埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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Edmonton Mandarin Immigrant Society (EMIS)爱城华人联合会招收会员!

鲜花(66) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-5-16 16:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
注册名:Edmonton Mandarin Immigrant Society (EMIS). J, R) A5 ]) Z- G4 {
0 d, w# b, |& I4 a! V, ]% L
/ S+ ]2 `" K& aEdmonton Mandarin Immigrant Society (EMIS) 是一由爱城华人网站网友组成的非牟利义工组织.  组织成立初期的主要任务仍是协助新移民安家,丰富业余生活,同时想办法为开展此类活动筹集资金。
7 S4 z9 Q/ k9 }3 s: j8 _3 e
, u2 M" o0 P" W对组织发展和活动安排的任何建议请与各位委员直接联系,更欢迎在论坛直接发帖讨论。
# K; O0 F; L; Z  F# I7 V" t# u6 V/ m2 t) J/ d( ~& {
包括所有委员在内,Edmonton Mandarin Immigrant Society (EMIS)现共有会员23人。每月第二个周日下午召开例会。欢迎感兴趣的朋友列席会议。- |9 O8 Z2 e7 b7 E( A
  M0 g5 l8 W; v+ H" i" \6 G* O
' W# J' W" l4 z
6 C1 d3 B5 o! d3 w如果您有兴趣加入EMIS,请通过短消息与heartbroke2联系。$ m8 x0 P" N" n" ?

: u+ K& D& ], i5 N===============================================; s0 D" z: x5 O; X. A8 E) _
Edmonton Mandarin Immigrant Society (EMIS)章程
; J. E9 U5 e* Z- n. f; `' _
; `3 r- z# B0 ?3 V. {1. 名称:Edmonton Mandarin Immigrant Society (EMIS)
# ]2 s" O' u" y. L0 h7 L  o; D# M' p5 r" F* u
2. 宗旨:开展文娱活动,帮助移民安家,增进会员交流,丰富移民生活5 l/ ?- @0 Z3 a* I8 I

  s1 [* x. b9 @! q- s+ J3. 会员' I7 n8 X/ c3 K* w( X
任何爱城居民缴纳会费后即成为会员。! i3 J7 i- q/ f+ C2 ~: o" k! Y
; p( z5 z" s) I8 _会员权利:出席社团年会和例会,参与投票选举社团委员。部分社团活动享受优惠价格。有权查阅社团账本。有权浏览会员花名册(为保护个人隐私,名单不得复印,)。
1 y% F9 {; N0 Q# F2 N会员义务:缴纳会费,登记联系方式(姓名地址电话等),支持并参与社团举办的活动。提名或自荐参加EMIS委员选举。! W  H) Y( W. \+ _4 W
7 {% I8 @. G/ \: Q, ^
8 O2 }3 ?" c# P* H* [4.1 每年的会员大会须于2月15日前召开。年会上全体与会会员须通过提名/自荐,投票选出会长,秘书/会计,及三名委员,以上五人组成Edmonton Mandarin Immigrant Society (EMIS)委员会。
' |% v4 ]& H! d' z4.2 会长须出席所有年会和村委例会,若会长缺席,与会会员须临时指派一会议主持。2 q* l: J/ k1 ^  b  R6 R
4.3 村委会对所有社团活动负责,村委例会至少每月召开一次,一般由会长召集。
$ m4 h6 d, |" O) w1 l4.4 特别会议可以由任何两位及两位以上会员发起,会前需通过书面形式前向会长说明具体讨论事务。
* L# ^" j& K! l6 W任何会议的法定人数至少为4人。少于4人的会议上讨论通过的决议须经下次多于4人的例会审批后方可奏效,否则会议无效。连续3次例会人数不足4人,EMIS须强制自行进入解体程序。(见第7章)- E0 r: l6 d/ A, o
; n; v1 ?2 S0 d8 ^, A4.5 EMIS的任何有效会议上,经大多数与会成员投票通过,可以以合理理由罢免任何一位委员。
! S3 m0 g  s' K- b6 O9 P: P4.6 所有EMIS会议上,任何会员有权投票选举。选举必须本人亲自到场,不得代投。: O; k$ q% |5 K' v9 \

