ~( N" Q' v: f/ z( H27:Which province is the only officially bilingual province?* b- a% t1 X# e  M8 O  F' e/ s; S

8 t6 a6 f- ]2 `1 ANew Brunswick
" ?1 R7 @8 O. l" @2 U4 A
& f5 L! L. T, L) v0 f28:What does the Canadian flag look like?
' _/ x/ S% t' }* V, Q
) ~" `$ C3 R8 W5 H% x+ qThe Canadian flag is white with a red border on each end and a red maple leaf in the centre.  i) ~. p$ ]) d
  q/ o$ h9 x1 y. }+ D% B
29:What song is Canada’s national anthem?
+ @$ t# M" }5 y. E
$ C; N' y6 X. x& ~, s“O Canada.”
$ z. r, k! V2 v& d% g) h! U8 L
3 _; @. `; j, @$ c30:What is the population of Canada?
& x( F% I* {2 G; Y$ E% G
! s% g2 a$ C1 F1 Z7 H, ^Canada has a population of about 33 million people." d$ A# x/ f( b
( V/ A9 D+ b, l& x9 c
31:In which wars did Canada fight as a country?
2 B1 ]/ c; f9 x' \! P* H4 }7 e0 b* Z1 p& X* S
first, second world wars, Korean and South Africa war2 ~9 d' R' E) Z9 G9 h5 W
7 }0 _* z1 {" F  l
32:What is the capital city of Canada?
; W1 \- W) u5 C
- u. V  d4 v" w( }) T5 b, n. HOttawa" W2 {2 D  u# J5 `# p9 ]% d. l! A' O, J
* |* g5 W; p3 P. ~
33:One-third of all Canadians live in which province?
$ D4 l' o+ ^6 ]( k5 w0 J* G8 l6 v' _4 C2 K; y! w
0 Z7 n8 c) ~' U5 Z$ b$ {- J: S% P" N5 E0 x2 {) N( X% u3 i) }2 J
34:What country is Canada’s largest trading partner?3 R- e3 m% R/ P  F

1 m3 |% w* H' T' i) b7 D$ X/ nThe United States of America (USA)$ I6 |  G" O: e" P
' ?3 C8 u8 i% _0 `9 A2 G
35:Who is Canada’s Head of State?
& J5 D, |6 F: |8 L) j9 i0 [6 b+ ]) P) U* D4 D. Z" t) W
Queen Elizabeth II ; Q  a- k+ @0 W5 g

6 u2 p; x$ T' ?* g6 Z1 |; `36:What is Canada’s system of government called?
1 \7 I' a3 Z2 w9 b* G  a5 T1 s3 q+ P2 F
parliamentary Democrdcy " Q. h. e0 ^1 O7 i  `% j" Z
0 Q" @1 H$ N/ V; C( D) ^
37:What is the government of all of Canada called?
4 f$ @8 w- Q9 c. m/ _, X
" j& l9 [. w# s+ yfederal government$ ]! U! x  w- e; D/ `6 `" K
: u! L; p* H6 K3 _
38:How many electoral districts are there in Canada?$ t) b0 j  l! M

# r$ t/ j+ N" ?# s9 d" z4 YThere are 308 electoral districts in Canada% j' C& d/ j% o, J8 }% e* G' {

3 g. X& f, ~& d39:Who has the right to vote in federal elections?
- {- u( |2 M/ D* `  s: }
1 `3 q0 M4 r& k4 R! S. yA Canadian citizen who is at least 18 years old and on the list of electors
- Z1 [7 V; @0 h& t4 r' D) Q
0 v2 S+ l9 N' P' w40:What three requirements must you meet in order to vote in a federal election?
5 I, i% j! X1 A2 Y0 @% B
0 Y1 W4 N' F$ ^In order to vote in a federal election, you must be a Canadian citizen; be at least 18 years old on voting day; and be on the voters list.' a& v+ D  q4 O" `8 [7 l9 l
: t; ~5 N) Q3 s  X. r41:How is the Prime Minister chosen?+ j5 ]- X* M9 k

& X+ i* c) U! [+ M1 O! F$ NThe Prime Minister is the leader of the political party with the most elected Members of Parliament.
; Y* R& ^/ `% N# q- @, n2 Q6 O. k* O6 }' p/ i
42:Which party becomes the Official Opposition?5 m3 J! J  L- X- ?% E( @

4 ^& a7 h4 Z% g; |  HThe party with the second most Members of Parliament becomes the Official Opposition." M. K' h$ p. ?1 B
4 p( C  v* l* j1 `1 w6 L, D& H
43:What is the role of the opposition parties?
4 u0 P* E7 k8 C8 l" O. N& t- r& R8 v/ Q# r, @
The role of the opposition parties is to oppose or try to improve government proposals9 a" ?# f) z% S; L, H& D" P4 s* M
" F" d( b  r2 H# O
44:Who has the right to run as a candidate in federal elections?! e) _! g& t4 K, Z/ U2 O

2 w( @: G5 v5 p+ G; t* K2 t- n0 C+ yAny Canadian citizen who is at least 18 years old can run in a federal election.
# S% R" j$ G/ w! u6 |: }  u0 o! m8 U
6 x4 s& Y" {& d  E$ }; \0 d( j45:What do you mark on a federal election ballot?
4 P. F- i( t, c# c  x- x' f
* s  i1 E) E4 p# j3 }7 j# QYou mark the ballot by writing an “X” in the circle beside the name of your chosen candidate./ v/ t: e, x) y3 m6 h8 o
# T& n" l2 H, |# o- y6 _3 ]+ ^
46:How is a government formed after an election?, c( N' ]$ d5 E) A+ ?/ ^( H; _5 o
* @5 D! b7 b( `6 H8 F  u
After an election, the party with the most elected representatives becomes the party in power.
& h7 y- D/ M6 G* b
; G& b( i9 m7 D5 j( I47:What does Confederation mean?# @1 B6 \! U* j6 t

) q" K; c1 y5 J0 s* MOn July 1, 1867, the provinces we know now as Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia joined together in Confederation to create the new country of Canada.
! g3 _( s" W1 \- q
# Z8 _) X. p" C5 |+ i: }* M48:What year was Confederation?( }; t* u7 v6 u, e: ~( `

. w) U, e5 A! v6 Y' pConfederation was in 1867+ r; e: l5 _2 w3 _

1 u5 U5 w1 i* a, C0 {49:When did the British North America Act come into effect?* X7 w6 T) }$ i6 l# B4 I9 f

& w6 ~# S6 @' w- CThe British North America Act came into effect in 1867.$ U7 b- I& N$ N# m

/ G* c1 P% D: h50:Who has the right to apply for a Canadian passport?
8 T# W& g/ I) u9 v; Q1 {8 q- e- \' H; f% R# G0 g; a, \
Canadian citizens have the right to apply for a Canadian passport.
' d% U& U, T! c9 j, F  Q9 V8 ]) n1 [, s( M" b$ H
51:What is Canada’s national winter sport?( B  ?  B0 A$ V

5 m- L0 Z1 ~; \( qHockey is Canada’s national winter sport.
" k- K* V5 g* u
% ^- i0 B6 l/ _% s" U6 R2 [0 s
" I# m/ e: ~; k& J% i: Y52:What three oceans border Canada?
5 v* b: b' K: k- C' k& _: m2 l" I; E
Canada is bordered by the Pacific Ocean on the west, the Atlantic Ocean on the east, and the Arctic Ocean to the north.+ q9 N, r7 E. \* H6 F. @
( x' ~9 ?. Z6 O! V# L3 M6 g3 u
53. What is a voter information card?9 `2 f& K( `+ a1 N

5 I. e$ r+ T  D9 }' N. bThe voter information card confirms that your name is on the voters list and tells you when and where to vote.$ T0 W5 G! ~( a: P

/ E, P2 `+ y' P54:How are Senators chosen?9 m0 }( s9 v4 w4 _" x

% i+ V! X- j) z- R1 qSenators are chosen by the Prime Minister and appointed by the Governor General.
+ F; h3 p. U' B& l+ R
1 ^# k9 R6 ]. y! G# }9 U55:How many Canadians have been awarded the Victoria Cross (V.C.), the highest honour available to Canadians?
4 R" r$ [$ `: f( a' Z: @) m
$ |# q8 Z/ O! K0 ]/ j96$ I0 w. R9 J% c$ ~6 ?* \
) u' \! O  d# k% s
56:In the 1960s, Quebec experienced an era of rapid change. What is this called?6 A; Z# G5 s. M9 E2 s

' }# D1 r# B' @$ _. b# IThe Quiet Revolution." z0 G* U/ K0 v, f4 }1 S

. ^* s1 Z3 E) F. T57:In what industry do most Canadians work?
* e0 a% s# q4 ~) @. S/ n
1 u* h; {( y, SService.
' B; ^/ U- q, k+ e3 \8 U) L8 ~3 T9 K; G) A0 N0 |
58:In which region do more than half the people in Canada live?
- l/ G3 i4 u5 k" I" `  K& b9 i2 J9 ?2 G5 m, z' A0 }- ~6 [  n4 C1 `0 n
Central Canada.
8 E; P7 T* I0 X) g$ o! H& m, e# Y- g& a7 _
59:List four rights Canadian citizens have.
9 a0 K  a! a  N% a8 }" J/ m$ z, u8 [+ j4 P% \
Right to be educated in either official language, vote, apply for a Canadian passport, enter and leave Canada freely.5 \  [0 I0 q( Y0 Q* q/ I% s. v
7 P! x9 e+ P% u9 J; l3 x
60:Name the five regions of Canada
, b! ^% g, ?9 c1 c# D0 `
8 r) p! v! }0 I, w) d; b/ ^Atlantic, Central, Prairie, West Coast and North7 x. L& I: }/ g3 [0 I$ u
3 G. L- p, ?! H/ J& h5 ^  x4 j
61:What is Canada's system of governance?/ ~0 m9 v, k, H, p

6 @$ {5 L4 m8 j; Y- sFederal state, parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy$ y# O- j: W* \: s

. Z, [0 j6 N1 }- l! W) L62:What is the significance of Quebec Act of 1774?
1 b/ J7 [) i  T7 L/ g. [7 u
+ x) C' R, s) O# g( b3 bCanada's tolerance of religious traditions under the law, q# H& C* I2 a3 V

& Y' p  e! S9 i" b- h% G3 ^/ ?63:Which animal is the symbol of Canada?% ~9 X' g  r5 R# \; H/ ]9 O

3 c6 K$ ^+ f1 B2 S) x+ b7 FBeaver+ d- s$ K% O8 G; ]

7 i: S* v( D. d64:Which province is the largest producer of oil and natural gas?
, g' o( c4 D% |+ `# e+ T6 Z! Q/ K
+ I0 _4 @! l  E2 g- j1 `3 GAlberta7 G, o0 q% a/ w" y$ a) y' `& t+ t
" r% |4 y1 t7 M  D5 k
65:What does the National Register of electors contain?5 _$ b) Y  @5 V6 q

; Z! I+ o8 y3 mDatabase of Canadian citizens at least 18 years of age who are qualified to vote in federal elections and referendums
7 ]. \; M& |$ ]+ |
# U0 s$ ?# [# M; B: W6 a66:What are the freedoms protected by the Canadian charter of Right and Freedoms?( `5 {- O) R! T% z! T4 k! n: P$ }$ `
5 ^2 Z# n; Y) I0 u$ l$ E
Freedom of Thought , Belief ,Opinion and Expression ,including speech and press.
& }7 J" q8 }% u, g  ^1 @  ]& P0 G7 R
7 Y) H$ m2 {: |( I& ^, m67:What the highest honour a Canadian can receive? 3 ~5 [% \; g+ b" Y

2 c7 B/ u8 T( D- d1 j$ Q  MThe Victoria Cross' l+ Q/ u) N9 Q1 L1 K7 `, q3 U

# n' }$ |% h0 \: Z68:Which of the following is role of Police in Canada?- E% H. m( z6 J% ]- }$ h
4 M4 j0 I$ k/ f( ~  G  [- U
Keep people safe and to enforce the law $ Q. V% B9 t# d' r6 E; N
! Z9 j: ~" r. a7 y* ~: ]1 D
69:Under Canadian law, why is everybody presumed to be innocent until proven guilty?
" Q0 l( g# k! N& r" k- \* [' `; F# ~
To guarantee the due process under the law
! v! c# f. s1 N" j/ V4 A8 i, ^" l  x+ o$ }4 v; E
70:What out of the following a non Canadian citizen cannot do?7 w' [7 p1 n$ w; k% l& s& c# C( x

