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Two and a half Men Notes

鲜花(32) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-7-14 18:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 小熊之家 于 2009-7-14 20:52 编辑
) X' y+ W. I7 e6 P: z8 j
/ X1 \7 i4 m4 J, k' W7 qIs anyone watching Two And a Half Men now? I'm starting to watch it from the very beginning and trying to write down some notes, which may include words, expressions, idioms and sentences that I think worth a review. If there is no positive feedback, I will stop posting my notes online.
鲜花(32) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-14 18:42 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 小熊之家 于 2009-7-15 09:25 编辑 ' `, z( U3 P- a8 N: z2 Q
1 b0 p" Z9 \, O0 @5 O1 o% N5 R4 D
- g$ e* [6 p+ n
6 }2 H! O9 P; \: |! O% J/ v1. There's not enough blood left in my legs to go anywhere.6 j/ ~' m( l/ T# t/ Y5 D) [
8 c$ ^" I! m6 A6 R5 Y* V
, y, [( y( J: K2. You lousy S.O.B.
$ _$ o% [7 c% G* f$ y& U3 L" N7 clousy: a: totally repulsive; b: miserably poor or inferior; c: somewhat ill; d: amply supplied6 y  I/ L; `  f/ F+ O
S.O.B: son of bitch- C8 r1 O: P6 i+ f1 d6 k& w
, k) h5 N, ~) `/ k5 D
3. and she got a little clingy.
! p9 E; F! Z" Yclingy 来自于动词cling (附着于;抓紧或抱住)
, G  F4 c! ]4 c- ^2 a
5 g( ~4 t2 C1 l  u: B4. And yet, you are always the one get spanked.4 D3 x  F6 ~! w) ~# X! [. y7 E
3 v$ w7 R' [9 T4 Y- A' ?" G. f$ {, }* |, u
5. No big deal, just to touch base.! K% y7 ?% B6 q- K. j
touch base词意很多,这里是 to be in contact or communication1 _7 e* A$ ]! O0 I0 p7 I! V2 {2 _

5 l- s8 }6 y' f( f6. What was the point of our wedding vows.
& I( E% E/ |' t4 d& ewedding vows: 婚礼上的誓词,通常如下:I, (Bride/Groom), take you (Groom/Bride), to be my (wife/husband), to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part., w3 }; U5 M/ B) }8 P
% _( J( @$ j- d& m- k; E
7. Nobody likes a wise ass.8 b: t; c9 j9 |3 e4 W
wise ass: 自以为聪明的家伙。很粗俗的说法,故后来Jake要求Charlie交一块钱出来。& l3 n- R, ~* M# O+ ^9 }

. [/ Y0 o! V' e$ c0 v6 |/ {9 n- `! T8. You are the most rigid, inflexible, obsessive, anal-retentive man I've ever met.
. }0 g' n/ }# f& |rigid, inflexible, obsessive, anal-retentive都是指顽固、古板,所以下面alan说redundant
: P! L, B: [3 ^$ `0 H- z
" E+ |9 f& |1 o; B2 H9. Grandma says you are a bitter disappointment.
5 H6 L6 S9 k4 Z3 W, q1 s这句太狠了。
5 J" J! c- S7 _4 Q
" G, u+ D! F5 w10. Keep it up, you'll be on one of the cartons.
) h& [, r/ v  @5 Z- g4 w继续努力,将来你也会上牛奶盒的。Jake只喝这个品牌的牛奶,Charlie以此挪谕他。8 v0 `3 @7 T; l- o* n. ]
5 {. l1 Q& P+ _* D
11. Wow, you're even better than a dog.
' z2 Q+ s5 @1 I. g" x竟然引来超级美女搭讪.
/ R8 B' x) B9 a2 M! s5 ]! H/ A" w) I2 n1 }. y
12. We stopped for ice cream because I'm a baby magnet. Got to take a squirt.
/ f: J3 f/ n, q, q0 M7 [: lbaby here means beauty* y4 P1 u* k' @$ }  X2 v
take a squirt: pee,urinate;
. S( I& |  A6 p+ S* m4 {# c+ O7 l
9 Z# Q7 d. O9 X) s. E. i13. And isn't that something to brag about.# J, m% d1 D# }, y& ]# W$ B% h
难到那不是值得吹嘘的么?. ]9 a1 g* C' R8 G( v1 i

' i: i$ K9 r; F- I14. You look great, by the way. Must be all the extra oxygen they pump into the casinos.
4 x( L! X; T. P+ t3 H3 s* }前面Alan提到Judith老是抱怨sex的时候suffocate (本集这个单词出现频率贼高)
6 `7 B& B# H, _( A) I% ^8 d- U, K1 @: I3 y9 Q
15. Kid, don't you know what a full house is? Yea, and I also know what a phych-out is.
( z2 t/ z/ f$ a+ q$ Ifull house: Poker的一种组合,一对+三张相同
' ]3 z" j3 V) g- dphych-out: 虚张声势吓唬人。后文还有bluff
- V6 y) d$ G3 @8 \5 M4 `+ {' s+ h4 b) \' n( w
16. Dinner was well. We both had veal piccata.
( L, p$ g/ l* c1 ]veal 小牛肉; Q8 H2 q0 s; @5 b: w1 x. v
7 s) V! A' D/ C, X! z* g" B
17. Don't sell your dad short.2 m/ L! O, D/ ?9 Z( p2 e
sell someone short: Underestimate the true value or worth of someone
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-7-14 18:55 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(32) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-14 18:56 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
我来顶,也在看,就是看不懂:(" ~( b2 f9 |, e' I& e+ R/ O
兔子和狼 发表于 2009-7-14 19:55

# O! a9 s8 }8 ]/ A5 I- d3 o, ~" hme either. not quite understand the first time. but i downloaded it and can watch it again and again, although still could not fully get it.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-7-14 19:01 | 显示全部楼层
I like this show. I have watched from season 1 to 6.
" N) k- C4 O# Y, W7 HI appreciate that if you could post your notes here.
5 V2 j+ j6 D7 CYou are doing a good job here.) d. \2 O$ ^4 ^) }
鲜花(32) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-14 19:04 | 显示全部楼层
I like this show. I have watched from season 1 to 6.( B. |/ r! h- k9 F
I appreciate that if you could post your notes here.# w' V1 K" n, g+ t. Q8 [4 F  a
You are doing a good job here.' R3 y" f  N' k* M
thanks.3 `  k; O8 z6 e
home_ed 发表于 2009-7-14 20:01
" Z( u1 @2 }5 [6 H+ v
thanks. i believe it'll be even better if you guys could come and discuss it so that we all could get improved.
鲜花(32) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-14 19:06 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 小熊之家 于 2009-7-15 09:25 编辑 4 `% t& G7 Y5 i- a" T0 f

/ J/ h, N% ?: N$ o7 s1. Charlie, I need you to be my eyes and ears. OK, but you have to be my liver and prostate.
- o# C  y, b2 A( Ieyes and ears 耳目# g: g! k$ v. C; f/ Q
liver and prostate 肝和前列腺& g; O0 D) q3 }8 M8 I

