埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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[家电] 卖铲雪车$750 (原价$1500)

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2021-12-15 11:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
$ @: ]; K+ R7 `8 H" e) E@MD 24” 宽277cc 马力Dual Stage双级 Gas 汽油Snow Blower卖铲雪车
5 q: ]6 \0 U' L0 j9 F8 A7 `此铲雪车功能多、电力发动,铲力巨大,一般的房子前车道10分钟轻松搞定。可铲40厘米深雪。保养一流,性能优越,依旧如新。因本家要搬去卡城,割爱相让,有意者请联系780-886-0778.
5 \" {# g1 b6 m( T
3 U9 s+ o7 \; A8 T功能介绍+ J$ Z% l9 v! d% F6 c/ n! T
: V2 O' z: G' I! P) j2 D•        OHV winterized engine. The innovative EZ Steer technology allows for easy maneuverability to handle all obstacles.
3 r! H4 r( n( [* q: z•        24” width cut makes it ideal for smaller driveways and walkways.; n; @$ k; y+ O
•        12” Xtreme serrated auger. Separate auger flights. If one goes down, the others still work so you can finish the job.* Z) T$ W- }2 n9 p
•        Electric starter for quick starts. No need to pull.3 S6 a9 E0 S& u
•        6 forward speeds and 2 reverse speeds., n1 J$ R* S& R  z2 o* g
•        200 degrees chute rotation. Provides for wider range of rotation.3 d5 g4 s2 Z. c. G* w
•        15” x 15” Xtrac tires. Tough tread snow tires for maximum traction.
, O2 K3 R* D7 l- S( q/ [•        Gear drive for improved performance and long wear.7 C, ?' u$ [) z2 ?( m7 `
•        Clutch lockdown hand controls to lock in speeds and keep one hand free for snow blower operation.9 S7 L0 [+ i  `% M3 Z
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