埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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开放日(OPEN House)2-4pm9月2日(周日)Hodgson整装 WALKOUT美宅!好区好房好价位!

鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2018-8-9 14:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 房屋信息发布 于 2018-8-29 22:27 编辑
% y- a$ v/ A7 k/ ^. G; |, |
7 V) A0 i' A: B! I地址:220 HILLIARD GR NW0 u8 Z! P6 W; ?; E8 C. m1 c
; {+ l/ J5 |+ f- S1 V+ n
售价:$489,000' T3 ^( g8 ^$ v5 n4 i& |9 T
( ]5 U! g) Y9 j$ H
联系方式:老杨团队 % s- l. A0 F$ I) v3 I

- s- C+ K6 v/ ~! w1 ?http://www.century21.ca/cn/fan.yang
8 t0 ^6 h6 R. b4 s: q; ~9 v
: q  O/ [7 R9 z好房详情:0 ^5 e7 m. V0 L% u' z7 h7 G
+ w) G3 |6 {0 s! r' M9 Y, p/ f! g5 I9 |  h6 ?
& I! c/ V; Z6 Q  N- G
西南好区Hodgson整装 WALKOUT美宅!好房坐落在一条安静的街上,前屋主精心维护,精致如新!
/ C8 n& O# k1 U: q6 S
1 k4 S& A; b2 X( T) n% @- ?; l4 G主层开放式设计,设有客厅、美食厨房、就餐区、洗衣间和高端层压式地板!缓步二楼,三间宜居卧室外带弹性房。兼具实用性和舒适性的布局,让全屋宽敞舒展,宛如1800平尺!2 E& K$ a9 b, C
9 }# U* a9 A5 u, b. I
walkout 地下室整装完成,设有一间卧室和一些休闲娱乐区域。后院景观已完成,易于打理维护!位置便利宜居,超级适合家庭生活!方便到达购物中心、公交车站、23大道和Terwillegar Dr!多所名校就在附近,孩子上学无忧!
4 k6 ~! P$ l- F8 H' a; f* ~( E0 q$ v; b( m* y2 p7 a9 V: k
欢迎看房,好房难求,别错过!& \1 x* B* e5 G4 P

; p* ]7 V9 D/ H1 J  f, X( s9 o# UFULLY FINISHED WALKOUT BASEMENT! Welcome to Hodgson: one of the most desired communities in Southwest Edmonton. This Landmark-built family home is located on a quiet street of the neighborhood. With much care from the long-time owner, the property feels like new. & ?0 T) }$ H+ a

" `' h2 c- g2 ?1 L$ ]1 m# [& rIt offers an open concept main floor with a living room, gourmet kitchen, dining area, laundry room, and upgraded laminate flooring. Then, a bonus room with 3 good size bedrooms on the second. The efficient layout makes the house feel like 1800 sqft! The walkout basement is fully finished with an extra bedroom and some entertainment space. The low maintenance backyard is nicely landscaped. The location of the property is ideal for family living: it can quickly access a shopping area, public transit, 23rd Ave/ Terwillegar Dr, and few of the best schools in town. Come check it out. Move-in ready!
$ C& U$ O( ~2 }4 H; |/ o- E. U( y
4 X+ N2 {3 H1 Q2 ^; ?" z1 H0 n9 e; h# Z" ]; ~

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5 m5 [" k* b1 m, X+ G: v' i6 D, r- i/ S# b; L

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2 s" L! {  m4 Z! M

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7 e3 T$ ~, `7 K! m% b8 V
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" L, Y1 W- b5 q9 S4 H+ r/ R) V, b. W; @$ |% d' U. G
9 @6 I$ K+ G4 I3 n5 A$ r& i

8 I0 b7 m' O- z- T# J$ a2 E( O( h" R+ i- n: w* {# c' i* V5 V! f' M
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2018-8-29 21:27 | 显示全部楼层
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