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Resume3(Landscape Architecher)-均属个人资料,请勿在网上转载或传播

鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-9-3 09:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Representative Experience* f6 z  ^. [  t
# A7 z: ?. n, K" O" L9 J/ E
West Boundary Road Environmental Impact Assessment - Environmental assessment for a major arterial road located in the City of St. Albert and adjacent to Big Lake, a significant environmental feature of the area.  Specific components of this project included noise assessment, visual impact assessment, socio-economic impact assessment and other related studies.
0 I8 G0 [  D5 hHighway 43 Twinning Functional Planning Study  - Completed the environmental assessment, visual impact assessment, land use planning and public consultation for the twinning of a primary highway in Northern Alberta.
2 f( N9 _/ u% @9 Q8 C- h1 V4 nTown of Drayton Valley / MD of Brazeau Inter-Municipal Development Plan – Prepared an IDP for the Town and MD with the plan addressing key areas such as residential and commercial development, accommodating agricultural land use, planning for industrial growth and expansion, servicing/ transportation/utilities, and cooperative implementation of the Plan.  The IDP was developed through an extensive consultation process that included Councils, Administration, landowners and other Stakeholders.: a+ v2 M; U/ I; r) `) Z  F
City West Industrial - Preparation of urban design plans, site plans, and landscape architectural design for a comprehensively designed business/industrial development in West Edmonton.  This site included the development of green spaces such as a stormwater dry pond and extensive boulevard plantings.  Design Guidelines were prepared to address site design, building design, landscape, signage and parking/vehicular movement.9 V# ~& T1 J/ f- D. Q( D
Edmonton International Airport – Preparation of a land use plan for the Airport lands which comprise some 2800 hectares.  The planning concept proposes commercial/retail, industrial and airport related land uses.  Other key components of this plan included additional vehicle access points to the lands and logical servicing concept for the future development of these lands.
0 I* [  J4 e' x0 GUniversity of Alberta Long Range Development Plan - Involved in the preparation of a Long Range Development Plan for the University to direct development until 2030.  The plan established land use patterns and development parameters for the North Campus, South Campus, (University Farm) Michener Park and Faculté Saint-Jean.  A significant public consultation process was also undertaken for this plan.! K8 [' j: l0 D7 Y. X
Cloverbar Waste Management Centre – Environmental Impact Assessment on behalf of the City of Edmonton Waste Management Branch for the development of the Clover Bar Waste Management Centre which included: materials recovery facility; co-composting plant; asphalt and concrete recycling; waste digestion facility; landfill leachate treatment plant; and construction and demolition dry waste disposal.  Prepared the redistricting of the site to Site Specific Development Control District (DC5) to accommodate the proposed land uses for the site.  The public consultation process consisted of a series of public open houses for interest groups, adjacent community residents and the general public.
) z6 {/ K5 Q# T6 l, OEdmonton International Airport Design Guidelines - Prepared Design Guidelines for the Edmonton International Airport Lands.  The guidelines included specific standards for architectural design, landscape, lighting, siting and building orientation, building materials, signage and parking for high-quality theme areas within the Airport lands.
+ F) a# s8 ]! r+ Y: `2 \6 ?Cumberland Neighbourhood – Preparation of an amendment to the existing Neighbourhood Structure Plan.  The neighbourhood will incorporate an extensive walkway system that provides a series of links to facilities such as a storm management lake and a school/park site.  Design of landscape/urban design features such as entranceways and extensive buffer planting along 127 Street.& g% w+ S3 [; c  b/ d
Eaux Claires – Preparation of a major NSP amendment, redistricting and urban design for a mixed use development including a major commercial centre and single family housing.  Design of a comprehensive walkway system and unique stormwater “natural” ponds that forms a major “green” feature for the neighbourhood.) @" F0 [% ^- `' C: I2 w. E
The Grange - Involved in the design and approvals for a comprehensively planned suburban development in West Edmonton comprising over 1,400 acres of land.  Plan preparation included The Grange Area Structure Plan and Glastonbury (Neighbourhood 1) Neighbourhood Structure Plan and first phase subdivision.  The detailed planning of this neighbourhood required careful integration of existing resource extraction operations and transmission corridors, and the design of a series of man-made storm water lakes and open space systems.
