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Yesterday's Edmonton Journal Front Page news Content

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-1-26 11:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Four New Oilsands Plants for Area
  X4 O/ k  S! k! r
% f, Q4 n2 I' gUpgrader alley keeps growing
9 o; \0 |: a  k; P! W' A5 c9 M/ M
Announcement increases proposed. F; _1 u: G8 Y- P2 ~, d
Edmonton-area plants to 12
- K# [, L& u5 u! W0 H7 O6 pGORDON JAREMKO Journal Business Writer( a* J) B' N+ m* r, ?# l" K9 k' @4 x$ W
EDMONTON' ^9 F7 a2 r: i% P% a1 f
With files from Jeffrey Hawkins gjaremko@ thejournal. canwest. com
6 A  }, [$ }0 W& _# f& a3 N% m+ IThe Athabasca Oil Sands Project unveiled on Wednesday a six-year construction program to erect four more Edmonton-area bitumen upgraders, expand a Fort McMurray mine and open up a new pit.: S! l8 Q; j1 G" n2 c  J8 E4 P
The announcement from Alberta’s youngest oilsands mega-producer came on the sameday as 2,500 workersbegan work on $12.8 billion in plant additions announced last year." |; _6 E  h! Q$ |* Q# Y
Also under study is a new Ontario upgrader and refinery in Sarnia.. e2 K8 ?0 D; n0 t, `! _
The new upgraders are planned for next door to the three-year-old project’s first Scotford upgrader five kilometres east of Fort Saskatchewan. A second upgrader at the site is now entering construction next door and an expansion is underway at Athabasca’s mines 70 kilometres north of FortMcMurray." ^& w+ U- X8 H& }: `* @
The planincreases to12 thenumber of projects inEdmonton’s $30-billion-plus bitumen upgrader lineup undertakenby all related companies operatingin the region.7 w/ h* h0 H) f) }6 s, j/ _
Athabasca aims to build four new plants producing 100,000 barrels per day eachinorder toprocess all of its lowgrade bitumen output into premium refinery-ready oil.
) {  }$ r6 J# x, f- [5 B. o  CEach mine and upgrader piece of the plan requires 3,000 to 4,000 workers to build. Simultaneous EdmontonandFort McMurray construction is expected to employ a total of up to 8,000 skilled trades personnel during activity peaks.
+ d: U2 q& L/ ^$ R% q. eCost estimates are under review and not disclosed. But the project’s 60-percent leadowner, ShellCanada, raisedits production target to 770,000 barrels a day from its former 500,000 barrels daily." H7 V0 S8 |+ R9 w
“ You can go faster and go cheaper,” Shell Canada president Clive Mather said in an interview.
( ?% @' R, Q; {6 H  |5 jThe new plan calls for uninterrupted construction until the mammoth oilsands operation grows to its full potential, he said.
$ r) n' b! b& dThe program will weld project managers, engineers and workersintoa team that will only have to be recruited once and willbecomemoreefficient as thedevelopment gains momentum, Mather predicted.
3 M5 h- |# }* M. t- Q  p8 E) lAthabasca minority partnersWestern Oil Sands and Chevron Canada, which eachown 20 per cent, are committed to support expansion planning and will make decisions on participating in construction as starting times for the stages roll around.
& x* `& ?% `: iRoyal Dutch Shell PLC, while seeking to buy out the 22-per-cent minority of Shell Canada’s shareholdersfor $8.7 billion, supports the oilsands growth program with its established 78-per-cent majority ownership, Mather said.
9 k. y+ b/ w6 j  t“It is a remarkable resource in a part of the world whichis geopolitically safe,” he said. “We believe the fundamentals (of oil supply and demand) are very strong in the long termand the world needs the energy.”
0 U1 c( E& _6 {2 x9 }* tMather vowed that Shell will not be “distracted” by market gyrations that cut oil to $50 US a barrel this month, the lowest price since mid-2005 and 36 per cent below its $78.40 peaklast summer.- M+ \& g- D* O7 v6 p, E" O& M+ r7 W1 e
“Prices will fluctuate. Costs will fluctuate as well,” Mather predicted. “We want to invest not just for this year but for many years to come.”
