埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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大学区精致双层美居!步行UA、Whyte Ave,2卧1.5卫浴+套内洗衣,稀缺房源!

鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2024-7-8 19:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
地址:103 10933 82 Avenue
2 V+ g1 f& A0 ?* M
" V9 @) q, j  G- c- B$ u  H. g售价: $335,000
2 A3 }% n: `' K- F7 J: G
; g3 [9 r7 l' y联系方式:老杨团队
3 V( Z, M7 |: W% ~6 f5 I4 \
! n5 }$ E/ e# t; |4 `, Jhttp://www.fanyangteam.com
; X. u: R1 k( F( c$ f6 ^! y" B! f! ?( M9 D, c+ T$ y. O
+ j  U" [& C1 x$ _: Z5 t/ \

7 }- O# G8 h1 ~% G# w精致公寓,地段为王!2 x) ?! X" P9 A' m4 c

) W2 o1 Y3 _' S& o9 T  K& C这间低密度公寓紧邻阿尔伯塔大学,步行闻名遐迩的Whyte Ave,周边银行、商超、药店等各种生活设施全部咫尺之遥,步行即达!无需开车,即可享受惬意的便捷生活!, r; w" F* }8 p" d  h
" u  C; U& S  R# k; o
  l2 z) D0 Q: w' |  k+ \5 L% O( ]: h0 J! I' `0 }4 O% ]
! U. B, |+ U* H1 B& D/ |: [; Q! F5 i6 S
拾级而上,二楼2间宽敞卧室。主卧套间配备了可步入式衣橱,4pc卫浴间焕然胜新,另外设有洗手间、瓷砖妆点的浴缸。$ i  a1 e: _' v  @# M

  `, Z3 E" l& @- f3 b, H% }5 Y大学区稀缺好房,潜力巨大!
, z# H0 [/ I2 `0 F5 v' b! K5 }
( \1 y& k6 _: H% F( xLocation, Location, Location! This unique 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath 2 STOREY unit is a stones throw from the UofA, shopping, banks, Safeway, Shoppers and is right on Whyte Ave! You won\'t even need a car! With quick possession, insuite laundry & underground parking makes this a perfect place to call home. With over 1200 sq ft & nine foot ceilings throughout, the open-concept floor plan on the main level features a corner gas fireplace & under-stair storage. The kitchen has ample cabinet & countertop space. The raised eating bar is perfect for entertaining & sliding patio doors off the dining room allow you to enjoy summer time barbecues on the large, private deck. Upstairs you\'ll find two spacious bedrooms & the impressive walk-in closet in the master suite. The four- piece main bath features new paint, sink & tile tub surround., v& ?) {. Y7 F4 V2 c% e2 `
- y8 Y. j7 a6 I2 t
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9 S! }" W5 m* @5 `2 G
0 E7 ~) q6 K2 h0 t, |% l; `( M+ o! i6 c# T

4 \6 j7 `; ~! D$ Z. O! O4 v
7 y- `  ?4 ]' O  p' ~
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7 h1 |9 ?' A: Y4 Y3 s5 G) Q$ E3 D9 o: N: N* V; {( s3 B  o

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2 p0 E+ R! X7 m: m( o! s1 S: `. Q; c4 s) v
+ ^2 l1 p- m6 n
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