) R* g+ W% \4 v! @$ ETown of Drayton Valley Downtown Revitalization – Landscape/ streetscape design for the downtown business district.  Included the design of an amphitheatre and performance plaza as part of a downtown park.# J% U4 V4 i' L7 w2 F7 c8 Y
Town of Peace River Downtown Revitalization Program – Developed and co-ordinated landscape and streetscape plans for an extensive program of downtown improvements that includes streetscaping, a $1.6 million downtown park and various improvements to the Peace River corridor within the Town.  This project also included the development and implementation of a successful public participation program.
; _, O( z/ \) x8 A. W( i( l1 jRailtown - Preparation of preliminary urban design for housing development on Edmonton’s CN Lands and concept plan for a major linear park linking Jasper Avenue and 104 Avenue.2 c# M9 L9 i7 T( A/ ^% \* l& I+ e
The Links - Preparation of an Area Structure Plan Amendment for a golf course oriented residential development in the City of Spruce Grove.  This development proposes commercial, multi-family/single family residential with extensive walkways and open space system.
/ A# h' `' J0 M! v% e* i" I- IHigh Level Industrial Park - Preparation of an Area Structure Plan for the development of an industrial park in High Level, Alberta.  The plan included site plans and detailed development criteria./ U) M2 L9 G4 W. Y! N$ H: A
Leger Neighbourhood - Preparation of a Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan for a community located in Edmonton's Riverbend area.  The plan incorporates a 26-hectare District Campus Site with single and multi-family residential development.
& j! _) @2 l3 a, B" E$ t6 B( K, ~+ N) [1 w$ _' {/ I% }- [8 q7 z: y( F' x
REGISTRATION5 R* m9 @4 o! X" z6 _
Alberta Association of the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects, Full Member
: y' E1 j% x8 w! q6 jAlberta Association of the Canadian Institute of Planners, Full Member
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-9-3 09:45 | 显示全部楼层


Urban Planning
) ]5 X8 _. E1 m0 z/ q3 C' X0 V2 T' z4 d' I! Z6 M3 y
•Smart Choices Catalogue of Ideas and Showcase Panels for City of Edmonton Planning and Development Dept. (Topics: Walkable City, Transit Oriented development, Multi-use recreation corridors).2 j; N) b- O4 A5 z- y
•Project Manager for preparation of Local Environmental Plan and city-wide Development Control Plan, Lake Macquarie, Australia." P  t9 C1 v! U- S
•Member of core urban design team participating in urban design workshops and preparing a new city-wide Strategic Land Use Plan, Lake Macquarie.
0 S( S# W6 \2 u$ j& D•Leader of Urban Design and Landscape Team revising City’s Strategic Plan, Lake Macquarie.
; _: ^* @" L; @•General and Heritage Precinct area plans.
7 n6 b) n1 j# j: G9 T7 D+ f# y•Urban design master-plans for town centres.
+ D, X/ h  d9 h•Master plan for Fort McMurray east lower town site.
; o/ }. P$ B9 c. g" o5 W•Visual Impact Assessment and provision of expert evidence in New South Wales Land and Environment Court.
8 P! k; M; b$ R. V% }6 G2 v& H  C; }6 C! t; j8 g
Urban and Landscape Design
& {' x0 x3 v% W, r- Q! ]•Planning and design of roadway landscapes.6 J( X1 Z. Z6 B4 W9 l4 o# D2 |5 d
•Swansea Channel Foreshore upgrading project, Lake Macquarie, Australia.