& [) w" x; Q; |0 C5.行政财务
8 }5 p! X4 w, A+ y- e/ }5.1 秘书须出席并记录所有村委例会,保管所有社团图章印记。秘书临时缺席时,村委会临时指派。秘书保管所有社团信函。秘书保管会员花名册,发出会议通知,收集会费及其他社团债务。所收钱物须及时转交会计,必要时存入银行。
( C/ q9 k3 z, ~& {( `5.2 会计负责社团所有帐务,掌管财务明细表以备随时查阅。年会上必须审计财务报表,并留一份给秘书存档。经年会通过,秘书和会计可以由一人兼任。8 \/ b; W, t" N2 }& u, S
5.3 EMIS帐务每年至少由专业会计师审计一次,或经年会选出两名会员代替。EMIS的会计年度为每年的1-1到12-31。
* I# l: I0 E2 F% l5 C8 n1 t5.4 年会上,任何与会成员有权检查EMIS帐务。非年会期间需要查账,必须提前7天通知会计。村委会委员应可随时查帐。( v4 i6 f5 s; q& P
5.5 除非EMIS会议同意,任何会员不得因其服务获得任何酬劳。& W& z% u: |; O  T" C9 l) n
5.6 EMIS可以打欠条,但具体借钱行为必须经EMIS会议通过。9 T' L- B5 I3 G: W  q* _) G

. l; z8 D6 I1 J" {. v* i6.年会可以修订EMIS章程。章程未涵盖的部分只能由EMIS委员会协商解决。
; y) Y  Z9 D+ \2 L8 T) I* A
, a6 D* G% q9 w& `9 l  V( k7.EMIS会议可以通过以适当理由宣布EMIS解体。解体程序须按阿省相关法令办理。解体时EMIS资产经偿还所有债务外,如还有盈余,一律捐给中国希望工程。# u9 Y1 k1 q, o3 x# L, e
% k5 Y$ Y& a, T' s
8 s6 m" e5 V) \' w2 Z
$ X6 @- W4 A/ K: T( c: K8 V问与答:
0 p3 a1 b- ]; w; [) C9 p, D8 P0 U( L; m# G- C2 y- w
1. 为什么要成立社团?
/ q; S6 U& v, L- D/ e4 K/ m2 N
9 X4 _: Q& M8 }( q. \8 w$ O   使开展活动的决策过程民主化透明化
5 z% R. |4 c& o! c) I5 M   注册的社团组织在租活动场所时可以享受一定优惠。5 G. F% k( w0 |. P
- G+ z' R& g4 k% J( u   缓解个人行为带来的压力,消除误会。! Q9 N& ]' z2 R9 K9 |! A$ O
- T& |7 u' q- Y6 w# _* ~' h; ^, o/ k9 A$ v
2. HOW TO REGISTER: [& Q  z  i3 x. y: s! A* v, b+ k6 Z

% O5 X" D' K! v2 K' F. ~4 I   同名检索NUANS REPORT: $20  (在驾照笔考考点,CAA等即可办理)
% K' A, F0 _7 S: P' n5 V* P   打出申请表 http://www3.gov.ab.ca/gs/pdf/reg3088.pdf+ X" n' u2 H0 K* W' ^+ ~$ Z
   EMIS委员签字. 1 {2 S' R' n3 B; ~& x- m. p7 ]
   REG FEE: $50) X6 E4 T% T7 m$ L

- @4 _9 L7 N: ]6 h* I$ f   如果要办理可以开抵税发票的Charity for income tax purposes, 还需部分费用。, X# L6 q6 o3 {) X& r! R# I* v6 c

