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美国 2012年度汽车“最佳安全性能奖”评选结果

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发表于 2012-1-2 21:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 值班超版 于 2012-1-3 10:34 编辑
; T8 U5 f6 r/ G: N8 j$ J; l7 c- K' w  ?1 Y: _
美国2012年度最安全汽车揭晓        丰田成最大赢家
4 _7 D  j# d0 i+ J5 J  + [, x( Y6 p: T. c7 R$ k2 p3 d; g
据报道,碰撞测试后,美国高速公路安全保险协会二0一一年十二月十五日发布消息称2012年度汽车“最佳安全性能奖”评选结果出炉,获奖汽车数量创历年之最,共有115款车型榜上有名,其中18个为首次上榜。 此次获奖车型共包括69款小轿车,38款越野车,5款小型货车及3款小卡车,几乎涵盖了所有车型。
- o/ c. P3 c' G! d     
3 a, E% J$ e0 m8 M7 s# o4 U0 }4 G至于具体的奖项归属情况,日本丰田汽车公司包括旗下的雷克萨斯和Scion品牌可谓最大赢家,共有15款车型上榜;通用公司以14款车型的成绩紧随其后,以下依次是大众奥迪13款,福特林肯和本田讴歌并列12款,除此之外,18款新上榜车型中有10个属于本田讴歌系列,因此本田讴歌也特别荣膺“安全性能最大提升”奖。而斯巴鲁汽车则继续去年的强势表现,是唯一一个旗下全部车型都获此殊荣的汽车品牌。' J9 y3 L- Y* l& y$ j" j: Y. Q
, y4 ^0 W0 F) ]& f1 K' V5 q自从2005年美国高速公路安全保险协会恢复车辆安全评价机制以来,各汽车公司均在提高车辆安全性的道路上走的可谓是一波三折。2005年,总计只有11款车型勉强达标,直至去年,也只有66款车型通过评定。但各汽车生产商在今年强势回归,在新品中纷纷强调安全的重要性,使得今年的评选结果与往年相比有了长足的进步。
8 z+ I3 V; }+ |& D$ R8 e      0 D  d0 d) j! d: L6 P- d
不同于由美国国家公路交通安全管理局主持的政府五星级车辆安全评级体系,美国高速公路安全保险协会的“最佳安全性能奖”的评选不具有国家意义。但双方的评价系统都致力于安全性能检测,并发现汽车制造中的有关安全难题, 以保证大众的出行安全。2 {  l; \& p- L9 ?) @/ f
    5 x2 f0 ^6 B3 {' z
: ~' N+ _1 y' q9 ~& G- I      , w7 p" u3 U3 O
附2012年度汽车“最佳安全性能奖”评选结果:& K# r' B& r; `8 g6 r/ V" B/ D
  . S0 f+ E9 O7 Q+ d! Q
8 t5 N2 Y& N- [2 H# V4 Z! D5 N  
( A) V; }- Z% I0 M获得最安全性能奖的小型车分别是:雪佛兰旗下的科鲁兹、Sonic及沃蓝达,福特福克斯、本田思域四门轿车、CR-Z及insight、现代伊兰特;起亚福瑞迪及起亚Soul、雷克萨斯CT200、马自达3轿车及掀背车、MINICooperCountryman、三菱蓝瑟除Ralliart 和Evolution外的所有车型、日产Cube、聆风及Juke系列、SciontC、xB及xD系列、斯巴鲁翼豹、丰田花冠及普锐斯、大众Golf及GTI 四门车。- M* \& r8 `2 @, i: H; ^
5 Y! s5 T' t0 J, M& R获得最安全性能奖的中型车分别是:奥迪A3、别克Verano,克莱斯勒400 四门版、道奇锋哲、福特Fusion、本田雅阁、起亚远舰、斯巴鲁力狮及傲虎、丰田凯美瑞及普锐斯V,大众捷达轿车及运动车和帕萨特系列、沃尔沃C30。8 ~, m+ A7 P3 Y$ N% o' ^
                 $ ?2 a  l9 I7 {/ j+ j5 r
获得最安全性能奖的中等豪华车分别是:2011年9月新款讴歌TL、讴歌TSX轿车及掀背车、奥迪A4、林肯MKZ、梅赛德斯C级车、大众CC(不包括4轮车)、沃尔沃S60。% ]: D# X  K( \4 p" s
   / _. K( e4 L& K* X* i
, _0 `4 ~0 {% ?) ~5 y   
) v# p* k; J# o& C* G6 D1 J2 p获得最安全性能奖的大型豪华车分别是:奥迪A6、宝马5系列(不包括四轮驱动以及V8系列)、凯迪拉克CTS、现代雅科仕及劳恩斯系列、英菲尼迪M37、M56(不包括M56x四轮驱动版)、林肯MKS、梅赛德斯E级轿车及轿跑,萨博9-5、沃尔沃S80。; c8 @( K" T3 {1 ~0 K
    1 ~6 @9 r0 M7 ]$ U
获得最安全性能奖的小型SUV分别是:2012款本田CR-V、现代Tucson、吉普爱国者、起亚狮跑、斯巴鲁Forester、大众途欢。4 t" M  M' D8 I+ {( L( _+ p  J
6 |, K. @; }* q. K( u! _获得最安全性能奖的中型SUV分别是:雪佛兰Equinox、道奇Durango及Journey系列,福特Edge、探路者、Flex;GMCTerrain、本田Pilot、现代圣达菲、大切诺基、起亚索兰托、斯巴鲁Tribeca、丰田汉兰达及Venza。8 K% ^# u% g& N% u
   " y) |6 \7 w% I% ^2 Z: F* A5 p
获得最安全性能奖的中型豪华SUV分别是:讴歌MDX、奥迪Q5、宝马X3、凯迪拉克SRX、英菲尼迪EX35、雷克萨斯RX、林肯MKT及MKX,梅赛德斯GLK及M级,萨博9-4X、沃尔沃XC60及XC90。9 c* E- k3 d, h, u9 _
4 X* R) ?. T' @" S; h; U; P/ g获得最安全性能奖的大型SUV分别是:别克Enclave、雪佛兰Traverse、GMCAcadia、大众锐途。
