埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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发表于 2019-4-5 12:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 房屋信息发布 于 2019-6-24 10:43 编辑 4 P, I5 C$ O, d! u

4 K( G' @' s) z4 L: ~& o( L地址:#1501 9020 JASPER AV NW
, g1 Z# G: v5 N/ v8 o' M- O$ [1 ~
5 I6 G8 M: s6 u' N7 s0 S, ]" |售价:$615,000
/ n6 i7 _  T$ E* ~& K: z
+ y8 f. ?( c7 h6 A" ~" F  S联系方式:老杨团队0 ]0 a0 o% F! o+ h

+ w! S, H# Z0 n+ x6 x; Y0 J8 zhttp://www.fanyangteam.com' ?, v( ~$ ]8 K9 W; n* }

" E/ o' \. n2 M+ Y5 s- v7 ]6 d# M好房详情请点击:
5 X: _) v# K- s( ~" x+ y
0 L( g( \# P: x* [/ yhttps://www.fanyangteam.com/for- ... ER-Avenue--E4150341
' u( g+ O" U& m3 o0 z" A
; Q0 ]8 N6 H2 @1 @  ?! ?8 x; a4 Y: g+ ^( @0 Y

) a# A  W. j- X, k& T+ q畅享繁华!市中心三卧精致高端公寓,无敌双阳台,分别纵览河谷美景、城市天际线!
  n* |8 ]( ]3 |8 k7 f
  N1 F+ V/ t$ F" Q公寓大厦坐落在钻石地段Jasper大道,公寓位于大厦的15层,坐拥2566平尺奢华空间,全屋新近粉刷、海量升级——客厅铺设了全新硬木地板、厨房和卫浴更换了灯饰、设施、瓷砖,大理石台面熠熠生辉,全新不锈钢冰箱!) i: ~+ Q- x0 X* I) x/ f+ w6 R) \

- B) u; v+ r8 N" f" D3 B# u  Y" j步入室内,超大家庭房、规整餐厅、读书角!明丽通透的厨房和就餐区与宽敞阳台通透相连。奢华宽敞主卧设有可步入式衣橱和5pc卫浴套间,配备了按摩浴缸、独立花洒!另外两间卧室共享一套4pc卫浴套间。美居配备了两个停车位,大厦设施齐全,设有会客厅和健身房,带给您在城市之巅健身的极致体验!" V* i3 Q+ i1 b# S( }- v+ `  N

9 Q( z2 ~* H, |0 C- |无敌高端公寓、欢迎看房!
7 w9 L6 W$ p5 |- h" h- R% B7 b" |
Fall in love with a home and capture the bustling city. This home is a perfect convergence of style and sophistication. Unique double balconies, facing RIVER VALLEY AND DOWNTOWN SKYLINE respectively, are owner’s favorite spots to star gaze at night & watch the lights of the city go by. Designed with a contemporary flare, this fabulous 2566 sq ft 15th floor unit in Jasper Properties is generously appointed with premium finishing throughout with many recent upgrades, including new hardwood in living areas, new painting, fully renovated bathroom/kitchen with light, fixtures, tiles and marble counters throughout; New stainless steel refrigerator. Step in the home, you will enjoy the huge family room, formal dining room & reading nook! Bright and cheery kitchen and eating nook open onto the rear balcony. Huge MB with W/I closests and 5 pce. ens. incl. Jacuzzi Tub and Separate Shower. 2 more BDRs each with shared 4 pce. bath. Enjoy a top of the line exercise room, social room and 2 titled parking stalls.2 X( h/ [" T4 L) m: b

+ [- s9 n3 `. y$ {: I) Y9 D% \" B
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5 d: V4 G! q' K8 ?) C2 O# @+ [) M! T3 }6 n: g

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3 U/ X  w% u# J0 u: W
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4 V" @2 d* g% n! X# E
; O/ j6 c& |+ P" I- Y8 S& C
! i1 F( f, D& D* x( _; _$ @  a* _
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