' C8 S5 G& C+ w" a8 v6 @Vote in the Federal and Provincial election % N% Q- X( g. t1 b. ]- F, e2 U1 n

8 o3 ]! ]. |; f& j2 d71:What does the Crown mean for Canadians?
9 }2 J% {9 y7 ~: {3 |. h& z, u$ z& J5 Q+ v" V
The Crown is a symbol of Government, including Parliament, legislatures, courts, police services and the armed forces
$ i  j* ?1 O& r3 q- v: J; C5 x8 c+ L/ W# @# A% Y% ]3 q4 i0 A8 J$ Y
72:Which of the following are Atlantic Provinces?
) I7 k1 E8 [# d7 h- ~- F  y
5 k! T( t6 \& S. M8 R1 {Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. r' T' h% M/ l9 f/ a! b. F1 B
1 f' c) z' q; F/ E* n
73:Which of the following answer is NOT true about Canada/USA relationship? 9 p* N1 J/ B5 z7 O7 X
7 `% l8 X. b  U5 z" W- h6 q
Canada exports very little goods to USA
5 S. y8 O5 P: l* O1 Y
' ]" M+ k! ^# x( b6 h74:Who governs Canada on daily basis at federal level? 4 N6 {9 L0 h  g( K8 a% W

* c; i) D+ {& s+ Z- e5 U/ h  @8 m0 LPrime Minister+ G" \. }. n; H( Q; y6 w" W

; H2 g- G* o& i- P) ^! v75:Why is the discovery of insulin by Canadians so important?5 u' u2 H, K( R/ }6 J

6 a" E! _( \: I; l% X2 b$ cInsulin treats diabetes which has saved millions of lives worldwide
  Z2 c* e7 ~- I* F8 c4 x; G* S! i) o0 b. Z0 v7 N
76:Who out of the following is above law?
0 U; ~0 h/ e( i) q4 q' U! w3 [6 c
3 S$ j" V# B1 _9 _0 @" d  x' k/ pNo one is& g, T% |& e; h5 s' Z
' E& W* t4 q* R2 }0 }( h
77:What are the three branches of the Canadian government?* `$ K3 O" V( ?0 K& c3 ~
9 k! h& l# }# O' P+ E+ E: q
Executive, Legislative and Judicial
9 F0 D: e/ t3 J: a3 O$ N) @9 N- p" d
78:Which of the following criteria gives the right to vote?) p4 `8 c( t; O! K' o3 L. C

" d0 N1 Q9 B' i9 H5 ?  uOn an official voters' list
3 P0 Z/ @8 Y; Q1 c/ p) e4 H* Q
) x2 m" t1 ]" E1 W6 u79:What did the Suffrage movement achieve?
  D: l6 w& T& k
1 f2 @' f" Z) }! CWomen achieved the right to vote
* D7 Q' X. R3 P% T$ ]' L$ Q) _- y4 d8 \' @$ k
80:What of the following is Canada's constitution based on?
6 i* s' C1 T1 _( ?
% v/ L0 C. W# a0 uPeace, Order and Good government4 K, q( K( d2 N/ u, ~, [
7 B. B( w) Y) Y/ R
81:What happened on D-DAY or what is the significance of D-day?
1 h, H0 |3 |& i. E" {0 H: H, [4 o' b; _# N; ]& @+ Y6 a  Q
In the Second World War, the Canadians captured Juno Beach as part of the Allied invasion of Normandy on D-Day/ h9 K: w9 ]0 Q% ^/ A2 t& I8 [
% a2 k9 _3 x: H- p
82:Significance of BC building Railway3 Z( q' G: J4 X$ Y- u  `: N+ [

% P! l6 H) X9 h0 T' ssymbol of unity, connect pacific (Eastern) to Atlantic(Western) Canada' `' d" W5 c$ J1 s2 p+ m9 i
; z! X% r( M" d) ^( r6 h
83:why BC is referred as "gateway to the pacific"?
& g: ?7 |( l+ D; q$ e$ |* j/ U' ~3 h, z. F9 n9 L
Because billions of dollars in goods are shipped to and from Asia
6 p) i# H9 F1 J' y+ e# e' o  S/ v% ^/ j5 B  [7 n/ b
84:What the Canadian Crown symbolizes? # l/ N2 T* L6 Q

+ |* J1 Z4 C% v& r$ {5 K! H6 c) V  o  u$ nThe Crown is a symbol of government including Parliament, the legislatures, courts, police services, and the Canadian Forces. & z& r8 h9 Y: l# M0 m: ^+ j+ I; V, H
6 y6 e( `1 _  p) U! d" N8 |6 v
85: Who are the three founding people of Canada?( g8 a, A2 J& I) t  R

% B4 k8 }1 {3 P/ Q+ j6 mAbriginal , French and British.
( b6 x( N9 H7 l8 G4 ]. ~, n8 @. Z* _# P$ U% ?
86:Canada has three territories. How many Provinces are in Canada?
/ H5 |5 ]8 d* D0 I: V. y9 @/ s1 ^" }6 _8 D$ |
ten   B  g( ]" c/ s3 V
  V+ R' x3 [# N$ [; _
87:Fatima is a new immigrant in Canada. Why can she choose to take a job like any man?
# _/ B: X5 O" F! `
' O3 Y! w: E% S, VEquality of men and women
  W$ {# K7 F1 l  W( N5 j8 U
6 _' {- g0 t7 J% n0 ?  u% V! e5 M$ C88:Where were the Canadians rights and responsibilities come from?9 R) D' r, b- K  B+ a+ H

' t, M1 j: v5 mFrom our history ,secured by law shared tradition ,identity and value .8 j5 w" a% h6 L7 x6 i+ Z7 |

6 g2 J2 E9 a9 C# `. Y: p( H89:Which religion is most people in
( O- B3 W& }: \8 q7 l9 E- P5 H7 m) @7 {, A  n9 U( ^
Christianity 1 t- j' E" C) f) F/ _
8 T7 {: F' ?$ X' b: K; B
+ D8 P; a  B+ y" e: Y  z# x
90:Who govern Canada day to day in federal level
, _9 A& K, P7 x* Z3 j- z' u9 K3 S& T! u; ^7 [. F
Head of Government (Prime Minister)
+ v) t4 ?2 x; ^' }. z3 j/ H
/ n- a0 H* v& F" I( c( l91:What significance did War of 1812 with USA have for Canada?
+ S' C, C8 c+ P" _, t6 u/ [: e( {
, z: O+ x& g. u2 O4 z! W5 i2 M9 YMaintained independence of Canada from USA ; I* `8 @! P& r6 Q, t

/ z! Q1 f* @' u# N' ~3 T( J1 w92:What do you have to do if you do not receive you voter information card? 3 j/ V" H8 Y. J7 `: t
. a2 ^* p3 t3 U. J# K" }/ }
Call Local Election Office to ensure that you are on the voters’ list * y- ~& A; n% n; D. K

- c4 ~& h* ?* X7 }4 H0 a' k6 ^6 z93:What does “a Mari usque ad Mare mean”?
* d& @8 B4 [" W! R: P
) [( l; y, Y4 K9 k" n$ h5 kFrom sea to sea + B6 ~% u3 m7 x( B  x, [4 E

2 _* T+ p: T7 a# t94:What is NOT a responsibility of a Canadian citizen? ) `% ^6 l8 ~, ^% Z4 f

8 ~0 _, v3 L& uLearning to speak both official languages / E% W1 o, \1 Z+ K1 C
* D. Z+ K, b7 X6 o/ Q9 \$ M
95:Federal government responsibility5 s) C1 G2 k' e0 u! K; U
6 F& u8 v5 h2 @8 G1 H6 h' _
National deference, foreign policy
4 ]' K6 [: f- _2 }
  s4 v7 G$ h# ^8 T, W* S96:What do we celebrate in Canada day?8 |7 e$ d1 I; z/ y, M
- q7 {( _# k. i; G3 m& j
Canada as a self-governing dominion
# {! I/ R; X, a( h/ g# }  Y: u4 P$ T* q) A
97:A Member of Parliament from Montreal decided to spend the weekend in her electoral district. This means she will be? ! u8 Z. ]6 `/ y# {$ x$ [
, W9 I+ \3 Z0 {- a
In some part of Montreal were she was elected
) C  i' \/ F" V, r9 Z: E' g! k' Y$ U6 G( I4 l$ ^% [: k
98:What is written on an eElection Ballot
  C/ [' n* `& O/ ?: `) |5 k2 ]( H2 n5 P0 {& q5 [/ F8 u; C0 ~, n+ \  O
The names of the candidates and their parties in your local electoral district/ z2 M; B2 z: Z6 |6 }, G2 k" M

% q* w& n* o+ r6 L: Q4 G& g) f99:What does National Register of electors contain?3 c( i3 \$ e' ?0 b/ }0 O0 V
- ?) |0 ^) o9 o5 F
Canadian citizen, at least 18 years old able to vote in federal elections and referendums- @/ C7 D: D  s$ B
; P3 M! S* r* E: g
100:What is the meaning of responsible government?
8 w1 F* V& I& v! ~, @: O( b+ _5 k! I! a
The government must resign if loses the confidence in the assembly vote.' c* F4 u. l# X0 F7 w. r, d: E* w
2 ?; N) ~) B& ]+ n- C0 q
101:What is the role of the opposition parties?: O, J% w3 u0 V* r# S

+ k6 r7 Y5 C6 R$ \. z1 JPeacefully oppose or try to improve government proposals 2 X8 L. n1 G9 i! ^1 N

$ }5 N; F) o# |6 s/ _102:Whom the Victoria Cross honour is awarded to?
6 P" d+ f* A% W6 \5 y3 _1 c5 M% d: V; S, [/ [" j; z
Conspicuous bravery or self sacrifice Canadians.7 f; p( f8 N+ t7 D) ^1 e

) J, _; s! D3 F0 P$ P, j103:Which of the following are some of the Canadian rights?
6 k8 o3 {' j4 _, H# @# h9 Q5 E% p0 K2 S; X
Right to freedom of speech, religion, belief, etc, K# O0 l; K  J4 X3 L3 g/ e& K

! B: D8 N0 g1 \2 ~9 k& `104:What region is known as "Land of the Midnight Sun"? : F4 S6 q1 F; F0 w9 d5 d2 o
* ^( }: g( R* _0 F2 [
Northern Territories
7 ]8 v! n/ @$ s0 a' v8 u+ k# Q" T8 @( D0 }9 P- q% e
105:Which statement best describes the Qucbecois2 {" D( q* b5 Z3 S" x' z+ D6 [
/ `4 @' [# }" K& D
form a nation within a united Canada
: w+ q# O9 _1 I+ F2 g9 [; I* ], y* [, I- Y7 V, q
106:Who can be exempt from the law?
1 |$ ^& a% }! r! B
- G( d8 a0 J1 Q, kevery one is equal under the law
8 |" W; n4 y1 I* X3 i; c7 C' B. [* r+ D: A$ l8 Z
107:What is the significance of Vimy day? : x( W5 y6 c' B- J
0 t: b% m3 f/ ~" p7 @' S
Canadian's reputation for valour in the first world war.1 F  ~; o4 s1 w6 y( k8 ]! Y: @
* K0 [8 x) q' l# d' T" F4 f
108:Three branches of parliament0 ^0 |0 z7 r' T

1 E% n, a8 f6 R6 _8 {1 n6 ?the sovereign, the house of commons, the senate# N' q7 f  P9 B0 ~+ T
# d6 a; y3 i( N/ m% U
109:When did Aboriginal people come to Canada?
& F4 ^/ B- X' A% Z' R* a$ O% L4 w$ I# F  [$ Z( R
from Asia thousands of years ago
: ^$ _4 d: `* _
8 |% |' ]$ i* c110:Responsibilities of municipal gov, p4 s7 H/ \. i0 ^8 k, Z. d3 j

