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精致公寓!双卧双全卫双停车位,临近 Clareview LRT车站!

鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2019-6-6 10:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1 d% s" J9 c) Q6 |4 S5 D
+ f8 j& [. X  [) @售价:$185,000
. W  ^7 V6 e3 @; Q' k2 x
* ?$ L6 g# v  L/ J- l联系方式:老杨团队 & s) y7 L3 P( K  ]$ m3 i6 ]

0 m" q: D4 g+ e0 L" l2 _http://www.fanyangteam.com  z1 P. N3 l1 }3 e- v2 z9 |
, l& p0 g" B9 v: K
  J; F$ w# ~4 y# n/ U4 ^' m0 _4 i
, h/ @% V+ M  E: f8 _https://www.fanyangteam.com/for- ... ION-Drive--E4160409
0 F* J* x+ x* Z4 L+ ~
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1 l# a( i; x/ y" T" i2 W5 I$ t0 ?3 k
- l3 c& M1 A4 y# `1 `3 Y  g, O精致公寓!双卧双全卫双停车位,临近 Clareview LRT车站!好房配备了5套电器,充足存储空间!交通超便利,临近LRT和公交车站,方便直达阿尔伯塔大学、NAIT。驱车轻抵Anthony Henday,畅享各种生活设施!Condo Fee包括了水费和供暖费。公寓楼设有健身房,设施齐全!投资、置业首选,机不可失!
* {. e4 r" y+ u% J8 Q6 }4 L1 Y$ G* b# L- F) j' U9 w
2 bedrooms, 2 full baths and 2 titled parking stalls located by Clareview LRT station. Unit shows well with 5 appliances and a storages room. LRT and bus transit station will get you to city centre, U of A, NAIT. Also quick access to Anthony Henday Excellent location with all amenities. Condo fee includes water and heat. Also a gym for you to enjoy your workout. Perfect starter home or investor.
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4 u" x6 R2 R; [) O7 e. e( p9 M5 R( O7 ]5 _& W. k  a

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" e. h9 R' w& w! L  Z( G# C5 Z0 d9 `
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