埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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(ZT) What Do You Want From US?

鲜花(645) 鸡蛋(4)
发表于 2008-4-14 07:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一篇不错的东东, 和大家分享。- r8 g3 G# ^! N9 _
/ W/ z. \/ ?+ Y8 `( U: `
What Do You Want From US?
, j1 [- \, A' ]9 \( UA Poem Dedicated to the last 150 years of this planet.
  K% ]! J% u+ i( Z; F8 mApril 10, 2008
+ r( \9 d9 \; d# d- m0 ?( lBy a Silent, Silent Chinese.
, c" M  X- ?0 q$ V; i+ h/ j! r7 S
8 V4 e- G# f- j' x+ J9 G& zWhen we were called the Sick Man of Asia, we were the Yellow Peril.0 t; v1 J' ], |0 y! o
When we are billed to be the next Superpower, we are a threat.# h; a; y8 @8 S; N. f$ B8 ?# k& n2 c

) t) C0 Z6 O; NWhen we closed our doors, you smuggled drugs to our markets.
7 q1 {6 b: G4 B1 u, QWhen we embraced Free Trade, you blame us for taking away your jobs." X/ |, H2 @' a" S
# O. I; M  A: w, j
When we were falling apart, you marched in your troops and wanted your “fair share”.
3 B# j# w. e# ]; O. W  i' kWhen we were putting the broken pieces together again, “Free Tibet” you scream, “it was an invasion!”
+ ]0 \: \# I) ]. {& N. s" t; h% S' c2 ~( E6 G
So, we tried communism, you hated us for being communists# y7 l8 f+ h8 }5 z8 V: g, h9 w4 c1 _' r
When we embraced capitalism, you hate us for being capitalists.
0 a( L. k* N" z4 M
6 \: }( r4 u+ y0 S- c' c; q" X3 ?When we have a billion people, you said we were destroying the planet./ e& V! w8 Z$ {% x  B$ O
When we tried limiting our numbers, you said it is human rights abuse.; E/ Q& E5 f7 X* w

! T0 G+ l- B6 ~" v/ d: d& ?When we were poor, you thought we were dogs.
5 v# o6 A% }, |; s* {8 v% H, O6 dWhen we loan you cash, you blame us for your debts.' C0 m! R+ `* }8 c
" V& H% d5 f6 Z  y
When we build our industries, you called us polluters.( u+ f; @/ S. W% u( u) ?9 W, d
When we sell you goods, you blame us for global warming.3 \8 d9 O# W6 i! o: D
! j, L+ U& d9 E
When we buy oil, you call that exploitation and genocide.
6 y) N) Z, X5 U2 T8 p  hWhen you fight for oil, you call that liberation and democracy.
6 n- u2 W% d6 i- h$ h
# \6 s0 k8 |) v# V9 U5 yWhen we were lost in chaos and rampage, you wanted rule of law for us.
& g9 w3 `  b- o% L6 `( tWhen we uphold law and order against violence, you call that violating human rights.; [4 V. w  i6 R* x
! j0 X# V8 O6 a+ q; a
When we were silent, you said you want us to have free speech.& q+ ~8 h( M8 z5 e
When we were silent no more, you say we are brainwashed racists.0 i/ Z* F& k! i1 `6 Y8 V. _" _
, \1 R0 l( {2 \( x1 ~; W6 R. O
Why do you hate us so much? We asked.0 H; F4 b" P8 H8 w' {9 x3 j
“No,” you answered, “We don’t hate You.”- o  C/ _+ f; b! S; c% X( j
! v, Y. N/ j  S% s& x" L
We don’t hate you either,
. r( f# `! H$ h3 _& f! J* WBut do you understand us?! F# g1 n1 W! E/ D. U
" r: Z% k" b7 h) [0 n1 c2 r" ?' Z
“Of course we do,” You said,, W3 k1 o$ n3 K  ^9 C- y5 P* L- b
“We have NBC, CNN and BBCs…”+ ?* |7 _+ X; a+ `+ V# N+ W
6 z! N% s; @0 ^& C8 z( ]+ ]. o
What do you really want from us?* a  y9 E% ]6 Q/ m
Think hard first, then answer…
" e9 x, N( e# p+ d0 \, v+ g4 f3 |! J6 D1 R" c* ?, S
Because you only get so many chances,' B. m  I) h$ V( e
Enough is enough, enough Hypocrisy for this one world.
& {" y* ^: R( X4 ]4 K
- h2 W% N: E. S# ^We want one world, one dream, and peace on Earth.% z5 G0 E( T% S: H. {  }# @
This big blue Earth is big enough for all of Us.
鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2008-4-14 08:11 | 显示全部楼层
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