2 v' D. i  X+ Y8 ?& bAthabasca’s schedule for its new growth stages calls for completionofpreliminary public consultations, environmental studies and formal regulatoryapplications this year.5 \% K: C. W+ R+ |( {
Constructionis expected tobeginas the project’s current expansion workis completedin 2009, thencontinueinto 2012.
  h" k/ c; |/ d6 AThe plans donot include nuclear power. But Athabasca will consider becoming a customer if Ottawa’s Atomic Energy of Canada advances its current proposals for an oilsands reactor beyond talking stages into a credible project, Mather said.
5 O3 d8 K$ n5 ?( v4 a' Q$ AA nuclear plant could significantly reduce carbon-dioxide emissions by replacing natural gas andbitumenburned in oilsands production, he said.$ Z3 i+ _6 P/ I1 \
Athabasca is braced for Canada to adopt new policies oncontrollinggreenhouse gasses to tame global climate change while the project develops, he said.
5 w/ J9 c. u) Y6 I: f7 Z“We can expect further political leadership on this issue. We welcome that,” Mather said.5 @% ~2 R2 S6 r# i! m" V
“ We need to have common frameworks,” headdedin urging governments togenerateaclear greenhouse-gas emissions policy to guide industry and consumers.
# \. B1 M. {8 O“It’s going tohave toapply tomany sectors,” Mather said. Canada should encourage development of technology to capture and permanently store waste carbon-dioxide, and to increase use of biological fuels such as ethanol, he added.# K$ ]2 x; c5 D5 s
The 54-per-cent jump in Athabasca’s planned oilsands production followed new exploration drilling on its bitumen leases north of FortMcMurray.5 M; Z8 d9 T2 q. G8 Q* c$ F8 z
Estimates of oil in the properties rose by about two-thirds to10 billionbarrels, and there are still untested areas.
4 a. I/ D- ]7 c& f0 BFurther exploration could sow seeds for still more expansion projects, said Athabasca communications manager Janet Annesley andWestern Oil Sands president Jim Houck.
# L' p; G; M+ O; e2 G& L+ t6 NLocal farmers and residents say they are not surprised to hear about the expansion and plan to voice their opinions when given the chance.5 ^8 u) C  |4 v% G  M) p
“It’s absolutely crazy here right now,” says Kathy Radke, a local dairy farmer. “I’mnot happy about this at all. Thepollution here is just awful, but they keep over powering everyone in their way. We feel completely helpless.”
* p4 L5 k1 G1 C/ I( j/ }3 cMaureen Chichak has lived on an acreagenear the Scotford sitefor thepast 28 years and says with each expansion her community suffers the cost in terms of their health.“We’realready toocrowded here,” she says. “Accidents keep happening and emergency response isn’t what it should be. We’re just a disaster waiting to happen.”
2 a& L% F+ \% ~+ pHowever, themayor of Fort Saskatchewan says theannouncement shouldbe welcomedby his municipality, if theconcerns of his citizens aremet during the planning process. “It not exactly shockingnews andI don’t think we should see this as a bad thing,” he said.' e' n. N( R) R1 J, ?. q

$ r' N9 w  y) @" M2 u# B$ L[ 本帖最后由 ligeree 于 2007-1-26 11:28 编辑 ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-26 11:40 | 显示全部楼层
Translation by online translator. Kind of crappy, but better than nothing.
+ E. Q6 G9 K6 O9 _: S" K- ]3 JSorry, I can't input Chinese now.