8 Z3 |! I5 h% F. E! }3 A& D4 pfirefighting and recycling+ l  L& i6 ~7 [( I5 ^  |" a! n* ^1 O' Z3 p
) H9 O2 e+ U. M6 k/ e
111:Which province has the most population? 0 m2 R' i# R: O& v/ b9 e4 c

4 ?. z. {3 z! w3 w: I. dOntario' G, R( D' P2 \; M! o7 _
5 T3 Q( e) M* ^. }
112:What do you pledge when taking the oath?
# M5 y, Y5 i$ e6 r4 i  n7 S/ I6 f$ O. _
Obey the law and fulfil duties+ [, ^9 z2 R5 ]1 ]! U' V
/ }1 ?+ [: G6 q3 ?+ d1 V5 i" |  h
113:Who selects the Cabinet Members?
* b0 H4 E. q7 ~4 V2 ~5 O4 N8 P2 }9 x" _, i& l* ]
by the Prime Minister
) E+ h  ]4 F' T  z" J
2 n! S2 S$ O7 r! P114:Meaning of Canadian Pacific Railway& H+ H4 r- r% q; ?# B6 D; @

0 ]' B0 U+ Q, ]) Q& HLinks east to west and is the symbol of unity: [) `# H1 o8 N

9 R& m; {3 p) j4 v% [115:Women's suffrage movement
3 }6 w* O1 |3 Q! F4 g# @4 j  g; P; V8 ?( t' O& n. ?3 w, F. e
Achieve the right to vote4 z" s2 H$ _/ F- [) G# t( g

& F. f+ Y& x. C2 D3 J3 d1 v116:Freedom to be canadian? 8 [1 k3 B+ H) T$ r

8 D* k2 y( L6 [8 ?6 h5 nfreedom of expressing thoughts or choosing whatever not against law5 y$ q/ s3 V& M. v

% o7 ?) N# |# M# w117: only Canadian citizen can
9 T; N+ ~9 T; P0 A5 P0 _: J! h" k: j% H( `' o, Y
vote in federal and provincial election.
3 \; z, ~3 W$ X0 P
0 Y% r/ h+ p8 s% A8 S& o5 l6 l118:who do we elect for in federal election
$ G& [2 Y9 f. x( `. }6 i) M* E" ^# }- H/ h
member of parliament + C- y5 i+ g' Z& L1 {# d' Y- [

+ r7 X! t* D6 R8 j* k" I119:What does the term constitutional monarchy mean?
; h6 @" T; \/ r/ y# a5 R& r$ n* ?7 e% C( a/ e! p
The Sovereign's powers are limited by the Constitution:the Sovereign is the head of state and the Prime Minister is the head of government: X" {6 @% A; `( f3 K/ U9 N& A
3 [2 @  e7 X+ R4 O3 c
120:Which of the following rights do Canadian citizens have?/ ?+ D* p: N( L! T! z4 q) y' S

+ L. b5 `7 m0 {The right to express yourself and to think whatever you choose.
' l1 _& D9 T- `8 {$ ~121:What is the name of the Royal Anthem of Canada?
, s7 ^0 P( J; G2 j
4 L2 p- L) ^. L5 h% J# tGod Save the Queen (or King)% n) r  y6 ]$ ]4 [" C0 E" h
% w* M" @" `7 P3 R4 O/ S1 [( _
122:In what capacity have 110,000 Canadians given their lives?
6 {5 z( `5 ~7 l7 V" Y4 |2 o* t! ~0 V
Fighting for Canada in our Armed Forces
7 N( b6 \. E$ [6 C, o$ c& O% Z/ F  q, Y7 V0 Y& o4 Z' x  Y$ v4 g
123:What is the significance of the Battle of Vimy Ridge to Canadians?
; ?9 [/ e$ F& z( ^* v) i/ ]
  q: V) ]* R, U4 Z7 _/ }This important Canadian victory in the first world war secured the canadians reputation for valour.
/ H# j2 J; T( L8 N; l/ y% y/ ?0 {
124:The citizens in each electoral district elect one member of house of commons?
$ Y. g8 w# f2 d# q: Y  d  s+ f# v( V$ q3 J: z% V1 U1 q
YES! (The citizens in each electoral district elect one MP who sits in the House of Commons to represent them, as well as all Canadians.)6 _3 F7 ?2 ^" t" X* ^% l
6 \6 W6 \7 a# K. ?! E/ j; F
125:The most easterly point in North America and has its own time zone
7 P" X1 g! j0 Z2 o
3 ~6 T) D4 `2 I, {4 P: vNewfoundland and Labrador
) M# C9 Z" ~- f+ ?% U0 q/ P- N  ~& X3 U! F! {3 `, y+ S- Q
126:What is Terry Fox's contribution? * t3 P1 k: W$ G
, n  |, E) A% V& e+ b  B
Raise money for cancer research
$ U4 n  [6 n. j. C# y# v& K: A
+ V4 o) S0 V; T, H- M7 U  n127:what is a Voter Information Card?# z0 U' Q1 g) k: _- C  Y
' x4 W: p- D8 S& U8 H7 R
It confirms you name is on the voter's list and tell you when and where to vote
1 ]" H- Y1 E; D! C7 x$ t9 h/ `- `9 U4 a- l7 U9 `! x% U
128: What are the privileges of a Canadian citizen?
3 y- v6 i  t4 E. W4 v% g2 I
$ Q* r4 d" P! c. C1 UTo vote.
: G$ V6 @9 P6 b. ^2 i9 D! ~: C2 v3 m4 G" ~/ h) Y) F8 K4 h6 P
129:Canada name source' l' a3 i2 C: j' X. B( {

# b: G5 T9 f( W- S) `/ kkanata, meaning "village"
& k9 s- b2 k7 C3 c) O
5 k: [1 _, T0 ^; |130:What is the requirement to vote in federal election/ e# f. l* a0 l. ~1 \7 J

5 R3 I. ~! e0 P6 x7 ~On voter list.
8 i" K+ a% r8 b/ D' h
" p! K$ t' t& X0 ^131:The act of Quebec signed in 1774 allowed people from Quebec to worship the Catholic religion. What are the repercussions on Canada’s modern society?
$ p9 b4 e- q( a/ y5 d
. }) X  o, _5 e+ ]2 o' p* K8 X% QEveryone can worship a religion as long as its respects the law., d) G* G: I# H& o+ {: F( C7 f( F  Q

1 c  h  v. U7 @1 a1 P132:What is the major religious affiliate in Canada?* f. U  \! W8 ~4 S& l7 Q6 J

  h8 b- S- l1 `( N# T# \, ICatholic5 j/ q2 V9 O0 P9 Y9 |

; k' ]5 J. ^0 e3 Z; I3 |133:The great majority of Cnandiand identify as
* {% x! P" y* }0 K2 X  H. S. m! D1 ?
Christians ( T8 h( n: V, s6 [) F
0 ], K6 l+ m5 u4 D5 W. u9 `
134: how long have aboriginal people lived in Canada
5 z4 W- p, p. s7 ~  p, a1 F; |5 q/ @/ t0 l* T: M
migrated from Asia thousand years ago
! M# X) H- H% z3 @+ ?" R) f: c
; b) _% T5 T6 w$ e5 H- Z135:police or judges are above the law, is it correct?
; K: L) h* W# }$ l5 c! |' |2 [( c; k, U  t6 `$ L) O7 z
no, everyone is equal under the law.% S% @2 l3 v0 S

7 A" r' {( w% t% M% ]1 N8 T3 ^136:what do we pledge when we take oath?$ m2 b; V$ L2 j/ _
0 I5 w1 b1 X% g0 e. {8 V
obey the law in Canada and fulfill one's duty
) G; a( r+ ]; S- E" L& q, o1 t" K% j' g; `
137:what are some freedoms Canadians have?
! R; c5 P# i2 U% F1 H: \; U" w& h7 z% [# U
free to live wherever in Canada and free speech or something1 @" V0 r0 c' k# d

4 s( X7 A; F, v+ X. O! z6 E. W. [138:How does Canada;s legal system based on ?$ u! x+ Y: r7 N

, D# T2 W* I* x4 U: C' R" W/ w4 DIt is based on Rule of law, freedom under the law, democratic principles and due process.
9 J' p; _. {% n' a; t% a
) n0 V8 Z/ y/ a& Y" t" n139:what is mean"responsible goverment"?
( K6 y1 t  B# d* E2 f( A3 ]; x& a5 k+ V3 a  C9 w- `
The government must resign if loses the confidence in the assembly vote./ q( J/ i  s5 z

: E. P: `; o5 Q* S140:who can be the candidate?2 o' H5 m: h+ N
& l! q$ g/ f( n9 t
candidate must be a Canadian citizen who is 18 years or older on election day
! g$ ?6 H& a3 J! E5 `) t' c
) m) @/ b! U+ I3 W141:In which wars did Canada fight as a country?& o  R: \; j" \! U- A

& i/ w0 c5 s+ O( I6 Xfirst, second world wars, Korean and South Africa war
  C, B& M0 F! N) L8 d7 X+ ]6 X1 W% y
142:'Why do we use a secret ballot system in Canada?') y" W. B# r7 M& C( s& m# N0 U

8 p- d: Y$ m( a! o; XCanadian law secures the right to s secret ballot, this means that no one can watch you vote and no one should look at how you voted. it is your right. $ |3 }/ Z. x  z0 v1 r

( `7 ~* P, o' ~$ |6 i+ P5 j143:What is the first line of the official Canadian Remembrance Day Poem?( P  h5 |1 c; T3 k/ b4 S

9 ~" G; M" ^# T# X% A4 H% I
) \4 v$ j6 ?! c- ~In Flanders fields the poppies blow0 m0 O0 t; O- f! t0 a% a1 p
( }& p) s4 V8 l: P6 r$ m
144:why Canada entered WW II ?1 |  V2 s( y+ Q! p$ L
/ T( F* u7 ]6 ^$ k
help Europe defeat Germany
% p! \9 e6 n0 \9 n9 c1 a
. a) ~7 f6 y- Q0 P2 p145:vimy day2 w; C0 e) W% s. @1 x( A

7 _( d" l: q3 ]The Canadian Corps captured Vimy Ridge in April 1917 in the first world war, with 10,000 killed or wounded, securing the Canadians’ reputation for valour as the "shock troops of the British Empire."
- a, C7 W2 X" a% |8 r9 ~' L/ \/ o2 P, n% ^# O
146:Which oceans surrounded Canada?* Q- \4 \, l0 m& g& k1 M6 ~
1 T( d, M- T7 V' }8 g
Atlantic, Arctic, Pacific: `  ?. Z( P4 _9 W

" R0 C1 ^6 X+ V- K147:What does Canada Day celebrate ?- u/ T+ @  P+ v
$ L, V, n/ \# x8 Q, i% [  ?
We celebrate Canada became Self governing dominion.
& E1 p4 O* b* ?1 A6 o" g) _& E) H5 _* r9 Z+ q8 `' g
148:What are the rights for Canadian Citizens. l; r7 H4 I5 `1 n' T/ J* H
; [. V0 i  Y0 ?$ U8 I
freedom of speech and belief 7 q# y  A  ~2 _$ m3 b$ u' T
' K+ u) w4 t; r3 K7 T. p
149:Who appoints Senators
# X" l/ p0 L$ K! d; v6 h9 o+ L8 B- g! G
on the advice of the Prime Minister by Governor General
8 d$ L8 P! s- S1 o" k3 }7 ]# k  q, e+ \
150:Which province produces pulp, paper and hydroelectricity& L, [7 t9 x+ D) L3 `
; A" t/ y9 P" t. {' S* R
9 d$ R6 z( j, B& @% x0 q! }5 ^% c. |" P
151:Which party is called in power
) V" H0 o* B5 D: A0 p
8 w% U$ L' P% H6 B9 qwho has most number of representatives in the House of Commons : @" Y6 U6 I$ c# B0 Q/ T: Z: r- j
% o5 E/ C& y: ^! v7 W& K0 K5 ?
152:Why international trade is important to Canada2 G' Y& G: m/ R
+ j' l- P) c' W
The engine of economic growth and maintain our standard of living
1 A! p* p9 A5 y7 H3 `$ {
6 O' d: x) B2 @& q8 e/ y/ A  I153:How does a bill becomes a law
, O: e( z2 t' C, a( w0 R) e
  a. j6 o  m' j6 qwhen it’s passed by House of Commons and Senate after the Royal Ascent - {9 H) H( e( Y; S  `
- o( w1 M1 |0 j& `
154:What is House of Commons?
+ X4 ]; [5 E  U: F- S
8 b3 g+ N; K, vRepresentative chamber made up members of parliament elected by the people. 6 a7 m! u* Z. s1 _- m' z
$ n$ A* q" f3 _& o& G. x, T7 K
155:What is the sinnificance of the Fur Trade?& M2 _; n3 b, H