% T% U/ L+ @0 `9 e& h! {  ~* N2. You wanna field that one?
) I0 N. O* C8 ?3 H2 [+ q2 Vfield有“使上场”之意,这里可以理解成“该你出马了”
" P( U3 _8 j' s; w3 PYou wanna do sth. 通常可用来建议某人去做某事
! f6 D: {# z* p3 C% h/ `- q2 h3 f1 S9 c2 u$ j- B& v
3. What do you get busted for?
& k/ v' l0 z: r/ w1 B5 x前面alan对Jake说you are in punishment.9 E$ j: m( C( S
3 {% S" G* z: T& I8 W6 q
4. The living room is a dogleg par 4.
- ]2 {$ ~3 v9 H1 d/ spar: score. In golf, a par is a predetermined number of strokes that a scratch (or 0 handicap) golfer should require to complete a hole, a round (the sum of the pars of the played holes), or a tournament (the sum of the pars of each round).
, r' g6 U7 K- r8 z. Tdogleg: The design of a golf hole (a par 4 or 5) in which the layout changes direction, usually at the position a drive is designed to land. 如图: , L0 y' `: E: o  L5 F1 L* X5 s
par 4: 后文charlie提到That means you have to get your sock into the kitchen sink in four strokes or less." u2 B) L# r2 E! J  E# l
这个连接(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Par_(score))有golf的计分术语,包括下文的birdie, eagle( X2 w; L& Q2 }) y/ {0 l% o- P- ^

, q* [. f! }6 C2 ^0 Y( i5. Oh man, I'm being hustled.
0 z9 h# m5 w# t) J' dcharlie看Jake一下打那么远,感到了压力。8 [/ [! t' ]: Y, u

2 p( ], f+ Y  l3 Y5 v6. Don't get cocky.
" [( I0 a9 _# `+ X/ y1 z: zcocky来自cock,而cock总是一副狂妄自信的姿态。+ z- v6 e9 F  T3 q* i+ l

$ }# Z- d$ ]* Z% s7. So, how do you lift those garbage cans without a spine?$ b+ i# v* [/ i4 u" S; b, Z
讽刺alan软骨头1 x; X( f" u8 ~* w  Q' ^  Y. }4 U

4 k* q5 o8 ?9 o' |7 e1 ^# C( F% Z+ N8. Jake is taking advantage of you because he knows you won't follow through.7 {7 Q- N! G( ?9 y. ?1 J
follow through: Carry an object, project, or intention to completion; pursue fully
" W, Q) r5 \8 c% A( \
) B- \7 P* _2 S3 _/ c( k9. Are we cool? Yea, cool.
1 I6 u# ^) ~4 x2 M  g) i9 jcool可以理解成没有争议了。
* J$ n! i' ]* H  W
, S, Y2 [! }! }10. I have to run a quick errand.
- d8 Z- e: z- m; _: G% V% t2 Q$ T" r4 c
11. The timer on the sprinkler system is broken and the flower beds are getting flooded.: c& f: \) d6 d) F, Z
后面alan被sprinkler system耍了9 I' I9 z' ^) Z& v
5 N* E5 [7 A! y# n7 n
12. Unfortunately, the feeling is nausea." o& {8 H' U+ _

1 G) R* q) S0 O, Q6 X. I( B! S13. You are smart, poke the bear.
+ G4 \3 k. I7 d5 d5 J, ]poke the bear 这里是指Jake不承认喂鸟,反而说charlie讲了脏话。
9 O- [) ]1 }5 k) B5 C, Q4 r4 F0 p. ^2 B. V: c
14. Mutual kissing. Unprompted, but reciprocated by yours truly.
/ u# _0 H( d* T# a1 A$ r: o% G' Y$ k4 d: h* Z8 N
15. Don't worry. He'll come around.
) X6 P1 ^. I! N4 p- X0 s2 Kcome around: Change in a favorable way1 H5 |. b2 n/ f+ f" K

3 A% a3 I- x* B7 S  M16. That's pretty clever. Yea, it's a variation on something I do with women and tennis bracelets.
5 v; }! ^2 l! i1 xtennis bracelets: a bracelet consisting of a single strand of small stones, usually diamonds, in a plain setting. 图片:& v# H/ r$ q# I8 ]+ U1 ~
利用bait来lure birds,就像用tennis bracelets来lure women。
, c: \% N/ ^+ v9 Y6 X
' }& W2 {$ L6 C9 |17. He is dying for you to forgive him.
, ]2 H+ n# r& `7 u2 v; o8 z
; H# J# w/ b& R/ {+ o18. It's almost like somebody tipped them off.- P- |; X- c3 B# L
tip off: Supply with secret or private information; also, warn or alert.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-7-14 20:50 | 显示全部楼层
I like this show very much!!  Thank you for sharing. I will be watching.
鲜花(32) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-15 08:26 | 显示全部楼层
: p# M  k# `0 O. a1 {! k. Y$ z: M
: x" o. V; s. c; n1. Just for the record, I am not dating anyone. And I threw your brother out cause he was sucking the life out of me.7 Q0 f6 H/ l' ~- o, `

$ N1 `9 r1 _# w8 M. i5 E9 @2. Porky's his pet guinea pig. You're bringing a vermin into my house?: a$ Y9 m% |9 @8 P2 w: b, R
guinea pig:
" G4 y2 \4 o% j3 h3 }& V5 z( n% |( [8 l( L# [5 J9 T" X' {: V
3. alan, relax, you're starting to sound like a tampon commercial.
2 W6 J8 A/ w% ~tampon commercial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VyDydr6j00
3 l5 m# B) R% W* V4 c
" ~  ^3 Y+ \3 R! |+ R% u4. alan, I'm very concerned. He's just a child. I don't know if he can deal with this.- A+ V3 r$ D" P: o
   No. Give your son some credit. He's an incredible kid.
" R  C" u) l+ o4 x4 Z" Z7 K' igive credit: Acknowledge an accomplishment.' p2 G3 |* ~# u1 I
& c. g. Y6 M4 G. X1 w
5. You want me to leave my son with the whack job who's been stalking you since your one night stand?$ g$ M' g5 k9 t7 a7 ]; x- p
whack job: a. crazy person; b. an extremely erratic or irrational person; c. mentally ill
" i% d6 i* y6 o, L! c0 _8 n" ]one night stand: a brief, casual sexual encounter
" \9 o0 Y0 U8 j4 H/ d; g+ @4 I3 d' w9 L& y% h/ a7 r
6. And it's not OK for me to sneak into his house and lick all his silverware.+ _4 a' ?8 ]/ y2 J8 Q3 ?  _
这句太恶心。Alan正在拿着勺吃东西呢。) D# _7 @, N! u
6 {9 u2 `, l4 [' k/ s0 G0 r
7. Your coldness towards your mother became more than just the behavior of an ungrateful son. And it's now an obstacle to my spending my quality time with my beloved grandchild.3 X( K3 @- N9 s/ b

6 w, o8 V4 m3 R. q8. Which part do you like best? The equatorial heat, the endless lines, or the large German woman that threw up on me in the teacup.! i3 O$ }1 ^1 d  D+ L' }* Q
throw up: Vomit  p% Z* A4 P+ c! \! e- ?0 t' m
teacup: # k* B, g* l2 _* A, }. M
so charlie didn't have a good time and complained it as "snowwhite ass". and even said: "Alan, you could get up all laid tomorrow, it's not gonna make up for it."+ _4 _0 r+ k: u
get laid: have sex! v5 t: O/ ~7 A9 X2 V/ y* B
& y  M8 b. r" h) n
9. Hi, sleepyhead, you're just in time.) e4 k3 Z. n/ E7 o( P! m
sleepyhead: a sleepy person
, D$ G) U: _: l' |8 y0 B4 ]9 i9 g
- p1 \  o2 D: x3 o4 J$ G10. This is Judith's fault. She is the one who breached our marriage contract asunder. And I let her make desicion that should have been in my dominion.& g3 T( e4 i" F* i, h- {% A  a