( b* f6 w- b) r  L5 Q/ O    % m* [2 Y9 a( O# v& a% S' h
获得最安全性能奖的小型货车分别是:克莱斯勒Town &Country、道奇GrandCaravan、本田奥德赛、丰田Sienna、大众Routan。
1 d$ Q; N+ B* {. o% @     # `# }4 ~9 x7 a5 p3 t. @# Y
获得最安全性能奖的小卡车分别是:福特F-150双排座驾驶系列,本田Ridgeline,丰田Tundra皮卡。. U6 j$ z5 q6 H6 n
      i: I7 X. [/ ^# X: j5 w
------------------5 y1 W  X) {* {& p; k
7 _; V% Q9 m- DIIHS (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety) News Release | December 15, 20118 ~6 a) F) j' M& R, S6 x
  - B6 F$ x. P. l6 I" E
115 winners of 2012 Top Safety Pick7 }. e, |/ E2 z) F, _$ Y
Stronger roofs lead to another record year for award
& O( N# q/ H. z1 K, E  / @, n; ~' {5 L9 y6 s) o# k0 e& w7 B
ARLINGTON, VA — The list of winners of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety's Top Safety Pick award is longer than ever this year, with vehicles in nearly every size category the Institute evaluates earning accolades. From minicars to sedans to pickups, consumers have a record number of choices among 2012 models.$ N7 L  f  w, c5 }- D" ]
  ' d8 ^) L' `4 W* ]5 F% F5 g
In all, 69 cars, 38 SUVs, 5 minivans, and 3 pickups earn Top Safety Pick. The award recognizes vehicles that do the best job of protecting people in front, side, rollover, and rear crashes based on ratings in Institute evaluations. The ratings, which cover all 4 of the most common kinds of crashes, help shoppers pick vehicles that offer the highest levels of crash protection. Because the federal government now requires all 2012 and later passenger vehicles to have electronic stability control to help drivers avoid loss-of-control crashes, ESC no longer is a requirement to win as it was in prior years.6 `# F0 ~0 Z0 Z/ G+ `* W2 X! g3 u# f
  0 m$ D5 k+ |7 z( I
The winners' circle includes 18 new recipients for 2012, while 97 models that previously qualified for the 2011 award carry over to 2012.9 X# q( b9 b8 Y1 d& X
  5 W4 H1 d, X6 l. k+ F
"For the second year running a record number of models qualify," says Institute president Adrian Lund. "It's tough to win, and we commend auto manufacturers for making safety a top priority."1 k6 U- ~" L' }. f6 P- Q  u) S
7 c) u6 U2 K: y1 y) `) ~That commitment to protecting people in crashes is evident in the fast pace of design improvements automakers have made during the past year. Initially 66 vehicles qualified for last year's award as less-than-perfect rollover ratings held back many contenders. Later the number climbed to 100 as manufacturers redesigned roofs to make them stronger or introduced new models to win. The Institute's rolling test schedule allows for recognition of additional winners throughout the year, so many 2012 models qualified for a 2011 Top Safety Pick.