/ n" r! F( q" y4 Q% e, n8 JThe first trading industry of beaver pelts and it became a symbol of Canada for hundreds of years!
% x: d# u8 ?: b0 a; z/ k! ]
' M. U( j1 p8 S8 O' P  {3 D
. s1 g7 R9 J# X* m: V156:what is the meaning of term "From sea to sea" 5 L( k5 I, }6 q& |

9 E4 J$ I4 j, R4 y# _8 oCanada's governing form Atlantic to Pacific" m* A/ d+ y8 E, T; r+ \5 Q/ d/ ]
! a6 |* X6 [9 @! W: U
157:Why do we take oath to Queen Elizabeth the Second?
/ [9 @: ]. h! }& S. I0 n; ]7 b) {/ Y/ g# n
Because she is the Queen of Canada. ! ?/ e$ y- r9 A1 H2 S5 f4 z

# G$ o6 w. o; {: s3 G' y158:How many Canadians died up until now. 9 O% m% P2 e. [7 N8 q

7 _2 f( s$ m; u110,000
1 p6 F) n0 [3 y) t' L& Q' b1 \6 H8 \1 D
159:What form of transportation did Aboriginal peoples and fur traders use? # R% i( y# \: c/ F; K
( v' X9 K& N6 }" A* J& y) q5 k& Y
by canoe
+ e* h; s" f# M8 Y+ p! z
1 u5 c: {5 J. J# Z6 |( H160:Approximately how many people served in the 1st world war?
7 B8 L0 ]3 }. q8 J' `, V4 y. G3 E9 {/ w* S
More than 600.000
/ P7 b' g) c2 T' c0 q4 J
' [4 D8 D" U) |% l8 S8 i5 Q161:What is the industrious rodent on the five-cent coin?' [0 j) L! B4 f6 e0 i2 d
: q6 W9 ^5 L0 d+ Z. A' a' @2 [
The beaver2 H& S6 p0 C0 y/ ~0 `" j  B  ]1 u

; \) W' e  r5 m* R- S4 W162:What is the significance of Hockey?
- H0 d9 @  ~- M2 o" q* K. ?, Y) m6 ?5 @9 u% g$ t5 H4 Q% H
Canada's most popular spectator sport and National Winter sport1 i% X3 j+ k7 p3 y! M! }2 ^9 r
2 p/ E( |% ]9 |1 ]) q
163:Which regin covers more than one-third of Canada?( B, o/ z( B- C" @

5 M" j7 Q& C/ R/ u+ e6 g, C9 R2 YNorth or Northern Canada5 z3 b' K; `+ C6 o% G: ~0 y

' H+ c0 x  c: R164:Who was the first head of a "Responsible Government"in Canada in 1849?  _- ?" f+ S! {
# t- R" |( x. \& z' D
Sir Louis Hipplyte La Fontaine.
; d: O. l$ Y/ ?. n' _6 A' L
! `+ Q1 k9 J5 \8 }5 w. F* E165: What is the significance of Victoria Cross?
5 @8 u8 k3 x6 \9 M  V/ A* t, h# M- M- B
The highest honour available to Canadians and is awarded for the most conspicuous bravery.
# k# e9 y$ v3 J: {( u+ n1 s7 r
6 o% c9 V$ m8 {6 `% b/ f166: Name three lagal rights protected by the Canadian charter of Right and Freedoms:& Q" `) L$ J/ E4 E; z7 q# {" g

& `7 P4 E# u( b, x. a) MRight to live and work anywhere in Canada ,right to fair trial and right to protection./ c8 C% \* E6 V

% Q; j3 z9 g. g# u2 V" I167:The Ancestor of Aboriginal peoples is believed to have;6 A6 H3 r8 V, q% H

) a$ c# e2 j; h* x$ j5 x1 VMigrated from Asia many thousand of years ago.
" N: @7 Z. x) J3 x& f0 l& ~% L8 b# M  ]0 a6 `2 H
168:What are the three main groups of Aboriginal peoples?8 m: R1 x1 D: N% j* X2 T7 W5 A' B

& w* M, T" i- W! g; u# \- n5 OFirst Nations (65%) m'etis (30%) and Inuit (4%)
8 S7 ^5 g8 @$ Q& Z/ ?* ^
5 ^& ]( c& v0 ^! i" G! Y% }. \2 }169: What are the provinces of Central Canada?' X1 D/ Q  S! F$ c
3 a/ A& C$ x7 e
Ontarto and Quebec9 j# ?1 g" P& t

% r, }6 A5 U$ N/ J) @! v170:Which province in Canada has most people?
# u9 H: W8 `: s3 X# {5 a3 a, A- R
Ontario5 Z7 S5 e  y. r! ?' v

3 L& r, N& I5 J# F- T171:Which City in Canada has most people?4 w* ]$ M) T* k( g2 ]

& J" v/ p8 H, S+ f7 z: ]8 U7 cToronto0 Y( i5 z# z8 q; j5 O  _
7 X. ^$ d- Y+ [3 o+ S
172:Canada's main financial centre and Largest city of diversity people is:% C/ v! M, o- h

- F/ _3 i+ X' e9 z" h* q' NToronto
4 F- j1 Z7 |' Q+ P/ C3 W/ F- v4 o# S, E6 L1 ]/ s
173:The Canadian Pecific Railway is a powerful symbol of :
2 Q% W) S/ W7 r2 K/ p; I7 m- Z" P2 n$ ]% y! ?: h, J* j. R
Unity , connect pacific (Eastern) to Atlantic (Western) Canada' Y, f+ t! |  }  e- O, {
: [5 E0 t) z, Y/ s. E

  u$ F; h. Q4 H) v1 X/ A174:What is the significance of "D-Day" invasion in june 6,1944 is:. H" b% |1 e6 k( h& l: J

( P7 {! k# U5 AIn order to defeat Nazism or Canada with democratic allies attacked Normandy to Liberate Europe from Nazi occupation.; K; o1 {$ W, m

" I* u8 j; k0 P/ L: |% G+ c175:Way did the Canadian Government build a reilway to connect the west coast?
* [, y# e+ N# Q+ }9 B, P% H; F) E4 I: |
symbol of unity, connect pacific (Eastern) to Atlantic (Western) Canada
' r( b  [% t$ W; Z+ n5 M2 P- n1 I$ E5 N
176:What is the significance of the Remembrance Day poppy?3 g( |+ A. A) a' v

( A: ~9 I: k% |To remember the sacrifices of war veterans and brave fallen in all wars up to the present day in which Canadians took parts.
$ _; [) {/ {0 H2 G" }
; g! O6 `) f( `6 Q, u% W3 R/ M' w. Y* b
177:What is the roles of police?- d7 ^0 _" q# D/ v# ^' v
, s6 X  e4 }  C6 m, Q
Enforce and upholds the Laws
5 t7 U( \. e" n7 N! f: f$ q# l  N3 q3 C+ C6 n; w9 C& A$ S
178:In Canada ,the Lew applies to everyone including:4 _& h% h$ B6 {( M8 F: l- m8 e

1 S" F' d: I! t( p9 RJudges ,Politicians and Police.
( N# W5 g8 @3 u/ t$ {$ u8 S, V# T0 k7 r" m0 Z. g- a
179:Which one is a part of Canadian's Legal system?! E' Q: @# ]4 p+ z4 U; I
% L7 w3 _3 e; O' Z  ^4 T
Freedom under the Law
' Z" W2 w! p* G' P' E% T4 l* B* P+ C; P8 D* f2 M
180:What is the significance of Canada's justice system?
9 n. v( e6 w& u. d8 @; |
- I! f3 ?( F7 D0 U; w3 @/ ~"presumption of innocence" in criminal matters.
$ ~: @8 n2 F' `
7 J" \; z+ `3 Y9 i181:What is the significance of Nov 11th every year in Canada ?9 O! ?# U- D9 H) Z9 _& o
* W, O% E  D5 M& O3 b1 H
sacrifice of Canadian soldiers in all wars that Canadian soldiers have fought is remembered .+ N' f  z: A6 D$ l
; S' a- @% E3 w5 Y: r% k3 B1 P
182:Why is Vimy Ridge important to Canadians
# ?; ?" E9 Z+ ^0 o5 [' y% z+ M+ L
* F. |, ^- k, T, F5 l' g2 o- X% s* dIt showed the world the Canadian soldiers’ bravery in World war 1 .4 u2 w& x8 h% I( z
# P! T: n8 x5 r$ N4 T
183:Which two fundamental freedoms are protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms? # J0 ~+ W- w: r0 t& L

# t0 t! x9 ]0 y4 sfreedom of speech and belief # r- c8 G5 y# ]! ^
  w: ?2 z# Y) C1 q2 T: h/ F
184:Quebec Act 1773 is important in today's scenario
- p3 o. I4 o! y7 r$ {; I' |2 n- W% x& P+ B6 S% N
Under the Canadian Law, everyone have freedom to follow any religion 2 b2 h# f9 M: i+ c, u; ]' b6 N
$ l' P+ R8 }! S; q, H8 L
185:Why"presumption of innocence" is important in Canada's justice system? . Q6 M( s$ U  p, i5 S, J" `8 `9 a
5 e4 r, Q" E  f0 @7 v' i
It guarantees everyone has a due processunder the law., O& w, G) Z. P' E" K4 V

2 r8 t/ E" {: n) j; p: F186:one of the Canadian's right or privilege is:
8 x4 ]- o) f: n" _' A
- I5 U  V/ o# A. @Voting in elections ,apply for a Canada passport and Enter or leave Canada freely./ F. U3 q3 P! }4 t/ {- Y/ }( g) x
$ v$ X( X* {0 u/ ?, R
187:How are Members of Parliament chosen or selected?
; A1 ~; H/ J1 C
5 u4 a' f% L( C  |5 wThey are elected by voters in their local constituency/ridings2 }* A, }, r$ }) P( ^- n# S
- u: d" U4 }# d3 X7 ]( V$ [/ h2 e
188:Who do Canadians vote for /choose in a Federal Election?4 {. N% f/ R. j

* c$ h9 D) {; }+ v( b% [Member of parliament/member of the house of Commons. `6 G% j! j" t( a  P) Y
, @4 |( D9 F1 l9 f/ ~8 W" F2 p& A
189:A member of parliament form MANITOBA hasjust announced that she will be spending her weekeng in her own Electoral District,where will she be?
' Q/ e' E, N) X. [4 j6 d: p; E
1 T2 J$ {2 ?, aIn part of MANITOBA where she was elected,her/his constituency/Ridings, K/ _& p. B5 p* d* B
" Q! K% D/ r/ T" l
190:what are three Responsibilities of Canadian Citizenship?, {  Y- U0 g: g8 y$ O
, [1 L7 Z/ R$ I9 s
Obeying the law ,taking responsibility for oneself and one's family ,serving on jury.; N6 z! ?$ ]% L5 e8 G, {. x# o) M
' i- m  F) b; e! N8 ^- ?
191:What is a Cabinet Minister?
" n0 W( |! J- ^6 W% E: n( a/ h/ N5 O: U: {
MPs selected by head of the Government(prime minister) to run Federal Departments.
' |. A! }: z( m/ Z. i  n4 V$ G2 ?3 u! p0 t+ @& K
192:How is the NEW Goverment formed after an Election?
6 b+ B9 i# b0 d- X7 B; N% u4 a9 Z6 |0 D1 ?) E
the party with most seats in the House of Commons.
" I- R2 }6 h/ I2 K6 o
# e, S8 o7 V# k$ c193:What are the three parts of Parliament?
5 k5 n( z( a0 v, y- x) E* W- P
' E/ ]) P* v2 r" B, a0 w( FThe sovereign (Queen or King),the senate and the House of Commons?! G  ]0 i) R- w* R2 t, A
" n) \. u5 I- ?, S, \7 V
194:What is the House of Commons Mean?
( K) O4 `! s+ K
  f. T& e8 D, c. [: p( oThe representative chamber of members elected by people traditionally every four years.. x) v; R; b& L8 C/ p8 Y6 Y