8 y# V! l# ]& f11. The only thing a man can control is his own actions.
3 a3 T0 W) i. q# K# s
( U# _& }% n5 N& q" C# |/ g2 j12. Chili cheese fries with a large root beer, with chili cheese fries.& b1 u, [( C1 w: u0 H
root beer:Root beer is a carbonated drink originally brewed using sassafras. Root beer, popularized in North America, comes in two forms: alcoholic and soft drink.
0 v& T# B7 n2 d( G, y" W4 R8 j9 D7 ~; P( A+ ^: v! W+ [& O: B
13. She chased me out with a golf club.
: ~3 [/ k$ q" g6 iron golf club:
7 d& x% l- ?* `3 z
% N+ P! o4 R$ v9 g, z: y2 H4 g14. driver: Your mother sounds like a real piece of work.
! u  E7 t" \% d& R" r& eCharlie: You hve no idea, my friend. My mother took my baby brother and dipped hime in sissy sauce, and turned him into the people-pleasing control freak you see today.
% D9 p$ T5 }0 {- U* A0 o3 }1 j- t0 n3 ^6 g# q- s
15. You know, many psychologist agree, until the core maternal relationship is resolved, most men are doomed to repeat dysfunctional childhood patterns.
鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2009-7-15 11:30 | 显示全部楼层
it is a great way to learn English. Keep on. We will learn together with you!
鲜花(32) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-15 21:17 | 显示全部楼层
it is a great way to learn English. Keep on. We will learn together with you!# l2 N# V' C4 N# l5 z! Q3 B
billzhao 发表于 2009-7-15 12:30

7 a% B/ \/ T( k0 MThanks. it's not easy to have good english as a second language.
鲜花(32) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-15 21:19 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 小熊之家 于 2009-7-15 22:21 编辑 3 h, e. x3 e% W  F( X

2 I: [5 r& x- c: m8 h! U5 {1 w( ]S01E04- _3 ?. Q0 J: w' U5 t" R
7 b: I8 s& [* j; D1 d8 l
1. You lied to me. You said it was just gonna be the two of us.
# K% h! ^+ j7 E" oIt's funny to see a fat woman saying this just beside Charlie's bed in the morning.
& w1 M, V& E! C" A6 n! R4 \6 F# r5 B3 f, P
2. Ask the scrubbing bubble there.& P* t) ]& E5 S
scrubbing bubbles are mascots for Scrubbing Bubbles bathroom cleaner from S. C. Johnson & Son
/ w3 }' W9 ~; g
- e' m" U8 M. V5 u& s8 _2 b这里Berta用scrubbing bubble来讽刺Alan的喋喋不休。
) J1 Y" X% q4 Q- Q5 A& ^. L9 Y" N0 O
5 U$ a$ F& y7 V# z2 P3 @( @3. Charlie: I see you!
+ ~) I1 @. ]( _2 I% M( f' A) X" e    Alan: Oh, give me a break!
7 S+ H. i' O3 P& Q- aCharlie saw Rose peeking and talk to her, but Alan thinks it refers to him. very funny. And Rose's word "Why are you doing sneaking up on me like that?" makes it even funny.
0 u3 x2 N: ?; U% ?5 B. d  X; Z
3 v4 Z8 S/ V/ {) O4 T4. So maybe you should find someone who can give you the attention you want, need, deserve, require.! @  ?' y0 r% D3 d$ ?% S* S) `
' N- T0 E+ \& F( W
5. You have so much love to give and somewhere out there is a guy who can take it.
; |3 V3 d- Q4 v* G6 xtake is parellel with give, and also take means bear. e.g. I can't take it anymore.
, Y6 ~- E3 a& X% M, H" M* A8 R) q) c+ l: O+ I( S
6. That's where you and I went off the track, isn't it?2 h/ }) j8 |% _# O
7 C% u- a) z5 K
7. You are a big, high-maintenance child.
$ Q, l! h% P) J1 }' o: t. j3 uhigh-maintenance: requires a lot of work. Generally referring to a relationship in which the other person is needy or greedy., W! F( }* b0 X+ ]- d
4 v7 ?9 E1 H  W
8. I simply raised the bar of quality housework and she insisted on limboing under it.
% Q! z5 {( ]/ b' ]1 Q# O# v3 H8 o  w3 j. u
9. I am trying desperately to reconciliate with my wife, so I don't want to do anything that's gonna tick her off.
' s2 o, |, T. j& _9 Zdesperately: having a very great desire, need, etc.
5 P& @* J3 o) d. _9 ], w2 Rreconcile: To bring into harmony8 M/ e$ Y0 s( j. A% y6 ?
tick off: Infuriate, make angry.* |0 f1 C* G! m/ q
, w( B6 Q* ~) G$ {+ Q, ?% Y
10. I love this one but it still smells like pepper spray.
& W# ~2 \+ j, b  _2 a/ e. aRose got pepper sprayed by stalking.7 P. e. h- y( J. c  V' B6 k9 V
pepper spray:
; k. g1 I8 n( K) {, U, K" l1 Z- K: S( e
11. Come on, can't we put aside our petty difference and find a way to work together out of a mutual love for Charlie?: z, d' l5 O2 _+ ^6 t" X! A' U" M% J
- Y& q; b1 B( X8 W3 b
12. I am not in the mood.
7 a! U; V/ t9 f; P# S$ tin the mood: Disposed or inclined toward something
  j: o5 ]2 \. a3 Y& A) c$ L9 a+ H9 d1 ], _, C' E: T$ i: ?
13. Jake, dude, I'm right on the edge. Don't push me." b5 Y" x' L! ]5 _
on the edge: In a precarious position) D& J& U, X. M
0 R& y1 J; C) y6 k
14. Berta, if you wanna do a guy in the laundry room, put a scarf on the doorknob or something.
2 y6 q0 O6 W9 M4 Dsee what's happening with these words.
, ~1 h; H% Z9 W- S' P6 f! r 1.JPG
鲜花(32) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-17 10:37 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
S01E05% q4 K( M' i! `$ @: k

* d# S( Q% |- S1. Never mix tequila and scotch.! i) m5 f3 ~; A% u4 Y: A3 z# v  k
tequila: a strong alcoholic liquor of Mexico, distilled esp. from a mash made from the core of certain agaves
) T2 b' ]6 m9 n  L; Vscotch: is whisky made in Scotland. In Britain, the term whisky is usually taken to mean Scotch unless otherwise specified. In other English-speaking countries, it is often referred to as "Scotch".
1 f, A( K7 I" J3 g/ ^% j8 `! e% O7 F4 k; q8 b' l8 S
2. But I ran into a friend of mine who was getting married at the Bellagio.
: L, m$ X% p9 {5 n& B/ l* Qrun into: Meet or find by chance
. b4 {2 w4 F  s3 d: b# j) n% W, fBellagio is ultimate Las Vegas hotel experience
" U* S. N2 K2 [- q3 X' I0 M+ E. Z% Y
3. I got new cleats.
+ e  U0 a" Z2 a' ~9 DA cleat is an American term for a type of shoe designed especially for sports played on grass or dirt, such as soccer or American football.0 g! O+ J, O" X: r4 u

