埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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发表于 2024-7-26 15:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 房屋信息发布 于 2024-7-26 16:08 编辑
5 z+ _& N8 p0 D3 o5 B$ r5 R9 F2 A* V
地址:9656 81 AV NW( s" t  X4 u1 B) s( [: u, V9 l

- P% `  e9 Y; ?3 ?售价:$868,000! S: @7 Q3 |$ y2 W7 S% F+ G! p# e

7 N, o2 b1 p1 P" z联系方式:老杨团队
( @3 K7 y+ C6 S1 [/ l. ^8 [$ `* t9 x6 }8 _, V% a, S3 Q
% o/ u  v$ M* d; B/ b0 m% m" B  h: U1 I: P& m$ G/ C* a
( _! @1 H9 L8 T% U
9 `$ n! [8 e& k
/ W  ^" V, S5 h, J" \( b, o$ c# h6 a- ^. ~
美宅开放式设计,8卧4卫,步行Mill Creek河谷,White Ave,阿尔伯塔大学,出门即到公交车站、LRT车站和医院!
& H" G4 \5 g( O
% g* I' I( m" O% t6 [6 K  A+ g主层和二楼配备了4卧1书房(可做第五间卧室)。主层设有宽敞客厅、壁炉、书房和一条全卫浴间。美食厨房安装了升级橱柜,全套SS级电器、楼上主卧配套5pc卫浴间和可步入式衣橱,另外三间宽敞卧室共享另一套4PC卫浴间。隔音的地下室套房自成天地!此处设有三间卧室、地下室独立出入,更有厨房中石英台面熠熠生辉!地下室单独出租,租金可达$1600/月,潜力巨大!" ]* v$ K/ I1 u9 [
& c/ O. ?* D8 e4 o$ Y/ d$ {: \3 A
后院藩篱合围,景观完成,85 ft X 4 ft拉升式花窗,更有砖砌石井,加宽独立双车库,让您的爱车安心停靠!" y4 t. s7 r: T1 m) m  @/ g$ k
# j% D4 l( h! Y+ I# q
0 G' x" `) d! x  y9 `- n1 V5 [8 `6 @( x/ z& f% X$ w9 Q9 Y( s
Custom built Fully Finished 2 storey home in the TOP rated neighbourhood RITCHIE community with LEGAL BASEMENT SUITE and 26ft RV PARKING pad. Enjoy the ultimate open concept design for family living, walking distance t, Mill Creek Ravine, White Ave, U of A, immediate access to bus stop, LRT, and Hospital. This home offers 2185 RMS sqft, 4 bdrms, 1 office (or 5th bedroom). Main floor features a living room & Fireplace, family room, as well as bdrm/den & a full bath. Kitchen boasts upgraded cabinets, SS appliances, quartz countertops, beautiful backsplash, and walk-in pantry. The upper level offers a master bedroom with 5 pcs bathroom and walk in closet, 3 great size bedrooms and 4 pcs bathroom. The sound proofed basement suite has 3 bdrms, separate side entrance and quartz countertops kitchen for ~$1,800 rental revenue/month. Beautifully Fully landscaped and fenced yard has raised garden bed (85 ft X 4 ft) and brick patio, widened detached double car garage. This stunning home is a must see., R$ C1 j* {. ^

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1 z* ?" t7 p. [+ z. _8 y* P7 R$ \! S" R8 T
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3 U1 `. L# u! [3 z8 I8 u: n

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  s; G+ U3 n4 ?$ z# p
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& E$ X# c+ z) n8 d9 Z. Q" G9 b3 E7 R1 j

1 v! ?8 J" q7 ]) K4 \1 H' }
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