7 Q/ y! l& r+ }; V2 K" G9 R6 N195:Who do Membres of Parliament represent?
, q" U: K! D5 X5 n" T; X9 J3 Y! k" Q8 N, A& Q; ?# \
Every one who lives in his or her local constituency/ridings.3 j% m" I0 b$ k% B  [0 i0 x) j8 K. v

8 f$ j+ T1 H; l" q' x+ G196:What is the term "Constitutional Monarchy" means?
/ S) c# @* E6 A( k' o2 g: J* k
6 h  H# c# b2 ^& L, T6 `The head of state / the rule of the Law .$ w, u7 B) [# }$ ?$ s
! y' d% h) v7 S* m
197:What are three key facts about Canada's system of government?' f, c, @: ]! E3 e

) d$ ^) t' `' _9 n; \% s2 fA Federal State ,a Parliamentary Democracy and Constitutional Monarchy.
3 B' D1 d  T2 t3 u# x. G/ @9 H' B' c% X
198:What are the three Levels of Government in Canada?) b; S/ |7 r! o& U/ ?
) R) Y+ U. L0 y5 v3 ?9 D' N1 q
Fedral,Provincial/Territorial,Municipal or local.) ^! s) n8 }! ^7 B8 `+ M  a/ n
  V5 q' w7 @+ j* m% |) F
199:Provincial /Territorial governments are responsible for :. G0 {6 Y8 r9 Q# U/ n5 h1 d
! E+ U: S: _& T0 D
Education ,health care and natural resonrces.4 Q" \; e  r0 @  {% {
4 n5 @. y7 V0 B2 ~
200:What is the significance of Canada's justice system?
& Q9 {  e. {, O
6 R0 t! E7 T2 j+ ~5 @6 i! _) N"Presumption of innocence" in criminal matters.. M! {% K% v1 t* |5 I% Q

, x1 @8 V" [- h& N: x201:What is the meant of the term of "Presumption of innocence" ?9 F) u1 ~/ H3 [: n' O7 |
# t+ J( A8 H; x* b" u9 n) ?4 y
Everyone is innocent until proven guilty.
4 m  @' }/ v9 \% ]8 D2 Y% Q
3 h8 L. A9 D+ V+ l% v5 p' q202:Does the law in Canada applies to the police ,government officials and judges?5 g6 N9 e: V4 e) o5 _
6 i2 L4 V; q+ F" C8 N2 }+ }4 p
Yes! The law applies to everyone.
# s4 j6 ~2 H8 B# G  U# [: o! l% ^
203:Canada's legal system is based on a heritage that in cludes the rule of the law:
9 u# `6 I. [* |7 V* E. c/ J) O
) z+ E" B2 ^7 p, x$ j- {Freedom under the law .4 ~- H. z" y6 ]. c# K

) k: q* W* m3 H! h关于考口语方面,通常会问下面一些问题:: @  _# V+ N7 f+ j7 J

8 Z, ^1 G- X; z- Q6 k. _9 K# _* O
! K( Z9 `2 ?# X& Q5 z: k& U* j/ ?7 d8 H6 I- C
a) How long have you been living in Canada?/When did you first come to Canada?
* c4 ~6 S" |1 n3 Q; h+ \' v; r& A# y1 A7 S' N/ s3 a
b) What have you been doing since you came to Canada till now?. c( _7 i: m7 b7 ~4 [$ ?

; k% j( U! x9 r! j6 B3 I! Xc) Tell me about yourself: s" l, }8 j; I  ^; M

- o3 m, T! {' I" W0 zd) Have you been outside of canada? If yes, when and why?
8 e8 J- _2 [) E% W( m% P4 k2 m0 W: N* i9 }# l; e
e)what's your job? or what do you do to make money?
1 f8 i' T4 L) x& |" i1 m" E7 E/ D
f)are you married? do you have children?
& D% W  H5 q: b& J$ F7 |' W, F& k; Q" E; x, q2 \& y
g)do you have any problem with police or immigration?5 C5 b6 K5 J: P! E; q7 f
0 ~  w4 D- J+ N  [4 t
h)do you work? what's your job?
+ F. P3 H% [8 r& F# a; j1 U1 v
/ f1 K' q/ \  l- {& V3 H, TI)where do you work? location?
% j+ x' j! c: L" f: j! U  T( E
) @- Y3 {6 ?* Z考试所要带的7 f5 t9 J, H* e/ Z+ U4 I5 `
; [: S& z$ e5 Q3 ]8 a$ E( `
/ f% c4 Q5 S2 \% b
  ^4 R& O$ w5 F1 g% [: ^. V; E移民纸* t/ |' v. s- ?9 y

; H+ H9 l6 r8 i; b5 I& i, ipr card,驾照,health card9 N6 l) @2 ?- }6 s; Y% B' \$ @$ \

& J- |* n. G; ?8 U$ @护照1 J; r7 f+ l. S. ^3 a' z# V

- T, |+ w5 C* T4 M0 F( [宣誓所要带的
' M% E6 w9 z# K& W3 q8 S8 ]
) W( ]9 l6 `, k& K) \
8 g) c  Q, I" J5 \1 q宣誓通知" ^, T+ L" L7 d1 f/ f* p  _; P
" T5 Y" |& ~( G
移民纸% w) F$ L& M$ @- C4 w. a) |- h