1 g) v8 n4 Y" t8 i% p$ j. R- h  2 @. z5 @7 q( T4 |, e0 u
Again this year every major automaker has at least one winner. Subaru remains the only manufacturer with the distinction of earning awards for every model it builds. Subaru picks up 5 awards, including one for the redesigned Impreza, a small car.
$ O6 g$ n: a' Q; o: V- f* Z5 J/ e  
: n4 z4 x- D1 YToyota/Lexus/Scion has 15 winners for 2012, more than any other auto manufacturer. General Motors is next in line with 14, followed by Volkswagen/Audi with 13, and Ford/Lincoln and Honda/Acura with 12 awards apiece.0 {/ }: x, ]+ o2 i( R9 [  ?4 e; U
   * X* n3 z" z: e2 K) n8 `
Honda improves: Ten of the 18 new additions are Honda/Acura models, including the midsize Accord sedan, which hasn't earned Top Safety Pick since the Institute toughened criteria to win the 2010 award by adding a test to assess roof strength in a rollover crash.
+ x" R$ B7 B: d  : O, A0 A& B6 x0 _: T
Vehicles rated good for rollover protection have roofs more than twice as strong as the current federal standard requires. The Institute estimates that such roofs reduce the risk of serious and fatal injury in single-vehicle rollovers by about 50 percent compared with roofs meeting the minimum requirement. A new federal standard for roof strength will phase in beginning with 2013 models.. z: |0 b/ }. K( P. O  f! [7 e
  & v: F- D- D# U
Roofs on the 2009 Honda CR-V and 2010 Pilot scored marginal ratings in prior Institute tests, while earlier models of the Accord, CR-Z, Fit, and Insight rated acceptable. Now all of these 2012 models earn good ratings and Top Safety Pick.* e  K) S' p9 K) ^9 W  k
   ; x* {  ^, a; `- H  l2 y' k
"Honda/Acura deserves credit for most-improved status," Lund says. "The automaker buckled down and upgraded roofs on 10 models that missed winning last year because of rollover protection. Now, the automaker has winners in the minicar, small car, midsize car, small SUV, midsize SUV, minivan, and large pickup categories."' `$ J" {) ~3 D/ L" w6 D$ Q
. F- t. m, s% Y4 oAnother midsize sedan, the Toyota Camry, earns its first-ever Top Safety Pick. Last year, the Camry missed the mark because of a marginal rating for seat/head restraints. The Toyota Yaris also earns its first Top Safety Pick award. Toyota upgraded the roof and seat/head restraints of the 4-door hatchback model to win. Good ratings secure the Yaris a spot alongside 3 other minicars, the Fiat 500, Ford Fiesta, and Honda Fit, as 2012 winners.
- c6 @' q7 m7 O! x, J" k) B  
$ a, b5 [* K: p+ U, J; U* N# A/ M"It's great to see the Accord and Camry, 2 of the top-selling midsize cars in the U.S. market, join the Top Safety Pick ranks this year," Lund says. "The Accord previously won the 2009 award but has been missing from the list since then."
* t* X! ]+ r! d6 j4 ^' K  , E3 p$ L1 D7 L$ V& x! C* n: f& [" J
With fuel efficiency and reduced emissions on many buyers' wish lists, the winners' circle includes more green choices. Toyota's all-new Prius v is among them. Roomier than the original, the v hybrid brings to 15 the number of winners available as hybrids. The plug-in electric Chevrolet Volt and Nissan Leaf, winners in 2011, also earn this year's award.