+ f1 i+ B. f( {$ Y& M4. I am terminally hung over and I just took a cleat in the groin.
! f0 r& N- H4 L  i/ A7 Z; c  ohang over: Remain suspended or unsettled.
/ W* A% J% Y( v" d4 H* I4 s
3 _: v. }: C& U: Z' y5. I think it's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
3 z& @; T' _! @  u! f) E% t+ \0 i2 `
6. It doesn't matter if you win or lose. It's whether or not you beat the spread.. C$ [3 D" Z) Y1 M2 L
beat the spread: "To beat the spread" is a gambling phrase. Gambling houses or bookies establish the number of points by which a team is expected to win. If a person places a bet on a team and that team wins by more than the established point spread, then he wins and he has "beaten the spread." If a gambler bets on the team that is not favored to win and they win or lose by fewer points than the established betting line, he also wins and has "beaten the spread." Example 1: Green Bay is expected to beat Minnesota by 7 points. The score is Green Bay 21 Minnesota 10. If you had bet on Green Bay, you won because they won by more than 7 points which was the "spread." If you had bet on Minnesota, you lost because they lost by more than 7 points. Example 2: Green Bay is favored to beat Detroit by 10 points. The score is Green Bay 21 Detroit 17. If you had bet on Green Bay, you lost. However, if you had bet on Detroit, you won even though they lost the game. You won because Detroit beat the spread by losing by less than 10 points. * D3 s- G) a& p! @3 y; n: _
Jake's team lost the game by 12:2, and Charlie is try to comfort him.: v0 `- m7 D- ~0 @

3 g. v9 d5 r, _# X- B1 ~7. You're hitting on the mother, aren't you?1 h& H1 e3 b/ ~3 L5 ^9 A
hit on: to attempt to attract verbally; FLIRT: o0 E$ j9 e+ b" i5 G( M! }

' Y; k, O; Z- i, {( h8. Charlie, you cannot use my son to pick up single mothers.
  b6 x+ I" Z; P! r; z7 P+ w- o    But I can.
6 }6 N7 x& e- {7 nCharlie pretended to misunderstand Alan for not to ask Jake to pick up singer mothers, but Charlie himself can.
3 l. x& {& g5 G5 ^6 I6 O: T/ E8 |! ]9 ~) n+ x- ~5 o3 k0 V
9. Anything for the kids. They're our future.4 D: F- V% t' Y/ X
the second meaning of "our future", 'cause Charlie is trying to hit on Ernie's mother.2 x6 h( Z' A* j

2 R+ E& o9 K3 {+ R10. Ernie, for God's sake, you're killing me here.0 O. G2 _8 P. I" R6 t1 u
Charlie's getting anxious that they will leave." p# t) e, M9 A' O8 B2 c0 j

' ^! a" Z0 T+ ?9 G. A11. I can't thank you enough for taking the time to do this.! A* |) U9 S5 l
( H3 T" g$ {% b- _% L
12. Look at you. A successful chiropractor, intelligent, dedicated.0 u/ P- ?+ o3 }. B; @* s) |3 q
      You're embarrassing me.
( L. l2 O5 q: N; j) a
9 G  [6 N6 ?/ G1 }+ z. O- d" \* S& K13. Are you getting enough Calcium? It's really important for a woman your age.$ b) g1 y( F' h
Alan really doesn't know woman.
0 v4 |+ f5 S6 S
9 k+ C' w! ^' e; A; k* _14. At 8 AM, I can barely get out of bed to go to the bathroom.% ]* P3 y2 k' Q) j: p* I& I
     So what you're saying is having a child in your life totally changes the way you look at things.
9 M% n5 u6 O4 U9 X5 m* F. O
2 d0 ~2 u2 Q$ A2 O/ w" k, u15. And as God as my witness, there will be a newsletter.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-7-18 07:23 | 显示全部楼层
I'm impressed by your notes.$ f  e/ T! Y( D( E" c) b
Your understanding of this show is way better than me.+ J( c. d+ U" N8 C
Your English is really good.
鲜花(32) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-18 09:04 | 显示全部楼层
I'm impressed by your notes.* y, `5 L0 n$ o; R6 a" ^
Your understanding of this show is way better than me.
$ l6 V: I" p* Y/ p: QYour English is really good.' z8 M9 _; t$ W: x0 L: o! J) F
home_ed 发表于 2009-7-18 08:23

) q; Q2 Q3 f9 _* Vthanks! you're embarrassing me.% l& Y" I; `4 e; K0 h
i wish more guys could discuss this together. two heads are better than one.
鲜花(634) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2009-7-19 08:32 | 显示全部楼层
哇!这都是你记下然后自己一个个查的?你咋这么刻苦阿?! 崇拜阿!我角着你校对一下都可以出书了。
2 E8 w# X/ ?' b, `
+ c2 t) z: W. S, Jbtw,我也特爱这个电视剧,晚上全家一起看,我都怕我们家孩子受到不良影响。
鲜花(32) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-19 09:10 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
哇!这都是你记下然后自己一个个查的?你咋这么刻苦阿?! 崇拜阿!我角着你校对一下都可以出书了。
, d3 f% \, |  P3 ?) Y1 y  I6 m& a$ m" [+ c9 @0 w5 S7 R
! G( P  }- Y7 A三思 发表于 2009-7-19 09:32

9 ~, @1 }* X) Q5 R: e9 q+ O+ i
/ N8 c6 E5 D5 G2 F 1 g2 K( R( d0 {9 ?6 a( W
鲜花(634) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2009-7-19 10:18 | 显示全部楼层

9 m4 q! R; o: \1 P0 ]) {% B& O, t/ j3 i英语不太好,希望这样多少能提高一点。大家一起来讨论吧!   j) c+ s  w  w! p. d, _
小熊之家 发表于 2009-7-19 10:10

( T& {) x# T+ ~3 ~! ~3 F  \就是很些句子缺乏context,解释出不来效果。还有你有些句子是翻译有些是评论,有点混乱。否则你就可以出书了。
鲜花(32) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-19 10:34 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 小熊之家 于 2009-7-19 11:37 编辑
4 n$ H! g; r4 i% ?3 ]. W5 Q
0 |0 u0 O- N+ t5 Z三思 发表于 2009-7-19 11:18
$ Y) \& X; }# ~. J, _7 X- w
谢谢你的建议!7 b1 s0 n3 A5 R
3 ~7 {/ i6 p1 N4 a6 x, v, q2 H7 m, K出书?水平大大的不够啊。
鲜花(32) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-19 10:53 | 显示全部楼层
, {6 _. D+ X. r2 u# X
/ c4 {. d9 x* O8 n$ O0 K9 _1. Musician's softball league is a joke: guys trying to catch stuff that isn't there, people throwing up on an easy double play ball.
: w# I) K: p3 {/ |+ ?softball: Softball is a team sport popular especially in the United States. It is a direct descendant of baseball. Some key differences between softball and baseball are that softballs are larger than baseballs, and pitches are thrown underhand rather than overhand.
8 P3 _# }; h, y( d$ Q  N0 y' f! v  s" v) r' O% H- h
double play is the act of making two outs during the same continuous playing action. 7 X0 b& I1 \: [. I  g, B; J: M0 p

1 x. c+ \6 p6 ^5 P: ?: i  T2. You're a big selfish jerk.- o4 `1 k- Y+ d& m

( W' Q( T# ?& p# Q6 z& `) x6 \3. When the phone rings at uncle Charlie's house, we don't just willy-nilly pick up the receiver and answer it.
( q# L/ r$ ]9 w, O+ Y3 c, Mwilly-nilly: Whether desired or not
+ H! }# j4 }+ i& ]/ [4 g8 g$ D  ]( A" t5 I6 M
4. Are we gonna have a new daddy?
9 V% f. \7 n% w. u- v8 `2 z' y   Oh, bite me, Charlie.
$ ~- Z8 _6 B5 cbite me: similar to "Go to hell!" (i.e. "Leave me alone!"   "Go away!" etc.)! I1 X2 s! |4 i  Y
: ^* N4 Q! J. P0 p; C1 K
5. Better late than never.
2 H$ ]5 Q$ B: q    We are right on time.
; E) z& Z/ Y" e# W+ X, i  Y    I was referring to the big picture.
6 e. S" N3 I0 [) ~! qAlthough Alan and Charlie are on time tonight, they seems to be late most of time before.. c" f1 f% `7 r% T( m- B
1 ~/ ?% _1 F% }& e6 r+ V( z
6. Oh look, you didn't bring wine. Good. Too many people bring wine.. P# \4 |- {2 U4 z/ a
We know their mother only invited Alan and Charlie to meet her new beau. She is obviously unhappy that they did not bring wine.
1 K3 s# n. G& u) _& J2 |1 \
5 n- J' P( m+ {7. Now we are going to have a nice dinner. You are going to be charming, and Tommy will remain oblivious to the fact that you defiles his daughter.0 r- E$ @  F& P( K. q
oblivious: unaware or indifferent
4 f/ b0 L- C1 |6 `$ cdefile: to profane or sully* `" v3 c% [6 W$ T& y