, y5 f$ w. t1 V) E  v, S& mpr card,驾照,health card- k6 {, S, K1 [  I- B8 F
# d& V7 u. r# |1 B) @& C: V
! L3 l1 W: ]8 }: h
8 c: S0 x3 r8 Z/ K申请护照所要带的
/ Z& ~6 S2 V9 `( n+ y+ X+ @% `: @* f" B1 A$ D% `
公民卡, [' y( a7 R' `1 e8 u2 X( x
' Z" o( K7 \& m( ~4 [
驾照,health card$ \6 i3 w0 F' J( C1 |3 M
0 |# z2 `& D2 D! ?3 V
& w" s+ N& t# |& e. t0 Q& N  y4 \* o1 U7 t
+ \: p/ d: a/ Y9 ]
6 d1 t# S% \, @2 |4 _8 f# {4 K; ]8 ~% ]- l
' l( G# ^2 B- c) q+ p, V
加拿大的数据与事实+ c. Z- O0 [: v" Q3 \
What is the population of Canada? About 33 million9 j% E2 ?$ [7 a7 v" `
Canada is the second largest country on earth1 j7 M0 z8 }5 P% \4 N# c, P# X$ H1 D
which religion is most people in - Christian
6 N6 _3 j! O- o, u0 v, Y5 N" UWhat are the three main types of industry in Canada? Natural resources, manufacturing and services.! |- v; n$ ~* H; u$ n' z
How many provinces and territories are there in Canada?  Ten provinces and three territories.
" j7 B; ]. G% L( }. |& W% u: ~! TOfficial Language and indentity (English & French) 0 p, _! O& |- f- L, q2 N1 F
Victoria Cross honour is available to Canadians for conspicuous bravery or self sacrifice. , {/ q1 U; w' {
Friday immediately preceding之前 Easter Sunday is known as Good Friday
3 i8 }1 H3 n6 w( L7 N2 ]7 LEaster Monday — Monday immediately following Easter Sunday 9 p$ ~! x2 r1 e! L" K  N1 z
February 15 is National Flag of Canada Day
% B) i3 o" V/ |8 ?" J' i/ zLabour Day is celebrated on the 1st Monday of September
- |5 c* b6 {" F1 j2 t! O( NCanada celebrates Thanksgiving on The Second Monday of October4 q0 P2 _" F$ h6 @# s* F3 `
! `5 R" x4 E+ o8 L% K$ T
制度* z" k" r0 {8 ?5 I( y
What will you promise when you take the Oath of Citizenship ?I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada, Her Heirs and Successors, and that I will faithfully observe the laws of Canada and fulfill my duties as a Canadian citizen.我会忠诚及怀着忠实的心对加拿大女皇陛下伊利沙伯二世,他的后裔及继承人,并且我会忠诚地遵守加拿大法律及履行一个加拿大公民的责任。
' O" ^1 i  j/ y' uWhat are three key facts about Canada's system of government? A federal state, a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy.
9 f1 M. w( m  ZWhat is the government of all of Canada called? Federal   _' p  S1 ^" Y! b' y
What are the three branches of Canadian government? Executive, Legislative, Judicial (courts)  什么是政府的三个部门?7 f5 G5 l. @" g
What are the three levels of government? federal and provincial, Local or municipal government
9 j2 h( h$ r1 j, D1 |8 DWhat is meant by the term “responsible government”?  This means that the ministers of the Crown must have the support of a majority of the elected representatives in order to govern.
3 C( Q0 E" [$ C9 e+ GThe role of the opposition party The opposition party with the most members of the House of Commons is the Official Opposition or Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition. The role of opposition parties is to peacefully oppose or try to improve government proposals. The other parties that are not in power are known as opposition parties. There are four major political parties currently represented in the House of Commons: the Bloc Québécois, Conservative Party, Liberal Party and New Democratic Party.
0 L3 l0 \3 A" @% [How does Canada’s legal system based on? It is based on Rule of law, freedom under the law, democratic principles and due process.4 R/ p) K- T  Z- u
What does it mean to say that Canada is a constitutional monarchy? 加拿大是一个君主立宪制是什么意思?Canada is personified by the Sovereign just as the Sovereign is personified by Canada. The Sovereign is a part of Parliament, playing an important, non-partisan role as the focus of citizenship and allegiance, symbol of Canadian sovereignty, guardian of constitutional freedoms, reflection of our history and an encouragement for Canadians to give their best to their country# Y1 H; c5 k  Y0 u- l1 }# ^1 X2 Z
What does Confederation mean? The joining of provinces to become a new country.. p; I! {& V( n( v; D
Canada's constitution was founded on what principle?- 'Peace, Order and Good Government' ; s* _% }& O+ h' ~- t- r
What is the Canadian Constitution? A system of laws and conventions which our country governs itself by
" h: k2 l; F& G% d( t( r9 l8 EName two fundamental freedoms protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.列举加拿大人权及自由宪章所保护的其中两项基本自由。Freedom of religion 宗教自由Freedom of thought 思想自由Freedom of belief 信仰自由Freedom of opinion 意见自由Freedom of expression 言论自由% E& h6 ^; M2 ^/ i
Name four (4) fundamental freedoms that Canadians enjoy? Freedom of conscience and religion; 宗教和信仰自由Freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of speech and of the press; 思想,信仰,观点和表达自由,包括新闻和言论自由Freedom of peaceful assembly; and和平集会的自由,和Freedom of association. 结社自由2 n2 n. \$ @0 D" X  n* O# E1 S
Identify four (4) rights that Canadians enjoy. Mobility Rights — Canadians can live and work anywhere they choose in Canada, enter and leave the country freely, and apply for a passport. 流动权-加拿大人可以选择在加拿大任何地方居住和工作,自由进入和离开该国,并申请护照。Aboriginal Peoples’ Rights — The rights guaranteed in the Charter will not adversely affect any treaty or other rights or freedoms of Aboriginal peoples. 土著人民权利-土著人民在宪章中被保障享有的权利将不会受到任何条约或其他权利或自由的不利影响。Official Language Rights and Minority 少数民族Language Educational Rights — French and English have equal status in Parliament and throughout the government. 官方语言的权利和少数民族语言教育的权利-法语和英语在国会和各地政府具有平等的地位。Multiculturalism — A fundamental characteristic of the Canadian heritage and identity. Canadians celebrate the gift of one another’s presence and work hard to respect pluralism and live in harmony. 多元文化主义-加拿大遗产和身份的基本特征。加拿大人庆祝以彼此存在为礼物,并努力致力于尊重多元化和和睦相处。
2 U) t  b5 n% h8 v: oWhat are some of the duties and responsibilities of Canadian citizen?•Serve on jury, work, obey the law, take care of one’s family 4 a9 c) C2 L, Q3 P
What are some of the sources of our rights and responsibilities?Our history, laws, tradition and values
: G( u. w  Y0 t% ?4 H( Y$ {5 ]; IWhich legal document recognizes the cultural diversity of Canadians 那一个法律文件承认加拿大多元文化?The Canadian Multiculturalism Act. 加拿大多元文化条约。
: r7 H) H. x6 U* w9 e. OWhich legal documents protect the official language rights of Canadians 那一份法律文件保障加拿大官方语言的权利?The Canadian Constitution and the Official Languages Act. 加拿大宪法及官方语言条约。, ]7 ~' k( d+ M/ C, g2 o
The form of government in Canada is:Federal State, Parliamentary Democracy, Constitutional Monarchy ( N- ^) S0 ?- A2 a4 Q
Which is not citizen responsibility - learn both official languages/ ?$ h: H5 s4 H+ ~
Function of the police? enforce and uphold the law3 E8 e% H/ Q0 @0 @: i6 n: g
What is the role of the courts in Canada?  settle disputes
# m3 Y1 d7 V2 e" ?How senator is chosen - on the advice of prime minister
) M8 M9 x0 t5 Z% S0 ZWhat is Sovereign(Queen) role? Non partisan党派 role as the focus of Citizenship and allegiance.7 [  U, L' e5 ~) a/ t& q& C/ ?
What the Canadian Crown is a symbol of Canada The answer was because Canada is a constitutional monarch8 c0 _4 M- _. F. Q% ~; o* C
Who is Canada's Head of State? A hereditary Sovereign (Queen or King).8 T0 z$ B% W' u
What is the difference between the role of the Queen and that of the Prime Minister? 女王总理的区别?There is a clear distinction in Canada between the head of state — the Sovereign — and the head of government — the Prime Minister, who actually directs the governing of the country.
2 a: G9 N4 T" n3 S0 w  H& p0 w  x7 @What do you call the Queen’s representative in the provinces and territories 怎样称呼女皇在省及特区的代表?Lieutenant-Governors (in province) 省督Commissioner (in territories) 专员
  B* N" {5 b  l8 s9 E: b! n+ r0 yWhat is a Cabinet Minister? MP selected by the Prime Minister to run federal departments.% q* ^4 \. J* X$ L
What are the three parts of Parliament? The Queen/ Sovereign, the Senate and the House of Commons6 S" d2 J& `. b, H9 X4 W1 f
What does it mean when we say that Canada is a federal state? That the federal government takes responsibility for national and international matters, while the provinces are responsible for other matters, such as health and education
1 u. f! n0 C, ?4 T; w; c. S( s4 YWhat are the federal government responsibilities? Foreign Policy, defense, citizenship.% ?5 i: Z3 @& s2 O4 o7 M2 ~% y
Which of the followings are the responsibilities of provincial government?  Education, health care, natural resources and policing.: r8 K+ t* L' x& t5 k+ X* q# h/ @
Which of the followings are the responsibilities of Municipal Gov. Firefighting & Garbage Disposal/ Social and community Health, snow removal and transportation. /urban or regional planning, streets and roads, sanitation (such as garbage removal), snow removal, firefighting, ambulance and other emergency services, recreation facilities, urban transit and some local health and social services. Building regulations 房建规则 What level of government passes "by-laws"? Municipal or local government., l3 h6 ~4 _: v  ]/ f& V0 ^0 a( [
Our legal system is based on Equality before law and freedom under law: g  i3 I: H; B& G7 \9 t! L1 _
Why presumption of innocence is important? It meaning everyone is innocent until proven guilty.+ M$ P: E9 K/ W- A* I' q
What do we pledge when taking Oath I swear (or affirm) That I will be faithful And bear true allegiance忠诚To Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second 陛下 Queen of Canada Her Heirs and Successors And that I will faithfully observe The laws of Canada And fulfil my duties as a Canadian citizen.
. m8 p, Y& Y- V) t9 ?; lHow many judges are there in the Supreme Court of Canada? 9
7 Z6 d$ [/ S% b4 i4 k. jThe right to challenge unlawful detention by the state is called Habeas corpus) J, P# i7 Z/ f% w/ k' D
Which right do Canadian citizens have? To be given peference for certain jobs.# I5 c8 o6 K9 x3 H2 H9 M7 i
# B6 g1 M7 E1 q1 V3 `; ?) t8 U; I/ d' PWhich party is in power in British Columbia? Liberal Party, t) L; W  j7 Q9 D
one of criteria to vote - on the voter list # l( L, R7 \! }: T. P; e9 S
only Canadian citizen can - vote in federal and provincial election.
9 |; z- m) ?/ x9 b6 A" T) l$ L8 o" eWhat is the requirement to vote in federal election: On voter list.) |( R" n# N) |+ a( a
What are the privileges of a Canadian citizen? To vote. ( [# j8 S: e3 p1 l" s5 i& C7 I
What does Register of Electors contain? List of all Canadian citizens who are qualified to vote in federal elections and referendums.
/ ~0 b, ^* E, ?$ n6 TWhat do you have to do if you do not receive you voter information card? Call Local Election Office.
! Z  n( K* z, RWho do we elect for in federal election (On the general election) - member of parliament for your constituency
' _9 J  z* y2 w+ v! c+ g/ {% GWhat is the political candidate. A person who runs for office& b& `# L* L& ?5 R& ~- R
How are Members of Parliament chosen? Elected by Canadian citizens.5 v' @& X$ R- f8 N: S! z
How can a party in power be defeated in Parliament? If a majority of the MPs vote against a major government decision." _6 o' b7 ~* h0 `: K
Which party becomes the Official Opposition? The opposition party with the most MPs.$ }; @4 w" e4 O6 N, O/ s
How is the government formed after an election?    The party with the most elected representatives becomes in power.
- {  H$ ?& C7 s( {/ L) a2 \$ cA member of parliament from Montreal decided to spend the weekend in her electoral district, this means she will be In some part of Montreal were she was elected  + U# [) q1 a' p- M9 S( F6 z
Who do members of parliament represent? Everyone in their ridings.
* [: p1 b1 m& r/ f- d! D历史
( x2 A1 n* ?1 o8 vWho are the Aboriginal peoples in Canada?   The first inhabitants of Canada.
. m( x' k) I7 v" w5 ^6 R# ?Who are the three founding people of Canada? Aboriginal, French, and British.
) {6 h* x1 A# b9 gHow long have Aboriginal People Lived in Canada?Migrated from Asia 1000 years ago$ k8 F6 n9 B2 p1 h& a
From whom are the Métis descended? The descendants of marriages between early French and English traders and First Nations women.
0 f4 N; Q0 M. P5 B  ?- PWhy are the Aboriginal peoples of Canada working towards self-government?  They are trying to regain control over decisions that affect their lives.$ f! N+ g3 n. s- e! k* G5 ?
Métis are30% of all Aboriginal people1 C: M* R9 y! X' ^4 L  l; b& |
From where does the name "Canada" come? By the 1550s, from "kanata", the Huron-Iroquois word for village. $ ]/ q3 d6 p8 B& p0 q
Why did early explorers first come to Atlantic Canada?  To fish and trade with Aboriginal peoples.) n- Z" w, X0 r! V* i# M
When did settlers from France first establish communities on the St. Lawrence $ p  v; G. t( X8 ?- {5 K) x2 `& h
River? early 1600s.
4 F7 P8 r/ Y. O+ U' u2 S+ b4 eCrown has been a symbol of Canada for 400 years as.... Canada has been a constitutional monarchy in its own right since confederation6 s- n" p7 o+ Y$ {
The act of Quebec signed in 1774 allowed people from Quebec to worship the Catholic religion. What are the repercussions on Canada’s modern society? Everyone can worship a religion as long as its respects the law. Canada tolerance all religions under the law3 o3 O' X2 n1 m) Y
Why the Battle of Vimy Ridge is important in the Canadian history? It has come to symbolize Canada's becoming as a nation. Birth of a Nation in 1st World War2 A% B/ }4 z5 Y) P" K$ @
When did settlers from France first establish communities on the St. Lawrence River?   Early 1600s.
, W+ R/ y3 U( c* V2 D( F7 Q( FFrom whom are the Acadians descended? French colonists who began settling in what are now the Maritime provinces 沿海诸省in 1604. 6 d* m; X# C3 q/ ^) y# U$ J+ Y
Who are the Acadian people? French who were the first Europeans to settle in Canada.
) \0 H" L& S1 [4 p4 n( j, xFor how long did the Hudson Bay Company control the northern lands? 300 years! w8 F, g) {0 W
Who are Quebecois? They form a nation within a united Canada. % w* t- W( g# a& K
Who were the United Empire Loyalists? They were British settlers who moved to the Atlantic region from the United States. These people were known as United Empire Loyalists because of their loyalty to England.
  G0 Q8 g8 ^$ b8 n- @Why did early explorers first come to Atlantic Canada? To fish and trade with First Nations people.. K7 e. z2 u. m* \. ]
When did the United Empire Loyalists come to Canada? Late 1700s. ' X8 m) N* |) u1 o+ D+ z( }. F
The first representative assembly was elected in Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 1758 ; @2 X" a5 ^# s- ]
When Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) was completed In late 1800s it: Provided a means for connecting eastern Canada with the west as symbol of unity. At the end of 1885.
6 U1 ~( g( g; r2 {7 E' S5 S
2 a; x4 K( e6 i) F5 ^The 1812 war between England & United States was important. Why?  - Canada remain independence from the United states.1812年美国和英国为什么打仗: L( ?& T  ~7 Y0 Y- n; h! y
The first financial institutions opened in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. The Montreal Stock Exchange opened in 1832.
/ j: ]6 B  o' _+ K4 T4 X! d/ HWhen did thousands of miners first come to Yukon? 1890s.
: R  `5 l5 d1 V- M! f* PHow many Canadians served in the First World War?   More than 600,000.
: Y" B2 |( n- o! E3 q$ }How many Canadians served in the World War II? More than one million
: w0 q  Z4 i7 B+ S, HWhich four provinces first formed Confederation? Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick /Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and province of Canada# k- \; p" S1 z6 O6 @8 h
What is the significance of D-Day in our history? Canada with democratic allies attacked Normandy to liberate Europe from Nazi occupation (June 6, 1944)
* P' ^& }9 L/ r8 JOn D-Day  the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division stormed and captured Juno Beach
) ?% p) r' \/ [: G! l* a1 E. ZWhich country was liberated by the Canadian Army in the 1944 - 1945? The Netherlands0 U, |2 [, j4 u% I0 @' h
Aboriginal people were granted the vote in1960
  S) c. L9 t+ Q; r4 L3 dIn the 1960s, Quebec experienced an era of rapid change. What is this called? The Quiet Revolution
7 G6 L! \8 x' u* F  KOn what date did Nunavut become a territory?  April 1st, 19992 r" u' Q8 M$ M. s, X
Why do we celebrate Canada day on July 1?It is to celebrate Canada as a self governing dominion. To celebrate formation of Confederation, f* U" ~+ _& o7 `( m( [) A, z
What was the "Head Tax"? Race-based entry fee charged for Chinese entering Canada
3 s& x% k  w  D! ~8 F' lDeportation of Acadians is also known as The Great Upheaval3 d) b$ ]3 i7 y8 d* [, W# x$ v
Upper Canada later Ontario was mainly Loyalist, Protestant, and English-speaking,while Lower Canada later Quebec was mainly Catholic and French-speaking.
8 D- |' h- z: R! mHow many Canadians have been awarded the Victoria Cross? 96
9 X8 J4 a" u. ?7 x! rBrigadier James Wolfe and the Marquis de Montcalm was the commanders of the British and French armies at the battle of the Plains of Abraham, in 1759, marking the end of France’s empire in America.! D% z8 `8 m* q" N- n) V3 O
Donald Smith (Lord Strathcona) was director of the Canadian Pacific Railway
+ z) ~) I0 B2 y' t$ V2 n; K( CLouis Riel led an uprising that seized Fort Garry in 1869, the father of Manitoba
3 P/ K  y: s2 B* ~4 T) x& W8 Z1 DDr John A. Hopps invented Cardiac pacemaker
# D" V8 K) m( }8 x! DDr. Wilder Penfield, was known as "the greatest living Canadian", a pioneering brain surgeon at McGill University in Montreal
7 w* c  X, K' x1 W8 dWomen's Suffrage Movement Women Voting Right
7 P: l3 I9 P) Z) z: wDr. Emily Stowe the founder of women's suffrage movement in Canada and in 1916, Manitoba became the first province to grant voting rights to women. ' j) f% H6 _5 n
Gabriel Dumont , the greatest military leader of the Métis
* `' s* P* _* |, K8 n; |Lord Grey Was a Governor General of Canada
+ U: ]+ [( `; \8 B, U! tLieutenant Colonel John Graves Simcoe was Upper Canada’s first Lieutenant Governor and founder of the City of York (now Toronto). Simcoe also made Upper Canada the first province in the British Empire to abolish slavery' A( y7 C$ C: b+ ]% {
Jacques Cartier was the first European to explore the St. Lawrence River and to set eyes on present-day Quebec City and Montreal Between 1534 and 1542, Jacques Cartier made three voyages across the Atlantic, claiming the land for King Francis I of France
" o6 f1 ^% R, E  iJames Naismith invented Basketball in 1891.: w# s5 H" P. {2 W: S5 G* Z5 s3 i
John Cabot,was the first to map Canada’s Atlantic shore, setting foot on Newfoundland or Cape Breton Island in 1497 and claiming the New Founde Land for England. English settlement did not begin until 1610.+ Z7 F- ]& u1 F3 w- @" g* Z
John Graves Simcoe was Upper Canada’s first Lieutenant Governor and founder of the City of York (now Toronto). became the first province in the Empire to move toward abolition.: n$ d$ s4 `, [. j9 }
Pierre de Monts and Samuel de Champlain,in 1604, the first European settlement north of Florida was established by French explorers
" |4 W1 Q) @$ \$ w$ x, PPhil Edwards was a Canadian track and field champion, won bronze medals for Canada in the 1928, 1932, and 1936 Olympics
9 d- n3 m5 e: l. h2 p7 RQueen Elizabeth has been Queen of Canada since 1952
7 R8 {; L4 t  M9 CRick Hansen circled the globe in a wheelchair to raise funds for spinal cord research./ B- \) o$ k. g6 ~) v( V" q3 U% R
Sir Arthur Currie became Canada's greatest soldier, In 1918, under the command of General Sir Arthur Currie, the French and British Empire troops in the last Hundred Days. the war ended in the Armistice on November 11, 1918. The war strengthened both national and imperial pride, particularly in English Canada.
5 _+ ]4 A5 t( D/ t2 c2 {Sir Frederick Banting of Toronto and Charles Best discovered insulin saved 16 million lives worldwide from diabetes
" b( a5 B+ {# z' d1 J. GSir Louis-Hippolyte La Fontaine A champion of democracy and French language rights, became the first leader of a responsible government in the Canadas in 1849. 8 N" S1 a6 ~" N1 W3 d
Sir Leonard Tilley, suggested the term Dominion of Canada in 1864. He was inspired by Psalm 72 in the Bible which refers to “dominion from sea to sea and from the river to the ends of the earth.”, E- v" D, [% t6 W- \
Sir John Alexander Macdonald, a Father of Confederation, became Canada’s first Prime Minister, Whose portrait is on the $10 bill
" S0 V0 K; t& M" e4 P' oSir Sam Steele, a great frontier hero, Mounted Policeman and soldier of the Queen, the Canada’ s most colourful heroes.# ?) s, O! b1 G8 [; J( k
Sir Wilfrid Laurier became the first French-Canadian prime minister since Confederation and encouraged immigration to the West. His portrait is on the $5 bill. Sir Wilfrid Laurier Day is celebrated on 20th of November
' P) s: F. d; o4 Q& D7 P经济
5 q( H1 M$ ^7 s6 K  T7 A/ Snot correct about Canada and USA - Canada export little to USA
) |$ u/ S6 H4 r& gWhy trade with other nations is important for Canada and Canadians? To maintain our high standard of living.
& E3 @4 C( E; EWho are partners in NAFTA agreement? Canada , the United States , and Mexico' [' g9 ~0 r+ ~# C/ N0 y
G8 group Canada, the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, France, Japan and Russia4 b) A. I3 Q* Y) U; z
% c2 m9 `2 ~, ^8 m4 g8 U: R
地区- m; [4 U4 @* v+ g' n& @7 k, _+ Q
Which group of Aboriginal peoples has the largest population in Canada? First Nations.7 G" N; h' T3 \7 y# t
Which group of Aboriginal peoples has the largest population in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut? Inuit.; L; L6 d1 i, {% n7 R* a. O
What three industries helped early settlers build communities in the Atlantic region? Farming, fishing, and shipbuilding.
0 \7 G8 |% V+ g' W1 [7 |What are the Atlantic Provinces?Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick
' s( S2 i/ @8 u6 q( Z, YWhat are the territories of northern Canada? Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut.
8 J0 Z! p3 B5 W* D" F( aPrairies Province includes Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta
8 O! f9 X  Q# R6 _Which province is Canada's leading wheat producer? Saskatchewan
- Z# c2 L/ ^& w8 p5 I6 j  pWhich province is one of the most productive agricultural regions in the world? Saskatchewan." a: ]' ~" @1 d/ _6 l; i$ h# q8 k
Why is British Columbia known as Canada's Pacific Gateway? Because billions of dollars in goods are shipped to and from Asia. Canada doing billion of dollar trade through Pacific Ocean., C& A" @4 r% O" I9 j
Which province has the most valuable forest industry in Canada? British Columbia.% N2 z0 l& g" ~/ |0 B
Which region is known as the industrial and manufacturing heartland of Canada? Central Canada.
  l2 a, U* G- B" s* [Which province is the biggest producer of metals in Canada? Ontario.7 Q5 i% x6 S+ o8 q9 s" n
Which products from Southern Ontario are one of Canada’s Key exports 安大略省南部那一种产品是加拿大的主要出口? Products from the auto industry.汽车工业产品。: B. j9 G! s! L  l5 O% `
More than half of Canada's aeronautics and space industry are located in which province? Quebec
; [! D0 I0 H* a) N4 D, xWhich province is the largest producer of hydroelectricity, and pulp and paper? Quebec
1 o3 Q5 {! N5 H' WWhich province has the largest dairy farming industry in Canada 那一个省在加拿大拥有最大的奶品农业?Quebec
8 n6 G4 Y* {/ P5 D3 O( Z6 NWhat are three minerals still being mined in three territories today 那三种矿物现时仍然在三个特区中被开发? Gold, Lead, Zinc. 金,铅,锌。
' ^' J) H% }: O( NCanada's largest naval base is also the capital of Nova Scotia. It is Halifax
+ T  N8 A# H  ~+ FWhat did the federal government do to encourage people to settle in the Prairie provinces during the early 1900s ?The government offered land at cheap prices.
: v; s8 N( W1 v. I8 }Which province is known as the "Land of 100,000 Lakes"? Manitoba.7 X5 u) s" i0 |
The province with the largest Aboriginal population is Manitoba. P6 C- ^. _1 d: p
Which province has the most bilingual canadians? Quebec3 T$ G! X( D. G# n6 {
Which Canadian province has the most people? Ontario: X: E4 G, W- z) S2 g! b
Canada's main financial centre and largest city is Toronto
/ n8 P: ?( P' j* S/ `. M8 C& LWhich one is the only officially bilingual province? New Brunswick( Y* k# D& o  z! ~7 G! y; Y
What province is called the birthplace of the Confederation? Prince Edward Island$ e. T/ p- B, I" i) ?0 ]
Which was the last province to join Canada? Newfoundland 19499 t8 W+ R3 \" p* D7 n9 P- ]( z, t
On what date did Nunavut become a territory? April 1, 1999
5 @7 X; j! y7 p6 ~- Z2 JWhich part of Canada is sometimes called “Land of the Midnight Sun” The Northern Territories- u) ~1 v/ m, s  ]/ |, V( F
Which Province is the largest producer of Oil and Gas? Alberta
% D. i2 z, g2 v. z1 y5 h! _Prince Edward Island (P.E.I.) is the smallest province
, A% j* H8 g1 b) L5 k4 ]; TOntario and Quebec produce more than three-quarters of all Canadian manufactured goods.
2 H. B! _7 k/ w+ WWhat is the tower in the centre of the parliament buildings called 位于国会大厦中央的高塔叫什么名字?The Peace Tower.和平塔。
5 \; i7 f' Y7 b$ tWhat is the Canadian Shield 什么是加拿大的地盾?A rock formation that is millions of years old.那是一块经过数百万年而形成的巨大岩层。The land in northern Quebec and Ontario. 在魁北克及安大略省以北的土地。It makes Canada one of the world’s leading producers of minerals because of the rich mineral deposits of gold, silver, nickel, zinc, copper, and iron ore which are found in the ancient rock of the Shied. 由于在加拿大地盾的远古石头上发现的金矿,银矿,镍矿,锌矿,铜矿及铁矿均蕴含丰富的矿物质沉淀,它令加拿大成为世界顶尖的矿物生产商之一。The Shied is covered by forests and part of Canada’s major pulp and paper industry is based on the trees of the region. 地盾内布满林木,而加拿大大部分的纸业及纸张工业是依靠这地区的树木。Some of the vast freshwater resources of the Shield are used to generate electricity. 地盾内有些巨大的新鲜水源被用来生产电力。2 S# ~# x' q8 ?/ \. D
What are the names of the Great Lakes 大湖包含了那些湖?Lake Superior苏必略湖, Lake Erie 伊利湖, Lake Huron 休伦湖, Lake Michigan密芝根湖, Lake Ontario 安大略湖Where is the St. Lawrence Seaway 圣罗伦斯海路在那里?A path from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean using the St. Lawrence River through Ontario and Quebec.由五大湖直通入大西洋一条水道,利用圣罗伦斯河通至安大略省及魁北克省。. {7 B0 v  z, }  T+ S. b
Which region covers more than one-third of Canada 那一个地区占了加拿大三分之一的面积?Canada’s northern region, Yukon, Nunavut and the Northwest Territories. 加拿大北面育康,Nunavut 和西北特区。. h% |% @% Z' N
Where do more than half of the people in Canada live 那一地区住了超过半数的加拿大人More than half of the people in Canada live in cities and towns in the southern parts of Quebec and Ontario, close to the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River.超过半数的加拿大人住在魁北克及安大略省南部的城市及市镇,接近大湖及圣罗伦斯河。1 F, Z) d% R0 ?5 Z( W8 J$ j
One third of all Canadians live in which province 那一个省份住了三分之一的加拿大人?Ontario.安大略省。
$ O+ `' F1 S1 Y0 b! fWhich territory shares a border with another country? Yukon Territory.+ v1 v( j" d# C5 |2 }3 ]
Which two provinces are on the Atlantic coast of Canada? Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.0 f, L: y- y3 W
Name all the provinces and territories and their capital cites.  British Columbia (Victoria), Alberta (Edmonton), Saskatchewan (Regina), , Manitoba (Winnipeg) , Ontario (Toronto) , Quebec (Quebec City),New Brunswick (Fredericton), Nova Scotia (Halifax), Prince Edward Island (Charlottetown), Newfoundland (St. John's), Yukon Territory (W hitehorse), Northwest Territories (Yellowknife), and Nunavut (Iqaluit).1 P0 @' @9 r1 a  U& B% a
重要文件& M0 B2 Y4 Z( z" ]8 [
Name two key documents that contain our rights and freedoms. Magna Carta in 1215 in England/ the Great Charter of Freedoms; the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms amended in 19828 u4 X+ _/ X# @. A% U
Aboriginal and treaty rights are in the Canadian Constitution. Territorial rights were first guaranteed through the Royal Proclamation of 1763 by King George III, and established the basis for negotiating treaties with the newcomers" q( `. m6 R5 V/ m7 O
The British Parliament passed the Quebec Act of 1774. One of the constitutional foundations of Canada, the Quebec Act accommodated the principles of British institutions to the reality of the province. It allowed religious freedom for Catholics and permitted them to hold public office, a practice not then allowed in Britain. It established English criminal law and French civil law.7 N4 I2 E( X1 K# {- S0 _
The Constitutional Act of 1791, granted to the Canadas, for the first time, legislative assemblies elected by the people. The name Canada also became official at this time and has been used ever since.
' k$ v9 n0 d# nWhich document first defined the responsibilities of federal and provincial governments? The British North America Act. 1876 known as the Constitution Act, 1867./ x& ?& W) K8 L0 ]8 X& h% M+ \
What document made Confederation legal and Which document first defined the responsibilities of federal and provincial government那一份文件令同盟合法?The British North America Act (B. N. A.).made this Confederation legal. July 1, 1867.英属北美条约令同盟合法。
7 T4 Y2 V( g- W" Z5 R& o# oCanadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms begins with words "Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the Supremacy of God and the Rule of Law"
+ N; c0 }, A4 ^+ i1 VWhy is the Constitution Act of 1982 important in Canadian history? It allows Canada to change the Constitution without asking approval of the British Government. ) ^" y- N/ X8 l+ a* B+ j5 k
What part of the Constitution legally protects basic rights and freedoms of Canadians? the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom
& i# k5 q+ `! B2 B; ~Name three legal rights protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms 列举加拿大人权及自由宪章所保护的其中三项法律权利?Legal rights 法定权 Equality under the law 法律上平等 Freedom of Religion 宗教自由/ h4 q* Z1 G( }* U8 v" Z( l
Which three legal rights are protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms? Mobility rights, official language rights and Aboriginal peoples' rights. Multiculturalism8 h% o6 u+ f0 e( I) l
According to Official Languages Act of Canada Canadians will be able to be heard before federal courts in any language of their choice ,Each provincial government was encouraged to offer services to its official-language minority community5 ?& j( `8 ^9 X# }+ g& ^
# t1 L+ z# V0 Q( q/ i1 S. V. ZName all the federal political parties in the House of Commons and their leaders Conservative (Harper), NDP (Layton), Liberal (Ignatieff), Bloc Quebecois (Duceppe)
8 ?/ l4 T4 [2 JFederal Government联邦政府5 e% O8 A. ]2 K
Head of State国家元首: Queen Elizabeth the Second A hereditary Sovereign (Queen or King).
. I6 A4 K& s0 E2 H7 j& qThe name of the representative of the Queen of Canada, the Governor General, 代表加拿大女王的加拿大总督的名字是is David Johnston戴维•约翰斯顿Oct 1, 2010. D$ t5 B6 ~6 t# E! E
The Head of Government, the Prime Minister政府首脑,总理, is Stephen Harper re-elected
- Y. E  O% Z0 O1 P8 ]The name of the political party in power 执政党的名字is the Conservative Party of Canada
$ S7 V6 u4 z# `The name of the Leader of the Opposition 反对党的领导人的名字is Michael Ignatieff May 2, 20093 r" G8 u3 Z6 h. l
The name of the party representing Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition忠诚的代表陛下的反对党名称是is the Liberal Party of Canada Dec 2, 2006  ^: w! s: i# p1 A
The names of the other opposition parties and leaders are 其他在野政党和领导人的名字0 J# P! [7 ]; `* Z3 L: k
The Liberal Party Michael Ignatieff ' x! d) @: |6 ]6 I/ i9 Z9 g& P
The New Democratic Party Jack Layton0 k  f; u  B: [, [9 H3 h
The Bloc Québécois Gilles Duceppe.
) Z6 f# m0 }3 _My Member of Parliament (MP) in Ottawa is 我在渥太华国会(MP)的议员是Bill Siksay NDP: u7 L) E& J& I+ ]$ F6 N
My federal electoral district is called 我的联邦选举区被称为Burnaby--Douglas (British Columbia)
: d0 `. h  {% m1 p" i' Z+ n& WProvincial Government
! A" k' f* `7 vThe name of the representative of the Queen for my province, the Lieutenant Governor在我省的代表女皇的的副总督名字是:BC is Steven Point. (Since Oct. 1st, 2007)
3 o: K$ a+ v3 H# bThe Head of Government (the Premier) 省长是is Gordon Campbell. (Last election May 12, 2009) + f7 E0 |( H: Q: Z
The name of the provincial party in power省执政党 is the BC Liberal Party6 D9 I# W5 M8 ?2 o2 Q$ f5 \
The names of the provincial opposition parties and leaders省反对党和领导人的名字is BC New Democratic Party and Carole James
& u# d* p  j( Z* \/ ?/ I7 mMy provincial representative (MLA)我的省代表is Harry BLOY BC Liberal Party2009
# @+ e- ], x  X1 t3 i5 ZMunicipal Government 市政府3 V) d, F! P5 v# R% V. G; f
The name of the municipality where I live is我住的地方的市名字是Burnaby; D/ V9 ^' I! ~8 Q/ t5 a2 j0 m8 J
The name of the head of the municipal government (mayor or reeve) 该市政府首领(市长或称里夫)的名字是is Derek Corrigan德里克7 t# t* L7 H5 Y
The party in power 执政党是is BCA - BURNABY CITIZENS本拿比公民协会/ j; w! G3 N2 H7 t  V- x$ I
•        New Year’s Day — January 1元旦8 r# S. }* w6 y2 C* M
•        Sir John A. Macdonald Day — January 11约翰麦克唐纳爵士日加拿大第一位总理
$ n# f5 p" T4 v. u4 C; V•        Good Friday — Friday immediately preceding Easter Sunday 耶稣受难日周五紧接复活节Easter Sunday -the second Sunday in April8 ]! J& s$ z: S2 t
•        Easter Monday — Monday immediately following Easter Sunday复活节后的星期一
  K  ]- H$ O" l" Z( P! L" P•        Vimy Day — April 9维米日 一战中英国第一次胜利) p6 c2 j; j( t3 y) Y
•        Victoria Day — Monday preceding May 25 (Sovereign’s Birthday) 维多利亚日
4 J! M2 ^8 j. M% h1 J2 Q•        Fête Nationale (Quebec) — June 24 (Feast of St. John the Baptist) 魁北克省庆圣约翰浸会盛宴
3 o# [8 w- o9 z: r7 V5 G" W. @# _•        Canada Day — July 1 加拿大国庆日7 f0 N; l2 x5 r9 G1 d
•        Labour Day — First Monday of September 劳工节2 b1 {. c7 Q9 O0 E" o
•        Thanksgiving Day — Second Monday of October感恩节3 }' U. A" C+ H  [) a4 J
•        Remembrance Day — November 11国殇纪念日
3 _8 f9 T# f7 W+ E•        Sir Wilfrid Laurier Day — November 20劳里埃爵士日 第一个法裔加拿大人总理 在五元纸币上$ t6 S( u5 K9 _4 j7 e* D" m
•        Christmas — December 25圣诞节, x2 A; t: O0 Q8 f1 y
•        Boxing Day — December 26节礼日# H# \. ~- ?4 X* k3 `