/ P* Q3 }: {. O+ O9 I! g9 U1 }! Z3  EMIS例会参与人员的确定
: s8 d' D5 W0 C. \( Q' g   例会一般由会长召集,被通知的会员必须列席讨论具体事务外,其他所有会员都有权参加。但因场地所限,例会前可提前公布需讨论事务,未被通知的会员自行决定是否参加。9 [/ Y% n: d1 l3 J% ^0 @- Z1 X
" i) {& }, R$ h1 `' v) m0 \6 I4. 委员分工: M+ e; E# K/ L
  目前共设3名委员,具体分工为:( A6 Y; ?$ t. e* M0 i' k
     生活委员  积极沟通,解决会员生活具体问题,如妈妈宝宝俱乐部,单身聚会等
' q4 O& y7 Q  x     文娱委员  组织开展文艺体育活动
  r; e# S- r, a/ T     劳动委员  新移民安家
1 \- F5 {( O- X) H  每次例会上由各委员依次汇报各自负责方面的进展和安排。各项活动任何会员须全力支持各委员的工作。
) i0 N" a6 K- Z
! }1 t1 G  X) G" _8 V5. 什么人可以入会?% ~* \) U1 }6 L4 P& N
   章程规定所有爱城居民缴纳会费后都可以成为会员,但事实上会员的主要义务还是为大家服务,不是会员照样可以参加EMIS组织的各项活动。另一方面社团刚刚成立,主要经费来源还是会员缴纳的会费,为支持社团继续运转,还是希望更多的热情人士积极加入。3 B7 i! o. \; j1 n
  Q8 n# m, e- v( v& z4 s
6. 选举为什么不能代投?
5 Q: L6 J6 y5 w3 x   一方面,阿省的社团法规定选举不得代投,另一方面,代投也很难保证公正,所以投票必须本人到场。再强调一点,不到场依然可以被提名甚至当选为委员,即缺席会议只是丧失了选举权,并没有失去被选举权。
1 }7 q& X% y0 N1 n2 `" u0 G; d: ?% I
Bylaws of the6 g; c; E; w. C5 Q. E( i6 K% S8 [
Edmonton New Chinese Immigrant Society (ENCIS)
! a- @, l! ^' B; \Adopted and enacted February 13, 2005
4 v; X$ {4 `" K  m5 ^, X" y& jAmended at Annual General Meeting - ______, 2005 9 l4 N4 j7 A  M1 v0 Q/ }% m
  \3 @& u  h( U

, N8 v; Y/ d( l# W6 |WHEREAS: The individuals who have enthusiastic to assist and concern for the new immigrants from China hereby wish to establish a non-profit organization for the benefit of New Chinese Immigrant Community in Edmonton as hereinafter outlined. $ U. u' v' |# N/ _8 }- D; z. F
Bylaw No. 1 - Name of organization & P2 W* b: U/ c/ E* G! i$ M' Y" n
The name of the organization shall be "Edmonton New Chinese Immigrant Society (ENCIS)" (hereinafter referred to as "The Society" .
5 a3 u; Q( V* f' k" ]9 H) p$ B
5 |* G% M, i; `3 n
6 b3 H& K' k/ gBylaw No. 2 - Purpose of the Society ' K3 `: v- J6 t1 W
•        To provide for the recreation of the members and to promote establish the afford opportunity & |& ?; }. S/ z
•        To assist new immigrants from china to settle in Edmonton1 s: \: h# ^4 K  H& K8 J: ?
•        To promote the unity and cooperation among the members, and to enhance the life of the new Chinese immigrant community
/ b9 P; D4 a( k1 I" [, _8 O% `. c+ c; Z( H  i" e! P