& X, x' C$ f, H/ s8. You don't know how lucky you are to have a mother like Evelyn. She is the warmest, most affectionate, giving woman I've ever known.% ?. k# ~. x9 k+ v

7 R( Y* A3 g! S9 N' b: @7 d/ B9. I said you are special, not unique.
- _" }! A4 m! W+ y$ c    Drop dead, you bastard.9 c. G: W( x5 k5 [3 e
cool!' K- u/ X) p% c
& |- U( ?6 ~# z# |2 L
10. Tie score. We down to our last out. Our best hitter, Billy Kresky's up. The bases are loaded, and so is Kresky. His whole family is standing behind the backstop crying and pleading. "Go back to rehab, Daddy, we love you." Needless to say, he choked.( H& e5 f4 T0 n6 F/ e0 e" I
bases are loaded when there is a runner on each base[1](1st, 2nd, and 3rd). This presents a great scoring opportunity for the batting team, but it also presents an easy double play opportunity for the other team.
5 Y, ^' k+ D& kI don't know sofeball or baseball, not totally understand this part. I think "so is Kresky"(Kresky is also loaded) refers to Kresky got choked when he saw that his whole family was cheering him so that he could not give his best performance as the best hitter. , F4 m2 R9 E) v

5 N( }/ S) j% X6 B& y+ b  a11. Did you check with the captain of the flying monkeys?
; y0 R0 \6 z" f( M: cflying monkeys are characters from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. They were controlled by a golden hat, initially worn by the Wicked Witch of the West. So here Charlie means that their mother is the Wicked Witch of the West.
! p, }7 K. B$ N7 ^8 k# H& i. R9 ^* Q* `# ~5 V& J9 J& i" F
12. The only downside would be that you slept with our stepsister.' }4 a) c# h/ {. t4 Z2 p+ |# `9 K
      Never thought of that, kinda sexy.
& |( }1 c) A4 W- S% d% [      I'm sick." @4 j4 @/ ~1 O! N; R3 w1 x
      I'm saying.
# h& m$ a$ i6 j0 |$ n2 t
- ~  H; r# I( G0 D6 m13. This has nothing to do with you, Charlie. God, you are narcissist.8 p1 E4 o8 t$ x2 a5 M) V1 w
narcissist describes the trait of excessive self-love based on self-image or ego.
+ x. v% b8 V7 n1 o- Y/ N2 @/ L; r2 o. W4 h- }, \  q+ a
14. Yea, but finders keepers, right?+ e3 w3 v( x/ O% l( v% h3 a
      And losers weepers.
3 [" |) v# X$ U9 ^! _; E: O
# t9 J, A2 d, H  K) ?15. Kid's got a bladder the size of a pea.
% E( N2 Z! V, a; @; H5 V9 P      You were a bed wetter, if I recall.
6 c" q. T! T. F( BI was a bed wetter too.
$ c, s8 n4 f' x" s$ }5 o$ v) p3 s1 t5 s) i; ~+ O$ ?# I: @2 a- P+ }
16. You just told me you love me. You could not screw it up from here.
* c* s. J7 s$ I( o+ @8 r2 pI am afraid I didn't get the funny part. I think normally people will get moved when someone else tells him/her about the love thing. But here Charlie's mother just gives us a surprise.
鲜花(32) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-20 22:26 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 小熊之家 于 2009-7-20 23:36 编辑 1 j; J0 S1 k( {8 R) a! h, Q! g

' ^- L$ i- O1 ?S01E07
. J" K/ {# f+ n# W- z+ F5 ]" f6 P5 b
1. Can you get me a bowl from that top of shelf?
% M4 Y1 i, i* ?% H: xfunny! Jake really wanna see Cindy's beautiful buttock again.% k9 Q/ M+ P" c' j& n: [
& l3 P, H6 M/ t9 X: \
2. There is a half naked woman in our kitchen.& X! ?8 a/ \/ u/ L. u5 L; q. V
    Which half?, Y& _1 q" |  K& E2 z, G
+ V1 b) i- T4 y/ \/ b' X
3. Hi Charlie. How you doing?
. n0 B; n% q& G2 m" }3 {1 N    Not bad. How about yourself?. v! P; X3 K) ?8 H  m
    Pretty good.# Q" E8 }* E4 L' J
classic small talk beginning.
) F  c: a9 W" K4 [& R/ \8 ]
* c4 L: i- o, B& |- {4. What kind of guy do you think I am?4 ^) S2 H3 Q, ~- `
    I guess you are the luckiest bastard to walk the face of the earth.
/ q) U: Q" H: \" s: H& zCharlie used "What kind of guy do you think I am?" twice. One is to say that he is not a guy to have casual sex with any woman. The other one means he really wants to sleep with any woman.3 u, ]$ Z: j* B. x
2 a+ {% q) w$ \1 f. r9 Q
5. When I say I understand, it doesn't mean I agree. It doesn't mean I understand. I doesn't even mean I'm listening.
4 E# }, Z/ ~! g% r    Then why do you say it?/ Q, ^$ t: W  F( m3 |2 M
    It seems to make people happy and that's what I am all about.
8 D8 Z; N( x. A/ c$ }good point here for "I understand". and lots of funny stuff about " I understand" in the following show. Even Judith starts to like Charlie because of it.
9 q# p) h9 o& b' }* V/ a. o; {4 I* [' D
6. Oh Charlie, seeing you strike out like that just makes me love even more.8 u' b0 m) i" t* @
strike out: Fail in an endeavor8 O, A) W5 [* [* N# ^
Charlie tried to seduce Cindy, but she just ignored him. So frustrating.$ q' Z% g5 Z' K4 r6 H9 l* \
9 y7 Y+ D4 P% d
7. You gotta admit, it beats the hell out of a parrot.. b5 A; B# Q" ]. x7 f, \
Jake drew Cindy's butt, while another boy drew a parrot.% q/ B- @% l/ U% g% ?7 l1 i
, C% c( N8 L& {. ^* D3 A
8. Thank you lucky stars it wasn't the cable guy's ass, and move on.
4 P$ ~% U" o) y8 MAlan should be happy cause Jake is not a gay.
' u$ J( D9 k" y+ j! s0 N" \. h1 t0 W* b+ @& K
9. Are you happy?3 h! e4 K5 D; ?1 e$ A0 z! v0 {( @
    I have my moments but they're becoming further apart.0 I, y4 s6 H* W' P5 N7 X
"I have my moments" when Jake talked about beautiful women with bathing suits and Charlie is thinking about them, and "they're becoming further apart" when Alan asked "Are you happy".
% S/ z. Z% M! a) z$ f; K
. c5 v& ]& B, R8 [  A2 c10. My point is that these women are three dimensional human beings. They are not just sex objects.
! W3 Z, ^# B) b. g. u3 K5 K# r0 {      Which explains why this one's on all fours in the surf.  N- e' `8 {: B$ ?" n
on all fours (four limbs) in the surf, maybe this one:" n. m: [) |& ~3 u0 V1 D
2 s, C0 }) a, b
It's really three dimensional.2 O* o* H; E- u: M
; c- l3 B" c. o! w) k* \* k
11. Those breasts alone cost ten grand.1 m( p. u- {/ p& o. N7 ~
       You can buy these?
, Y8 ^3 ~1 a$ g6 |       Some women choose to make their breasts larger with what's called surgical implant.9 B% i% l8 y9 R+ T! a; L. k! P
grand: $1000
) u6 k; V1 y, s# v6 x5 }. ?! q0 i/ N9 [) g9 B
12. I bought a Frisbee for your son. It's a glow-in-the-dark pro model.
7 A$ ?; f3 @4 ^, m! x. ]7 JFrisbee: flying disc, The name Frisbee is a registered trademark of the Wham-O toy company
  ]& _! D5 g9 b7 F& Q& T% Q( N/ s4 B$ c7 F8 i5 S
" \8 J+ z( }+ h8 Y, f- ~
13. She gets all bent out of shape when Cindy is prancing round here with her butterfly butt sticking out. But all of a sudden, it's OK. Cause the butt is on the other foot.! i, N, Y3 k; n: R1 H; w8 G) F
      Alan, chill out, buddy.
: U. y3 @. |* _6 H! S( ebent out of shape: Infuriated, annoyed
- T9 Q+ d/ d+ |* n' c0 k2 Fchill out: Calm down or relax6 |8 e4 }+ w! L4 p( S2 H3 v
# m# @6 b1 l: T3 ~- b" p
14. You pompous, assuming bastard.
% i9 x& h: t% Z+ M( Rpompous: characterized by exaggerated stateliness; pretentious, as in speech or manner; self-important5 P' U- m/ B' @- s" b0 X5 K6 U  [