& Q5 d& z, ]% B8 C5 uWho’s who on Canadian Currency Notes?
1 I, G3 T  N2 K0 M/ |# g  O/ f9 QOn $ 5 Note- Sir Wilfrid Laurier - Canada's first francophone prime minister  ( 7th  Prime Minister of Canada from 11 July 1896 to 5 October 1911)% ^  G# V( d% j. P" ?& |  B
On $10 Note -  John A. Macdonald - Canada’s  1st  Prime Minister and one of the dominant figures of Canadian Confederation" l  [4 [1 r$ T1 h5 P9 b
On $20 Note – Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II  (Head of State for Canada since 6th Feb 1952)0 Y9 F3 B: J& ^! ?- U. G8 o
On $50 Note - William Lyon Mackenzie King - Canada’s 10th Prime Minister and with a total of over 21 years in office, he was the longest-serving Prime Minister.
  ^# z+ h; v1 G9 S  [3 j3 B. _ On $100 Note -  Sir Robert Laird Borden. – Canada’s  8th Prime Minister " o( `2 \3 k5 F# F+ A4 o
What designs are on Canadian Currency Coins?
+ |) ?" s$ O* |3 E: W2 B On 1 cent (Penny) – Branch of Maple Leaf
# @7 f9 N3 q7 `$ [, @ On 5 Cents (Nickel)–  Beaver ' R" u0 |& m& r8 s- m
On 10 Cents (Dime) -   Bluenose Schooner) P+ |/ s& ?' t/ [
On 25 Cents (Quarter) – Caribou. J3 M! R! g* J: r+ `& m4 F; q
On 50 Cents  (not commonly seen in day to day transactions)-  Coat of arms of Canada$ F9 B) B: `) d% V1 `
On $1 Coin (Loonie) – “Common Loon” in Water
. Y) r7 M; F% }6 w On $2 Coin (Toonie) –  “Polar Bear” in early summer on an Ice Floe
4 a* N, [) f* U9 Z( c- @! z6 {6 t5 H5 ~+ f; j+ H" _# ^5 G3 i$ H
http://www.burnabylibrary.ca/ citizenship/
2 D. \  h( D. P( H2 lhttp://www.v-soul.com/onlinetest/
( M5 E7 x/ P& ~. i% H5 ahttp://www.cic.gc.ca/learn
4 z2 q6 D0 q5 R3 K* Nhttp://forum.yorkbbs.ca/showtopic-2037079-3.aspx) g1 {: @! w2 j: B9 S1 y  O
3 \9 K# w4 m2 ?3 N( T0 a; Ehttp://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_647286680100gno4.html
# D8 I' ^( u. u" X" a$ s7 fhttp://www.canadameet.com/info/visa/2010/0703/28866.html
- h2 t% R( E$ |; z+ i) }- r7 Uhttp://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=90004&page=1
/ V0 M- m3 v% s: g, ?# G8 Zhttp://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=314859&page=9( U% S; n% q4 j& c% a: e
# b- k  n" L) P& c8 K; O: K
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2014-4-6 11:22 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(59) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2014-4-6 12:12 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(50) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2014-4-6 20:21 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2014-4-9 14:53 | 显示全部楼层
太有才了, 顶顶顶!
鲜花(792) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2014-4-10 11:22 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(14) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2014-4-10 21:00 | 显示全部楼层
6 and 11, 8 and 13 are duplicate, only read to 18
鲜花(25) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2014-4-11 08:33 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2014-4-11 20:52 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(10) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2014-4-13 21:07 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2014-4-14 10:53 | 显示全部楼层
小财奴 发表于 2014-4-13 21:07 * L7 z0 N' X; A7 s
5 [7 p* R0 M8 Z7 p. y* J) P# J
It means that they have not learnt this stuff.
) b' W; A% E3 t" T+ O5 u3 _7 R$ C+ u8 v) P. G
In fact it is not difficult at all, compared to any courses we learnt at school.
鲜花(15) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2014-6-4 10:15 | 显示全部楼层
  o0 r1 U% c$ _. B, r6 X另外,向楼主学习,为后来者也提供一些自己考试的经验,觉得下面的网站连接对考试也很有帮助.& D' R" e" b# {8 m# U% o