. i( y$ {0 h1 ~+ Y: \; O9 [# S( ]- O" b
Bylaw No. 3 - Membership ; E6 i5 E% o% J, u' {! N
An applicant whose residence or office is in the city area of Edmonton and upon payment of the annual fee as levied by the Society shall hold membership in the Society. ) J) G( z' p; G7 ], M8 \2 W# C
$ B; o: ]$ E8 l- ~/ R
1 `( Q% D, m9 M7 ~; [
Bylaw No. 4 - Elections
, H  g+ p: c7 _4. 1.        A general meeting of the Society shall be held at least once in every year on or before February 15 with the order of business and the location to be determined by the Board of Directors. At the annual general meeting, all the members need to vote to select the following positions for a one year term: ( Z% h% ?* S9 V. \1 ~8 j4 ]& a( p$ A4 e
President ( U/ ?9 W6 K' p% W' d- b$ T2 {
; \# D: h8 o% `! W$ ?+ e5 C: m3 Directors
+ m" @9 @3 Q/ x) E- F8 SBoard of Directors, Executive Committee or Board, shall mean the Board of Directors of the society.
5 R& H  u6 n$ z& M9 v; J* ?2 H3 d+ u# Q; h/ P1 i5 K
4. 2.        The President shall be ex-officio a member of all Committees. He/she shall, when present, preside at all meetings of the society and of the Board. In his/her absence, a chairperson may be elected at the meeting to preside.
0 y$ ~* C: _8 V- [- ^8 }  T, b+ k3 ?
( ]- H! g( I1 \5 D% r: F" E4. 3.        The Board shall, subject to the bylaws or directions given it by majority vote at any meeting properly called and constituted, have full control and management of the affairs of the society, and meetings of the Board shall be held at least once every months, and shall be called by the President. / m9 B- `. y% t! k# T0 c/ R+ \
' V* g, b3 ^* N* o& V
A special meeting may be called on the instructions of any two members provided they request the President in writing to call such meeting, and state the business to be brought before the meeting.
0 z8 u9 f+ L) H; _# M& ?7 y/ W' q' V# L6 y& ?
Meetings of the Board shall be called by 10 days notice in e-mailed to each member or by three days notice by telephone.
7 ?7 ~! ]# c7 T- d3 r8 z, v/ @Any four members shall constitute a quorum, and meetings shall be held without notice if a quorum of the Board is present, provided however, that any business transactions at such meeting shall be ratified at the next regularly called meeting of the Board; otherwise they shall be null and void., r4 u" {1 N* F, G

$ J( @* l0 w: P+ ~' Y. A" l4. 4.        A person appointed or elected a director becomes a director if they were present at the meeting when being appointed or elected, and did not refuse the appointment. They may also become a director if they were not present at the meeting but consented in writing to act as director before the appointment or election, or within ten days after the appointment or election, or if they acted as a director pursuant to the appointment or election.: v' b  A5 o. p+ c7 W; b  M

9 l& R! H) q4 H, n4. 5.        Any director or officer, upon a majority vote of all members in good standing, may be removed from office for any cause which the society may deem reasonable., a6 Z4 I* ~# F/ t

! l9 h$ s& o# J& {( w2 I4. 6.        Any member shall have the right to vote at any meeting of the society. Such votes must be made in person and not by proxy or otherwise.
8 [( O1 E0 o) ~2 z- T5 x: B
4 @. q3 i" d+ l( I. E* I2 f* q/ q  f
Bylaw No. 5 -  Secretary Treasurer  Auditing
; Z- t6 ]# q( N5. 1.        It shall be the duty of the secretary to attend all meetings of the society and of the Board, and to keep accurate minutes of the same. He/she shall have charge of the Seal of the society which whenever used shall be authenticated by the signature of the Secretary and the President. In case of the absence of the Secretary, his/her duties shall be discharged by such officer as may be appointed by the Board. The Secretary shall have charge of all the correspondence of the society and be under the direction of the President and the Board." d3 U  u1 J8 q! Z