1 {. n! G  R; ^6 c6 f# C8 Y, r8 S
1 T, m6 e: F% l$ E. gUpgrader生长公告
3 A$ q9 X) |# ~( J! I* y" C2 Y保留增加提出的
# ?* S6 I2 x1 l5 C4 k埃德蒙顿区域8 Q! c0 M2 D2 l2 ^6 j' r$ F) Y

. X8 }% t) [# {- Q在星期三com Athabasca油铺沙揭幕项目6年的建筑节目架设四多埃德蒙顿区域沥清upgraders, 扩展堡垒McMurray矿并且开放一个新的坑。
9 q+ w2 m7 k) K  F公告从亚伯大的最年轻的oilsands兆生产商在sameday来了作为2,500在$12.8十亿的workersbegan工作在去年宣布的植物加法。8 C5 Y: d' i( A1 a7 m! ]+ P) l
* y5 Y( }# L. U7 K新的upgraders对与三年老项目的第一Scotford upgrader相邻计划五公里在堡垒萨斯喀彻温省东边。 第二upgrader在站点现在进入建筑隔壁,并且扩展是进行中在Athabasca的矿70公里FortMcMurray北部。7 |/ q# h! N, j: e9 p- M3 ~* F
项目inEdmonton的planincreases to12 thenumber $30十亿加上沥清upgrader联盟undertakenby所有相关公司operatingin区域。1 M1 b4 E( v) G/ g+ H+ j& j* `
Athabasca打算修造四家新的工厂生产每天eachinorder toprocess的100,000桶它的低档沥清全部输出入优质精炼厂准备好油。1 c+ {8 c; f) I9 |& b
计划的每个矿和upgrader片断要求3,000名到4,000名工作者修造。 在活动峰顶期间,同时EdmontonandFort McMurray建筑预计雇用总共8,000名技术行业人员。8 R6 ~. I9 a$ Y( ]/ _- s: I
成本估计在回顾中和没透露。 但项目的60百分之leadowner, ShellCanada, raisedits生产目标对770,000桶每天从它的前500,000桶每日。% L- d3 h7 t2 X; O
“您可以快速地去和变更加便宜,”壳加拿大Clive Mather总统在采访宣称。& D3 V4 Y" x, o1 Q- g
新的计划要求不间断的建筑,直到声势浩大的oilsands操作成长为它的潜能, 他说。. b6 p$ o; `2 t5 b, P
节目将焊接项目负责人, 工程师和工作者到只将必须一次被吸收和变得更加高效率的队里,当发展得势, Mather被预言。# H$ l; z! \7 O$ H$ D
Athabasca少数的合伙人西部油沙子和Chevron加拿大, 哪eachown 20%, 在参加做到支持扩展计划,并且做出决定建筑,开始时间为阶段滚动。) x: M& Z- W$ h- i- H
皇家荷兰壳PLC, 当寻求收买壳加拿大的shareholdersfor的22每分少数$8.7十亿时, 支持oilsands成长节目以它的建立的78每分多数人归属, Mather说。
, d: I; o0 m7 H- `2 L“它是一种卓越的资源在世界whichis的部分geopolitically安全,”他说。 “我们相信根本性(供油和需求)是非常强的在世界需要能量的长的termand。”1 h- J1 I5 f8 Z* L
Mather发誓壳“不会由切开油到$50美国每桶这个月的市场旋动分散”, 低价从中间2005和36%在它的$78.40 peaklast夏天之下。+ V! _* O5 [% E  G5 d' H
“价格将动摇。 费用将动摇,” Mather被预言。 “我们想要投资不仅在今年,但许多年来。”
9 u/ t6 K' l5 p% N9 WAthabasca的日程表为它新的成长阶段要求初步公开咨询的完成, 今年环境研究和正式管理应用。
( L& R+ M# Q6 p4 Z0 x# f0 OConstructionis期望2009年项目的当前扩展workis完成的tobeginas, thencontinueinto 2012年。
/ n: u- r& Z# `4 g$ O计划donot包括核能。 如果加拿大的渥太华的原子能提出它的现行提议对于一台oilsands反应器在谈的阶段之外入一个可信项目,但Athabasca将考虑适合顾客, Mather说。' }3 O7 F2 S+ L1 w
一家核工厂在oilsands生产能通过替换天然气极大减少二氧化碳放射andbitumen烧, 他说。
/ L% V8 I2 H& d. bAthabasca的日程表为它新的成长阶段要求初步公开咨询的完成, 今年环境研究和正式管理应用。
