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Faction recipes for enchanters - buy wow gold

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-7-27 05:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
So far, I've talked about the buy wow gold following professions and which factions hold appropriate recipes:
  b2 j5 y. h1 w* a1 o0 D7 j
3 ~  U; U- _$ W9 {. [# A5 p" J1 J5 Q; P0 R, \( @
& F  T4 y! r6 l$ {3 I
  t' u6 X8 S5 a( k
7 Z) G9 y; N2 l) E; x' p
( C2 Q, F5 J; Q$ H' Z
    Designs for jewelcrafters part one, and part two. # e& U) S; T0 U
! E+ h3 t8 k' l3 e+ V
0 s& n. V4 z& Y    Plans for blacksmiths.
7 s3 }/ e* d4 }5 o' i" ~, }. d( E
" v0 K, T! X+ ~* z' n  i1 ]: E& z     : |, }- t; J" `- ]- z: E
    Recipes for alchemists.
* R7 o& u( H' I" R7 Q
5 G5 y0 }# |1 B! t* t' [     
4 f$ _4 B, r6 P/ X( ], ~6 P; G    Patterns for leatherworkers.
3 I: N+ Y; i' e2 M9 A
* ?& \/ V( m. E     % R. `! ]" ^. Z9 d5 k4 l
    Patterns for tailors.. v5 l7 x0 w; D" y- G4 K& W# X2 C2 B
! G, r! H3 J. g( J# D0 A
    Here is a complete list of the factions to which any enchanter should "suck up" and how far you'll need to take it:
5 r) c( a" B/ Z  S' @: B0 M4 q
) Z7 w  R, K0 e( {
( C4 V; `9 H' F/ b     & D/ N2 O7 N! I9 k4 j# b
    Shattered Sun Offensive, honored.
4 s+ i8 C& X5 B# _, N0 t
; M/ c( x. s! }( G     
, [  S! ^1 C: n( n0 C6 o    Consortium, revered.
7 ~. P( f- x$ {
; a4 P- ^. P7 r4 {) O" @  l" ^' R0 o     
' N1 t" \# w8 a& X3 `3 I    Cenarion Expedition, exalted.
$ _6 |% B0 q( I% v( T+ T9 I( b8 E" J
, B3 ^1 h6 s) o    Thrallmar/Honor Hold, exalted.
: `) X! M2 `9 z2 f6 W/ u! ~7 @5 x
6 A$ m, l5 j6 m! K) m6 @     
" c, H; u( x& C: p    Keepers of Time, exalted.
) i% a0 O' ]0 y9 C7 V1 W$ c! t* U6 d, ^" A9 y, q9 R
     ) f. N8 O4 @; `- F* Q
    Lower City, exalted. ' j9 Z/ I/ u$ O+ ]
! b3 G$ f8 g8 h" a: O+ W( g
     9 C9 \1 Y' b' |( f" R& n: _/ k6 T
    Sha'tar, exalted. / B% _0 X* U$ r2 [/ J! U
' h- o( }7 c' l, `, J
3 t% v7 _6 ?) A% N0 F    Violet Eye, exalted.
8 P' X6 [, G1 f7 i6 b' B  _4 |1 D3 L3 U) C8 }0 |" f* M2 i
) B$ `, f0 E/ N* X' o, z4 V* B
, C  c  A+ z4 x0 H    Shattered Sun Offensive (H)/ @  F, p) u. i, r, W# ^% q6 S

: R: B, ]7 H+ q! ]    With all of the dailies that this faction offers, you'll reach honored in no time after you hit level 70. You don't even need a flying mount for most of the quests.
8 @- f' a; k) g* G9 ~
1 a0 C' n- u+ m  U' e   
0 }% P$ O8 |: J; {) e4 e6 X2 x1 y5 P2 o! ?
    The only two enchants they provide both become available at honored. [Formula: Enchant Chest - Defense] is great for tanks world of warcraft gold needing to reach or maintain their defense cap, [Formula: Void Shatter] lets you "shatter" a void crystal into two Large Prismatic Shards,world of warcraft gold, which many people prefer their designated dis-enchanter to be able to do.0 z. y# u) P  r  p" U" T3 F

