埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2019-2-28 22:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 房屋信息发布 于 2019-3-19 13:23 编辑 ; ]2 _: S$ F. o" ^$ ^$ e- t& i

+ V: G8 E# Z2 |) x地址:17819 8 AV SW
6 {3 ~, X4 c* c% u+ X
! S9 z- L0 L" w* ^2 F  N8 o% k售价:$419,000" _4 {  D/ E& S  L, Q( `& ^
; {! c. ]$ S7 t, c- J6 U
联系方式:老杨团队& S+ G$ e: S( h$ S: B
, }' q: v1 F8 c$ p
http://www.fanyangteam.com; U( g. ]- b- u* |# e
4 i, u: x; O4 {  S& V; d7 W7 c$ }
1 _; k# U' W# T/ Y. @
: w( P$ U/ Q8 {4 V! s$ ~8 _% thttps://www.fanyangteam.com/for-sale/17819-8-Avenue--E4144867
  L& j# ~( ]8 a1 s/ P* g, P- m9 ]' b4 C6 Z7 L+ D' I2 F+ i( r
) m4 ]3 r+ u7 D/ ~

% g6 X/ j- z$ \! m* l欢迎来到这栋位于Langdale的典雅静逸美宅!这栋双层好房,配备了独立双车库,超1600平尺宜居空间。优雅门厅设有挑高穹顶,全屋开放式设计,设有3间宽敞卧室、3间卫浴,格局规整!步入前门,开放式客厅令人惊艳,超大美食厨房设有深棕色优雅橱柜、玻璃防溅墙,全套不锈钢电器和宽敞餐具存储间!想像一下,冬日围着壁炉品读一本好书,夏日和家人在露台月下小酌,一处好房,赋予生活全新的定义!主卧设有可步入式衣橱和卫浴套间,保障您的私人空间。6 g- \7 Q3 Z9 e) Z. ^! q9 `5 L
/ j# r& v2 y  p
位置便利,畅享成熟社区的各种生活配套设施,周边商超、餐馆酒吧林立!驱车分分钟可到Anthoney Henday 和 terwillegar Drive!
; w" H4 u' s( i" `4 m7 `. n9 Y- B# b6 }& t
Welcome to amazing Langdale on a very quite place! You will love this pleasant 2-storey home with double detached garage, over 1600 sqft. Beautiful foyer with high ceilings. The open floor plan encompasses 3 spacious bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms home, which is great room style. Enter the front door and you are received a wonderful open living room that flows into a large kitchen with dark brown cabinets, glass tiled back splash, stainless steel appliances and a spacious pantry. Cozy atmosphere when it\'s time to cuddle up by the fireplace with a good book in winter or drinking a glass of wine on your patio in the summer with the beautiful moon light. The master bedroom, complete with walk-in closet and ensuite, ensures parents have a private space. All of this situated in a convenient, friendly neighbourhood with great shops, bars and restaurants minutes away and quickly access to Anthoney Henday and terwillegar Drive.) ~2 z7 c4 b  w, z3 x7 r

, l" G* ]3 h: X8 j" y2 r7 ^% |; L* {* ]& l
; b8 C8 b0 u, Y  Z6 V5 s/ ?4 N

9 y; V, X& j3 E' X% B/ c
5 v4 S8 B' Y, N- j$ ]" q. [4 Q7 P
' @& i" U/ z7 ~: ~  U( y0 }+ \- k, b4 z

6 B1 n0 f, o( H0 y; H3 p  @: K! u: ]! y
  ~/ e2 I4 O3 B( u

) }, N; U8 N$ r% V8 s3 Q9 S2 t$ F8 @! E
, U1 b& H* w' i4 x1 |3 M) I) Q
1 O$ ~0 q- j0 M  F* T

0 u4 i* K% ?3 o$ O  S6 y# l
. M* z. m, |. ^; T7 B
0 S. r$ s9 H9 B) z- Y" Z# s( C9 h$ V* j# _' m

/ P7 w5 J) |1 }: `2 l' ~/ O- u1 t. h8 g5 k
: \! I2 |( x9 W/ }2 n
0 R9 f: a7 Q( b- w) m/ w' u0 _4 t7 k

9 z8 w+ T7 ~& T" S+ X% I6 c9 b$ a; ]: z6 ^5 d1 P/ I$ \: {0 H
. W& g% `: q/ e; d9 E- s+ j

, T* r6 S' U3 c% {: z$ g
9 ^& e& M) R/ t6 h: m0 i& J' y$ `' r0 t8 _, K4 O
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-14 10:26 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-19 12:23 | 显示全部楼层
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