埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(25) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-7-7 07:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
我收到的来自ETIP负责人的一个邮件,有兴趣的同志可以看看.- G2 H) Y5 j! Q
9 ^, i7 I" E. r) ~
% V( d$ J& {& v' K
I am currently recruiting for the January 2011 ETIP program and am accepting mechanical, civil, electrical, electronic and chemical engineer and engineering technologist applications.  If you know of anyone who might benefit from ETIP please invite them to attend one of two information sessions I am hosting.
  p8 l$ {, ]" R) s* ^- D" L0 u1 `8 J! U& ~

6 }) t1 E# b, O# P9 |6 F9 K  [  F0 V; ?/ M! s/ t# C! q! y; n
There will be a session on Thursday, July 15th at 2PM and an additional session on Tuesday, August 17th at 10AM.  Both sessions will be hosted at our office located at 8914 – 118 Avenue, Edmonton.- s5 A7 s, c  n. |9 F( H2 y

5 t# w& G! a; i/ v. v  T
6 {' S+ O+ L8 x9 B- w1 U' Q# G9 B$ x8 A
In the near future I will be producing an ETIP Alumni newsletter for release every 6 to 8 weeks. This newsletter will feature information on current ETIP programming as well as feature job search techniques, employer spotlights as well as graduate spotlights.  If you would not like to receive the newsletter, please respond to me requesting to be removed from the mailing list.
8 `; A* y1 e  z# ^+ ^& |8 i  t1 r+ J' P1 T
0 U. k& N* E) H, i$ d: b
( g& S9 L+ v, s9 o4 n' |6 W8 k: |
Thank you for your ongoing support of ETIP and our newest landed engineering professionals.0 _" I( N3 ^: P
" a+ h- X. p. B3 u9 H8 E% x

! r$ z8 O$ \, S9 C. j' R7 K! T2 |( F$ O5 y* ?* Y
Laurie Hauer
6 p: h% \! n+ i9 x
2 ~  k1 `, W7 f5 R9 H3 E, D. N8 vEngineers' and Technologists' Integration Program (ETIP) Coordinator" |; B/ e/ {+ h- m) S( q7 I

/ v9 i1 n7 @: u0 o! b( D- O( SEdmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers! r' I: G2 @& {$ m  x
& ~: ]+ k) O, |  d( y
lhauer@emcn.ab.ca3 y, ~0 ]( y1 H* U
5 W4 O6 z/ L0 [, E6 {- ~# n
鲜花(78) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-7-7 07:22 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-7-7 08:46 | 显示全部楼层
9 U' V; P2 z( E. a1 ~" Z3 T) v% c我目前的ETIP招聘计划,到2011年1月,我接受了机械、电气、电子、土木工程应用化学工程师、工艺师。如果你知道有人可能受益ETIP请邀请他们去参加一个会议,我的两个信息举办。) r! i( Q: ?! E& o- k4 R
  " _# p" D9 @) n9 x2 D
  将会有一个会议,7月15日星期四下午两点和额外的会议上,8月17日星期二上午10点。这两次训练将举行我们的办公室位于8914 118 -大道、埃德蒙顿。
, d& y1 q& Y" l5 Q  
7 a" h, ]" L$ R* B( j3 I  在不远的将来会产生一种ETIP校友通讯,每6到8周的释放。这个通讯将特征信息ETIP编程以及当前工作的搜索技术,雇主的特点以及毕业生聚光灯的聚光灯。如果你不愿意接受通讯,请回答我的请求被删除的邮件列表。5 z# T3 k7 Y9 `" {# c+ [
* g! e8 g, V4 Z. }+ M. u0 ~  感谢您的支持,我们最新的ETIP降落工科专业。) q. X$ j! f7 r
  . r. l5 y7 ^2 Z4 M. O+ m. T, u
( ~# b1 I" ~5 h" f8 O' n  工程师和技术人员的集成项目(ETIP)协调员
0 `  p6 ~4 p& P9 j  新来者。中心埃德蒙顿孟诺
! A) f: \2 |/ F3 Y7 Y3 ?& S  [url = mailto:lhauer@emcn.ab.ca][/ url]lhauer@emcn.ab.ca. {) b' V9 ], U5 I, P& x7 S2 U: p7 f
  780-945-2294! E/ d8 d; P" h5 K! e5 `

- Y2 k2 s$ l  |! @, M
2 K/ p' O" i  y3 _# `4 @Employment Opportunity / City of Edmonton Community Services
0 ^9 H) Z  q( A+ {Edmonton TO APPLY Online & further details, visit: workexperience.cn
, t; q- V* L8 U( s: H需要找工作的朋友可以去Work Experience(workexperience.cn)搜索工作职位,目前很多公司正在招人(全职和兼职现金工),这个招聘网站是英文版的,所以英文不好的朋友可以借助翻译软件,希望能对失业的朋友有些帮助!
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