( ?3 }# u0 j, h/ o3 H: R. u. R; S   ! ]1 k- Y8 t$ [7 \0 @
For drivers who need to haul loads, the Ford F-150, Honda Ridgeline, and Toyota Tundra are good choices in the large pickup category. Small pickups continue to be shut out. None the Institute has evaluated qualify for the award.
2 z. D; Y  t) D/ a$ f2 I. `1 |    l9 k. c( M0 h* [  B
"When we launched Top Safety Pick in 2005, consumers had 11 models to pick from. Six years later, finding a winner that fits most budgets and lifestyles is easy," Lund says. "It's a testament to the commitment automakers have made to going above and beyond minimum safety standards."
" n; a: x/ A+ o, {5 }' e0 T& e   
7 M7 l% D, j5 ~, `/ B4 n8 l2 iAbout the award: The Institute awarded the first Top Safety Pick to 2006 models and then raised the bar the next year by requiring good rear test results and ESC as either standard or optional equipment. In 2010, the Institute toughened criteria by adding a requirement that all qualifiers must earn a good rating for performance in a roof strength test to assess protection in a rollover crash.
  T5 |0 D7 V5 r; g3 y; A5 u  
) R( @" H* h2 E: N3 E4 Q4 EThe Institute groups winners according to vehicle type and size. Lund advises consumers to keep in mind that size and weight influence crashworthiness. Larger, heavier vehicles generally afford better occupant protection in serious crashes than smaller, lighter ones. Even with a Top Safety Pick, a small car isn't as crashworthy as a bigger one.
4 k: z) F+ o( P9 h  
  |# D; W/ K# cHow vehicles are evaluated: The Institute's frontal crashworthiness evaluations are based on results of 40 mph frontal offset crash tests. Each vehicle's overall evaluation is based on measurements of intrusion into the occupant compartment, injury measures recorded on a 50th percentile male Hybrid III dummy in the driver seat, and analysis of slow-motion film to assess how well the restraint system controlled dummy movement during the test.
: x6 ^( k- Z4 y* E# C' J( O3 g  
" F0 O6 M& }4 w/ {  q4 L# KSide evaluations are based on performance in a crash test in which the side of a vehicle is struck by a barrier moving at 31 mph. The barrier represents the front end of a pickup or SUV. Ratings reflect injury measures recorded on 2 instrumented SID-IIs dummies representing a 5th percentile woman, assessment of head protection countermeasures, and the vehicle's structural performance during the impact.
) _& G* V) F4 S* R( U3 j% E  
( ]7 ^; G% [' u, D, c4 eIn the roof strength test, a metal plate is pushed against 1 side of a roof at a displacement rate of 0.2 inch per second. To earn a good rating for rollover protection, the roof must withstand a force of 4 times the vehicle's weight before reaching 5 inches of crush. This is called a strength-to-weight ratio.
