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Volunteer opportunity for women in Engineering, science and technology

鲜花(695) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-4-28 10:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
WISEST (Women in Scholarship, Engineering, Science and Technology) is currently seeking proactive, energetic people to serve on a new WISEST board and/or participate on WISEST working committees.
4 _4 W5 n" j8 j! A2 ]
3 ~8 y! o. @9 R; G9 \+ J& fWISEST is a nationally and internationally recognized organization that has been part of the University of Alberta for over 24 years.  The current programs run by WISEST encourage young women to enter into non-traditional careers. Building on the success of this established organization, WISEST is in the process of formalizing a new board.7 H, {) n$ x& e! b  }3 h

$ I$ h5 w( a( H. ~) A- _! TInformation regarding WISEST and the responsibilities of the WISEST board and working groups are attached and can also be found on the WISEST website ( www.wisest.ualberta.ca). For those who want to be part of a dynamic and diverse group that networks with women in industry, academia, and government there is an application form for potential WISEST board members and working committee members.  0 E! p3 j* d5 J3 L% ?" V

. S9 j+ l1 E. K/ SThank you for your consideration.  Please pass this information along to anyone you think may be interested.  
/ v& M2 H' d+ U1 R. r% q2 C" f6 p. _! b7 Z/ s2 ~1 N% b
For more information on other volunteer opportunities with WISEST or to receive the WISEST newsletter please contact Grace Ennis, WISEST Co-ordinator at wisest@ualberta.ca.  # k' M2 m8 l! y9 V+ @6 ]  c

7 v1 p+ o( V; {) ~5 G$ d( UPlease visit www.wisest.ualberta.ca for more insight on WISEST and their programs.
' H6 k+ G* y/ Y/ w; m: `  H# @7 k3 c' \& L, T- F) ]
Kind regards from the WISEST Nominating Committee,
. n8 u) M* A9 n# KDr. Gaylene Fasenko, WISEST Vice-Chair7 e3 G: t  [! }; u: C, C
Dr. Renee Polziehn
+ c8 h( }& W8 bMs. Rawya Selby
; w& j$ b! d" p# h, cMs. Natasha Kuzbik9 _+ |0 }+ q1 A9 g& L* C
Dr. Wendy Wismer
1 v- R0 i! B+ v& R3 R( X9 d% X- fDr. Sabina Isgandarova" W' L% O+ t: a0 k  i3 F7 L7 }

, G% l& |) F; Z5 r+ m
' o; X% @, {: u3 }( u' ]6 p! HGrace Ennis
& v- y! s- z8 U1 DWISEST Coordinator, 5 O6 o, t# D; Y3 N6 x
295 Central Academic Building (CAB)( f! {& q8 a# j, ~9 k
University of Alberta, T6G 2G1
) z0 ^- x+ }" d0 f% s
6 O9 Z% B( Z$ b$ Y! wphone: (780) 492-1842; fax: (780) 492-2990
) E) h: u2 [. Y. v% `* T3 j7 Nemail: grace.ennis@ualberta.ca9 `/ g/ P/ A2 L2 T7 X0 D( s* W4 T
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