$ K3 e7 P- c  m1 f8 A+ _Constructionis期望2009年项目的当前扩展workis完成的tobeginas, thencontinueinto 2012年。
, x) P- r, m0 u6 ~$ ^& f计划donot包括核能。 如果加拿大的渥太华的原子能提出它的现行提议对于一台oilsands反应器在谈的阶段之外入一个可信项目,但Athabasca将考虑适合顾客, Mather说。# R& ?6 \$ I0 t' F+ e
一家核工厂在oilsands生产能通过替换天然气极大减少二氧化碳放射andbitumen烧, 他说。
5 t8 Y" J: n3 d% w+ n; @/ ]8 C5 V8 c. m54每分跃迁在Athabasca的计划的oilsands生产在FortMcMurray它的沥清租约北部跟随了新的探险钻井。
0 `5 r7 j+ _6 e5 D* T3 H' B油的估计在物产由大约三分之二to10上升了十亿桶, 并且有未经考验的区域。9 [- `3 X6 k; D* r
进一步探险能播种种子为寂静更多扩展项目, 说的Athabasca通信经理珍妮特Annesley andWestern油铺沙吉姆Houck总统。' A% {% T: X3 N) ]
) ?: A2 `3 h+ z3 ]7 W3 G: L. ~“它现在这里是绝对疯狂的,” Radke说Kathy, 一个地方乳牛场场主。 “我根本不是愉快的对此。 这里污染是公正可怕的, 但他们保留结束供给动力的everyonein他们的方式。 我们感到完全地无能为力。”" i2 c5 Z* S& ^, W2 j5 @& H& X# b$ F
Maureen Chichak在英亩居住在Scotford站点附近为thepast 28年并且说以她的社区遭受费用根据他们的健康的每扩展。“我们已经这里太拥挤,”她说。 “事故继续发生,并且紧急响应不是什么它应该是。 我们是灾害等待发生。”
8 g7 m( x; [* w# P* D5 z' R然而, 堡垒萨斯喀彻温省的市长说应该由他的自治市欢迎公告,在计划过程期间,如果他的公民关心遇见。 “它不确切地震惊的新闻和我不认为我们应该看此作为一件坏事,”他说。
鲜花(1394) 鸡蛋(16)
发表于 2007-1-26 14:22 | 显示全部楼层
我真想一头撞死,太羞愧了。0 f& W( L# J. k& W; {6 v
( G& h7 ^+ D6 |, }
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-1-26 15:36 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
me too
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-1-26 15:50 | 显示全部楼层
老杨,宽容一点儿吧,有中文看就不错了,这个在线翻译比我从前看到的还好呢!# B& Y3 A3 i  N& a
. {5 G7 i: \  I
原帖由 老杨 于 2007-1-26 14:22 发表
5 G1 H* M1 u; @0 @8 }5 G我真想一头撞死,太羞愧了。6 s. L; S1 \* t. G# X% O

* m  q+ ?" I" M9 Q0 c0 y英语没看懂,还可以原谅,毕竟我是中国人。可是我现在连中文也看懂不了,
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-1-26 15:50 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(49) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-1-27 20:01 | 显示全部楼层
送花! 谢谢,9 E8 ]3 O  G1 o/ @' Q$ S# ?$ \
! k# Z& `. p* w* n, x3 c
昨天一直想找来看, 一忙就忘了。0 q# j  q; G; q; `5 f

$ @5 w. x4 i, `; L# r7 }" b& h) ?
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-1-28 00:20 | 显示全部楼层
乖乖, 看来现在EDMONTON什么都还得涨啊,老杨的金币也跟着通货膨胀,这一甩就是98金币!给阿也来点吧,初次登录,发点金币吧!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-1-28 00:39 | 显示全部楼层
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