  e/ Z6 W  ~+ _8 h1 ^4 p$ ?  W  
$ A, R* q. B& Z/ }# g. ^) L. cRear crash protection is rated according to a 2-step procedure. Starting points for the ratings are measurements of head restraint geometry — the height of a restraint and its horizontal distance behind the back of the head of an average-size man., s5 v! Y* g4 I' d  m5 s
  ! ^) Y8 v9 l3 G
Seat/head restraints with good or acceptable geometry are tested dynamically using a dummy that measures forces on the neck. This test simulates a collision in which a stationary vehicle is struck in the rear at 20 mph. Seats without good or acceptable geometry are rated poor overall because they can't be positioned to protect many people.7 `; u8 E, d# l) U4 R2 A
   : m8 ^. P. @6 ?9 b( F6 q% B

4 C9 \0 _3 \; q/ p1 ]1 X$ I, B8 tALL 115 WINNERS (red indicates newly-announced winners for 2012)# b" h- e* K+ A! E: r0 g
, v0 z' [5 Q$ h5 O# ?: h4 AMinicars4 u5 n! h7 q. ]$ m8 A2 C
Fiat 500 built after July 2011' B: o+ W' h8 c" z$ P- f  Q5 v
Ford Fiesta sedan and hatchback
, o  ~; J* e$ y. z% gHonda Fit) l9 W% j3 ~2 i6 C# O; q! T
Toyota Yaris 4-door hatchback

$ I; `% w, G0 `8 I5 p! C6 q' y% Q) B) H. U, T
Small cars; ]4 j# x5 \  ~1 Y
Chevrolet Cruze, v' @' C. n) N! r3 w
Chevrolet Sonic
8 @) ?5 y6 s; o" Q1 v6 gChevrolet Volt' |' }/ M6 j9 w2 T3 k
Ford Focus
( p1 Q& v5 d- XHonda Civic 4-door
/ L. y5 i/ s6 B4 {Honda CR-Z
$ G+ G, `" a& A3 q/ G" ~  C% EHonda Insight
$ e. j% K% E, e- v  u9 c, v$ }
Hyundai Elantra
) P6 w9 z- ]+ x: P9 T; a9 M! rKia Forte sedan
! @  J" u% P( P/ O7 Z" ^8 g6 W) oKia Soul
2 a7 ~2 {& a. C6 I+ O8 oLexus CT 200h" ~" J2 y9 v. y% E; [
Mazda 3 sedan and hatchback. M" K" Y% z0 C3 h2 M! }2 w
Mini Cooper Countryman; z5 o9 [& f9 J- l) z$ ^# ~
Mitsubishi Lancer except Ralliart and Evolution9 }5 i8 W! o9 x3 `, g+ N
Nissan Cube- D, g0 y! v! m: L0 o2 p, y( F' l
Nissan Juke4 X2 _8 @- C3 q/ ]' s1 h
Nissan Leaf/ s3 r# W: x0 j% o# ]
Scion tC+ Q  Y; ]5 R/ ]$ M- z' [. r
Scion xB
" K- z  B2 Z0 D3 a9 c& C1 X, a' YScion xD( ?( @, W8 A5 |
Subaru Impreza except WRX
9 D8 T8 e. v( _
Toyota Corolla( n6 p5 y3 N% s& n% j/ K8 x; P
Toyota Prius
! O) g, |9 ?, U9 I4 wVolkswagen Golf 4-door: o/ s" R1 z, k7 R! o8 E
Volkswagen GTI 4-door; p+ E( t: G7 f9 ?* N+ X' S
, x8 [8 U) d6 {% E
Midsize moderately priced cars
, L* ~: y1 E" t9 x0 iAudi A3
! O& g* b+ D$ X+ h4 z1 A/ @" DBuick Verano
: E- M- b! \7 d5 R' A8 \Chevrolet Malibu5 i/ \8 T, C! ~  |' s8 q
Chrysler 200 4-door
  w+ R. J5 c  q8 v# O' O5 [' Z7 IDodge Avenger5 t5 c" f4 l: _" F0 Q4 ~
Ford Fusion
3 ?1 R3 T5 b; W) B8 s& i( l4 lHonda Accord0 B2 J: [" y# H: x) {! I0 q; z
Hyundai Sonata  s7 [7 x, e$ E3 V8 j$ U! U
Kia Optima
7 s, r4 g3 L5 ?$ t" _Subaru Legacy
# d2 ^  o+ L: {! T' z5 T0 n8 i. QSubaru Outback
! B5 c7 L8 z5 V- n/ IToyota Camry
3 m! L" `  z- w+ [. j* X! jToyota Prius v
9 z4 W$ C7 d) e* MVolkswagen Jetta sedan0 q) w- {. R3 W2 \* u- X
Volkswagen Jetta SportWagen
2 [7 J  `0 _" H6 {1 Q7 \Volkswagen Passat1 x5 f- _5 Z4 }+ \/ e$ A
Volvo C30
' [- R: x1 c% s" d
4 P% t, ]9 g7 t; Z/ YMidsize luxury/near luxury cars
/ Z! u  }- S) D, }! I2 LAcura TL built after September 2011
' b8 G' W* F6 K- p( v. `4 Z$ xAcura TSX sedan and hatchback
  e; M3 a& K2 \9 V
Audi A4
/ b1 t1 N+ ~2 L% I" `( t* a" d$ wLincoln MKZ
4 _1 }1 X  |: w, g2 B$ \Mercedes C-Class
2 d4 X, |" n% cVolkswagen CC except 4-wheel drive& b$ k) Z8 t. W6 [& S$ ^* \' [
Volvo S60
" o$ z- N8 i% _5 j) j) A) X' L' @  \, N5 g' @: X. @
Large family cars7 z2 \5 T4 P5 A0 ], a) ?