) \" D* F- r: c" \- l% I' CThe Secretary shall also keep a record of all the members of the society and their addresses, send all notices of the various meetings as required, and collect and receive the annual dues or assessments levied by the society. Such monies shall be promptly turned over to the Treasurer for deposit in a Bank, Trust Company, Credit Union or Treasury Branch as required.( V5 ]9 v- h1 I; e0 F
          `) B' x8 R' {9 S3 z# J5 B
5. 2.        The Treasurer shall receive all monies paid to the society and be responsible for the deposit of same in whatever Bank, Trust Company, Credit Union or Treasury Branch the Board may order. He/she shall properly account for the funds of the society and keep such books as may be directed. He/she shall present a full detailed account of receipts and disbursements to the Board whenever requested and shall prepare for submission to the Annual Meeting a statement duly audited of the financial position of the society and submit a copy of same to the Secretary for the records of the society. The Office of the Secretary and Treasurer may be filled by one person if any annual meeting for the election of officers shall so decide.  Y* g- E. f9 c' O+ T& Z1 T1 F
! F; p4 _3 K* j' D9 G8 ]& M

+ k2 D$ g- H  f2 y) L& A5. 3.        The books, accounts and records of the Secretary and Treasurer shall be audited at least once each year by a duly qualified accountant or by two members of the society elected for that purpose at the Annual Meeting. A complete and proper statement of the standing of the books for the previous year shall be submitted by such auditor at the Annual Meeting of the society. The fiscal year of the society in each year shall be _______________________________.# l# }8 E9 R+ G% @
  g5 z) I( \3 _8 |" j. h
3 n" N. L3 N" B3 _, o$ b1 n4 N) k
5. 4.        The books and records of the society may be inspected by any member of the society at the Annual Meeting or at anytime upon giving 7 days notice and arranging a time satisfactory to the officer or officers having charge of same. Each member of the Board shall at all times have access to such books and records.
) H& p1 H9 \6 Q! R" w) s2 {% N  M) {8 P; ?1 I
  S/ V+ @  Y  a6 p6 S
5. 5.        Unless authorized at any meeting and after notice for same shall have been given, no officer or member of the association shall receive any remuneration for his/her services.
* m, V4 j0 x$ r3 @- W" d; i3 d' C: e: B( Q
6 y2 q! `, b$ L/ U
5. 6.        For the purpose of carrying out its objects, the society may borrow or raise or secure the payment of money in such manner as it thinks fit, and in particular by the issue of debentures, but this power shall be exercised only under the authority of the society, and in no case shall debentures be issued without the sanction of a special resolution of the society.
; x! I. _- k3 o$ H: d# k( D" M% W9 T% \" M

9 H6 B! p7 {+ t% b2 \Bylaw No. 6 - Bylaw Amendments
8 d3 _* L! ^4 H$ `, t, mBylaws of the Society may be amended by unanimous vote of members in attendance at the annual general meeting. # M. }! R/ X7 z( T) x1 p- u; C
3 z* K' @6 K9 s9 o
Any point not covered by the existing bylaws shall remain the exclusive responsibility of the Board of Directors.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-5-16 21:38 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-5-17 17:35 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(115) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-5-17 17:58 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
Originally posted by swli at 2005-5-17 20:35:% o3 D; _' S5 @- g

: `/ m( q- P2 t- d5 `* U; e5 p3 o( v1 k: `

( C6 Q8 I: Z& h! x  G( Q; @请通过短消息与heartbroke2联系。:)
鲜花(66) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-11 09:39 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by variator at 2005-5-16 09:38 PM:
1 j; K7 q6 b0 P$ l我是要入的,这么难得的华人社团,至少可以交很多大陆朋友啊!,而且现在进去就如同买了一个原始股一样,为何不呢?但得等我LD的批准!可能得有段时间!:(

. {: V! Y  h  ?$ K* E: g9 C多谢您的信任与理解!
鲜花(51) 鸡蛋(20)
发表于 2006-5-23 12:12 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-8-13 23:49 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(29) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-8-14 00:13 | 显示全部楼层
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