埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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Some really really good videos about tibet made by two young Americans

鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-6 20:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Some really really good videos about tibet made by two young Americans4 Z+ D- n# \9 p6 V  D' @
http://www.youtube.com/v/fNeGcLoPFow&hl" width=360 height=300  controls=imagewindow autostart=true  loop=true console="wenxuecity">" _( h. n0 |5 z4 ~" W# ~
http://www.youtube.com/v/fNeGcLoPFow&hl=en" width=360 height=30  controls="ControlPanel" autostart=true console="wenxuecity"  loop=true>& W3 n: Z; W& P4 K) p
1 p7 l) C. b( e( d: r$ Y( F. I
For those of you have never been to Tibet before, I highly recommend you watch those 6 video clips. It's two Americans real experience, and it's objective. If your English is not good enough to understand what they said, there is Chinese subtitle too.4 y: y5 U; ]; }
At the end of the video, John said:
' m: {: W, _3 H4 ?3 {8 }$ [$ \+ x* P& d6 t/ e, ^
Before I came here, free Tibet is obvious....After I've been here, I'm no longer sure if most Tibetan want independent.: g3 }0 f- ]% a8 P
$ P4 |  p9 l& e
$ }# E8 c9 p+ j! B8 V: V! N
; t+ w4 w8 m! g( O我只是一个普通的华人,热爱西臧,曾经在自己生命中最值得怀念的12年无数次的去过西臧,和西臧有过许多不解之缘。我至今都相信我在那里所看到和听到的是一个真实的西臧,与DLLM口中讲述的有很大的出入。在很多人眼中西臧是神圣和神秘的,可能一生都没有办法去亲自体验。真心的希望你能从这两个美国年轻人的口中和眼中能了解一个真实的西臧。
( d( L- q/ {6 i) J) `7 g3 q9 U+ `- v% L
如果你认为这些都是***的宣传资料的话,我也无话可说。你可以不用看,但是不要攻击片中的这两个年轻人是被收买了。我只是希望大家都有机会更多的了解我们这么长时间来一直争论不休的西臧。what's really going on there.
6 V* [- w4 `- z' R/ `" d; s, r+ K: s) W* A) E
www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQOzHDob5gw/ Z7 r6 C1 t4 h9 G3 ?

- g3 L! H+ W9 q+ c  Twww.youtube.com/watch?...re=related' \; K, K% `; L0 k  i# N$ }( ]

' }7 ~$ |. H' C: `, V! `+ pwww.youtube.com/watch?...re=related
% D$ V, d5 g' v8 B/ u! Q* B) J8 J* t' ?3 i, P, w
! q& V" H- p9 W7 D3 t: n/ {* `) f% D& j
www.youtube.com/watch?...re=related, s6 Q" V: C  U' }( f; _

' M6 C, ~' N. B  Rwww.youtube.com/watch?...re=related
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-8 12:33 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-8 18:42 | 显示全部楼层
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