% w$ n( t6 h! F/ |; }) p15. You shallow piece of crap.
鲜花(32) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-23 09:44 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
本帖最后由 小熊之家 于 2009-7-23 10:45 编辑 " {, ]7 }+ {, }# v

6 I" n  ~5 O( pS01E08/ Z5 R$ k# s, v4 x+ E
5 X- k3 _7 I9 r7 f2 ^7 I; g: v
1. Did you see the drawing our son made? It's a cry for his parents to get back together., Z  c6 S: a- M* H$ n% h
    Alan, it's David Crockett at the Alamo.
' h: k% Y- X* V: ]3 P( j, s1 w; S$ @  k/ Q( N/ m% T
David Crockett: was a celebrated 19th-century American folk hero, frontiersman, soldier and politician. He represented Tennessee in the U.S. House of Representatives, served in the Texas Revolution, and died at the Battle of the Alamo. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Davy_Crockett)# ^0 y9 f/ ~' F% Z: a& s6 O! w
9 X8 a3 [" h8 F0 [9 x5 t

$ h: I/ v5 g- u9 c4 y$ W5 S2. You traitorous, rat bastard.
9 H( a0 i0 J- f# B7 I" I, a3 {    Good. You feel happy.
' c. q' s0 D' ~0 ~, Q4 s6 b+ c    You set me up. You lured me into that classroom with promises of donuts and loose women.
% k" a0 ^: S- F  q, B$ ~7 w6 H" y5 O9 [) ~4 V
set up: Prepare someone for a deception or trickery or joke- R, U0 l* [6 h4 X
Jake's teacher is absolutely not loose.
# a$ q9 l1 V# I( M9 l% o) x% A* P6 d! W
3. What other kids do you know?
8 X" p5 @4 B, j/ C8 P" @     I see them. Having tantrums in supermarkets, screaming in the movie theaters, making everything sticky. And the whole world gives them a free ride just because they're cute.: R- q  c* J4 k' q4 `! `2 \
7 ]$ L, V! Q0 F7 D* S7 x
4. Careful what you wish for, pal?
. F; a) b4 `; P8 V, G. B; {Jake thinks (wishes) that his parents get back together. When Charlie notices that Judith and Alan are singing together, it seems that they are really about to reconcile just as Jake wished. So Charlie asks Jake to be careful with his wish.) B6 N5 p' g8 P) R; f
& d% p  r  @' ~7 q: Q0 U
5. How can I face all those pre-pubers without a snootful?" r; I0 B$ Y% j6 e2 a9 S
9 E3 i: z5 d7 t  z
I think the world "pre-puber" is from "pub".
. {4 @* }) h7 ?/ j/ }9 gsnootful: a sufficient amount of liquor to cause intoxication.
4 C, ~7 L. ]) _$ X
: H- t( Z* v1 \! y! O6. What would you do?
$ h4 E% H, X4 X* I* `5 f/ K     I'd probably blow off the rehearsal and start chugging from the blender. But I wouldn't recommend that for an amateur.
( r+ k3 S: K; X3 x: j" C. n6 ]: ?) A  l+ h% A: B. f
blow off: Ignore, abandon, refuse to take part
( Q* p& G$ ^4 |; S' G  {Charlie is suggesting Alan to cancel the rehearsal and get a drink. But when Charlie saw Alan's reaction, he found out that was a bad idea cause Alan is absolutely not professional in handling relationships.
: U' w+ R( I7 [
) I9 ~( ^( I8 f7. Would Mrs. plaintiff please see Mr. respondent in the hallway?
: c4 j! L  k0 i( o; o& o' a/ N  l- x: d" F
plaintiff: a person who brings a suit into a court of law; complainant
! X9 f7 E+ O# _4 V6 u: l; A, Wrespondent: (Law) the party who responds to a petition, as in equity, divorce, or appellate proceedings; the defendant in such proceedings% @& x6 e; m9 b, [6 B/ x- e
% [- s8 p- D- v  y/ Z
8. But I'm officially resigning as the mayor of Booger Town.
" x+ u! h3 C1 w) w3 O6 {6 W4 o% e
Borger is a city in Hutchinson County, Texas, United States. The city became known as "Booger Town" as it attracted criminals and fugitives from the law. Here Charlie means that he doesn't want to face all those troubles any more.
& E$ ^8 t! S( h# a; T7 o. [. X" B. R& L9 E4 @6 p$ D. ~
9. I don't want to rush you anything, but have you ever read the lord of the flies?
  v0 x# M( o; a* r& n' i- o" [, y5 x# r# }: I
Lord of the Flies is an allegorical novel by Nobel Prize-winning author William Golding. It discusses how culture created by man fails, using as an example a group of British schoolboys stuck on a deserted island who try to govern themselves with disastrous results.
, S0 {; r7 `8 t1 JLook what happening in the classroom now.
0 v4 T4 x7 r8 S 1.jpg
, o4 G; @% n5 z
) v+ B. Y% A6 T1 ?' q3 q. x' g10. Hey, let's not lose sight of who the real victim of this divorce is. Me.1 R8 f" x! T$ m1 B" t- N2 @. L7 m
lose sight of: Overlook, fail to take into account
+ e( e: P1 A+ M! g" r7 H) y2 o- D: s  F9 E
11. I'm sorry I didn't give you a head up about the divorce papers.
& D# Y" g% K1 C) }, s3 S9 ogive someone a head up: to imform someone9 U% I- ]# N) N; Y/ Y0 K2 ^
/ }! K6 n+ Q" _' l/ ?
12. My dad's not sad.
  ^9 G9 q; w2 U6 K# n9 I      Of course he is. He is trying to pretect you.
6 g) O$ i' C6 F; A# d* b      From what?
4 `  q* @: [' z# Y4 k. z      From being sad. Yeah, I know it's a vicious circle, but the liquor industry is built on it.& K/ h8 Q/ \! W$ j+ Y# E
0 X& A( p# `+ N9 h' m
vicious circle: a situation in which the solution of one problem gives rise to another, but the solution of this, or of other problems arising from it, brings back the first, often with greater involvement.
* }+ L4 j8 x# s( i6 UThe following is an example of vicious circle for coffee:* _: q% m+ p2 R, n
鲜花(32) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-24 11:03 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
S01E09; d8 {% |0 i) m
" j: n+ {8 Z! m' O! y# c9 _: ~
1. Jake! Take five, buddy.8 p+ e) X' v9 i5 [6 _7 F" {
    Copasetic. That means OK.6 M! Y7 O9 p' t& ?
    When he moved in here, he was saying "swell".: x1 z/ g% Q7 z7 V- d

