埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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发表于 2024-7-6 12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 房屋信息发布 于 2024-7-6 13:40 编辑 ; Y4 T/ @9 r7 K& {) ]3 Y7 g
* s2 m' h- B" e
地址:2929 ANDERSON Court- L/ l3 y& [/ w) N2 U

$ ~, J1 O8 ?, A% i% Q售价:$469,000
% S& K$ j2 r3 I% A
% N- [3 j& X$ T7 a9 k+ p联系方式:老杨团队& N7 y  _( E- H. l; ]- Y

" t& d$ d  t( ahttp://www.fanyangteam.com0 O# o' _. a9 u$ Z. H/ R
4 Q" H+ a) ]4 B

* b* x* c/ {: I& @5 z, @2 k, _7 F5 \' K# W1 P8 a
Ambleside钥匙圈双拼美宅!顶配装潢,直达双车库,超高性价比!% h# l" R% \2 o" Z) j$ K

) K0 W6 Z0 M9 c+ i& i主层10尺挑高天花板,楼上楼下都是9尺天花!所有楼层都安装了花岗岩台面,时尚精致!
. _7 S4 z: N# {. ]6 W1 {9 z: i, L% W
0 a# k3 o9 ]! ^1 T; n! X$ G& [: \3 r4 r8 Q* x; ^
- N1 _' s( Y8 v/ w2 {6 f. r' J2 Q7 x
位置优越!临近购物中心、Terwillegar健身中心、 Lillian Osborne高中,驱车轻抵Terwillegar Drive、Anthony Henday、Dr. Margaret - Ann Armour K-9学校!孩子小、初、高一房到位!
. R3 }9 h( m3 j9 b; X, H3 N9 B% T; L
超高性价比,万事俱备!& }5 A7 v9 x: E( o' y) ]( f4 w) l
6 f, S+ R4 h# C7 w; a' o" R% D
High-end, Modern & luxury! This Quality craftsmanship Duplex with double attached garage located at a quiet cul-de-sac in prestigious Ambleside. Features impressive 10 foot ceilings on main & 9 foot ceilings on the upper & lower floors, Granite counters on both levels. This home has an open concept main floor which is great for entertaining. The kitchen loads a lot of cabinets & platinum stainless steel appliances. Dining room is adjacent to the kitchen and has access to the deck. great size sunny living area overlooking the beautiful south backyard. Upper level has 3 bedrooms, 2 baths and a laundry room. Spacious master bedroom with en-suite and Large WALK IN CLOSET. Basement has a great layout and awaits your touch. Great Access to currents shopping center, Terwillegar Recreation Center, Lillian Osborne High School, Terwillegar Drive, Anthony Henday and across the street from Dr. Margaret - Ann Armour K-9 school.* j. \) m% V$ J4 e2 a; Z; g' M
! |  \% b9 ~9 ?% C7 l

' S" ]6 I9 O" |! z8 j2 C; j1 w9 e' f1 h& X$ J8 l  G
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% B/ M: Z! X! {9 o& a: c- P9 F: Y( X. ?8 |

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3 Y9 Z6 U# {  w+ |' _% F" _

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  U0 M: ^# a! {. R& i0 B, @0 W! U- ?6 |2 I: s4 e5 L! D/ Q
3 p$ Y5 m6 B, z) [& Q1 Z

+ e$ A, O2 v9 A4 ]- y5 R8 u
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+ ~, x; W5 Z& I" W; Z, s  t# }/ w' M# ]  y  C$ c% k, w
* c- O6 l  Q9 X- U* ]
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+ [* P6 ~) S2 D
* U) |3 s; _% O$ {, H7 X5 y+ ]5 q5 F: P. u
3 G$ r+ A( r1 e% [. m7 U6 `

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4 i. j9 z$ m; X
2 x2 ^. j3 y- k0 o
2 O: u* ^9 y& ~
! d1 O/ k+ N  u+ c3 ^
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