- Y$ U' z6 m1 J4 {1 z2 [•Program Landscape Architect for roadway landscape design program and construction, Edmonton./ T! `6 g) t* [' ~+ L& f
•Site Planning of Caves Beach South headland landscape reclamation project.' k/ }& f1 U# @* o+ Q: }. q
(Recipient of Lower Hunter Civic Design Award, 2001).
# s5 R  S0 k5 x3 [•99th Ave Streetscape Re-development, Fort  Saskatchewan." q9 o8 m3 d$ p
•98th Ave streetscape redevelopment and Henrietta Louise Edwards Park, Edmonton." H9 B9 R- U0 O8 m, ~7 r
6 w+ s/ V4 @$ S3 W
Open Space, Tourism and Site Master Planning& ~4 x- ~) I' d* ]+ Q% L
•Algoma Tourism and Recreation Study, Northern Ontario, Canada.2 n3 x9 E+ Q. _& Y5 l
•Site planning and landscape design for Lake Macquarie Art Gallery.
3 w& H7 }4 d& ?& s•Open Space Plan for Sturgeon County.
( j$ {% C, N0 y: q" L7 L•Open Space Plan for Summer Village of Mameo Beach.
( w! Q$ x; w7 ?/ A& q# Y•Linkage System Master Plan author, Lloydminster, Canada.8 S1 i- K2 t& p+ x
•Planning and design for recreation areas, Nature Reserves and National Parks, Northern Territory, Australia.
' j* l3 U$ H. ]
9 r% D2 G$ N. Q. p) lRecreation Facility Design
! u$ o& G# A6 k1 ?! _# L9 u•Lake Macquarie multi-use pathway system: planning and design, including Warner’s Bay foreshore upgrading project.4 J% u; q) Q4 L! ]- ?
•Multi-use hard courts: design, detailing, tendering, project management and construction supervision, Lake Macquarie.! n# `7 e6 j, V
•Park facility planning, design and construction supervision, Lake Macquarie.0 S7 h. z# ~5 N- g9 L$ F7 D. ~
•Program Landscape Architect for neighborhood parks and playground development program, Edmonton. ($1.2 million annually).
! `' E. O. G, |2 s# T6 m5 Z1 ^/ T' b•Central River Valley Park trail system design, (Rossdale and Cloverdale), Edmonton. Q! ?8 J6 I7 Q% I
•Site planning for recreation and tourist facilities.
" X2 B5 O3 l! h) }1 Q. I+ d1 g: D# ?* u9 {( A+ m3 v6 @: e# A/ s
Heritage Planning! K; M6 b% m' c0 B% O6 Y
•Coordinator of Aboriginal Heritage Study, Lake Macquarie, Australia.
$ y5 l0 I7 [7 W" x, M•Master Plan for Rutherford House Historic Site, University of Alberta, Edmonton
0 c$ |  |. @/ P1 Q4 kLandscape Rehabilitation and storm water management facilities
8 L  F9 M  R1 A( L' F: A•Whitemud Freeway landscape naturalization design, Edmonton.
% }9 N! ~2 r1 }' y  D•Yellowhead Trail / Victoria Ave interchange landscape naturalization design, Edmonton.
% m/ H2 }/ _- t" P! g/ F$ \•98 Ave / James McDonald Bridge landscape naturalization design, Edmonton8 e- o7 |& i; W( d7 C
•111 Street bridge landscape rehabilitation, Edmonton.
+ R+ W( |, u1 L8 P/ h- N# J•Lake Macquarie shoreline restoration project.6 u: v- I" _  R: a: p
•Croudace Bay Park stormwater pond landscape design, Lake Macquarie.) a0 f6 {- _2 z( |; X. L# w2 O+ t
•Co-Author of Naturalization planning and design manual, Edmonton.% v, D5 ^6 j3 v
+ Y4 h. T, @8 p, M+ s, n7 Q
3 d( L3 S: |- t( {& C5 \* x; R0 uMember of Alberta Association of Landscape Architects
5 H6 z5 `# u. G: Y, cMember, Alberta Naturalization Network Societ
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