) z# d: @  j" d* n* `* Otake five should mean take five minutes' break. But "Take Five" is a classic jazz piece first recorded by The Dave Brubeck Quartet and released on their 1959 album Time Out.(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwNrmYRiX_o) Maybe because Charlie is a musician, he is using "Take Five" to mean "Time Out".
1 M" Q, \9 n0 x/ u
# o2 g7 y7 E# s4 Qcopacetic: cool; it's all good. ?; @8 z+ J- }& G' H
swell: Used in the 40's and 50's to mean something good. Can be used as enthusiastic, or as sarcastic. And in the following show, Alan still says "swell". Old fashion guy.2 `- G6 s( H$ Z9 P/ C
3 t+ ]8 c7 ~8 K! H5 \# X
2. Will you take me rollerblading, uncle Charlie?# ?$ k! X7 i1 K) i* e6 X
+ x1 V# n# Q- }( C" d
; [1 K3 L1 Z( e" W9 H+ z) k
/ x1 k) d+ L' z$ {6 S2 ^% }' Q3. You're paranoid and you're nuts.) w2 e5 f0 u5 o$ r$ O9 \! E1 d
paranoid: characterized by extreme suspiciousness, grandiose delusions, or delusions of persecution 7 ?* d0 _4 r8 C+ Q  ^% `
nuts: (Slang) crazy; foolish% g1 E  Y4 m6 o( U% y4 d

$ \+ x( Z( A5 c2 z- Z1 b4. Be honest, Alan. You married the first girl who slipped you the tongue, didn't you?' n( C8 V! n9 a4 F" M
slip the tongue means say something by mistake. Here Charlie means that Alan's view of Wendy is wrong and that's why Alan has his marriage failed.9 \  |/ q" G' Y5 V. i& N3 L' b
; P1 _7 V( t, d) q: g! J7 j
5. So what are you doing?
- ~2 g6 ?* w" M( H9 @    I am playing computer scrabble.
# {# D3 ?5 _+ Y' \) S3 O/ c  c4 F% Q2 u! _; K
( ~, |) E6 A% l: r- V7 Y0 o& f, A  \, ?  i
! f# V! Q1 h, N' q- l( t
6. We're both like two lonely socks that want desperately to keep someone's feet warm. But we don't match up with any other socks. So all we can hope for is to be a dust mitten or a hand puppet.8 `/ ]; \, h3 ?, r; T8 ]! F: p% }) _( k
  e% G6 {# {0 G2 w$ Q' Q
dust mitten: 8 h* a/ a7 c. d6 G% O1 u

5 J/ d" e: B; ]8 p  \hand puppet:3 d8 h# P2 g5 A/ B
http://www.branchhome.com/index. ... up_image&pID=73
; D9 U' b( m( t) T  w" L7 x4 `
& c% U2 Y% O0 a: P9 r" A7. Well, I can't play with you either, Charlie. I am occupied. You played pie at your own peril, my friend.
, Y+ I9 Q) }8 aAlan is playing scrabble with Rose. And Charlie is upset because Jake doesn't want to play with him.
4 o% k" |1 ~1 v$ b$ V7 e' }) xat one's peril: with risk or danger to one; at the hazard of
; y6 i( E" ~' f) L% I4 l9 Y) J6 J! p) W$ T
8. I was happy to entertain your nephew for a while. I mean, he is a great kid, but who's got the energy. And your mother, she's been calling me all week. She wants to go to the spinning class with me. What is up with that?/ N4 c! [0 T# H; [+ `. ?% A
    I thought you two hit it off.! Z: u# N! z9 n5 h

+ P- M/ F1 w2 W/ Q; Hspining:3 Y6 N! Y' E" h+ R1 r% P, @9 |

9 g# a! t/ u6 `. Z1 Ehit it off: to be friendly with each other immediately2 {# m% D2 e7 E
It turns out that Wendy didn't use his nephew and mother to get close to Charlie. Actually she is getting tired of them.2 |7 M' T, g$ X# u0 G

: C$ V% J. X5 x3 [! _& E0 F9. Maybe I shouldn't be laying this on you cause you're 10. But I am beginning to realize I might not be the guy I thought everybody thought I was. Yeah, it's a mind-blower, isn't it?
1 c$ A3 J  p3 J& M
. q8 N, W/ y! ulay on: Impose or cast something on someone; s5 s5 ~6 a& `/ o# K; k, d
mind-blower: difficult to comprehend; confusing& M3 G  [9 T8 [; C; V7 K3 @$ x% T4 W

' s" C9 k& K% ?! `10. You mean for seducing me with your roguish charms and then dumping me like a bag of old door knob?7 y* l, D+ f5 N) j
roguish: of, like, or characteristic of a rogue;
1 ?" ]) t8 ~: E' j# ^: ["dump like a bag of old door knob" we have a similar expression in Chinese: 弃之如敝履. So 破鞋 is a metaphor, what about "old door knob" in English? ! G+ o3 a) Y, _
7 K3 y6 d1 v6 V2 x$ G' E/ M
11. An egg timer is a device whose primary function is to measure a set amount of time. Its primary purpose was to assist in cooking an egg in water.( I, S% A( n  L1 @, z# j
鲜花(32) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-24 12:35 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 小熊之家 于 2009-7-24 14:06 编辑
: e0 }) P5 }- r" N3 X: I, I4 N) T% n( g# O
S01E100 x' f9 }8 ?+ m2 z' D! j! F
5 ^3 j: ~+ e- e3 T
1. I was thinking something more traditional.4 A8 H/ X, d9 b& S* Q
7 J4 q! i7 z3 y+ _7 N$ C) E% q
* {7 f- K" z- n4 eReno was the gambling capital of the United States before the late 1950s. Charlie suggested Las Vegas at first, but Alan wanted to do sth. more traditional, so Charlie suggested Reno, which is a traditional gambling city.
1 K& P' X$ R! B; y
* v/ F2 G8 k5 w4 o5 K2. Charlie, it's a family holiday.; |" @& [& G# e9 g' L3 [! \
    Yeah, so, I'm your family. Unless you want to spend a perfect good Thursday with "Mom the Impaler."3 t9 p# B9 X! B9 k; z9 O
) ~; c/ x# D, q
Vlad the Impaler, or simply Dracula, is known for the exceedingly cruel punishment he imposed as ruler of Wallachia. In the English-speaking world, Vlad the Impaler is perhaps most commonly known for inspiring the name of the vampire in Bram Stoker's 1897 novel Dracula.
% Y4 F! c2 H. t$ v5 R, c5 E8 Q& v1 Y9 V- P5 n