Buick LaCrosse
  ~, P, D. `, X8 K6 k2 cBuick Regal3 }# S- m- P, t
Chrysler 300
2 g6 B. O/ p! @1 r, ^Dodge Charger( r: I( f6 V" Y
Ford Taurus
9 h4 _/ V" [5 P" Q% c) o- GToyota Avalon
% C& i/ o" \5 H1 d4 {3 p
, l8 W9 O  H  \# PLarge luxury cars2 \# r) s! X' B9 P
Audi A6
' T" u4 v& F% X  KBMW 5 series except 4-wheel drive and V8$ N7 O* a' h9 L3 x3 `  E4 O
Cadillac CTS sedan
6 U- R+ ]) I4 }, g3 p2 c, uHyundai Equus3 `& I( H7 L, ~6 w
Hyundai Genesis, R8 {/ [7 W) ]
Infiniti M37/M56 except M56x 4-wheel drive
; J0 Q/ a$ p( k+ v3 B' N' d0 A& YLincoln MKS
7 E& G( }5 Y/ Z* U. d1 A4 dMercedes E-Class sedan
0 n2 H  R# \; O. BMercedes E-Class coupe
0 h1 `! M9 R8 Y0 K, S: a( nSaab 9-5* x, u! X/ y5 G6 c
Volvo S80
; H. X! |4 n, ^4 I$ h! `4 a, e
4 l/ ?0 j  B  O+ [, s' h, Q( qSmall SUVs5 i' Z+ s* ^* e& L
Honda CR-V
, F5 j! R$ K: Z, gHyundai Tucson
* O1 F/ s' y# \Jeep Patriot with optional side torso airbags7 i% x6 y- W3 ]* R  l
Kia Sportage
$ U! H: j4 s+ I1 R& XSubaru Forester) f8 g" k+ z9 D
Volkswagen Tiguan
" m& B5 U2 k5 M! r% K
. i# W( e1 x3 g5 |Midsize SUVs$ k4 \% a& ?& u+ C
Chevrolet Equinox7 S, C  k3 x7 l. X
Dodge Durango+ H$ |7 A, n6 x, L- K0 m
Dodge Journey. {0 y1 b1 \1 ]7 f! @
Ford Edge
, l. \" R  {8 V7 j9 [8 hFord Explorer  d' Z9 Y9 A1 e6 ?- Q) G. _4 |
Ford Flex
7 e+ M1 O. N9 |" X) l, yGMC Terrain' h8 [& W" }1 O5 ], \: b
Honda Pilot8 [& J9 m+ X% Q9 d/ n1 o4 C
Hyundai Santa Fe( l6 Z8 ]; d1 s
Jeep Grand Cherokee
1 X7 d* j2 A! m- t& vKia Sorento
/ O* x% p% k. W! j$ ~) WSubaru Tribeca- T4 R7 m* J! b& f
Toyota Highlander
0 h: O, z  n( ?2 N  z! j" k: k% AToyota Venza# C( K' [. T& G( l

& i; I6 B5 r/ z' N! Z" S0 ]6 e3 c; hMidsize luxury SUVs
) _% ^. T% m: _' UAcura MDX
" }+ c" ~6 c1 F8 d1 SAudi Q5
1 }+ K* x/ i+ D! Q" `/ eBMW X3
/ \1 _& y$ K; T8 n* ]6 i3 o$ f3 ]Cadillac SRX
1 Y* J9 q  z5 _# k4 zInfiniti EX353 X0 _) y2 ^$ L
Lexus RX
" ?3 `9 j  S0 ~& p3 a8 V5 ]Lincoln MKT
- R/ @6 `, c8 w& }  u0 M4 N! ZLincoln MKX! ]8 s$ \4 @4 ~& E" Y+ p3 x' g
Mercedes GLK
" ~4 W7 E, ~9 B  x+ W/ L7 @8 m% {Mercedes M-Class; F' `- z, o+ i! |& Z# Q) y. s
Saab 9-4X
4 x8 ]  f* G- O& t5 tVolvo XC60
% t, K4 J6 Y6 Z; Q% _Volvo XC90
9 }5 [- h' {' c4 U; K3 Q
* c& A" p1 K4 q8 yLarge SUVs
. B. [5 p8 R) q6 y. {0 n; nBuick Enclave% s, H# r. i+ a- V! i& I
Chevrolet Traverse
6 ~( n) w+ p0 u0 ~5 BGMC Acadia
, N( \' ]+ E% u* EVolkswagen Touareg
6 w7 \6 `( S8 b9 k( j
& T2 {! ^( K  F& B1 l% G  d, kMinivans
4 E) N$ E. K, @7 S" i( KChrysler Town & Country; X( c0 w# [; a3 v" {/ [
Dodge Grand Caravan
0 W! I2 h: z4 l- ^' {9 k* [$ NHonda Odyssey, b, n7 e4 H/ f! h
Toyota Sienna4 }6 X7 `: G" j/ B
Volkswagen Routan8 n" Z! d5 U, J0 C% S

6 T6 H* b5 r9 ^3 ?$ v/ [3 F4 t6 D0 WLarge pickups
5 m& j9 ?3 e+ M/ m/ e9 MFord F-150 crew cab models
  r: V2 g  N+ M" [0 m, I% lHonda Ridgeline
6 H; f; F4 g8 {: m2 B7 F! }5 ]Toyota Tundra crew cab models
7 D% ?1 |5 v. {5 E, N0 _' ~* R0 V8 z* b, X1 X( }7 U
$ v: x2 |7 g1 F
