埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(31) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-7-8 07:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Kyle likes hot girls and beer. Then he finally lost his job.  [" F* p( A- Z" S; R5 c& \8 Q
6 h+ O' ~* T+ d7 u! @
Kyle was a supply pipe fitter at the beginning. "Don't bother my China boy, Kyle. " my boss told Kyle.
% y, @6 v( h. F: i( H"Nice to meet you, my friend, I am a millwright too." Kyle said hi to me. Kyle is a great guy. He greeted every women he met.- k7 H; f! ^4 ?6 ^7 C8 q) J7 Q% p- |1 ~
0 q2 I/ W0 Q- E( ^8 X
He love only hot girls but nice to every woman and man.  kyle 's coming made our Camp noisy. So in dining room, there always were a few  ladies around him. I call him lady's man. He is so happy I say that.
" b4 E! C) r5 R1 X1 N& V5 X) F: f9 n
He is crazy on girls. From morning to night, in lunch room, in the truck when he drove, he text chat with three girls at same time just like a teenager. It looks like there was intimacy as he chat sex with girls. I was curious  about how he could handle three girls at same time. He replied he call every girls pumpkin instead of names. He once mixed up names and girls got mad.- }4 @! X) y6 a5 a5 t! j

3 Q$ |6 A3 p, d- YOn the Mother's day, He called all the girls and say " Happy a mother's day, honey, I sent a flower to you. I also like to send my cock for you to suck."" A  K# u- d7 X4 M2 P

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+ z2 D2 s8 ?& c  oIt was magical he show me the pictures that he kissed the new girls at the second night. And a  girl's truck was tipped over near the lake, the girl was fired by boss because she drove on private road without permit and had mostly chance attacked by black bears. Kyle told every body his head was under the girl's boobs when the truck was rolling. It was true the girl Sherry keeps chat with kyle on phone lately.
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Kyle is a normal short forty-years old  guy with two broken teeth when the first day he worked with us and were broken by his unsecured wrench. He is shy to report WCB for 6 grands to fix the teeth. But nothing can prevent women to enter his bunk room. Women were happy as he set up a fake banana tree in his tiny room.: l8 e0 D& ^3 m7 [" _+ K
# B) y" n2 m+ l
Till the second time his company truck was stuck in the lake where he showed his cock to girls,Kyle got warning from management " Fuck off pussy and juice, or fuck off site."7 C+ Z, y* G# S% p0 _

5 L/ ?3 s, x* g5 b) J, DEvery day he asked me out to have a beer or Tequila, I always hesitated to go. I have to keep my job.  Last Saturday he was out along with some guy, his super Dodge was plugged through by the rail of the bridge near our camp at 1:30 AM. Luckily, his truck was not falling into the river, he only had a black eye burst by air bag. God will bless all the men who love women! He walked to MEG camp because he was banned immediately by our camp. I was told  one of his girl friend left some beer cans in his broken truck for police to check out. This play boy actually hurts girls. We all believe his brain was fuck up by women and beers./ E( H$ ~1 M2 ~1 Z
" g) t" `, k6 p$ }, U
We all miss the crazy Kyle in this quiet camp now.
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-7-8 11:15 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(31) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-9 11:55 | 显示全部楼层
" Fuck off pussy and juicy, or fuck off site."" ?+ u9 f7 a& z2 B. v+ q' T
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