( b+ o* `! {0 G. q$ T3 y% Khttp://www.bestknew.com/thread-4051-1-1.html
/ B  Q, F4 l3 R4 x$ Y  b1 o; m* H/ U( D: Z, I" E
鲜花(15) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2014-6-4 10:41 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
+ [+ F/ K, b" b9 zprairie provinces: manitoba, saskatchewan, alberta
3 X9 ]2 ~& J8 _$ ^+ v# Nthe order of canada and victoria cross& E1 ~, q$ M8 b0 u2 F2 K4 P; M( L
NAFTA5 c" `; G2 p; V. b6 l
rememberance day8 M  Q. e% o  a" E# |: N$ P5 T# M
who is Sir John A, Macdonald  z/ t4 T0 n0 K& o7 ~+ B7 [
Judiciary: supreme court , rederal court, and provincial courts& x& k' k4 [; x. h: I$ a9 P
Founding peoples of Canada
! Q& z4 r! M  S9 w% S& n1 y6 zcanadian inventions:snowmobile, canadarm,black berry,pacemaker$ O4 f" S9 z' g  @1 J9 I  S0 ?- p
citizenship responsibilities) ^) i) C) m  Q* i
) V9 e# T$ ~! _: H$ q5 Fvoter information card/ Y. q3 F9 Y3 u" ~& V, t4 S) {: w
secret ballot) ?$ H1 E% Z3 G8 @$ j
鲜花(34) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2014-6-5 06:42 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2014-8-4 23:46 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2014-10-16 22:52 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(41) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2015-4-20 23:02 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
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