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开放日(OPEN House)2-4pm4月7日(周日)Windermere Grande极品豪宅,内附航拍视频,...

鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2018-5-17 12:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 房屋信息发布 于 2019-4-4 13:23 编辑 5 h; E! I$ E9 D" c; V& _5 H

2 ^0 b2 E  J8 Y6 C' T地址:2806 WHEATON DR NW
) Z; m# ?$ s, @8 F4 @/ d- u+ U
8 W; R0 q. q, C售价:$1,549,000$ l# g" D8 t& \) r# p
4 ^: V4 n) r5 O0 x, G& J
% ^" J- S& J0 H& x) P9 Y+ f2 T  b& r) y
) y1 P! e2 |3 h7 B7 G, ?$ u
4 \/ U, h- b7 B好房请点击:https://www.fanyangteam.com/for-sale/2806-WHEATON-Drive--E4146303! c( l- M$ y& s; V: f6 M' ~
# A6 ?+ {" a6 O/ o$ |8 v
) q( G3 e) G& i# G6 G; S. U

$ [$ f3 G& }! @" F3 l$ K# }) ]# @欢迎入主极品好区Windermere Grande——宁静优雅的自然环境、完美瑰丽的建筑群落,有河流从社区前静静流过……这栋宏伟平层建筑主层提供超2600平尺生活空间,阁楼另有1200平尺充足延展~“开放式设计”理念在这栋豪宅中得到了完美诠释:全屋基本都位于一个巨大的穹顶之下,自然光从四面八方洒落,通透明丽,全屋设计彰显了现代主义建筑艺术风格!
& [9 M, |, a. ?+ N" b& ?3 J+ ?( S4 ^
艺术豪宅同样将实用主义诠释得美轮美奂!美食厨房外还补充了一处香料厨房,两者都配备了全升级厨电。餐厅和主卧都可直达聚合甲板。主层令设有书房和多媒体房,工作、娱乐两相宜!. w  E. J, y4 l1 Y: g

0 Z& @2 j( Q$ l8 ?缓步二楼,另两间宜居卧室映入眼帘,每间都设有独立卫浴套间。此层另设有一间超大家庭工作间。地下室整装完成,你会发现一间“家庭剧场”、一间 workout房间、游戏室和饮料吧。这栋豪宅位置便利,方便直达新学校和购物中心。河畔顶级豪宅,品味非凡生活,您值得拥有!/ ~/ K' C# x* e: i% D5 p$ U

* o* H- M# s1 @9 c7 `/ Q8 o0 I豪宅航拍视频,欢迎欣赏:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFQ2N2WlUD8&feature=youtu.be
* y3 K& n3 l% j. i7 m* q' S( p* q' q/ r, [9 X
Welcome to Windermere Grande, a river front community renowned for its serene natural setting and impeccable architectural control. This majestic bungalow offers over 2600 sf on the main level plus almost 1200 sf on the attic level. “Open concept” is an understatement for this unique property: essentially, the entire house is under a giant vault. Natural sunlight pours in from all directions---it’s your own piece of Gaudi. 3 X) l+ @/ P9 ~. B' U+ x
' X! ~7 G2 p0 j# }* O+ C
On the practical side: the gourmet kitchen is complemented by a spice kitchen, both equipped with pro grade appliances. Both the dining room and the master bedroom have access to the aggregate deck. A den and a media room complete the main level.0 Q1 I9 d% a+ T' C& w9 p

) N. v8 n1 O  Z% |. b  ~. z, vOn the upper level, you will find two additional bedrooms with their own en-suites, plus an enormous work-at-home studio. In the fully finished basement, you will find a home theatre, a workout room, a games room and a beverage bar. This entire package is conveniently located close to new schools and shopping. It’s as unique as you!3 A% ~1 B9 M  C5 B/ [  h( L

/ \( S* x& K8 e[# J# T2 I6 g7 m9 u  O# g7 Z3 C
* M3 M& w9 u; A' {& ~, Q3 R
7 P1 ]/ D# h4 R2 M* m6 k3 `

3 @9 P8 _$ l9 `" Y
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# q5 {8 [2 X& G& r# O- N- g* y( y5 e6 z/ N5 I/ B

/ g3 s  W. ?& _7 e5 ?2 [5 s+ `1 U
0 O2 r4 g) N6 ^$ [; |- X! d5 g6 @$ G# A
" }( b4 G, a- i+ x- x- W$ J
) r6 k0 a$ ]( m" C. U8 Y

4 a9 i3 n9 L* p/ V) G4 i
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: Y. F5 {% O/ B- }, t, x* T3 s; a: T8 y7 c

. i$ L6 |: M; G* q) M5 Y4 ^* O
; [+ ?+ `( X9 M: s& n" R% ?) i( ]4 p! n1 A4 n: M0 s
, a5 B, w! j$ b& e* ~
; V6 w. e. a5 z  R

4 d+ W0 O/ Z" T' U
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-19 12:45 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2019-4-4 12:23 | 显示全部楼层
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