- A0 J4 |6 G! C5 |3. Here's what we will do. We'll fly to Vegas, have a big stead dinner, get you a lap dance and a bucket of nickels.1 p7 k* |6 l( A, t* n3 T- U/ Y
lap dance is a type of erotic dancing/erotic dance offered in some strip clubs or (somewhat more formal) gentlemen's clubs in which the client/patron is seated, and the dancer/sex worker is either in immediate contact (contact dancing) with the patron/client, or within a very short distance.4 L# H# l& k! B1 N# t

0 X" Z) i% O4 K5 r5 ~0 U# w" W" d# @' X  A( n: ^6 V
I think the bucket of nickels is for tipping the lap dancers. Obviously, Alan has never tried lap dance.% Q/ f+ S7 e6 q

; t. R# g% {4 b2 N/ \% Q+ d" h4. That's not the point. I am tired of doing this dance of death with you. Hooking up, breaking up, making up." N6 n6 O- a* x
    That's not a dance of death. That's the circle of life.  J6 c9 p1 q. `% d/ I2 h

) Z7 g. e3 h( S* v% p8 v  Bdance of death: a symbolic portrayal, esp. in medieval art, of Death whirling persons away in dance as each dies.
& V6 t5 [' r2 p# {$ e" w1 i6 _8 H9 _0 l- N3 O8 d; y5 u$ t
Dance of Death is also Iron Maiden's 13th studio album. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YweqyZzL0uM) 2 K& n3 [* L5 O+ Q' R
Iron Maiden are an English heavy metal band from Leyton in East London, formed in 1975. As one of the most successful heavy metal bands to date, Iron Maiden have sold more than 70 million records worldwide, without significant mainstream or radio support.$ U/ `0 N/ s7 T1 @

- m0 P; K/ d, ?' N5 J& y& p7 N" f/ @% j6 S) u
circle of life, besides its literal meaning, it is also an Academy Award–nominated song from Disney's 1994 animated film The Lion King, composed by Elton John with lyrics by Tim Rice.
; C% b* ?2 l; T# t+ U0 i* d: c0 ]http://www.youtube.com/watch/v/vX07j9SDFcc; r, P2 i& ?6 V' V/ P+ I$ W

1 |# F2 f0 ^5 C' e" B5. What if I wasn't? Would you still be marrying this clown?
% W1 @/ y& [+ j0 ^    Bo is not a clown.2 N6 u+ \4 F- P
    I'm sorry, bobo is a clown.
' G" M: ?' n2 d, E2 N
  b& |) @' J) R, Y" VCharlie is really not grown-up.( l, z2 x. [0 x7 g. @
# d8 F5 ?+ s& O
5 [/ k5 ~" W: j+ p6 L$ J. n2 S
6. And for your information, I've gone through changes like you wouldn't believe since the last time we were together.
+ ?: M6 q) U' b9 x6 W    Like what?8 L: U7 D" w2 I  S  {8 [% ]
    Well, I have a kid now.
" f8 K' W: P  U  l8 I6 n8 a  W    Oh God, Charlie, what poor girl did you knock up?
. M0 v; N5 }, X    Oh no, it's my nephew. He and my brother are living with me now. I'm like Mr. family guy.
8 O. U" ?7 [- V+ |. u6 `4 ?; u    Yeah, right, "Family Guy". How is it going with your mom?
  I- `. f+ j) B& @% y* Y7 D9 z    What the hell's my mom got to do with family?
9 ?0 ]9 Z' U. f; F( v% ^
" U' E, P1 ^8 QThe conversation between Charlie and Lisa is awesome!
& S6 s& O1 r. l' K7 R$ X2 L: Sknock up: Make pregnant
9 J9 N8 _$ z" C6 g" m, y! ffamily guy, besides its literal meaning. Family Guy is an Emmy-nominated animated television sitcom. I like this television show very much!
2 y( ]' V' G) Y/ F+ f* d% u: J1 P' ~4 z0 d1 `; F
7 L, R5 i- ]9 C+ H1 Q
7. So you want to, what, keep her warming up in your bullpen until the bottom of the 9th when you lose your arm?
0 s! |: e1 u- W) S; n+ z( B' Vbottom of the 9th: In baseball, the second part of the ninth and final inning. The end of the game. 4 @# R/ w: ?, H1 I6 p. l

- P7 \- e4 ^. b$ z; ]" D) s% o8. You remember Lisa, right? We used to live together.1 b5 m6 q5 q' D9 r
    No, I don't. I'm sorry. Hello, dear. My son's had so many roommates. I just hope you've got better taste than the one who picked up his hideous furniture.: E+ N/ x9 j6 R' o! Q5 b
    Hey, who's got unresolved issues with her now?0 f4 P' [' ?- i# `

( V) R3 E% r# Uhideous: horrible to see, hear, etc.; very ugly or revolting; dreadful) [- V0 V0 m3 B
We know from the earlier show that it is Lisa who picked up those furnitures for Charlie. Now Lisa and Charlie's mother has an unresolved issue., ~3 K5 C. N8 o9 a- @

+ o9 J( M' v0 J& T( i9 f" x2 Q: w9. Look, I appreciate your feelings for me, but I have to tell you, I really think you daughter deserves a lot of respect. I mean, it takes real courage to make changes in your life and not worry about what everybody thinks./ b/ y+ u% ~5 U; A! y
   Thank you, Alan.
( Y, ?8 b3 k- {   That's true. The lesbians of my generation were too scared to come out of the closet.% `5 w* f; M3 D& f

& P7 @: o0 D7 Ncome out of the closet: Reveal that one is homosexual5 V; W3 T4 ^" c/ L3 Y: H2 v+ Z7 K5 R
Obviously Evelyn is a little bit drunk.* r, X8 v. `7 R  F
3 q1 P( O3 a$ N1 A
10. I'm sorry, did I faux pas?
2 s/ L, R3 r& _4 R/ L: d6 Ufaux pas: a social blunder; error in etiquette; tactless act or remark% ~& W8 i" k. w' g; |1 l
! }( p4 ^6 ^4 ~: Q! N
11. Jake: I am thankful for my mom and dad, and my uncle Charlie who has shown in the few short months that I've been here, he is capable of significant change and growth.% `% A, H; a2 g3 ~
      Alan: I am thankful that I can spend the holiday with all the people I love and all the poeple who love me, and Judith.
- z* U0 t% z0 b" K" D; ~; F' I      Evelyn: I am thankful that I'll be dead someday and you'll all fee horrible you weren't nice to me.
5 U9 c$ A2 H3 m4 k: }' d+ u      Judith's mother: I am thankful that our daughter give us at least one grandchild before she....
5 o2 r1 h- k& h% x8 c1 g, H      Judith: I am thankful for I finally found a therapist who has no compunction about prescribing powerful sedatives.
% [5 }# V- p* z# r( E      Berta: I am thankful I can sit here and listen to you rich people whine while my family's scrabbling for a corn dog at the Pomona fairground.
1 t  y' D' f* I/ B9 J      Charlie: I am thankful for everybody coming together today as unwitting participates in my desperate charade.
1 b1 F# ]3 t* b
) ]+ O6 m' O8 m$ o8 Q' oThe funniest Thanksgiving thanks I've ever heard.
7 n4 N6 T0 e/ V& h1 P7 n0 `I think Judith's word "therapist" refers to Evelyn.
, u) I; o$ h7 Q/ l/ ~! _corn dog is a hot dog coated in cornbread batter and deep fried in hot oil, although some are baked.3 o0 z3 v; H7 m8 z  x' y8 S$ S
鲜花(32) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-24 12:38 | 显示全部楼层
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