埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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SOLD!!Queen Alexandra全新独栋4卧优雅华府!高端豪...

鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2018-7-3 11:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 房屋信息发布 于 2018-8-14 13:06 编辑 # T" Z+ z8 `& k. r+ ~
7 b. T, u. |: W7 I- d) d* B; A
地址:10512 75 AV NW
  h! [$ F4 v' K0 i2 v$ C0 M  D0 r
8 V: `) e3 K. S; S% a售价:$799,000& t3 a  Q/ N# w1 s- f3 B1 p
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5 ], Z/ v# w! \6 q. W; u# F7 A+ \  M9 {8 Y# R# G2 v- Z0 N
http://www.century21.ca/cn/fan.yang! y1 Z. x; T! U/ O4 j- K
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; q% U4 Z, A- n4 S0 C# N% }: X! B6 d
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/ z' c% Y; n5 }7 x3 u- T  X* d优雅典范!这栋全新独栋美宅坐落在爱城旺区 Queen Alexandra!2100平尺生活空间,秀外慧中、雅致绝伦!主层开放式设计,配备了海量高端家俬——专业硬木地板、美丽皇冠造型天花板、高端电器、设计师款照明灯饰、超大明窗、4pc奢华卫浴……更有明丽书房,任君激扬文字、挥斥方遒!
, H% `6 u/ S) l5 j( b. d( J+ K6 l; d  @# B) f% N# v1 }& c; o
拾级而上,二楼设有4间卧室、两间奢华卫浴套间!走廊、洗衣间、WIC……细节寸寸入心,诠释优雅于无形!地下室天然未动,设有独立出入口,未来增值空间巨大、待君挥洒!; n- }  I9 H: x4 \

/ f; ?# B7 i. D6 E8 I) {# r位置便利!驱车轻抵市中心、阿尔伯塔大学!是成长型家庭的绝佳选择,万事俱备、欢迎看房!" ]# @3 n: r5 G$ b8 R2 ?* o
& L+ t2 ^3 ?2 Q' a: q- }
Classically Elegant! Its unique design stands out from all others! Welcome to the sought after community of Queen Alexandra. This 2100sqft custom built home is consummate in craftsmanship both in and out. The open concept main floor is fully loaded with upgraded items--engineered hardwood floor, beautiful ceiling crown moulding, high-end appliances, designer lighting fixtures, large windows, a bright office, and a 4pc bathroom! / t" T8 S7 w6 Q: M
, d  O4 ]& O" o- D' T6 k4 e
The second floor contains 4 bedrooms and 2 of them come with luxury en-suites! Its hallway, laundry room, WIC...you will encounter well thought out details anywhere in the house. The basement is not finished, but with a separated entrance located on the side, it has so much potential for the future development. The house will easily accommodate a lager sized family. The location allows for quick access downtown or to the University. Come to check this out. Your dream home is ready!
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鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2018-7-4 15:13 | 显示全部楼层
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