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-1-2 21:09 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(25) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-1-2 21:27 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-2 21:32 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
edmonto 发表于 2012-1-2 21:09 % x2 r1 B$ q0 I. }# S
* v: k# R" I# o5 v' w  Q3 L
I think so, please look at      http://www.iihs.org/news/rss/pr121511.html
鲜花(157) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-1-2 21:33 | 显示全部楼层
7 F0 N, S9 L8 y/ N" S5 f4 r- R
鲜花(150) 鸡蛋(3)
发表于 2012-1-2 21:39 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(41) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-1-2 21:55 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(57) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-1-2 22:05 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 yanzhewuzui 于 2012-1-2 22:07 编辑
! C; }8 [4 X6 ]- O6 x. L
shstock 发表于 2012-1-2 21:55 4 w' U2 `0 m2 M6 D$ }7 K
; Z5 P! m$ B  y! P; d

& ~0 A' y  {% S2 \they are all  ??? (preferred vehicles?)
  F+ m6 T  C6 i
2 y, o% a" E: f  j6 u. ior' s' _* M- q- }7 ?. P6 p; p

+ r2 f2 C% f4 B3 R5 fI guess in the original document they all have hyperlinks that make them turned into red after being copied and pasted. ????????????????????????????????
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-2 22:09 | 显示全部楼层
shstock 发表于 2012-1-2 21:55 , n* b1 |; S1 q* s

0 C  r, D4 z* F- ored indicates newly-announced winners for 2012
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-1-2 23:28 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-1-3 08:59 | 显示全部楼层
how can you have 115 "winners" of top safety pick? is it my english not good enough or is it some sales gimmick? to me "top" should be just 1. so to have 115 "winners" merely means there are 115 vehicles that meets the minimum safety requirement. this is no different than designing for oil and gas industry. all design codes must meet the CSA or ASME codes, but these codes are just the minimum design requirements.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-3 09:12 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mechfloeng 于 2012-1-3 09:42 编辑   z% ?) u, H6 h* q8 L& a7 L

3 G% K! O7 ~+ V% Q9 M我们还可以通过查看:. B! F/ O, h- I) O- p) [! p( ]& p4 @
/ m4 ?  u! R$ L! r& J( i
. L$ L7 j7 @& j: {" W/ j5 e  i, K
" v. x/ Q; }- j! B得到: 美国高速公路安全保险协会 IIHS (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety) :
; @" n) g6 H& a# S& x) c2 s2 K
/ k3 L2 Z5 J2 h2006-2012年获得"最佳安全性能奖"汽车的碰撞测试结果  以及
* M" q' j7 |- [! O* U( g1 x' t& w2 U( V( S0 T  [
鲜花(13) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-1-3 09:43 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
鲜花(1348) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2012-1-3 10:29 | 显示全部楼层
edmonto 发表于 2012-1-2 21:09 . G3 ?) `+ w5 A/ s3 Z0 k+ M6 m
& \# l2 ^1 e' g2 G' O! m1 r
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-3 10:41 | 显示全部楼层
sweetlele 发表于 2012-1-3 10:29
6 ?6 m, P; z' @. t不是,我家车都没上榜....