2 ?4 Z3 J% [- _6 _+ ~    , P$ U" k* H. T% M! y0 H

& [) |( Y6 f0 F1 [) s; N    Consortium (R)' ?4 d/ \; r1 t3 n8 H0 Y8 R: D
8 `4 b5 X2 V0 D: o8 m# k7 e  B
    The Consortium will offer you one enchanting formula for each level of reputation from friendly to revered. First, you'll be able to purchase [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Spell Penetration] which is a nice caster PvP cloak enchant.
1 x" L, a$ M9 l4 s* p' C/ Q5 T' {8 {1 n) l* @) b
( c0 l. Y& @+ e6 ^
3 C$ _- ?% @+ i7 {0 J6 R( {    At honored,cheap wow gold, you could buy [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Major Striking], which is a bit of a bargain-basement enchant for a tank or a rogue's offhand weapon, as the effect increases with weapon speed. Still, other melee enchants such as [Enchant Weapon: Mongoose] or [Enchant Weapon: Potency] and others are more popular for players wanting to achieve the best stats they can get.+ R$ O0 F7 b5 r/ T0 S+ @& U- b, ?

! D5 b2 s( M; l5 H   
) X7 Q9 p% X( ^2 F
7 k) A* b. }( M6 i  }    At revered, you could purchase [Formula: Enchant Ring - Striking]. Considering there are only four ring enchants, only two of which would benefit a physical damage dealer, this is a must-have if you're not a caster.5 C9 o3 w& C+ G6 ^; \  n0 ^0 Y

" ]# \/ }2 u- r   
( u8 R0 ]$ \7 f
0 {' s: ]- a! {    Cenarion Expedition (E)
) b- p) s4 `; A# O9 i
7 p; O3 o7 m$ h6 V" _    The druids of the Cenarion Expedition only offer two enchants, one at revered and the other at exalted, but both are pretty good.
. ]6 k9 g: ~/ S) K7 L; w
* L% H/ h6 a$ h8 \8 \   
5 s( K' r% i9 r+ l1 g. L9 s" F1 Y7 {6 H2 m
    [Formula: Enchant Gloves - Spell Strike] is an amazing caster glove enchant, and even healers will take it if they are lacking in spell crit rather than +heal. This is well worth the grind to revered to be able to purchase, as it is often requested.+ L0 e7 I5 ~4 {) f* @

0 O9 [6 }+ {' ?1 ]6 o2 e/ h    # _- o3 r5 p. W* t6 T

9 P( H9 N0 `) L    [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Stealth] is probably not the greatest rogue or kitty PvE cloak enchant, considering world of warcraft gold there is [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Greater Agility] to be had, but it is not a bad choice for PvP, where getting into position and landing the first hit is often critical. This is available at exalted.
1 A) ?* H6 U* Q  o6 o; N2 n" A( p3 E7 ^1 W* y& J
5 p& S2 h% v: ?7 I) K9 m4 S! G& E6 a$ A$ r2 [$ N
    Thrallmar/Honor Hold (E)
8 A7 Z. J8 B" U$ j: t$ L! |. Q( v1 f
    Every enchanter should reach exalted with their friendly neighborhood Hellfire Peninsula base faction, because the enchants the faction provides are some of the more popular ones available.# U) ?2 [/ w# E+ y* m$ O

: H. [, \& L3 q' @; w  e9 `' \    : \& m1 v5 ]! y  K, a

4 {' r% e8 E! ^- n# J. P7 S4 d7 Z6 I    At a mere friendly, you can begin to offer +healing to the bracers of weary healers across your server by picking up [Formula: Enchant Bracers - Superior Healing].5 g) }8 N& ?9 r4 g* h7 l

/ V/ g) r( c. V1 J. ~' ^      h& K9 j! v( k8 m$ f7 V
0 h* l+ C' x% i  d& d$ Y
    Once revered, you can purchase [Formula: Enchant Chest - Exceptional Stats] which serves almost every class from time to time, and is requested a fair amount.$ E" J; ~5 E7 Q! U9 r4 b. n, R  r
9 A  h+ H; f7 {
. }! e) p+ W9 u4 k# X6 }* N7 k4 c! W% P# F
    At exalted, you have the option to purchase [Formula: Enchant Chest - Subtlety], which reduces the wearer's threat generation by 2%. I know many raiding guilds have actually required that some classes wear this enchant.  @- ^9 f% c" K; N' n, c; Y# z* F( l
* g3 D3 E" Q  ^2 C
( S% P  D; Y! Y: V+ wRelated Articles:3 ?0 H% c" }+ \" h$ C% G/ V! \1 d

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