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Instance Guides | world of warcraft gold

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发表于 2009-8-17 23:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Introduction( [6 S: P$ V/ |2 N( }& k* ]4 e

7 D! d' i0 ?( C: r3 N- X3 ?4 L3 yWith a game as large as WoW it becomes extremely difficult to keep special encounters special. With as many players online, there is just too much possible interface to even consider having some of the better loot drop from bosses out in the wild that can be stolen, exploited with numbers, and just not done in a unique and interesting way. That’s why most (but not all) special encounters are held within instances.; q' P" y+ Q8 Z, h$ }

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Instances are personal copies of the game world designed for 5 to 40 players (depending on the encounter). Groups or raids can enter special portals to be taken to a separate copy of that dungeon/area that is only buy wow gold available to that group/raid. Instances automatically place people in their proper instance,cheap wow gold, making it impossible for anyone outside of a group/raid to enter their instance. They are instead given a copy of their own, just for their group/raid.
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+ J! N- I( A3 p. R: YA better example would be you have three groups, group A, B, C. Group A enters Instance One. Group B arrives at the instance portal and jumps inside, they arrive at Instance Two (separate from Group A’s location). Group C arrives and enters the portal, they arrive at Instance Three (separate from Group A and B’s location). All of these groups see the same dungeon, but they don’t see each other. Each group is within its own copy of the world and nothing they do affects the other groups within their own copies.6 t* p- V: y7 {" l7 l0 @
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# t3 K  t6 L! S$ z: u7 X% MBasically, it’s a dungeon just for your group/raid. Nothing can enter but your group/raid and if someone within your group/raid leaves the group/raid then the instance will teleport them to their home locations. There is some more though.7 R# e2 v: [) Y9 @6 I- P! S% n' l
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Types of Instances$ }% b2 y0 U$ U1 A; [2 Q6 }

$ R+ z0 s; W& u' y5 p7 S5 `Each instance type (group, raid, PvP) of instance has it's own set of special rules that makes it a little differnt/unique from the other types.
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, W5 q8 i$ Y4 u% kGroup Instances (Blue Portals)1 f) e" j, p8 [5 I+ U7 b

4 `% V9 Y% _- H4 a9 U9 L/ DGroup instances are defined as any dungeon that can be reset by a group or raids leader. These are instances designed to be run in a few hours and provide high quality loot (mostly Blue items, although Purple quality items are often available). They are available for most levels and during the leveling up process provide a wealth of additional XP and helpful gear for leveling up.
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& w2 C) D  X0 O/ iThey have few rules. The standard instance rules apply, meaning each group gets their own copy of the dungeon. However, it can be reset at anytime (only so many times in an hour though) by the group leader. Players are not bound to these instances and freely switch groups at their own will (however, going in and out of an instance portal too much times in a short period of time will set off an anti-farmer code).( V, Y. F8 f: d9 m. m3 ?* Q

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- {/ e' e3 T0 g8 W4 ]. N/ ?% wIf everyone in the group dies then the instance will hold up for a short amount of time with no one in it. That’s why it’s advisable to leave someone at their corpse to keep the instance open for everyone to safely return. It takes longer, but it’s much safer.7 I& T; }! D6 L# Y$ `
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Monsters in group instances rarely will respawn after being defeated. It’s generally safe to return to wherever you were at if you should fall and need to zone in (just walk your ghost through the instance portal if you die and need to come back). Some instances do have a few respawning enemies (and some enemies will respawn after an hour or so).+ }* E* L) V8 N; @: U
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Raid Instances (Green Portals)0 B% B! A( b, {6 B8 F, z6 A$ I2 T2 y) y

; A" v1 Q& w4 b- t# A' ARaid instances are very similar to group instances but provide content for much more skilled players. More players can join raid dungeons as well (20-40 for most regular raid dungeons, 25 for The Burning Crusade raid dungeons) and the content is generally much harder then what is found within a group instance. These instances are tiffany jewelry also reset on a schedule and once a raid slays a boss then they are bound to that instance until it resets.4 [: B: w! |% i& C4 y9 ~9 Z- _+ U
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Most enemies (outside of bosses) will respawn inside of raid dungeons. Bosses will not respawn and neither will certain group of enemies after a boss dies. When certain bosses dies some enemies will even despawn after a certain amount of time.
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PvP Battlegrounds (Red Portals)
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5 K; y. u0 q- |+ fArathi Basin, Warsong Gulch, Alterac Valley, and Eye of the Storm are battlegrounds. These are war zones designed to host PvP battles but are also instanced like the dungeons found throughout the world. Recently these have been made cross-realm, meaning that entering these instances may pit you against enemies (or ally you with friends) from other servers.
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Heroic Mode Instances, S- G! s/ t9 c6 q/ G/ N) Z9 e# l) q
: k8 n# `4 J: J( A: y( n" q3 |9 M
Available with the Burning Crusade, heroic mode instances are regular instances that have been made extremely difficult. Heroic mode instances give better loot and provide a bigger challenge to complete. They are the same as the normal instances in looks, but the enemies are much more difficult to defeat. The heroic mode for the instances may be reached by way of a key. Some instances are related to a specific faction. The faction quartermaster will sell you the key that unlocks the heroic difficulty when you reach "Revered" reputation with that faction. Other heroic-level keys are obtained through quests. Some of the instances require all party members to have the heroic-level key in order to enter; others only require one person to have it.
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Preparing to Enter an Instance
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You should be well prepared for when you travel in an instance. For instance, you can not be summoned into an instance, making getting supplies very difficult. You should always stock up on food and water (unless a Mage is available and doesn’t mind making you some), reagents, bandages, consumables (potions, buff items, seasonal buff items), and anything else you may need within an instance. Once you start it becomes near impossible for you to track back to town.
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5 ~- c' B7 G" q/ Y; A/ E
You’ll also want any and all quests for inside the instance, even if you don’t plan on completing them (there is always a chance you will on the way through). Our nifty WoW Database should have plenty of information available on what quests are available (along with our instance guides).
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9 M: I3 s" u5 e1 C8 ?7 \7 _' ]; U6 ~+ u6 _3 @& x/ K* Z1 \; ?9 G
Be sure to keep some free inventory space for loot and quest items. Make sure your group has got loot rules down before you enter as well (standard rules would be need before greed (don’t roll on something if you don’t need it), disenchant parts are randomed off, and no one can loot anything they can’t use). Check out our Etiquette Guide for some more etiquette tips!
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& Y4 W7 z6 U( u2 c1 K' rWhat to Expect within an Instance/ q& s% J3 I0 l# ?& n) k

. u8 U# Z# a- d; [  J1 yInstances are generally very lengthy with plenty of passages to transverse. You’ll probably want to read up on a guide before you enter to get an idea of what’s ahead, as being clueless can be lots of fun but it can also wow gold put you at a disadvantage in some circumstances.4 q8 ]  |# O8 J; H
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As for what to expect, in a group instance you’ll find things are easy going and you can get away with some goofing off. Enemies will be tough but you’ll rarely have a problem with them in a decent group. In raid instances you’ll find your position demanding and sometimes the fate of the raid resting on your shoulders. For raid instances (like The Molten Core) you will defiantly want to read up on a guide before entering to make sure you’re aware of what is going on.9 ^3 y1 t2 \  A; K
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