% w: p! |1 n/ W) E; k4 a  9 T2 b5 Y6 i1 T$ w* n
3 x9 Q- b3 e' X0 b. E$ S2 S" p你家的车的碰撞测试结果: ; k! P6 p  M* E) b) p# ~
可以通过查看: http://www.iihs.org/ratings/default.aspx& Y2 @% ~8 X6 T; V9 I; f- V
鲜花(1348) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2012-1-3 10:48 | 显示全部楼层
mechfloeng 发表于 2012-1-3 10:41
( z& P1 j) J: I, Z# N$ y) n6 B这里的车型是2012.
9 v8 j2 P; g& {! a' b4 x( {  E你家的车的碰撞测试结果: 6 j5 w4 }3 y) c5 r9 r4 p) k( g" N
可以通过查看: http://www.iihs.org/ratings/default ...
. Z4 ]* C+ w" |$ a- I$ C
鲜花(417) 鸡蛋(15)
发表于 2012-1-3 11:11 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
sweetlele 发表于 2012-1-3 10:48 4 A9 s* n/ G9 e1 Z& O
+ L( j2 P2 X1 A) d
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-1-3 11:12 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1348) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2012-1-3 11:18 | 显示全部楼层
Flame7777 发表于 2012-1-3 11:12
4 t7 y& n+ T$ L+ Q. b下次楼主可以把不获奖的列出来,那样比较省事儿!!!----笑话这个奖和稀泥,但还是要赞楼主滴!

# i1 Q1 |. E1 l/ n) x- N( H我喜欢的都不在榜上
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-1-3 11:21 | 显示全部楼层
sweetlele 发表于 2012-1-3 11:18
9 p0 ]+ ], G  A& F/ V; n我喜欢的都不在榜上
- y, o. E& C3 s# c+ H2 w
鲜花(417) 鸡蛋(15)
发表于 2012-1-3 11:29 | 显示全部楼层
为什么没有 FJ,  悍马?谁敢和他们碰撞?
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-1-3 11:30 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
本帖最后由 Flame7777 于 2012-1-3 11:31 编辑
- \& h- q' o% e; f, D, K/ u
架鸡棚 发表于 2012-1-3 11:29 & S$ P( A" J$ J) A
为什么没有 FJ,  悍马?谁敢和他们碰撞?

* v; v6 J+ U' r* q4 l- g
$ {8 Q6 k3 L, }0 U停产了吧?你不知道?他们说已经向你汇报过了的呀!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-1-3 11:47 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
鲜花(12) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-1-3 11:59 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(417) 鸡蛋(15)
发表于 2012-1-3 15:57 | 显示全部楼层
Flame7777 发表于 2012-1-3 11:30 & ]2 J) V1 t: j0 Z& ^! M& J

. U" s8 g8 A  K4 L" Z8 ]# \2 V: S它们太猛了,怕把别的车撞坏了,所以停产了?
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-1-5 08:46 | 显示全部楼层
Good to have a look
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2012-1-26 23:54 | 显示全部楼层
Honda Ridgeline 最多只能拖500磅, 算large pick up truck?  F150和tundra可都是拖 10000磅的。从这样的细节可以看出本文缺乏起码的专业素养和常识,其信息的实用参考价值极低
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-1-27 00:20 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-1-27 00:31 | 显示全部楼层
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