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[技术互助] Can an Electrican work for Homeowner?电工可以为业主工作吗

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-4-19 15:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 AASTAR 于 2010-5-12 00:10 编辑 / x3 I6 c/ _- d- x* I
- q) U- r2 |+ @# V" i
We all know that a journeyman electrician (without a master elctrician license) do some side jobs for their friends with some cash sometimes.
+ X! T* C. W# Y! D& e& d$ a1 }8 f: y) e& m, _
Is that legally for a journeyman electrician to do electrical job for a homeowner who pull his own electrical permit?  But he is NOT a licensed elctrical contractor.1 ]  I  E6 f( z  G' R0 j

! C7 l4 t' ~* ]# U: e/ N% JIf yes, can he be paid, or without paid just like a helper? Kind of a business question.+ X5 r* }" q, L' m& Y$ Z
- I; q9 C# J1 m0 f5 [' o* s
I would like to have an answer specifying the electrical safety and business regulations or standards.
8 W- t, @. y( e) X& L4 c
. ?1 r& p- G& L- A7 T: J! f- B! J2 |0 ZThanks,
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-4-19 16:39 | 显示全部楼层
The work has to be done by homeowner only if it is pulled as a homeowner permit. You may  "provide professional advise/consultation" or "help" him out if he pays you cash without invoices to avoid any possibly trouble in case anything goes haywire in the future.
鲜花(28) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-4-19 20:04 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 AASTAR 于 2010-4-19 21:08 编辑
+ K4 U7 z/ @# C* E% [! h. g/ O, \9 Y
Is that legally for a journeyman electrician to do electrical job for a homeowner who pull his own electrical permit? # v2 I$ G+ b- H4 z% ]4 D( w  w3 f' l
no. it is illegal!
; ~" p1 \( }0 M+ ?) p
% Y9 f% A# f5 k只有一种情况除外:你是HOMEOWNER的家庭成员而且你的工作是没有任何形式的报酬的!5 [0 I, R0 O- Y, C7 M2 \4 |  F! g

- w" H) @9 O# ]- o除此以外,你不能提供任何形式的帮助和服务。因为你不是MASTER ELECTRICIAN和没有9 t, ^$ J1 d9 x" u. `

0 _* |& W5 A. x5 B- N+ O) ?/ kINSPECTION,所以你的建议和服务是有可能带来潜在的危险。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-4-19 20:16 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-4-20 11:01 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks for your suggestion.
; W7 k' F3 y+ o( Y) E
/ ^) ~8 R2 |0 U/ w"你是HOMEOWNER的家庭成员而且你的工作是没有任何形式的报酬的!
! u) \" \2 q1 E" E: x, m$ I0 d0 {# Q0 W  P& B: ~% [
除此以外,你不能提供任何形式的帮助和服务。因为你不是MASTER ELECTRICIAN和没有
' r4 K) Z: D8 l. j- Q5 j: U
4 o7 ^- Y" i1 |% M5 M+ F: J; LINSPECTION,所以你的建议和服务是有可能带来潜在的危险。"
" X* ^" j" [  j4 c6 R  t7 _+ _% \1 H; f( B
Not totally agree with this point.1 s0 `% ?' f; H9 j! t. S) H
4 d; @' m0 B. p% X8 L, S
As far as I know that any electrician can assist the home owner to do the electrical job only if he or she gets no payment, and the homeowner will pull his own permit and ask the inspector to check the job by himself, it is owner's responisiblity.' U$ i5 V! _/ v" x2 S& y
" j0 v* G- {0 j+ K3 x
If someone wants to get a payment from the owner, he must register a company to get the business license first. But I am NOT sure an electrical service company without a master elctrician license can still do the electrical job for the owner while the owner pulls permit and ask for inspection.
2 ^7 Y6 L3 ]+ r" @8 b4 }: \0 N% c0 [7 r" W
It works in Ontario and I do not know it works here in Alberta.
鲜花(28) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-4-30 22:59 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 AASTAR 于 2010-5-1 00:03 编辑
4 B$ p& w: J: [
Thanks for your suggestion.! g4 X  M% K3 f- \3 {

* R2 [! i9 W: A1 y8 c"你是HOMEOWNER的家庭成员而且你的工作是没有任何形式的报酬的!
4 I' _4 R. N! c4 S6 Q' q" k% D6 ?! n  w2 J. a
除此以外,你不能提供任何形式的帮助和服务。因为你不是MASTER ELECTRICIAN和没有+ i" K( `0 B" @7 z+ l

, ~. g! X7 V& ]) T* u2 O( KINSPECTION,所以你的建议和服务是有可能带来潜在的危险。"  n, f- e9 h# ]9 g; {9 ~
$ d4 H8 a. P1 F! g: Q
Not totally agree with this point.
9 b% e( Z8 p8 `' [7 f) f2 a5 f1 j! x) |2 C2 i- p
As far as I know that any electrician can assist the home owner to do the electrical job only if he or she gets no payment, and the homeowner will pull his own permit and ask the inspector to check the job by himself, it is owner's responisiblity.3 g' f8 e% F9 g! V  X4 D5 ?
MrElectrician 发表于 2010-4-20 12:01
5 V& H' K# _3 H
( s0 M5 g  L0 |4 h5 {# H5 }
这里是ALBERTA,法律就是这样规定的“你是HOMEOWNER的家庭成员而且你的工作是没有任何形式的报酬的!除此以外,你不能提供任何形式的帮助和服务。”其实安省也是这样规定的,QUEBEC略微不同些。7 e1 g' t% I1 I/ }

2 W! p( `. y- G! h* l. m/ K- cHOMEOWNER的PERMIT就是给住在这个地址的OWNER自己工作的,还有许多限制。他不能请自己家庭成员以外的任何电工为他工作。否则以后任何问题,因为不是HOMEOWNER独立完成的,违反了PERMIT的性质,INSURANCE公司会起诉OWNER和电工的,但是OWNER有权利再起诉电工,因为电工承担的是无限责任。$ Y" d7 B3 b# w/ `$ Q3 `2 X
7 H! K4 Z, p# |  E6 _% W9 A
对了,还有一个法律允许的例外,就是电工可以为教会义务工作。9 X. l( ?( d! }3 q# g
  Z+ j+ M9 k  f# L- ~) E& B( N
鲜花(28) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-5-7 23:41 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 AASTAR 于 2010-5-12 00:11 编辑 8 D+ X; X5 [/ {

! P9 G- }2 S6 s6 o. N请大家心里有个谱,+ S1 X  ?) N3 r- A! H3 q7 R, `
7 B* M  Q8 D' E: V7 v2 t; u; b
2 z! c! `' o" t0 X. n5 W) o  Z. j' \+ C/ X' ]2 ~
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