埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2024-7-13 22:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
地址:17823 6 AV SW1 p& {; T- Q$ u3 v9 R
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联系方式:老杨团队, Q9 I- \7 j- M0 l1 A7 u
, [5 O- u3 M8 k' ?3 f3 X$ C
http://www.fanyangteam.com8 Q6 [5 `7 F$ z* G4 r3 }# L
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. u* e$ ]+ v1 ^缓步二楼,舒适生活画卷在眼前徐徐展开——宽敞主卧配备了双衣橱、4pc卫浴间。另外两间宜居卧室共享另一套卫浴间。全屋新近粉刷,清新隽永!$ u" D( ~: {% X& b; A6 N
7 g3 n2 \3 m. N8 V  ]1 l* @$ t
南向超大后院设有独立双车库。临近公园、步行道、Currents at Windermere购物中心、公交车站,驱车轻抵Terwillegar Drive和Anthony Henday。
4 g9 R7 @& t  r
. A3 v2 g% a5 v. ]万事俱备,初次投资、置业首选!欢迎看房!3 S/ Y# B- e  S* T0 T  E

5 |- r) o# b7 s. ~Fantastic 2 storey home located on a quiet street in Langdale of Windermere! This 1,338 sqft Pacesetter built home boasts an open concept floor plan featuring hardwood flooring in the living room. The kitchen boasts modern cabinets, stainless steel appliances and a center island. Upstairs you will find a primary bedroom with his/her double closets & 4 pc ensuite. TWO more good sized bedrooms and a main bath complete the second floor. FRESH paint throughout. Southfacing generously sized backyard with a double detached garage. Close to parks, walking trail, Currents at Windermere shopping & public transportation; Easy access to Terwillegar Drive and Anthony Henday. A great starter home or an investment property.3 C5 z8 d- m: `$ }6 K& x

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